2008-2009 Rush Medical College secondary application thread

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So, how long til I get an envelope after my interview yesterday (1/21)? Sure, they said 4 weeks, but that seems like such a torturously long time.

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So, how long til I get an envelope after my interview yesterday (1/21)? Sure, they said 4 weeks, but that seems like such a torturously long time.

congrats on the interview. did you like rush? it took three weeks for me but it took like 6 for others
congrats on the interview. did you like rush? it took three weeks for me but it took like 6 for others

I liked it, though the lagging technology was a bit concerning. In retrospect, I should have asked for a detour to the simulation lab, whatever the heck that is.
Overall, if they ask, I'll be inclined to say yes if it's a financial fit - I'm even willing to pay a bit of a premium for Chicago over, say, Rockford, or Springfield, or Albany, etc. So, really, it's in their hands for the next 3 to 6 weeks.
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hey guys - i am a first time poster and i just received an interview invite for rush! i was perusing the interview feedback pages and i've noticed there are only 3 postings from this application cycle !! would those who have already interviewed be sooo kind as to contribute to the page ?? i (and lots or other rush interviewees) would REALLY appreciate it !! thanks :)
hey guys - i am a first time poster and i just received an interview invite for rush! i was perusing the interview feedback pages and i've noticed there are only 3 postings from this application cycle !! would those who have already interviewed be sooo kind as to contribute to the page ?? i (and lots or other rush interviewees) would REALLY appreciate it !! thanks :)

congrats salonika! i wrote all about rush a while back so search the threads and i'm pretty sure i'm one of the three posters for interview feedback. but it wasn't hard or anything. they just asked about ecs, what i like to do stuff like that. why rush why medicine. nothing hard, easy ethics question and there was only one
thanks!! i am excited - rush is definitely one of my top choices ! i'll let you know how the interview goes and thanks again for you help
thanks!! i am excited - rush is definitely one of my top choices ! i'll let you know how the interview goes and thanks again for you help

sure anytime. good luck:luck::xf::thumbup:. i can't remember much more but if you have anything specific i can try answer it
Hi all,
Anyone hear from the Jan 7 interview?
does anyone know what kind of clinical opportunities are available to first and second year students? for example do they get to see patients or is it mostly just shadowing?? happy superbowl sunday ! (go steelers)
i'm pretty sure you get to do some hands on stuff, but no guarantees, perhaps an m1/m2 can answer this? did you get an interview here nellia?
does anyone know what kind of clinical opportunities are available to first and second year students? for example do they get to see patients or is it mostly just shadowing?? happy superbowl sunday ! (go steelers)

The first two years you have a preceptor which is a doc you shadow (IM or FM). You can do some basic stuff like a physical and take a history, but usually that's it. I have heard a few who have gotten to do more, but that's more the exception than the rule. There are also extra-curricular things where you volunteer at a clinic or give shots, but that's about it.
The first two years you have a preceptor which is a doc you shadow (IM or FM). You can do some basic stuff like a physical and take a history, but usually that's it. I have heard a few who have gotten to do more, but that's more the exception than the rule. There are also extra-curricular things where you volunteer at a clinic or give shots, but that's about it.

This is no longer necessarily accurate. Class of 2013 and beyond replace preceptorship and classes like "Intro to Physical Diagnosis" with the integrated Physicianship Program. I'm not sure anyone knows exactly what it entails... as of interview time, it hasn't even been strictly decided.
The first two years you have a preceptor which is a doc you shadow (IM or FM). You can do some basic stuff like a physical and take a history, but usually that's it. I have heard a few who have gotten to do more, but that's more the exception than the rule. There are also extra-curricular things where you volunteer at a clinic or give shots, but that's about it.

thanks for the response ! i really appreciate it :)
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nellia when's your interview? you can pm me
is it true that you dont need to buy textbooks for rush
also, can someone tell me the best way to send an LOI/update to Rush?
is it true that you dont need to buy textbooks for rush

That's really up to you. They give you what they call sylabii, which are course notes. Some profs opt to reward students that read the text book by asking questions that are not covered in the syllabii, but those questions are like 10% at most, and that is at most. There are always going to be questions where you're like wtf, we never talked about this. They have to separate the H from the P somehow. But like I said, they are not a significant portion of the test.

The M2s create a "M1 Guide" where they tell you what books to buy, and which ones to pass on. You'll get it during orientation. Since the sylabii and powerpoints include pictures, Rush, and I assume other schools, makes an agreement with the publisher that if they require a given text book for the class, the school can use pics from said book w/o copy right infringement. So all classes will have a 'required' book, but the book is not really required.

