TOUROCOM - New York Discussion thread 2007-2008

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Just out of curiosity, is the class filled yet?

Are they still interviewing at TouroCOM? I curious cuz I know almost every other school is full and is just interviewing for waitlist now.

yeah a lot of schools are filling up quickly. i know the midwesterns are pretty much done for now. i think it's just interviews for alternates and waitlist positions now. i was actually kind of surprise to hear azcom filled up so fast after the class increase.

I just withdrew my other acceptance so I will definitely be at TOUROCOM next year!!!!!

congrats. i look forward to seeing u there next year. i still have to pull some of my other acceptances too. i'm so excited, next stop medical school

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Hey, can anyone tell me if there is a bookstore at Touro? I didn't see one so do you guys buy books online? Is there a cafeteria at Touro?
i was wondering about the books also. I got the suggested book list from touro, but the list is like 5 to 6 pages long. I know someone told me that the worst mistake he did was buy all the suggested books. Does anyone know what books should you buy and what book you should not?
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Hey a8, when did you receive this? Did anyone else receive it? I haven't gotten it!!!
haha relax, i got it when i went there three weeks ago to pay my deposit. I asked for it there and they gave it to me. But that is one long list, i would try to call and see if they can email it to you.
a817 you almost gave me a heart attack. I keep thinking I forgot to pay a deposit or that I got left off the accepted list or something. I guess I need something to worry about now that I got into my first choice school, right? ;)
yea i think i will be wasting all my worrying on a place to live :eek:, luckily i live in queens so it shouldn't be too bad finding a place.
I wouldn't recommend buying all the required books on that list. For some classes it is imperative to have the book to pass; in others you won't ever open it. Also I believe when you sign up for SOMA you get a free copy of Netters so that'll save you some cash.

There's no bookstore at TouroCOM but we do have a code to order books directly from the manufacturer for a 20% discount. They contacted us over the summer asking what books we wanted and we put in order in through them and got them for cheaper than I could find on any websites, so I'd wait for that.

You really really really don't need to be studying for next year at this point, so don't rush to get the books. Take this summer and relax, move to the city (if you don't live here), and get situated, because once school starts you're not going to have time to do the things you put off and wish you would have.
Believe me, Colbert, I DO NOT want to study right now. I was just scared that I had somehow missed a critical piece of information. I have been enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having the past few days in NYC. Do you guys have any time to enjoy it?
Yeah we still find some time to enjoy it, it's just going to be hard once it's really nice in May and early June and we still have finals. I'm one of those people who needs to go out and do something totally unrelated to school a couple times a week to relax though, so for me it's sanity-saving to enjoy the weather or go out on a Friday night and have a couple drinks.
hi guys, anyone know the status on how full the class is and when waitlist movement is going to start?

i know this is being brought up repeatedly, but for people on the waitlist, its the only thing we can think about!!
hi guys, anyone know the status on how full the class is and when waitlist movement is going to start?

i know this is being brought up repeatedly, but for people on the waitlist, its the only thing we can think about!!

according to this forum (i saw it on the offical withdraw list that is going on in this forum), some one withdrew yesterday. I would send a Letter of intent. So that is one seat there.
So anyone in New York City that wants to hang out today or tomorrow? I have a thing tomorrow at about 6pm and because I came here alone, everone i knew were either having finals or didnt want to spend the money lol, i dont want to be bored the next 2-3 days.
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hi guys, anyone know the status on how full the class is and when waitlist movement is going to start?

i know this is being brought up repeatedly, but for people on the waitlist, its the only thing we can think about!!

We have a 2nd deposit of $1000 due on May 15th. And unless I'm mistaken, I believe I've been hearing of a lot of other schools having deposits due around then too. For people who still are holding onto more than one acceptance, this will probably be a time when decisions are made. I'm sure there will be lots of waitlist movement in the next couple weeks or so! Good luck!

So anyone in New York City that wants to hang out today or tomorrow? I have a thing tomorrow at about 6pm and because I came here alone, everone i knew were either having finals or didnt want to spend the money lol, i dont want to be bored the next 2-3 days.

What better place is there to be bored in?! Wish i could say I was up there to hang out, but I'm at school studying for finals. :( I do know a few first years at Touro if you want to meet up with any of them. PM me if you're interested! Have fun!
So anyone in New York City that wants to hang out today or tomorrow? I have a thing tomorrow at about 6pm and because I came here alone, everone i knew were either having finals or didnt want to spend the money lol, i dont want to be bored the next 2-3 days.

I could be free like 9-10 ish, anyone else in the ny area free to hangout? I guess pm me if anything.
according to this forum (i saw it on the offical withdraw list that is going on in this forum), some one withdrew yesterday. I would send a Letter of intent. So that is one seat there.

