****Official KCOM Class of 2009****

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JohnDO said:
How do students handle health insurance, especially if you're not employed? Is there a company that everyone uses or through the school somehow?

I'm actually starting to look into the same thing. I have been told that most medical schools offer some sort of group plan, but I have yet to contact KCOM about it. I'll let you know what I hear from the school if anything.

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pennylane said:
I'm actually starting to look into the same thing. I have been told that most medical schools offer some sort of group plan, but I have yet to contact KCOM about it. I'll let you know what I hear from the school if anything.

kcom does NOT offer any sort of insurance. many of us end up with crappy insurance through fortis student select or bcbs of missouri (that's only inpatient/surgery coverage). some people join SOMA and get insurance through them.

there are options, but it takes some effort to find.
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Originally Posted by MedicfletchYes, cant thank you enough. Any other usefull bits of info anyone can provide about classes and life in general in Kirksville is greatly appreciated.

I went to Truman state - as did my husband - so, we've lived here for a while....I am currently an MS4 doing my rotations here in Kville and I will be staying here to do the surgery residency...

Here is the most important advice I can give to incoming students...
Please, don't come here and complain about Kirksville the entire time you are here. If you get here and constantly complain about the town, the people, or the lack of things to do - you obviously only got into one place...or you didn't research your decision very well....and in that case...it's your own fault you ended up here. I had people in my class complain about the lack of SUSHI..yeah, SUSHI.... I was also told that the fruits and veges here were not good...hello..you are in the heartland! Grow your own frickin garden.

Anyway, that's what I found to be the most frustrating thing about listening to people in my class. Also, the town's people accept us and like the fact that we bring business to the community. However, they don't like it when they overhear a bunch of pompous medical students sitting in a restaurant complaining about how lame their town it.

So, I guess if you come here - and end up hating it...it's only 2 years and really try to make the best of it. It really does suck at times. However, when your time is limited, it's very nice to not have a 30-40 minute commute each way...or have stores within 5 minutes...the little things like that are very appreciated when your time is as valuable as our is!

Best of luck to you all....and you can come over to the hospital and observe surgeries any time!
JohnDO said:
Bit of an odd question here... any current KCOM students know if there are any karate places around kville? I've tried searching on the internet, but didn't really come up with anything. I'm thinking about starting karate here, but I don't know if I will if I can't continue on in kirksville.


okay, so tonight i was driving around and actually noticed a tai kwon do business near downtown.

just thought i'd let you know.
double elle said:
I went to Truman state - as did my husband - so, we've lived here for a while....I am currently an MS4 doing my rotations here in Kville and I will be staying here to do the surgery residency...

Here is the most important advice I can give to incoming students...
Please, don't come here and complain about Kirksville the entire time you are here. If you get here and constantly complain about the town, the people, or the lack of things to do - you obviously only got into one place...or you didn't research your decision very well....and in that case...it's your own fault you ended up here. I had people in my class complain about the lack of SUSHI..yeah, SUSHI.... I was also told that the fruits and veges here were not good...hello..you are in the heartland! Grow your own frickin garden.

Anyway, that's what I found to be the most frustrating thing about listening to people in my class. Also, the town's people accept us and like the fact that we bring business to the community. However, they don't like it when they overhear a bunch of pompous medical students sitting in a restaurant complaining about how lame their town it.

So, I guess if you come here - and end up hating it...it's only 2 years and really try to make the best of it. It really does suck at times. However, when your time is limited, it's very nice to not have a 30-40 minute commute each way...or have stores within 5 minutes...the little things like that are very appreciated when your time is as valuable as our is!

Best of luck to you all....and you can come over to the hospital and observe surgeries any time!

i agree, but this place seems to get a bit claustrophobic at times. you're always around the same people and basically doing the same things and the town of 17K people starts to seem like a town of 200.

people in my class do complain as well about the place, but not to the extent where they're miserable being here. there's plenty of things to do here and in the surrounding areas. i actually find it nice to have to travel 2 hrs to get somewhere... sometimes it's the drive that's more enjoyable that being in columbia or kansas city or des moines. it's more relaxing.

the people here are great for the most part. try to frequent locally owned shops (washington st java co., il spazio, the farmer's market in the fall, etc.). you'll meet a lot of great people. there's a great meat market about 10 miles north of town if you're into that kind of thing.

anyway, you can get most of what you want in the area (with the exception of sushi as my class likes to complain about as well!!) and the town's not bad. just know that it's smallish, but tolerable.

it is frustrating to hear people complain about the town all the time. i have to admit i complain about it too. most of the time it's really just a manifestation of the stress of getting everything done and the need to vent some of the frustration. make sure you can live here before you come here though. (though if you only get into one school, it probably wouldn't matter if it was a town of 15 people, you'd come here anyway...) try to make the best of it, even if you're not used to a small town. you might enjoy it if you give it a chance.
Well, this is it. Time to overcome that fear of commitment. :oops: Check's going in the mail today! With a little faith in the USPS (lol), I should be joining the KCOM class of 2009...

It seems like a town of 200 because it is. I live in breakout room 2 (do you remember that big moving truck that parked outside of the Rhodes' lab; that was me). The only roads I know in Kirksville are Northtown and osteopathy.