As for letters of update- they wont read them, so don't bother.
So I have an interview on the 25th of Feb. For those of you who have interviewed already, how did the interview process go? I am extremely nervous because: 1) this is my first interview, and 2) I have a tendency to stumble on my words when in intimidating settings :scared:

Did going to the Rush Interview Section on studentdoctor.net help any of you a lot?
my friend interviewed a month ago and said it was an easy interview. There are two interviews, one closed file and one open file. The closed file involves just having a conversation which happened to focused on religion (Islam). The open file asked why rush, not why medicine and also about your activities and ECs. and also asked name three qualities you have that are good for medicine and why.
Just relax and be honest, go over your application and ECs and get a good nights sleep. You'll do fine.

btw, has anyone who interviewed on or after Jan 7 get accepted, waitlisted or rejected?

Are you guys all from Illinois or out of state?
Best wishes
my friend interviewed a month ago and said it was an easy interview. There are two interviews, one closed file and one open file. The closed file involves just having a conversation which happened to focused on religion (Islam). The open file asked why rush, not why medicine and also about your activities and ECs. and also asked name three qualities you have that are good for medicine and why.
Just relax and be honest, go over your application and ECs and get a good nights sleep. You'll do fine.

btw, has anyone who interviewed on or after Jan 7 get accepted, waitlisted or rejected?

Are you guys all from Illinois or out of state?
Best wishes

My open file interviewer consisted of about 5 minutes talking about my GPA/MCAT, then the rest of the time my interviewer telling me random stories about himself and trying to convince me to come to Rush. I haven't heard yet though. :xf::xf:

I'm from Illinois.
good luck to all your interviews. people search this thread for posts i have written about. also, shifting mirage i was wondering if it would be possible to find out the schedule for M1/M2 years. is it 8-5 most days or ...??? thanks!
is it 8-5 most days or ...??? thanks!

It will be next year. Morning - "classes"; afternoon - "physicianship"

I assume the important part of your question is "will it start at 8am" because presently it starts at 9.
is the physicianship every afternoon? ohh so it starts at 9 now? will that change? good luck starfish is rush your first choice?
is the physicianship every afternoon? ohh so it starts at 9 now? will that change? good luck starfish is rush your first choice?

The answers to those questions are not firmly decided yet, though I'm pretty sure they said 8am is a certainty.
If I get an acceptance from Rush I'll be very likely to accept it. I mean, if Harvard called me and was like "yeah we know you didn't apply, but wanna come here?" I'd be tempted, but I'd be quite happy with Rush.
:( to 8am. i wonder where we could get more info?
:( to 8am. i wonder where we could get more info?

Perhaps second look weekend. By then, maybe some of these things will have been decided, instead of just in the works.

As for 8am, we can adapt. Anyway, it's a good intermediate between waking up at 12pm now and waking up at 4am during residency.
hey everyone,

i have an interview next week.

can anyone give me some tips for success.
what type of stuff do they like to ask about a lot?
is there a way to find out who is interviewing you in advance?
how new are the buildings (hopefully better than UIC?)
do they care a lot about volunteering? and extracirriculars? since i dont have a lot

Perhaps second look weekend. By then, maybe some of these things will have been decided, instead of just in the works.

As for 8am, we can adapt. Anyway, it's a good intermediate between waking up at 12pm now and waking up at 4am during residency.

does rush have 2nd look weekend? if so, when?
hey everyone,

i have an interview next week.

can anyone give me some tips for success.
what type of stuff do they like to ask about a lot?
is there a way to find out who is interviewing you in advance?
how new are the buildings (hopefully better than UIC?)
do they care a lot about volunteering? and extracirriculars? since i dont have a lot


1) Don't worry.
2) General interview stuff. Very relaxed.
3) Not likely.
4) In good order. (Better than UIC.)
5) I can only speculate as to what goes on in the smoke-filled room, but I hope they don't care too much, since I don't have a lot either.
does rush have 2nd look weekend? if so, when?

Since second look days seem to be the rule rather than the exception, I'll assume Rush has one... perhaps in early April. A current student would have a better idea than I.
my student host told me that there was a second look weekend last year, but some schools have to cancel it due to economic factors this year
my student host told me that there was a second look weekend last year, but some schools have to cancel it due to economic factors this year

In that case, I think we should delegate brainiak the official question asker, and have him/her get answers to our questions at his/her interview next week.
Replies to the most recent 10 posts or so.