Yup, that was me. Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear!
anyone on the waitlist hear anything yet?
Nope, nothing yet. Are we supposed to be starting to hear something??

Btw, does anyone know about how many people are in each waitlist category? (i.e. High, Medium, Low)?
I've got a interview this coming Friday. I'm so nervous, it's my first interview ever, and it's my only shot this year. I really hope I get in. Any suggestions?
I know someone who got in off the waitlist a few months ago. She was "high waitlist". I think they've been pulling people off as the year goes on.
Dear Friends,

Some of you might be aware that many Jews mark tonight and tomorrow, the 27th of Nissan in the Hebrew calendar, as "Yom HaShoah" -- a day of remembrance of "the Holocaust" -- specifically commemorating the murder of 6 million Jews and 5 million other victims of the Nazis. Many observant Jews include remembrances of this holocaust along with commemorating and learning from other tragedies in our history on "Tish'a B'Av (the 9th of Av)" in the summer, so Yom HaShoah has not become a full-fledged national holiday marked unanimously by the entire Jewish people. Also, many communities
conduct programs about the Nazi holocaust in November on "Kristallnacht". Nevertheless, some do offer programs on this day.

Here at Touro, we do a program for Kristallnacht, and we also say prayers for and learn lessons from the Nazi holocaust along with other tragedies on the day of Tish'a B'Av. Although we don't do a program for Yom HaShoah, I wanted to acknowledge and inform you about it.

Even more than that, I want to draw your attention to a way that we can concretely use the lessons of one tragedy to motivate us to stand against and deter others. Specifically, I am copying into this email a notice I received from the American Jewish World Service publicizing such a campaign.

To be honest, I faced a bit of a dilemma regarding whether to forward this to you all, as I realize some could view this as a political piece and we generally discourage dissemination of political material in our Touro lists. On the other hand, it would go against our values to remain silent while people suffer and we could do something about it. So, hoping for your indulgence, I am sending this out. If you do not feel so moved to act on this particular cause, perhaps you can select another cause that does move you and you can act on that one instead.

Please scroll down to the bottom of this email and read the relevant quotes I've added.

May the memories of those martyred by the Nazis serve as inspiration to us to vigilantly oppose persecution of others, and to treat each other on both personal and national levels with justice and love.




Dear Rabbi,

Tonight marks the beginning of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, when we honor the memory of the six million Jews who were slaughtered while the world stood silently by. As Jews, we have a deep understanding of the danger of inaction in the face of genocide. And so Yom HaShoah also serves as a reminder that as global citizens and advocates for justice, there is much more that we can do - especially for the people of Darfur.

This Yom HaShoah, please join me and other members of the AJWS community by signing an open letter that calls on President Bush not to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing. AJWS will deliver signatures to the White House on Monday, May 12.

China has acted as both an enabler and protector of the government of Sudan. Since 2004, China has supplied 90 percent of all small arms purchased by Sudan - weapons used in the murder and forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Darfuri people. And as Sudan's largest trading partner, China continually thwarts international action to end the violence in Darfur. The attendance of President Bush at the opening ceremony would implicitly endorse the actions of the government of China.

In the words of Elie Wiesel, "a memorial unresponsive to the future would violate the memory of the past." Please join me in taking action for the people of Darfur this Yom HaShoah by signing the open letter to President Bush asking him not to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympics this summer.



Ruth Messinger
President, AJWS

Take Action

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana (16 December 1863 in Madrid, Spain – 26 September 1952 in Rome, Italy), was a philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller (14 January 1892 – 6 March 1984) was a Protestant pastor and social activist.


Yitzchak (Kenny) Kaufman
Rabbi, Director of Campus Life

Touro University, Mare Island, California

(707) 638-5507
[email protected]
hey when is orientation? what is it like?

BTW: I am going to be at Touro on the 15th to pay the deposit ( I live in NYC), is anyone one else going to touro to pay the deposit on that day? If so it would be cool if we all could meet up or something.
Rotations are totally open, and thats a good thing. I'm setting up a core rotation, probably, in Texas, and we are allowed because its completely student directed. (As long as its going to further our education)

This may be a completely ******ed question but does this mean that you can set up your 3rd year rotations in places outside of NYC? I would prefer to stay in NY for educational purposes but for personal reasons may need to leave...
a817, I may go this Thursday to hand in my deposit. What time are you planning to go?
Hi guys, its getting close to the May 15 second deposit date...has anyone heard anything about waitlist movement? Does anyone know how many people are in each waitlist section (High, Medium, Low)? I feel like I'm gonna pull all my hair out waiting!!
to all the waitlisters and to the current students on their finals!
I interviewed on May 2nd and I was just accepted yesterday!! So, there is still time.
Good luck and hi to all of my new classmates!! :love:
I was reading the FAQ for D.O. schools and I saw that the residency match rate for NYCOM was 45%.

