2008-2009 University of Washington Secondary Application Thread

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Haha sorry for the confusion! I was really happy I got an acceptance into my #1 school so I changed my status on SDN! It was a spur of the moment kinda thing.

And yes Doc Henry, I have Bodenheimer's text and another text that I am working on finishing up...so hopefully that'll be enough preparation between the reading and the SDN interview feedback. I'm really psyched about my OHSU acceptance, but UW is a really great school too, so we'll see how the interview goes? . :cool:


Cool avatar megamega!
Thanks for the avatar comment, yours is pretty crazy too (in a good way). The interviews at UW this year are a lot friendlier than previous years, so don't be too spooked by the comments on the interview feedback page. Also, you might want to study the UW Bioethics website (easily found from google). That website really helped me on the ethical question, because I didn't have time to read the Bodenheimer text.

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If you have time during your interview prep, you might want to check out clinical ethics by Jonsen, Winslade, Siegler as an adjunct to the UW bioethics site. The day that I interviewed there were some ethics questions floating around (death with dignity role play, end of life care, transplantation decisions, the decision not to care for patients whose parents refuse to give them the appropriate vaccinations) amongst the different interview panels.

I didn't get to interview until very late in the day so I got to talk to a lot of the other candidates as they came out ... it was surprising to see the varied nature of questions depending on which panel you got. My interview was very ethics heavy, so be ready for that. I came armed ready for a policy grilling, and was surprised when it turned into a long ethics discussion.

Regardless, if you prep well for ethics and policy, you'll be set! Good luck :cool:
Wow, I only had 1 ethics question and 1 healthcare policy question. I guess I was lucky.:)
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This may be the most intimidating interview out of the ones I've had so far... :scared:
This may be the most intimidating interview out of the ones I've had so far... :scared:

It was a lot less intimidating for me than I expected. I had built it up so much in my head. But, I had also prepared quite a lot, so maybe thats why it didn't bother me too much. One of the people in my interview group was pretty shaken up afterwards because he said he didn't know how to answer the open ended health ethics and policy questions
Don't stress too hard djyujin, you'll do a great job come interview time. Yes, it can be a tricky interview if you're not prepared (i.e. haven't flipped through recent newspapers, read a little bit about policy/ethics), but I agree with doc henry's experience, the build up is way worse than the bite.

I was so nervous before the interview, I swear, I could barely eat for a week before and week after the interview because this was/is my top choice school (amazing diet that works = interviewing for medical school :scared:), but once I sat down in the room and started talking, the interview went surprisingly smoothly.

Do your homework, and most importantly carry yourself with confidence and it'll go great. Remember, 50% of your overall score comes from this interview, so use it to your advantage. The GPA/MCAT/activities can't be changed now ... but you have total control over the impression that you leave at the end of the interview. :D
Don't stress too hard djyujin, you'll do a great job come interview time. Yes, it can be a tricky interview if you're not prepared (i.e. haven't flipped through recent newspapers, read a little bit about policy/ethics), but I agree with doc henry's experience, the build up is way worse than the bite.

I was so nervous before the interview, I swear, I could barely eat for a week before and week after the interview because this was/is my top choice school (amazing diet that works = interviewing for medical school :scared:), but once I sat down in the room and started talking, the interview went surprisingly smoothly.

Do your homework, and most importantly carry yourself with confidence and it'll go great. Remember, 50% of your overall score comes from this interview, so use it to your advantage. The GPA/MCAT/activities can't be changed now ... but you have total control over the impression that you leave at the end of the interview. :D

Thanks for the encouraging word! I guess I'm also sorta nervous about the interview because I'm OOR (and didn't expect to get an invite in the first place)! :scared:

Wow everybody here is so nice, I can only imagine how cool this next incoming class is going to be. :cool:
Think of it this way, rather than be intimidated, consider your upcoming interview as an amazing opportunity. Since you're OOR and still got an interview, that means they really like you and your MCAT/GPA/activities have definitely gotten the attention of the adcom ... now is the time to seal the deal. :D

What I can't stress enough is walking in to your meeting ready to devour the interview, rather than having it attack you. I think that's why I had to re-apply before getting in. You have to walk in there as someone that they can see being a physician. Is this person confident/self assured enough to be a doc? Can they express themselves coherently? Can the candidate think on his/her feet and come to a conclusion, and perhaps most importantly, defend it? Are they self aware of his/her own strengths/weaknesses? Another thing that they will do is make you reason out a dilemma in front of them ... don't get rattled. The best advice I can offer is if you don't know, either say you don't know, or take a second to take a deep breath and collect your thoughts before launching into your views. A little bit of silence while you contemplate isn't a bad thing ... it's much better than talking yourself into a corner.

