Univ. of Rochester

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Hi Aunali :) I look forward to meeting you in August! Sorry, I know absolutely nothing about Whipple Park. But if WPK is really far away, have you considered buying a car? I thought I heard that public transportation in Rochester wasn't the best.

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atatr said:
Hi Aunali :) I look forward to meeting you in August! Sorry, I know absolutely nothing about Whipple Park. But if WPK is really far away, have you considered buying a car? I thought I heard that public transportation in Rochester wasn't the best.

I also know nothing about WPK, but the public transportation in Rochester is atrocious to say the least.
thanks, tinkerbelle and Rzarecta..i too look forward to meeting you all (oh btw, what are yr real names if you don't mind me asking)

abt the car: yup i actually do have a car (i live in Allentown, PA, where public transport is virtually non-existent :( so i'll be at home in Rochester :)
However i thought university of Rochester had a shuttle bus between departments residences etc? anyone know about this?

Nevertheless......i better head to bed now :sleep:

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ask1288 said:
thanks, tinkerbelle and Rzarecta..i too look forward to meeting you all (oh btw, what are yr real names if you don't mind me asking)

abt the car: yup i actually do have a car (i live in Allentown, PA, where public transport is virtually non-existent :( so i'll be at home in Rochester :)
However i thought university of Rochester had a shuttle bus between departments residences etc? anyone know about this?

Nevertheless......i better head to bed now :sleep:


Aunali, good to meet you. My name name is Vinit, but most people can't pronounce that and usually resort to Vin, Vinny, etc.
Hey guys..I never used this forum before. My name is Ajay and I'll be a 1st year at UR Medschool this fall too. I went to UR for undergrad too, so I might be able to answer some questions.

About Whipple Park, I know the UR shuttle buses are more reliable than regular public transportation, but it doesn't always follow the posted schedule (although I found it to usually be pretty close). You could also drive and park in the lot, but I would check to see how close the med student parking lot is to the med center, b/c UR has a lot of parking issues.

A good site for those who are still looking for off campus places to live is:
http://ochousing.reslife.rochester.edu/search.php?op=search. There are usually a lot of postings there.

Good luck and I look forward to meeting you all in the fall!

Take care,
hi Ajay :) Since you've lived in the area for a while, do you know how safe the area is right by the med school? Like is it safe enough for a girl to go running by herself in the morning?

~ Galina
IAmAUser said:
On my tour I was told that people often go jogging in mount hope cemetery (right behind the med school), although it might be slightly creepy to get your sweat on while running over the graves of Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony :scared:

I agree with this, and there is also a nice path by the undergraduate campus which follows the river, though it is kind of short. I don't really know the running paths too well since I am a treadmill person, but I may convert if I find somewhere nice.
Hmm. I'll have to check out the cemetery and the running paths. I don't remember my tour guide point that stuff out. I guess that shows how well I pay attention :p Usually I'm a treadmill gal too, but I thought it might be hard making it all the way to the gym before class. And I doubt my roommate would be pleased if I put on aerobics videos at 6 am :D
Hi all, i just checked out the list of text books in the "blue book" does anyone know if this list stays constant for this year as well? if not, does anyone have a current list...?


help me get a free digital camera, and get one for yourself too: http://************/exmma
tinkerbelle said:
Hmm. I'll have to check out the cemetery and the running paths. I don't remember my tour guide point that stuff out. I guess that shows how well I pay attention :p Usually I'm a treadmill gal too, but I thought it might be hard making it all the way to the gym before class. And I doubt my roommate would be pleased if I put on aerobics videos at 6 am :D

Also, when I was on my tour, the med school gym seemed quite crowded. I will probably just go to the undergrad one, since the facilities are wonderful and I am already comfortable with it.

I'm new to SDN... I'll be a first-year student at Rochester this fall as well. My name is Melisa and I'm really excited about Rochester!!! :)

Looking forward to meeting you all,

-Meli :laugh:
Hi Melisa, i haven't been too active on SDN, but nevertheless, welcome aboard. I look forward to meting you in august as well.

Aunali :laugh:
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For those looking for housing, the person I'm renting from (also an incoming first year) is still looking for 2 more people. The house is three short blocks from the hospital's main entrance and is pretty nice. PM me if you'd like the contact details for the owner.

By the way, when is everyone planning on coming to Rochester? I should be there on or about July 12th.

Anyway, I can't wait to meet everyone at orientation or before!
Larsitron said:
For those looking for housing, the person I'm renting from (also an incoming first year) is still looking for 2 more people. The house is three short blocks from the hospital's main entrance and is pretty nice. PM me if you'd like the contact details for the owner.

By the way, when is everyone planning on coming to Rochester? I should be there on or about July 12th.

Anyway, I can't wait to meet everyone at orientation or before!