If only 45% of the graduates get a residency, what is the other option?

What is the match rate for Touro-NY?
I was reading the FAQ for D.O. schools and I saw that the residency match rate for NYCOM was 45%.

If only 45% of the graduates get a residency, what is the other option?

What is the match rate for Touro-NY?
there isn't at match rate yet, because this is the first year that Touro-NY has been open, so the students haven't gone through the match, or even the COMLEX yet.
I was reading the FAQ for D.O. schools and I saw that the residency match rate for NYCOM was 45%.

If only 45% of the graduates get a residency, what is the other option?

What is the match rate for Touro-NY?

That may just be their match rate into AOA residencies. There is also the option to participate in the allopathic match, which I believe about 40% of graduating DO's do. If the match rate for NYCOM there said 45%, I'd venture to guess they had a higher percentage match into allopathic residencies. I would be shocked if almost every single graduate from there didn't match into something.
Yeah! Today is May 15! I think today is the start of people taking their name off the list, so the wait list will move and we can welcome new class mates.
when do classes start? when do we (first year students) need to be there??
I was just accepted into this year's class and I'm looking for roommates to live with in NYC. Is anyone intereseted? Or can someone atleast give me info on decent places to look?
Congratulations twmay! Were you pulled off the waitlist or did you interview recently?
I interviewed on May 9 and was accepted May 16
so i guess everyone got the course schedule email today. I wanted to know how much do shelf exams matter on grades? Kind of worried about them
alright guys, we're on the home stretch. TOUROCOM-NY REPRESENT!!!!
I'm coming to TOURO! I made my decision two weeks ago and I can't wait to meet everyone :)
so i guess everyone got the course schedule email today. I wanted to know how much do shelf exams matter on grades? Kind of worried about them

I am pretty sure they are not graded but are required.
I am pretty sure they are not graded but are required.

thanks, it would suck if we have finals and the shelfs used in our grades :confused:
I am pretty sure they are not graded but are required.

They are graded, but do not count towards anything. Know what I mean? Kind of a gauge for them and for you.
They are graded, but do not count towards anything. Know what I mean? Kind of a gauge for them and for you.

I'm confused. So what exams do count in our final grades? Only our finals?
I'm confused. So what exams do count in our final grades? Only our finals?

Yes. The shelf exams are for your information only. They do not count as any sort of academic grade.
Yes. The shelf exams are for your information only. They do not count as any sort of academic grade.

I think I must be really dense. Or tired. I'll go with tired. I'm still confused about how grades are weighed. Maybe you can explain the difference in terminology? What's the difference between an exam, a midterm exam, a practical, a final, and a shelf exam in terms of the weight on our grade?

I'm confused because our schedule lists a number of things entitled "exam" but very few things labeled "shelf" or "final" and it seems unlikely that all of those exams would not carry any weight in our grades.

And no, I'm not stressing out about my grades prematurely. I'm just trying to understand the system because it's very different than the hyper traditional semester grading that I'm used to. Thanks!
I think I must be really dense. Or tired. I'll go with tired. I'm still confused about how grades are weighed. Maybe you can explain the difference in terminology? What's the difference between an exam, a midterm exam, a practical, a final, and a shelf exam in terms of the weight on our grade?

I'm confused because our schedule lists a number of things entitled "exam" but very few things labeled "shelf" or "final" and it seems unlikely that all of those exams would not carry any weight in our grades.

And no, I'm not stressing out about my grades prematurely. I'm just trying to understand the system because it's very different than the hyper traditional semester grading that I'm used to. Thanks!

It's really class-to-class. Some of the finals are cumulative finals and weighed differently than other exams. Others are "finals" and are just the last exam of the class. Practicals are exams that are in the lab where you have to go around to different cadavers in anatomy, different slides in histology, or different brains in neuroanatomy and identify structures. They are more like regular exams, they're just not paper and pencil exams.

The shelf exams are practice board exams. They don't count for or against you, they're just to let you know where you stand against other medical students across the country and help you to identify your weak points for the boards.

So to recap, grades are determined by midterms, practicals, and finals/"finals." Shelf exams are just practice for the boards.

In my opinion it's better to just wait till school starts and get the syllabus from each professor.
Has everyone finished their financial aid stuff? Is there a Stafford Loan preferred list somewhere?
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