Oh oh! One quick note, if you have done any research, be sure not to use too much jargon. Be able to explain it simple terms that your 13 year old cousin could understand. If you can't simplify your research into easy to digest morsels, how on earth will you be able to explain a complicated medical condition/treatment to your future patients?

Hope this helps you relax. :D If you can see yourself rocking the interview in your mind, it will happen.
Wow LaTortuga thanks! Let's hope I get the chance to be your classmate! :D

Another question...what's the curriculum like? I looked on the UWSOM website but it's pretty confusing, is it integrated/systems based or a more traditional subject by subject kind of curriculum?

Think of it this way, rather than be intimidated, consider your upcoming interview as an amazing opportunity. Since you're OOR and still got an interview, that means they really like you and your MCAT/GPA/activities have definitely gotten the attention of the adcom ... now is the time to seal the deal. :D

What I can't stress enough is walking in to your meeting ready to devour the interview, rather than having it attack you. I think that's why I had to re-apply before getting in. You have to walk in there as someone that they can see being a physician. Is this person confident/self assured enough to be a doc? Can they express themselves coherently? Can the candidate think on his/her feet and come to a conclusion, and perhaps most importantly, defend it? Are they self aware of his/her own strengths/weaknesses? Another thing that they will do is make you reason out a dilemma in front of them ... don't get rattled. The best advice I can offer is if you don't know, either say you don't know, or take a second to take a deep breath and collect your thoughts before launching into your views. A little bit of silence while you contemplate isn't a bad thing ... it's much better than talking yourself into a corner.

Oh oh! One quick note, if you have done any research, be sure not to use too much jargon. Be able to explain it simple terms that your 13 year old cousin could understand. If you can't simplify your research into easy to digest morsels, how on earth will you be able to explain a complicated medical condition/treatment to your future patients?

Hope this helps you relax. :D If you can see yourself rocking the interview in your mind, it will happen.
Wow LaTortuga thanks! Let's hope I get the chance to be your classmate! :D

Another question...what's the curriculum like? I looked on the UWSOM website but it's pretty confusing, is it integrated/systems based or a more traditional subject by subject kind of curriculum?

It is a traditional subject by subject curriculum, not systems-based. Their website is confusing, I can never find what I want on it. Luckily I live with 2 UWSOM MS-2s so they know what's up.
Thanks for the heads up! Are the finals approachable? I know some friends at other med schools with a traditional curriculum where they are just slammed when it comes to test time, just because they have to juggle all their classes. Is it like that at UW too or are the professors more flexible about staggering finals?
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hi folks, I am new to sdn, and also waiting to hear back from uw.

Im a WA resident, who attended UW, double major with 3.83 gpa and 32R.
i interviewed early feb, and have been put 'under consideration' twice so far... anyone heard anything new from yesterdays excom?

I am getting very anxious and neurotic as days go by...i cant imagine being rejected by uw...:p
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hi folks, I am new to sdn, and also waiting to hear back from uw.

Im a WA resident, who attended UW, double major with 3.83 gpa and 32R.
i interviewed early feb, and have been put 'under consideration' twice so far... anyone heard anything new from yesterdays excom?

I am getting very anxious and neurotic as days go by...i cant imagine being rejected by uw...:p
Don't get worried yet, the response time from UW varies. I have a friend who interviewed in January and didn't get accepted until February. I interviewed in the second week of February and got accepted that Friday. Regardless of the time, we both celebrated like crazy. So, whether it takes a week or a few months, an acceptance is an acceptance. Don't worry so much, your stats look good, you're a UW alumnus, and you probably rocked the interview.:luck:
Welcome to sdn and the UW thread ;).

