"How to Prepare for PREview" article

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Oct 14, 2011
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For medical school applicants (mostly AMCAS) who plan to apply in spring 2024 (entry 2025), we have just published an article about preparing for the PREview situational judgment test: How to Prepare for PREview - SDN .

There will be upcoming webinars that go into more details and updates about taking PREview as part of the application process. Links are included in the article.

The article contains insights from the 2023 HPSA/SDN Situational Judgment Test Experience Survey that will help you gauge your readiness for the SJT.

We also have links to our new Recorded Video Interview survey which is meant to capture the virtual interviewing experience (including residency). All the professional programs have migrated to some virtual interviewing experience so we wanted to get a baseline of live vs. recorded virtual interviews. Please fill out this survey and tell your peers if they have interviewed recently to participate as well! The more responses we get, the more we can help future applicants!

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