TOUROCOM - New York Discussion thread 2008-2009

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When I was on my interview back in March. Obed gave us the same information about the about high wait list. Judging from this you should be fine. Good Luck!

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So I know it takes at least a week, but did anyone hear back from last week's interviews?
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any updates on the new professors, rotations, etc.?
i just found out that I'm high waitlist. Is there any way to find out from Obed what the chances are for acceptance. My PI is trying to find out if she needs to replace me at the research study I work in.
Any answers?!
Same here, interviewed on April 21st (last week) surprised to hear back already but high waitlisted. Obviously, that's not the best news that I wanted to hear but high waitlist is better than nothing. I'm keeping my hopes up. To all of those on waitlists, good luck and now I know how y'all feel.
i just found out that I'm high waitlist. Is there any way to find out from Obed what the chances are for acceptance. My PI is trying to find out if she needs to replace me at the research study I work in.
Any answers?!

Do you know your rank on the listI don't think they know but there is a good chance that you are in. Last year they made it into the medium list before school started.

I called about a week ago to see when we may know something about where we are ranked (I am on high wait list, too...), and was told that we would not be ranked until ~May 15, at which point we will be updated every other day via email regarding what number we are. Hope this helps!
Does anyone know how many people may be on high wait list? I'm just curious of the candidates interviewed, what's the average number for how many people are accepted right away, wait listed (high in particular) and how many are immediately rejected...

May 15th is soon-- fingers crossed until then! Good luck everyone!
Finally gave in and joined SDN.
I'm on the high waitlist as well....the next 15 days are going to by painfully slowwwwwwwww.
I'm on the high waitlist too... I wasn't worried until now! Somebody mentioned that they might only get through 3/4 of the high waitlist... i'm really hoping that's just a rumor.
I'm on the high waitlist too... I wasn't worried until now! Somebody mentioned that they might only get through 3/4 of the high waitlist... i'm really hoping that's just a rumor.

It is, I heard a similar rumor last year that did not pan out. Be patient, there is a high probability that you are in! So... since you can't do a damm thing about it now, do something to keep your mind busy. Enjoy your free time, it is going to disappear soon.

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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a studio apt or roomate situation for the first few months of school (~mid July-mid Sept occupancy) before my wife moves up. I'll post on facebook and the class thread too but just wanted to see if anyone starting in the August who already lives there has any ideas they could PM to me. thanks in advance.

also, good luck to those still waiting to hear!
hey gold 5, thanks for all the info, it helps keep my nerves calm
wow gold5, ur comment about the rumor really made my day. I hope u're right about it. But man, this is gonna be the longest 2-week wait time in my life! Could possibly me much longer though, of course, after we started getting our assigned numbers. I've also been wondering on how many are on high wait list but Obed didnt want to say =/
wow gold5, ur comment about the rumor really made my day. I hope u're right about it. But man, this is gonna be the longest 2-week wait time in my life! Could possibly me much longer though, of course, after we started getting our assigned numbers. I've also been wondering on how many are on high wait list but Obed didnt want to say =/

Okay so this is the little bit I know about the process. Please understand I have no contacts in admission so this is what I have seen in the past. Come May 15th, they will have an idea of folks who are going to come. Some of these people will drop out over the summer if they get into their "dream school" also folks on the wait list will drop out for the same reason. I believe June last year is when the list started to get going. Last year they seemed to go through the high wait quickly and where into the regular list by end of July.
my seat my open up in the next week or 2. I'll keep all of you guys posted.
in terms of the high waitlist ranking academics or mcat scores weigh in more heavily than other components of the app?
not expecting anyone to know exactly, but hey it's worth at try!
Does anyone have an idea of how many people were on the high waitlist last year versus this year?
in terms of the high waitlist ranking academics or mcat scores weigh in more heavily than other components of the app?
not expecting anyone to know exactly, but hey it's worth at try!

impossible to know. the interview is worth quite a lot though. I hope you sent an email to those who interviewed you, thanking them.
Does anyone have an idea of how many people were on the high waitlist last year versus this year?

should be the same, despite getting more applicants this year, the class size is still the same.
should be the same, despite getting more applicants this year, the class size is still the same.

I think the person you were commenting on was asking how many people are on the current high wait list compared to the number of people on the high wait list last year.
impossible to know. the interview is worth quite a lot though. I hope you sent an email to those who interviewed you, thanking them.

*gulp* I really wanted to send them thank you cards, but on interview day, I was so nervous, I couldn't even remember their names while talking to them and just kinda turned my head while talking to each person instead of calling them Dr. So and so.