Megamega hit the nail on the head. There's no way of knowing what's going with apps after the interview. I printed the interview/excom schedule and watched it for a few days, but eventually had to bury it in a drawer because it was making me too nervous.

Best of luck to you :cool: :luck:
hi folks, I am new to sdn, and also waiting to hear back from uw.

Im a WA resident, who attended UW, double major with 3.83 gpa and 32R.
i interviewed early feb, and have been put 'under consideration' twice so far... anyone heard anything new from yesterdays excom?

I am getting very anxious and neurotic as days go by...i cant imagine being rejected by uw...:p

Find a temporary hobby! It definitely helped me until I got my first acceptance. You sound like a solid candidate and being IS, I think you're solid. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
hi folks, I am new to sdn, and also waiting to hear back from uw.

Im a WA resident, who attended UW, double major with 3.83 gpa and 32R.
i interviewed early feb, and have been put 'under consideration' twice so far... anyone heard anything new from yesterdays excom?

I am getting very anxious and neurotic as days go by...i cant imagine being rejected by uw...:p

Stella from admissions told me (and my interview group) directly that once you get put in the "under consideration" it is most likely that you will be there until the final meeting at the end of march. This is because most likely your excom member either isn't going to be at the meetings, or hasn't prepared to present your app to the board yet.
Stella from admissions told me (and my interview group) directly that once you get put in the "under consideration" it is most likely that you will be there until the final meeting at the end of march. This is because most likely your excom member either isn't going to be at the meetings, or hasn't prepared to present your app to the board yet.

I wonder if it's a disadvantage to interview early here if you're Ac-ed...since I interviewed in December it will be harder for my ExCom member to remember my app compared to the person who interviewed in Feb. I didn't realize they were "re-presenting" you. I figured they scored your app and then compared your score to all the other ACs. Oh well, I guess we'll all see mid-March. :scared:
I am starting to think that those of us who interviewed early in the process have been royally screwed over by UW. I interviewed in early October and have gotten 6 (!!!) "under consideration" emails, and now we have to wait until the end of March? After the first adcom meeting, I don't know of anyone who was admitted (reasoning being that they wanted to review more candidates before making a decision), and then they canceled the second meeting in November, so there was a two-month period between my interview and the next adcom meeting (giving them plenty of time to move on to the new interviewees and forget all about us poor October people). This is really starting to get to me (particularly since every "under consideration" email has a typo in the subject line). It just makes you feel like a frickin' needle in a haystack. Sorry, just needed to vent a little bit. :mad:
I am starting to think that those of us who interviewed early in the process have been royally screwed over by UW. I interviewed in early October and have gotten 6 (!!!) "under consideration" emails, and now we have to wait until the end of March? After the first adcom meeting, I don't know of anyone who was admitted (reasoning being that they wanted to review more candidates before making a decision), and then they canceled the second meeting in November, so there was a two-month period between my interview and the next adcom meeting (giving them plenty of time to move on to the new interviewees and forget all about us poor October people). This is really starting to get to me (particularly since every "under consideration" email has a typo in the subject line). It just makes you feel like a frickin' needle in a haystack. Sorry, just needed to vent a little bit. :mad:

Oh yeah I forgot that our ExCom meeting was canceled. I just realized I interviewed early November. Nice23 (what an appropriate name since your first post was to vent :laugh:), you and I probably got caught in the same batch of forgotten people.

To be honest though, I thought I royally bombed my interview so I was shocked to even be put under consideration!
haha yeah, I'm usually a very pleasant, nice person but this is getting a bit ridiculous. I feel like the people who interviewed later are at an advantage because the excom meetings happen right away and they at least know that they are being reviewed in a timely fashion. At first I thought my interview went well, but now I keep thinking back on it and thinking, "well, maybe I should have said this," or "maybe my tone was off." UW-please save me from myself and just give me some sign (affirmative or negative). Regardless, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only person in the "underconsideration" (grrr...why the typo???) category who has been waiting forever. Good luck to those who are still in limbo!
Holy crap guys, I mean seriously why are you all being so emo about not hearing back yet? Look at it this way you aren't a complete joke to them and automatically got rejected, I mean by no means are you as good as you thought you were because then you would have got in instantly. Think about how the admissions committees would react if they read these whiny comments, you really think they want someone who cries the second they have to wait for something?