- As for interviews, mine was pretty laid back. I did go over the feedback thing on SDN, but none of those questions were asked to me, but go over them to make sure you can provide timely responses. When it comes to questions to ask the interviewer, make a few about Rush. Things like with UIC, and County next door, what kind of interactions does it have with them. Ask about the new hospital, or inquire into the changes in curriculum and how those will better you. The main goal is to hold a conversation with them, it's not an interrogation.

-I have heard that next year classes will start at 8 and go until 5. The morning will be lectures and the afternoon will be this 'physicianship' thing. You will get 12-1 off for lunch and I believe twice a week you are off 1-5. Not sure the accuracy of this, just what I've heard.

- last year Rush had a second look, I don't know why they wouldn't this year. Last year it was during Spring quarter so maybe April or May. I've heard second look is only useful if you're deciding between schools. There's no harm in coming, of course.

- 8 am does suck but 90% of classes do not require attendance and will not give you additional info, so you can always not go.

- M2 year is currently 9-5 ish like the current M1 but I don't know if that's going to change since they are changing the M1 schedule for your class.
How does RUSH informs about rejection b/c I haven't heard anything from them? I was complete early October (like first week).
How does RUSH informs about rejection b/c I haven't heard anything from them? I was complete early October (like first week).

If I know Rush, they won't inform about rejection until the bitter end, if at all.

Besides that, assume you're still under consideration and that you still have an outside chance at an interview.
congrats starfishprime! are you going for sure. i'm kinda turned off by this 8-5 class! that's so long.
congrats starfishprime! are you going for sure. i'm kinda turned off by this 8-5 class! that's so long.

Thanks. I'm not certain, but it's pretty likely. I was very fond. :) Right now I'm in the "survey local housing on craigslist" phase.

As for 8-5, yeah, it's long, but it's not a dealbreaker. From what I've heard, many classes are mostly optional (and I'll have no problem opting out of them regularly :cool:), and it likely won't be 8-5 every day, some days more like 8-12. Anyway, it'll be a good exercise in adopting a more adult schedule rather than going from 12pm wake up to 6am pre-rounds.
hey guys, thanks for the reply. hopefully i do well on the interview and get in.

so like starfishprime suggested, i can ask questions you guys want at my interview in a few days and get back to you.
yeah please do ask the questions thanks. :D
so like starfishprime suggested, i can ask questions you guys want at my interview in a few days and get back to you.

I think the important questions are:
8am-5pm - yes/no, every day/how often?
Physicianship - probably they'll just give you whatever information they have in their little presentation, but as they told me a month ago a lot of things are yet to be decided.
also ask about M2 schedule and also second look weekend. thanks and good luck
Has anyone else been unable to check their status? Everytime I try to go to the site, I get a page saying the certificate has been revoked and a link to navigate away from the page. I've tried several different computers now and it's always the same thing. Anyone else?
Has anyone else been unable to check their status? Everytime I try to go to the site, I get a page saying the certificate has been revoked and a link to navigate away from the page. I've tried several different computers now and it's always the same thing. Anyone else?

I was having this problem earlier as well. If you go through the school's home page, you can access a page explaining the whole error situation, and apparently it was fixed. They said if you're still getting the error message, it's because that page has already been cached on your browser, and these are the instructions they give you to help resolve the problem (copied and pasted):

Instructions for clearing your browser's cache. The following instructions are for Internet Explorer. Other browsers will have similar methods for clearing cached pages. Please do the following:

Close Internet Explorer if it is open.Then open Internet Explorer.

Click on "Tools" on the top menu bar.

Click on "Internet Options".
Select the "General" tab (the first tab at the top of the page)
by clicking on it.
Select the "Delete Cookies..." button in the "Temporary Internet File" section.

A confirmation popup will appear: Select the "OK" button.

Wait for the process to complete.
Select the "Delete Files..." button in the "Temporary Internet File" section.

In the confirmation popup, click the "Delete all offline content" checkbox.

Click the "OK" button.

Wait for the process to complete.
Select the "Settings..." button in the "Temporary Internet File" section.

From the "Settings" page, click the First selection: "Every visit to the page"

Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the "Settings" page. (there are
2 "OK" buttons visible, but only one of them will be active)

Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the page.

VERY IMPORTANT: Please exit Internet Explorer completely. Then, Open(launch) Internet Explorer.

In the Address Bar type the following address:
<<<http://www.rushsupp.com>>> Hit the Enter key.

Please note: this is the only way you should enter the web site.
If you try to bookmark another page, like the Login page, you will get erroneous results.

Please make the above settings and see if you can access the web site.


Hope this helps.
Has anyone else been unable to check their status?

Aside from seeing that my file was complete, I've never gotten any useful information from the status site. My interview invite/interview confirmation/interview instructions/acceptance all came via email.
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