AAMC PREview exam expands in 2023

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PREview available to all AMCAS programs beginning with the 2023-2024 cycle

Not surprisingly, AAMC has made PREview available to all AMCAS programs beginning in 2023-2024. Much of the logistics expansion from pilot to full implementation seems to have been completed. PREview results should be easily available to admissions offices, applicants, and (with consent) prehealth advisors this upcoming cycle. Information here is subject to changes from any official AAMC/AMCAS announcements that we expect this week.

The calendar for taking the PREview exam has expanded to coincide with the months the MCAT is available. Consequently, the first exam dates for the 2023 calendar year are scheduled for March 16 and 17, with registration opening around January 17. In this way, admissions committees may be able to have reported scores in an applicant's AMCAS application alongside other admissions data (transcript, MCAT scores) at the start of their review process (in the past PREview scores may not be available until October at the latest). If you are going to take PREview in the spring and need accommodations, you should review the website to begin the process. Applicants with accommodations may have their assessment scheduled at a testing center (we are seeking more information).

The exam is also available for other interested non-AMCAS programs, including AACOMAS/DO programs. There was 1 DO school participating in the last two years, and the score reporting process to AACOMAS and TMDSAS is being streamlined (IT stuff).

The fee schedule is $100 per calendar year/cycle (no increase from last year), but examinees cannot take the exam more than once within the testing year. It includes score releases to any participating schools without limit, noting that many spring test-takers may not know where they are applying. FAP recipients can take the exam for free if they have already received their approval letter.

There is no statement about how multiple scores will be evaluated (that is the domain of admissions committees), but if someone took the PREview exam in the 2020 pilot but did not apply until 2023, the 2020 result (and all other historical attempts) will appear (indefinitely) and be available for consideration.

Prospective applicants for the EY2024 cycle (2023-2024 cycle) should be engaged with their desired schools to determine if and how PREview results will be weighted in application selection. I expect admissions committees to make final decisions by March considering the earlier calendar dates for testing. I expect applicants with highly desirable profiles to take PREview during the March-May time window (4 administrations total) so that the result is on their application when their AMCAS applications are submitted in June. This means applicants must now coordinate taking the MCAT and PREview results in the spring to be considered "early". It is unclear if BS/MD programs will require PREview, but those who may be matriculating in 2024 should talk with their BS/MD program coordinator.

HPSA/SDN has published results of its 2022 SJT experience survey that complements information from the post-test surveys given to Casper or PREview examinees and initial insights into any correlation in test results. Prospective applicants to all health professions programs that may use the Acuity Insights/Altus suite, AAMC PREview, Kira Talent, or any MMI-like assessment should review our findings. We plan a follow-up survey in 2023, and additional materials are available for Becoming a Student Doctor enrollees.

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AAMC PREview team email:


Many of you are in the midst of MCAT prep, but there's another exam that's recommended or required by some medical schools to explore now. Please read the PREview website thoroughly, but some pointers to get you started:

1. Register early in case dates fill up, but they shouldn't fill as quickly as MCAT. The test is taken on your own but with a live virtual proctor, not at a testing center, so there isn't the same limitation on the number of seats (although there is some limitation due to the number of proctors).

2. Take the test by July if you can: some schools may use scores as part of screening for interviews, so an early score could be an advantage.

3. We don't know what schools' policies will be yet. That information will be populated in MSAR as schools make decisions. Last year's policies are captured in the "Additional Required Assessments" report on the AAMC MSAR Report page.

4. An "Essentials" guide is posted and will be supplemented with a webinar in the spring to provide more details. A free sample practice test and preparation resources are available on the AAMC website. These will likely be updated later in the spring, so put this on your to-do list closer to the time you take the test.
For further planning purposes for AMCAS:

AAMC PREview testing window begins in March. This overlaps with the MCAT window.

Acuity Insights suite including Casper normally schedules the first testing dates for US Programs around early May.

Submission window usually begins in early June.

Seecondaries begin at submission for some schools, by July for others.