PCOM - Georgia Campus 2009 -2010

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I second that, I just called in and the ad com is meeting tomorrow to make all the final decisions on holders.

I'm just lucky I just got an acceptance yesterday to kcumb. I'd sooooo rather go to pcom-ga though. PCOM kicked KCUMBs butt

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Xenophobia kicking in, but excited to finally have an answer soon.
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Just wanted to give an update to all of you on hold /waitlist /alternate etc. According to nucleus there are 76 members in the class, leaving 10 seats
+ or - a few. hang in there!!

this can be deceptive. often times they have faculty/staff names in that list too.
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Xenophobia kicking in, but excited to finally have an answer soon.

hope it works out for you man. i know youve been waiting a long time. good luck.
What's GA-PCOM's typical mode for communicating acceptances/holds? I read through the thread and quite a few people were notified via email, but it seems like they either called first or initiated a check and then were given their status.
What's GA-PCOM's typical mode for communicating acceptances/holds? I read through the thread and quite a few people were notified via email, but it seems like they either called first or initiated a check and then were given their status.

I received a call from Trena one Thursday morning after the adcom had met that wednesday
What's GA-PCOM's typical mode for communicating acceptances/holds? I read through the thread and quite a few people were notified via email, but it seems like they either called first or initiated a check and then were given their status.

I interviewed on a Tuesday. The Admissions Comm. met the next day. I send Trena an e-mail that Wednesday afternoon. She responded that I had been accepted and that a letter would be mailed within a few days.
I interviewed on a Tuesday. The Admissions Comm. met the next day. I send Trena an e-mail that Wednesday afternoon. She responded that I had been accepted and that a letter would be mailed within a few days.
Heh, that almost makes the waiting worse, knowing we could have news today!
I have not heard anything...so I hope so.
Have any of you trid emailing trena and asking when you will hear? I know that got me and others heard of our acceptances shortly after their meeting that way.
good luck to all waiting...i hope you get some good news today
Have any of you trid emailing trena and asking when you will hear? I know that got me and others heard of our acceptances shortly after their meeting that way.
good luck to all waiting...i hope you get some good news today
I called this AM. Decisions have been made but Trena was still sifting through the paperwork. She was not certain about when info will be released.
I'm praying for good news over here. Did she say that she was going to be making phone calls to those who have been accepted later today?
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I now understand the type of people that visit these forums. Fahimaz, I had no interest in knowing that I was rejected or waitlisted from you. Good for your friend for getting accepted. I wish the rest of you the best of luck.
?? - I thought the intent was to just inform us that, as far as he/she knows, the acceptees have been notified, thus providing potentially relevant info to those of us still waiting. I too am saddened by what this probably means, but I sensed no malice. Did I miss something?
I now understand the type of people that visit these forums. Fahimaz, I had no interest in knowing that I was rejected or waitlisted from you. Good for your friend for getting accepted. I wish the rest of you the best of luck.

just out of my curiosity...do some people already know who got in and who did not? :(
just out of my curiosity...do some people already know who got in and who did not? :(
It is rumored - and just that - that those who were accepted have been notified. Until someone posts that they were accepted or you hear from the school, take it for what it's worth.
ok...amazing how quickly people can delete their posts, you got to teach me that :laugh::laugh::laugh:

If you teach me this endocrinology, I'll teach you how to delete posts that shouldn't ever be posted in the first place :)
On Friday, April 23rd, there is a reception for the Class of 2014 followed by a financial aid workshop and information on housing. Those who have already been accepted and who paid their deposit were invited to attend by written invitation about three weeks ago. I am attending and an writing this from my hotel room a stone's throw away from the school campus.

I expect that we will learn a great deal about how many confimed members of the class exist and the status of those waiting on some news. Provided that I am correct, I will post what I have learned tomorrow or Saturday.

The wait is terrible. Good luck to everyone.
It is apparent from previous posts that if you did not get a call yesterday, then you were either waitlisted or rejected. Why the school cant come out and tell everyone is beyond me.
It is apparent from previous posts that if you did not get a call yesterday, then you were either waitlisted or rejected. Why the school cant come out and tell everyone is beyond me.

That is not necessarily true. I was neither called nor e-mailed after the adcom meeting on that Wednesday or the following Thursday. I finally e-mailed late Thursday night and she e-mailed me back on Friday saying I had been accepted. I did not get my letter in the mail until the following week.

Just persevere. If you do not get in this year, make yourself a presence next year. Show the school how badly you want to go there. Follow up on all your paperwork, with over 3000 applications you are just a sheet of paper until you make yourself stand out. I met with students and with Trena and asked questions and I called or e-mailed when application materials weren't processing. I submitted my application in December, it processed by January. I interviewed mid-February and I was accepted at the next adcom meeting in March. I had to make a lot of phone calls along the way and I felt like a pest, but it was worth it.