I will be in rochester by the end of July, hopefully the 22nd-24th. My roommate is a local and is moving into our place the 1st of July. Anyways, everyone that is coming earlier, let's all get together before registration! I can't wait to meet you all!


I'm probably only coming to Roch during the 2nd week of August, but I'd def be down to meet up before orientation starts.

Take care,
ducle7 said:

I'm probably only coming to Roch during the 2nd week of August, but I'd def be down to meet up before orientation starts.

Take care,

Yo Ajay, how's your summer going?
Wow, some of you are moving really early! I'm not coming till Aug 5th.
tinkerbelle said:
Wow, some of you are moving really early! I'm not coming till Aug 5th.

me too, (at least that was my plan). However, if a lot of people are movin in early, i might just decide to come a bit earlier...we'll see :)
I don't know how true this is (a realter gave me this info): But the roads in the Park Avenue area will be closed Aug 6-7 for some festival. I was asking a first year about it, and he didn't know what I was talking about. But at any rate, it's something to watch out for if you're moving in that weekend.
Wow, I'm not even planning to move in till August 10... You guys are hard core...

mc495 said:
Wow, I'm not even planning to move in till August 10... You guys are hard core...

Well, I'm only moving so I can get to know the area, relax for a while, and get settled before school starts. Coming from Arizona is going to be quite the change for me, so it'll be nice to have the time to just take it easy.
mc495 said:
Wow, I'm not even planning to move in till August 10... You guys are hard core...


No, YOU are hardcore!
tinkerbelle said:
hi Ajay :) Since you've lived in the area for a while, do you know how safe the area is right by the med school? Like is it safe enough for a girl to go running by herself in the morning?

~ Galina

I think that the school area is pretty safe...I know students have run into trouble on the other side of the River Campus, which is close to the jogging path Vinny was talking about. I think it should be fine in the mornings though.
You can also jog in Genessee Valley Park or Highland Park, both of which are really nice.

Rzarecta said:
Yo Ajay, how's your summer going?

Hey Vinny,

My summer is going pretty well. I'm working a lot during the week at an investment bank, Credit Suisse First Boston, but hanging out w/ friends and family during the weekends and enjoying NYC. I finally got my housing stuff for next year straightened out - I'm living w/ Samit (one of my fraternity bros that graduated last year) in Goler 310. How's your (and everyone else's on SDN) summer going?

Take care,
ducle7 said:
Hey Vinny,

My summer is going pretty well. I'm working a lot during the week at an investment bank, Credit Suisse First Boston, but hanging out w/ friends and family during the weekends and enjoying NYC. I finally got my housing stuff for next year straightened out - I'm living w/ Samit (one of my fraternity bros that graduated last year) in Goler 310. How's your (and everyone else's on SDN) summer going?

Take care,

My summer is going pretty well. That said, it is also a very lazy one. It picks up this monday, when I go to a cousins wedding. Then I go straight to my friend's wedding, and afterwards head up to Rochester. How bout you all?
I'm a second year med student at UR. I'll try to answer some questions and calm some of your nerves about the transition into medical school.

Tinkerbelle, I run all the time around the med school area. Granted, I am a male, so it's difficult for me to comment on the safety for a female, but in my opinion the med school area is safe. It starts to become unsafe as you cross the river, but on the med school side of the river it is just fine. I lived on Raleigh st during my first year and I usually either ran the loop around mt hope, to Westmoreland and down Castleman, or along the canal path. I'm sure you'll be able to find some great places to run. If not, just ask some of us second years. The gym is open 24/7, so you can always hop on a treadmill.

As for housing, the area around the hospital is very convenient. Many people decide to live there, but just as many prefer to live elsewhere. The main advantage is parking. Parking is a pain. The walk from my apartment was less than the walk from the parking lot. The disadvantage of living close to school is that there's really nothing there. So if you want to go to a nice restaurant, bar, club, whatever, you'll have to go elsewhere. On the other hand, if you live over towards Park or East Ave, all that stuff is right there. As for Whipple Park, they are nice, but not exactly walking distance. It can be done, but in the winter it would be miserable. There is however a bus that will take you from whipple park and drop you at the corner of crittenden and kendrick. It is pretty reliable.

As for books, I don't remember the exact question but I'll try to describe what I went through. I made the mistake of going through the bluebook and buying almost every book recommended before classes had even started. There are 2 reasons you should NOT do this. First of all, you should take a look at the books before you buy them (I ordered mine online). Everybody learns differently, and therefore not all books are geared towards your particular learning style. You will learn very quickly how to find a text that will work for you. The second reason not to do this is because many current UR students (Myself included :D) will sell their textbooks to you and you can save some money. Many people send out mass emails with a list of books they have for sale in the beginning of the year.