Good luck getting in I have my fingers crossed :xf: (that you are never my doctor)
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Just wanted to leave a note of optimism. I completed my file very late (dec), and while i realize that there are technically very few if any at all WA interview dates left-- i got a call this morning asking me to come interview tomorrow : )

So I guess good luck to me, and good luck to you all!

Holy crap guys, I mean seriously why are you all being so emo about not hearing back yet? Look at it this way you aren't a complete joke to them and automatically got rejected, I mean by no means are you as good as you thought you were because then you would have got in instantly. Think about how the admissions committees would react if they read these whiny comments, you really think they want someone who cries the second they have to wait for something?

Good luck getting in I have my fingers crossed :xf: (that you are never my doctor)
Interesting first post:rolleyes:. People are, obviously, emotional about this because an acceptance at UW means a lot to us. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I think the ADCOM would not react at all if they read these posts. The ADCOMs are people too and they all went through the same things when they applied to medical school, so it won't be any surprise for them to see that an acceptance is important to their applicants.

Oh yeah, and I'll cross my fingers :xf:that you're not a student at UW because you seem much more heartless than most.
Interesting first post:rolleyes:. People are, obviously, emotional about this because an acceptance at UW means a lot to us. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I think the ADCOM would not react at all if they read these posts. The ADCOMs are people too and they all went through the same things when they applied to medical school, so it won't be any surprise for them to see that an acceptance is important to their applicants.

Oh yeah, and I'll cross my fingers :xf:that you're not a student at UW because you seem much more heartless than most.

Man up man. In fact I am a student at the University of Washington, Seattle (not the fake ones in Bothell or Tacoma, or community college or something lame like that). Husky pride all the way man, I hope you don't attend this fine institution because you my good man are a *****.

Purple and gold never fold.
These last few posts are embarrasing. I too am a uw student and have literally sweat and bled for my husky purple and gold. Side comments that escalate like this are rediculous and have no place in a forum for potential doctors.

Man up man. In fact I am a student at the University of Washington, Seattle (not the fake ones in Bothell or Tacoma, or community college or something lame like that). Husky pride all the way man, I hope you don't attend this fine institution because you my good man are a *****.

Purple and gold never fold.
Interesting:rolleyes:. I'm a UW student too (in Seattle). Currently a Senior and accepted to their medical school for the fall, so I have nothing to worry about. It sure is a fine institution and the biology department has a lot of good people in it who encourage each other. You, certainly don't sound like one of them. Anyway, I don't know if you're a troll or if you're for real, but you can keep your negative comments to yourself.
Interesting:rolleyes:. I'm a UW student too (in Seattle). Currently a Senior and accepted to their medical school for the fall, so I have nothing to worry about. It sure is a fine institution and the biology department has a lot of good people in it who encourage each other. You, certainly don't sound like one of them. Anyway, I don't know if you're a troll or if you're for real, but you can keep your negative comments to yourself.

My degree is in Microbiology, not bio. In fact it is through the School of Medicine at UW too.

My comments are not meant to be negative either I am 100% serious when I say quit crying about waiting to hear if you got in or not or crying about a typo in an email like nice23 is. I live in reality you all should too, if you can't handle waiting to hear if you got in then I honestly don't think you can handle the stress of med school, let alone being a doctor where a person's life is in your hands.

It is absolutely ridiculous how all of you are acting from what I have said. If all of you sucked you would have been rejected right away, if you were amazing you would already be in (like you mega). Face reality all of you.
My degree is in Microbiology, not bio. In fact it is through the School of Medicine at UW too.

My comments are not meant to be negative either I am 100% serious when I say quit crying about waiting to hear if you got in or not or crying about a typo in an email like nice23 is. I live in reality you all should too, if you can't handle waiting to hear if you got in then I honestly don't think you can handle the stress of med school, let alone being a doctor where a person's life is in your hands.

It is absolutely ridiculous how all of you are acting from what I have said. If all of you sucked you would have been rejected right away, if you were amazing you would already be in (like you mega). Face reality all of you.

I know you say that you're just trying to tell the truth and be helpful, but honestly, you are coming off like a menace and are really messing with a good thing. This thread has been a great place for support and obsessing, venting and asking questions.