With GA-PCOM being such a desired school you really should do everything you can to stand out; even if that means calling and e-mailing almost every week. I wish everyone in this cycle the best of luck! Remember not to give up on your dreams...this was my third application cycle to medical schools and my second cycle at PCOM.
Well, last day. Will there be more calls I wonder.
On Friday, April 23rd, there is a reception for the Class of 2014 followed by a financial aid workshop and information on housing. Those who have already been accepted and who paid their deposit were invited to attend by written invitation about three weeks ago. I am attending and an writing this from my hotel room a stone's throw away from the school campus.

I expect that we will learn a great deal about how many confimed members of the class exist and the status of those waiting on some news. Provided that I am correct, I will post what I have learned tomorrow or Saturday.

The wait is terrible. Good luck to everyone.[/QU

please do give those of us who couldnt make it summary of the info covered today. Its much appreciated.

good luck to everyone waiting on some good news today
Did any of you who attended the meet and greet find out if the class is now full? I still haven't heard a word.
O.K. here is the straight stuff.

About 40 0r so of us attended the PCOM GA Class of 2014 reception and workshop on financial aid and housing last Friday afternoon. It reaffirmed my desire to attend GA PCOM. What a first class operation!

Trena G. addressed the group. There is way too much false information being spread on SDN in this thread.

NO CALLS have been made to anyone - accepted or not since the Adcom met on April 20th after the big deposits were due on April 15th from accepted students. So, no news is good news. All of you hopefuls who think that because you haven't been called you have been rejected - Not True

The school will be sending out letters likely the first of this week. She and the entire admissions staff have been inundated with e-mails and calls about this misinformation.

So, my recommendation is to remain calm. Remain hopeful. Be patient and let the school professionals do their job. If you are just venting or speculating just keep it to yourself.

You will know soon enough.

No, the Class is not full yet. It will be very soon.

And no, while I have been accepted, the admissions professionals respect your privacy and certainly wouldn't tell me or anyone else who has or has not been accepted. I don't know any more than you about the specifics.

If you have a question that I can answer, send me a PM. If I know I'll tell you. If I don't I'll say so.

Let's all be professional.

I did not mean to be mean. Rather, I wanted to help clear the air. I wish every success to all of you hoping to be accepted.
Trena posted this on her facebook wall yesterday:

Interviews have come to an end, wrapping up letters to be mailed out...the class is not full yet!

Start compulsively checking those mailboxes...
Trena posted this on her facebook wall yesterday:

Start compulsively checking those mailboxes...

See, all those who thought that Trena called only the ones accepted and were depressed regarding this - - - take heart and watch your mailbox.

Good luck and my prayers are with you. :xf:
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Well, it is the end of the road for me. No other interviews or acceptances. I hope those of you with multiple acceptances will give up their seats at pcom to make room for those waitlisted. GL to everyone else.
Hey guys...I interviewed on March 23rd, got my "hold" letter nearly a week later... still have heard nothing. Any new info on the other holds? This is really nerve-racking...
My wife just called--I got an acceptance letter in the mail today!! Wooooooooo!!!!

Good luck to those waiting, your decision is nearly here!
Got a letter in the mail today and I'm ACCEPTED!!! So, so, so EXCITED!! Goodluck to everyone waiting! Can not wait to start learning!

I have not received a letter but I live in TX. So maybe tomorrow or Friday.
Out of curosity....do you guys mind sharing your stats so I know what to aim for?
I still haven't got a letter yet. I thought she said it was going to be mailed last monday. I think the PCOM-GA admissions is a little slack compared to other schools.
It is time for AACOMAS to open ans many of you still have no idea of your status, amazing!
Out of curosity....do you guys mind sharing your stats so I know what to aim for?

Perhaps you want to throw yours up here? A lot of people don't want to put up there stats, due to being identified by schools.... Maybe people would be more likely to say higher or lower?
perhaps you want to throw yours up here? A lot of people don't want to put up there stats, due to being identified by schools.... Maybe people would be more likely to say higher or lower?

3.79, 25o mcat
It is time for AACOMAS to open ans many of you still have no idea of your status, amazing!

whats amazing is that I interviewed Oct 6 and still dont know if I'm waitlisted, accepted, or rejected basically
As lawyerdoc said, lets all be professional. We are in fact appkicants to medical school. With that said, I hate waiting just as much as everyone else, but it is just a fact of life. We will all hear soon enough. In the mean time begin preparing for next cycle in case it doesn't work out this year. Imagine dealing with thousands of applicants....that is no easy job.
VCU07 have you heard anything yet???? i am STILL waiting to hear something. which i don't think is a good sign........
ditto. i wonder if all of the spots have been filled and they are just waiting for movement now. still i would like a letter to at least notify me of my position
Letter today...hold tight guys, you should get one soon.