Last but not least, MMI. My class (actually I think every class has this issue) made the mistake of worrying too much about MMI. It is not a difficult class, but many people go nuts over it since it is their first class in medical school. Just relax during the first month. Use that time to get to know your class and other classes. Make friends. Keep yourself entertained by counting how many times Dr. Pearson says "Ummmm, Uh, or any variation of those forementioned." (You'll soon learn exactly what I am talking about).

If any of you have questions about anything feel free to ask. Enjoy the rest of your summer, I'll see you in August.


ZekeMD said:
I'm a second year med student at UR. I'll try to answer some questions and calm some of your nerves about the transition into medical school.

Tinkerbelle, I run all the time around the med school area. Granted, I am a male, so it's difficult for me to comment on the safety for a female, but in my opinion the med school area is safe. It starts to become unsafe as you cross the river, but on the med school side of the river it is just fine. I lived on Raleigh st during my first year and I usually either ran the loop around mt hope, to Westmoreland and down Castleman, or along the canal path. I'm sure you'll be able to find some great places to run. If not, just ask some of us second years. The gym is open 24/7, so you can always hop on a treadmill.

As for housing, the area around the hospital is very convenient. Many people decide to live there, but just as many prefer to live elsewhere. The main advantage is parking. Parking is a pain. The walk from my apartment was less than the walk from the parking lot. The disadvantage of living close to school is that there's really nothing there. So if you want to go to a nice restaurant, bar, club, whatever, you'll have to go elsewhere. On the other hand, if you live over towards Park or East Ave, all that stuff is right there. As for Whipple Park, they are nice, but not exactly walking distance. It can be done, but in the winter it would be miserable. There is however a bus that will take you from whipple park and drop you at the corner of crittenden and kendrick. It is pretty reliable.

As for books, I don't remember the exact question but I'll try to describe what I went through. I made the mistake of going through the bluebook and buying almost every book recommended before classes had even started. There are 2 reasons you should NOT do this. First of all, you should take a look at the books before you buy them (I ordered mine online). Everybody learns differently, and therefore not all books are geared towards your particular learning style. You will learn very quickly how to find a text that will work for you. The second reason not to do this is because many current UR students (Myself included :D) will sell their textbooks to you and you can save some money. Many people send out mass emails with a list of books they have for sale in the beginning of the year.

Last but not least, MMI. My class (actually I think every class has this issue) made the mistake of worrying too much about MMI. It is not a difficult class, but many people go nuts over it since it is their first class in medical school. Just relax during the first month. Use that time to get to know your class and other classes. Make friends. Keep yourself entertained by counting how many times Dr. Pearson says "Ummmm, Uh, or any variation of those forementioned." (You'll soon learn exactly what I am talking about).

If any of you have questions about anything feel free to ask. Enjoy the rest of your summer, I'll see you in August.



I agree with what Justin said. And I'll echo the sentiment: DO NOT BUY BOOKS. Period. I'm being completely honest when I say that the only books I used routinely in all of first-year were the Netter Atlas (which you get for free), Rohen's Atlas, and Stedman's (which you can get for free). Every other book I bought (probably 20 or so) went completely or almost completely unused (perhaps I opened a couple of them once each to look up something for a PBL or something) and given that, I could have just as easily taken them out from reserve at the library. I believe this was the case for me (and plenty of other students in the class) because the syllabi you get in each class are so incredibly detailed, clear, concise, and thorough that they're all you need to study and do well.
ZekeMD said:
Tinkerbelle, I run all the time around the med school area. Granted, I am a male, so it's difficult for me to comment on the safety for a female, but in my opinion the med school area is safe. It starts to become unsafe as you cross the river, but on the med school side of the river it is just fine. I lived on Raleigh st during my first year and I usually either ran the loop around mt hope, to Westmoreland and down Castleman, or along the canal path. I'm sure you'll be able to find some great places to run. If not, just ask some of us second years. The gym is open 24/7, so you can always hop on a treadmill.

Perfect. I'm living on Raleigh Street, so I'll check out the loop you're talking about. And I didn't know the gym was open 24/7. That's good too :)

I'm glad you and josehernandez posted about not buying the recommended books. I was about to buy all those books in the blue book :p

Hey, just in case y'all decide to meet up before orientation, my real AIM screen name is purpleprincess22 (i rarely use the dr tink one).
Hey, I'm living at Goler too... :)

My summer is going well. I've basically been hanging out with friends and working part time. Happy 4rth of July weekend to all!


ducle7 said:
Hey Vinny,

My summer is going pretty well. I'm working a lot during the week at an investment bank, Credit Suisse First Boston, but hanging out w/ friends and family during the weekends and enjoying NYC. I finally got my housing stuff for next year straightened out - I'm living w/ Samit (one of my fraternity bros that graduated last year) in Goler 310. How's your (and everyone else's on SDN) summer going?