If you don't like the thread, please feel free to ignore us. But if you are going to stick around, I would appreciate a change in attitude/tone. If you continue to post like this, I will report it.
I know you say that you're just trying to tell the truth and be helpful, but honestly, you are coming off like a menace and are really messing with a good thing. This thread has been a great place for support and obsessing, venting and asking questions.

If you don't like the thread, please feel free to ignore us. But if you are going to stick around, I would appreciate a change in attitude/tone. If you continue to post like this, I will report it.

Thanks for that :)
My comments are not meant to be negative either I am 100% serious when I say quit crying about waiting to hear if you got in or not or crying about a typo in an email like nice23 is. I live in reality you all should too, if you can't handle waiting to hear if you got in then I honestly don't think you can handle the stress of med school, let alone being a doctor where a person's life is in your hands.

It is absolutely ridiculous how all of you are acting from what I have said. If all of you sucked you would have been rejected right away, if you were amazing you would already be in (like you mega). Face reality all of you.

I just want to apologize to people who were offended by my venting. I didn't mean to start such a negative discussion! I just needed to blow off some steam. Thank you to those of you who refrained on passing judgment on my character and who respectfully reminded me to look to the positive side of this situation. I wish you all the best. :thumbup:
I just want to apologize to people who were offended by my venting. I didn't mean to start such a negative discussion! I just needed to blow off some steam. Thank you to those of you who refrained on passing judgment on my character and who respectfully reminded me to look to the positive side of this situation. I wish you all the best. :thumbup:

Don't worry. i don't think your comment offended anyone. certainly not me. this thread is basically full of that type of thing. i am very bi polar in this process, but am doing slightly better right now because i interviewed late so i haven't had long to stew. so, welcome to the thread, and no worries!!
The waiting can definitely drive somebody crazy, nothing wrong with venting and commiserating, it helps us go through the experience together! Isn't medicine all about team work anyways? :)
I just want to apologize to people who were offended by my venting. I didn't mean to start such a negative discussion! I just needed to blow off some steam. Thank you to those of you who refrained on passing judgment on my character and who respectfully reminded me to look to the positive side of this situation. I wish you all the best. :thumbup:

Nice23 you didn't offend anyone. Why did people even respond to that guy...?
on other news, it seems excom did accept wa residents on monday :|

one of my friends who interviewed in jan was accepted...i dont have further info...unfortunately
I've got a quick question, where can interviewees park?? Thanks!
Does anyone know where I can get the map they gave us at interviews with all the 3rd and 4th year wwami rotation sites on it? For some reason mine must have slipped out, just sort of curious!
Does anyone know where I can get the map they gave us at interviews with all the 3rd and 4th year wwami rotation sites on it? For some reason mine must have slipped out, just sort of curious!
The website they give you for the interview information has it on there.
Thanks all.... here's an email I got that perhaps will be helpful. Especially if your still under consideration and could send a job shadowing update to UW.

"I recently returned from conducting WWAMI admissions interviews in Seattle. I’ve served on the admissions committee for five years and am currently the Wyoming Chairman. It is gratifying to see improving MCAT scores. That makes your chances of admission greater. There continues to be a disconnect between the importance of research vs. shadowing. Let me see if I can shed some light on the subject. The University of Washington places significant emphasis on shadowing as one of the criteria for consideration, so much so that on occasion they will reject an otherwise well qualified applicant as NOT READY if they haven’t shadowed! They believe that an in depth experience in medicine will weed out those students who may decide after admission to medical school that they had made a mistake. Many of the other schools don’t place the same emphasis on shadowing as does Washington. I know that many of your advisors have emphasized student research. I agree that research is a valuable tool especially in dissecting the medical literature and understanding scientific method. It does NOT in the case of the University of Washington take the place of shadowing.
In summary for those of you who intend to apply to WWAMI, Wyoming’s Medical School I give the following advice: 1. Fulfill the undergraduate science requirements, and add biochemistry if possible. 2. Take an MCAT prep course and strive for a grade >26. 30 is much better!! 3. Prepare for the interview by trying to understand contemporary issues in Medicine (Wyoming or National) 4. SHADOW—If you need help figuring out what constitutes an experience talk the WWAMI Director. 5. By all means engage in undergraduate research if you have the opportunity. If what I offer seems to be at odds with what you are receiving from your on campus advisor please share this e-mail with him/her. I would be happy to discuss the facts with any of them."