Edit: They didn't take it too personally though, and I was accepted after 2 weeks. :p
hey guys, I know this question has been asked before, but I don't believe it was ever answered, or maybe nobody still knows, but does anybody have an idea of the approximate idea of what proportion of interviewees are placed in the high vs med and low waitlist, thanks
sorry, it posted twice, so i editted one
UGH!!! So in a few days we'll find out how we are all ranked on the wait lists... Good luck guys!
I get more anxious by the day. Does anyone know if they're still interviewing?

Thanks in advance.
They stopped interviewing yesterday and apparently there is a 100 people on the high wait list, I am one of the masses and am extremely worried and nervous about if I will be getting in.
guys have some faith! the last 2 yrs all high waited students got in. do you really think all 100 of those students will enroll if accepted? Believe me once they go through the waitlist, they may inform 7 straight students before one puts down a deposit and goes. Loosen up, send in updated transcripts, letters of rec, letters of interest, and if you still have the email addresses of the people who interviewed you, send them another email (with your picture attached) so they can atleast remind themselves of who you are and see if they can pull some strings. In other words, be proactive, don't just let the days go by! Be aggressive, you want to come to nyc? You better believe you'll need to be a go getter to make it here. Good luck to all of you waitlisters!
They stopped interviewing yesterday and apparently there is a 100 people on the high wait list, I am one of the masses and am extremely worried and nervous about if I will be getting in.

According to last year's forum there were only 39 people on the high waitlist mid-May.
is 100 the actual number given by mr. figueroa? thanks
once they set the ranks (hopefully tomorrow) is there any scope for the order of applicants changing among the ranks? (ie. based on letters of intent sent in, proactive efforts, etc.)
Good news for someone, I just gave up my seat yesterday. Good luck to everyone. Touro-New York is a solid school. I'm going to regret seeing all the New York attractions and cultural events. Please do not worry too much as we will all become great physicians! God bless everyone =)

"Where there is love of humanity, there is love of medicine." Hippocrates
"Great work is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" T. Edison
Looks like tomorrow is the big day for all the waitlisters. :luck:!Good Luck!:luck:
I wish I knew what it took to get off the waitlist and into the matriculating class... Whether it was numbers (i.e. GPA, MCAT etc) or interview impressions... If it's both, which I'm guessing it is, I'd like to know cut-offs... ::SIGH:: I am truly nervous. With 100 high waitlisters, asusming 1/4 decide to go elsewhere, that still leaves 75 of us vying for what "appears" to be less than 20 spots... ugh!!! Good luck to us all... :xf:
hey chup, where did you get the 'what appears to be less than 20 spots' stat?
Hey Bluelakes,
I spoke with Obed about two weeks ago, and he gave me an estimate... But he actually emphasized that it was an estimate... I'm sorry, REALLY I AM, if this caused any undue stress. I was just venting and put out there, what was told to me.

I called about 10 minutes ago and he also "estimated" 100 spots on the high waitlist, so that can confirm that 100 spots figure... However, he also said that he was going to send out an e-mail to find out how many people are, I guess, committed to TOURCOM, and not have an acceptance anywhere else. I think I know what most of you are going through right now, because I'm one of you, and once again, I'm sorry if I caused a flash of panic.
I just received that e-mail talking about whether or not you're still interested in the school... It says to not reply if you're still interested. I know... at least for me, My inclination was to reply emphatically stating mY interest, "OH GOD YES, I'M STILL INTERESTED. LET ME IN!"
I didn't get any e-mail from Obed but I did just get my receipt for my second deposit, though I paid over the phone a couple of days ago.
I didn't get any e-mail from Obed but I did just get my receipt for my second deposit, though I paid over the phone a couple of days ago.

I'm still waiting on my receipt. I paid trough Kendra on Monday. Other than that all my stuff is in. Have you heard anything back from Trevor regarding financial aid?

To those on the high-waitlist, GOOD LUCK! I'm sure you all will be fine getting in. :thumbup:

I'm still waiting on my receipt. I paid trough Kendra on Monday. Other than that all my stuff is in. Have you heard anything back from Trevor regarding financial aid?

To those on the high-waitlist, GOOD LUCK! I'm sure you all will be fine getting in. :thumbup:


hi. i called trevor last week about fin aid. he was just gettin through the masters program loans. but he was able to tell me that my loan had been approved and was ready to go through. if you would like resolution, i would call.
I just interviewed on the 12th, the last day of interviews, and got an email today saying I'm on the high waitlist as well as the email about responding if you're not interested in Touro. He did say to us that there were about 90 people on the high wait list.
waitlisters, are we expecting to actually hear back today? or is it more like anytime after today? based on last year's thread, it seems like there wasn't too much news of movement or ranks until about a week from now...
waitlisters, are we expecting to actually hear back today? or is it more like anytime after today? based on last year's thread, it seems like there wasn't too much news of movement or ranks until about a week from now...

I don't know but I feel like I'm checking my e-mail and this forum about every five minutes... I'm so nervous!!!
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