Take care,
Alright everyone. I'll be signing off for the next few days as I'll be driving from Tucson to Rochester. I'll post again when I get there.
hey guys,

my sn is ducle7, but i'm not on aim too often b/c i still have dial up at home.

ps. have a safe trip to the R-O-C Larsitron

Hope you're having an awesome road trip, Lars. That's quite a drive :)
Hey, does anybody know if Rochester provides us with AntiVirus software? I'm wondering if I should buy my own....
I don't know how it works for the med school, but in undergrad they gave us some anti-virus program (I think Trend MicroScan?) but it was pretty bad and the tech people told me to get my own anti-virus software.

ducle7 said:
I don't know how it works for the med school, but in undergrad they gave us some anti-virus program (I think Trend MicroScan?) but it was pretty bad and the tech people told me to get my own anti-virus software.

haha.. the tech ppl should complain to the school.

Does anybody know if the Rochester Medical School provides antivirus software, or how I can find out? (I got this McAfee software from Buy.com, thinking that i would be able to use two rebates and get it free, but i realized i can't use one of the rebates. >.<)
Has anybody tried checking their Rochester email account, or is that something that we will only be able to access after we register? Thanks. =)
tiamoth said:
Has anybody tried checking their Rochester email account, or is that something that we will only be able to access after we register? Thanks. =)

You will only be able to access email after you register. You need to setup your password. I can tell you however, that your email will be the following

[email protected]

As for the antivirus software, I purchased my own. If you want it for free, I'm sure there are many computer-savy people in your class or the second year class who can accomodate you (But I didnt tell you that). I dont believe the medical school offers better AV software than the undergrad. I hope this helps. See you in August.

Hey everyone! I'm really tired so I'll make this short, but I just thought that I'd say that I'm in Rochester if anyone wants to hang out. I'll be busy through Thursday afternoon, but after that I'm totally open. Can't wait to meet everyone!
Welcome to Rochacha :D.

Or as I like to call it, R-town. Get it? Our Town? Hah hahhah I am so funny and original.
If pirates were here, it'd be "arrrr-town."
Guys forgive me for hijacking your thread....

But Tinkerbelle hardly ever posts in the regular threads anymore so I had to mess with her in here. :p

Does anyone watch Judge Joe Brown? I am home sick today and too tired to reach for the remote control. They have a secretary at U of Rochester med school on today. Apparently she lent her scooter to a friend who abandoned it at a crack hourse...

HILARIOUS!!! :laugh:

Anyway guys I wish you all good luck. Study hard and enjoy yourselves.


The "friend" of the med school secretary was also took her braclet and wig out of the back of the scooter.

P.s. this is my favorite "Class of... " thread. You guys are very friendly.
hi sunnyjohn :)

So what'd you decide to do about London?

Anyways. I hope you feel better soon :luck: :luck:
tinkerbelle said:
hi sunnyjohn :)

So what'd you decide to do about London?

Anyways. I hope you feel better soon :luck: :luck:

Thanks Tink,

Well I am going to apply to London, BU and Hopkins. I have over a year before I have to make any decision so I thought I might as well apply to all of them and see what happens. My fiance is trying to move things around so he can join me. If I get the scholarship I might just do the MPH in London. It only takes a year and would be such fun.

Are you all moved in up in Rochester? Found a car, a place to live and a jogging trail?

I have really been looking over the Rochester website since I started posting in this thread so I MAY be joining you. You guys will all probably be MSIV's by then. lol.
Are you guys signing up for the AMA/MSSNY/Monroe CMS thing we got in the mail? I know we get a JAMA subscription and and a dictionary and all, but I don't know if it's really necessary. $84 can buy a whole lot of drinks :p
sunnyjohn said:
I have really been looking over the Rochester website since I started posting in this thread so I MAY be joining you. You guys will all probably be MSIV's by then. lol.

Well let us know :) You can pump all of us for info on URochester :p
tinkerbelle said:
Are you guys signing up for the AMA/MSSNY/Monroe CMS thing we got in the mail? I know we get a JAMA subscription and and a dictionary and all, but I don't know if it's really necessary. $84 can buy a whole lot of drinks :p

Hm. I didn't get any of this information in the mail, but that could be because my AMCAS address is still listed as Glendale, AZ. I'll make sure to update that and U of R tomorrow. When did you get that stuff in the mail?
Larsitron said:
Hm. I didn't get any of this information in the mail, but that could be because my AMCAS address is still listed as Glendale, AZ. I'll make sure to update that and U of R tomorrow. When did you get that stuff in the mail?

I believe I received it on Saturday. The packet also had a book explaining PBL. So how are you enjoying Rochester so far? Have you met anyone else in our class?
I did this, I'm not sure if it's worth it. The JAMA subscription is nice, but I rarely have time to read it. Besides, JAMA is available online. The stedmans dictionary is nice, but it is an abridged version. There are complete versions in every PBL room. The book and subscription are basically just ways to get people to join AMA.