Got a call feb 25th to interview on the 26th for U of Washington (instaters, they sneak you in on other wamii interview dates-- there is hope!) From the presentation afterwards: There are no more gpa/mcat cutoffs for interviews like there have been up till last year-- getting an interview at UW is legit and no longer automatic (they say "you have passed through screening"). Dean of medicine says 1:3-4 chance of getting in if interviewed! Gotta love our state-- GO HUSKIES!!

The Panel interview is nowhere near as nerve wracking as SDN'ers of previous years make out. talking with some of the current students at lunch, they have really changed the previously agressive interview policy to be a much more pleasant (though still rigourous) experience. (one of the students said that during her interview, the panelist got up in her face and started yelling at her.. interrupting her etc.. she said she cried afterwards, but got in, so hey! do what you do.)

I really enjoyed myself, dont get me wrong it was not an easy interview. Like previous posts have mentioned be prepared for health policy and ethics questions!! just wiki US/Canada/Japan/UK healthcare systems-- know the issues-- im from Brazil and am really familiar with public healthcare. Please know that PAS is ILLEGAL IN WA STATE STILL!! I-1000 is a very restricted form of PAS... More than one interviewee was asked 'do you know what youre getting into.' be familiar with the type of sacrifices you're going to make with a career in medicine-- they want you to justify them. Also, I had to role play in mine.. that was interesting... but i just looked up my exec panelist, and she's the dean of admissions... so maybe thats why! ; )

so yeah... alaska is supposed to hear back end of next week.. they're postponing the next WA excom for two weeks, so WA should hear within 2-3 weeks. Acceptances and waitlists are e-mailed, rejections are snailmail.

good luck all! and especially to me! : )
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" The University of Washington places significant emphasis on shadowing as one of the criteria for consideration, so much so that on occasion they will reject an otherwise well qualified applicant as NOT READY if they haven’t shadowed! They believe that an in depth experience in medicine will weed out those students who may decide after admission to medical school that they had made a mistake. Many of the other schools don’t place the same emphasis on shadowing as does Washington. "

great e-mail!! my first interview question was "tell us about your shadowing experience and what you learned/how you felt about it" can't emphasize this more. its now a requirement for admissions if you look at the changes between the 2009 and 2010 cycles.

P.S. if you're a minority GO GO to the OMCA office. I was able to sit down and chat with David Acosta (he is a dean that sits on the admissions board) about what i needed to do to get in a year before i applied. He emphasized clinical exposure, and community involvement as two-must haves for UW. just FYI!!
Just got a call today from one of the faculty on my interview panel congratulating me on my acceptance! I interviewed Feb. 23rd, out-of-region applicant (from Texas), and was completely caught off guard with the phone call today. I wasn't expecting anything until at least tomorrow, if I was lucky. I was standing in line at Chick-fil-a when I got the call and was so happy! Can't wait to meet you future classmates.
Just got a call today from one of the faculty on my interview panel congratulating me on my acceptance! I interviewed Feb. 23rd, out-of-region applicant (from Texas), and was completely caught off guard with the phone call today. I wasn't expecting anything until at least tomorrow, if I was lucky. I was standing in line at Chick-fil-a when I got the call and was so happy! Can't wait to meet you future classmates.

Congratulations! Well, there goes my theory that they were waiting to accept OOR people until the end :(

I wonder if I should send in some kind of update before the final admissions meeting
they're postponing the next WA excom for two weeks, so WA should hear within 2-3 weeks. Acceptances and waitlists are e-mailed, rejections are snailmail.

Are you referring to the March 9 excom meeting? Does this mean the next WA excom meeting is the final three-day meeting??
Wow, just had my UW interview today! Everybody in the admissions office was super helpful especially Stella. I think most OOR people interview in Feb/March (that's what they said) and so hopefully I'll get to know soon. As for the interview, I think it could have been better, but who knows at this point. I think the difference in format between UW and other schools is making me unable to properly assess my performance. Still an intimidating interview imo.

On another note, I really got to enjoy Seattle and UWSOM! Here's hoping for an acceptance! :scared:
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