About complaining, to be honest, I don't think I hear our class complain about anything except histology and Dr. Uray's ID quizzes.

About Karate, I know that Dr. Patrick is the resident martial artist at KCOM--he would be somebody to talk to.

For those preparing to come to school I wish that I had moved in 2-3 weeks before I did. We have just way too much stuff and there is so little time to unpack during school. Come about a month in advance.

For those debating between schools, find out if the school will set up your third and fourth year rotations for you or not. Many don't, but KCOM does. That would have been a major factor in my school selection, but I didn't know about it until after I picked KCOM. I made the right decision in ignorance.
Welcome Pennylane and (Caffeine)Junkie!! :D

Can't wait to meet you in the fall!
Hello Assistant and fellow KCOMers. I have a question for anyone currently living in Kirksville or researching housing... Does anyone know if there is affordable housing available anywhere that allows multiple pets? I have several cats... Everything I see says one small pet. Hmmmm... Getting a little worried... As many cows and such as there are, you wouldn't think the domestic housecat would pose such a threat! Thanks.
I guess I should say hi to all my future classmates. I received my acceptance in January and just decided a few days ago that this is definately my first choice. I am coming from the University of Iowa where I graduated in May of 2004 with a degree in Biomedical Engineering. I have been working for almost a year now as a Health Research Science Specialist at the VA in Iowa City and I am glad to be starting school in August. I never thought I would tell myself that I wanted to go back to school but real life working sucks. Especially in a job that you don't really care for that much. I am originally from Iowa, I grew up in Altoona and have never left the state so going to Missouri will be different for me even though it is not that far away. I guess I am just a Midwest kind of girl. I am 22 right now and will be 23 when I start school. I just now started looking into what I want to do for housing. I can't decide whether I want to live by myself or with someone else. I have been living by myself for the last year and I absolutely love it. I would kind of feel bad living with someone else because my cats impose strict rules on me. They absolutely do not like other animals in their house so if I moved in with someone else, I would have to ask to bring my cats but tell them that they couldn't have any pets and if I found a place myself and asked to have a roomate I would have to tell them that, "oh I have pets, but you aren't allowed to have them." Does this seem mean, should I just live by myself? They are the sweetest cats and they just cuddle up to you when ever you sit down but other animals they just don't like. They never have an accident anywhere unless you bring in another pet and then they will pee on your stuff to show you that they are pissed off but the minute you take the other animal away, they are perfectly fine. They are just wierd and I guess they kind of control my life but I couldn't imagine not having them. Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi to all my fellow classmates and hope to see you all next year. Now comes the hard part of securing housing, financial aid, and moving.

I am a 4th year and currently do not live in K,ville, but I did not have a problem finding a place to live that allowed pets. I was concerned befor I visited, but once i got there and started calling around many people were comfortable with you having pets once they knew you were a KCOM student and not a townie or Truman Student. As far as living by yourself I would highly recommend it, mainly because it is so cheap to live there. I rented a good sized 2 bedroom place for 325/month. I had a friend that rented a house with a yard for 550/month. Anyway, hope that helps?!
C8H10N4O2Junkie said:
Hello Assistant and fellow KCOMers. I have a question for anyone currently living in Kirksville or researching housing... Does anyone know if there is affordable housing available anywhere that allows multiple pets? I have several cats... Everything I see says one small pet. Hmmmm... Getting a little worried... As many cows and such as there are, you wouldn't think the domestic housecat would pose such a threat! Thanks.

i have 2 cats as well...trying to figure out what i am going to do. might have someone take them for me.
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i hope some of my future fellow KCOMers have my back on this one. if any of you are bored, check out the thread i started on the OSTEOPATHIC list titled something like "i need everyone's help!!"

christ...i knew it was kind of lame, but if you read my follow up posts i would hope most of you see where i was coming from. they were pissing me off!!! :mad: :)
Just ignore them. It's the same people over and over who overreact and like to argue about everything.
JohnDO said:
Just ignore them. It's the same people over and over who overreact and like to argue about everything.

cool...thanks. i have one friend so far hahaha
Does everyone know what specialty they're interested in? I just found a 5 year EM/IM program, which looks like a great option for me, since I've always been interested in both. I've also been looking into cardiology and other IM sub-specialties. What about everyone else?
JohnDO said:
Does everyone know what specialty they're interested in? I just found a 5 year EM/IM program, which looks like a great option for me, since I've always been interested in both. I've also been looking into cardiology and other IM sub-specialties. What about everyone else?

i am somewhat interested in cardiology as well. however, that is all i see. i have been doing stress testing, cardiac rehab, and MA type stuff at cardiology clinics for a number of years. i am also interested in some "hard" specialties...but do not really want to think about it too much until i get my first usmle scores back. if you know what i mean.

the things that future interventional cardiologists might be able to do in the cath lab are interesting as well. there will be no shortage of patients needing cardiac care. plus i have heard cardiologists mention things like their field is slightly more protected for insurance reimbursement than others. it is hard to refuse cardiac care that is deemed necessary. i don't know if i worded all that right, but i think you know what i mean.
Hi guys,
Well, I have been fascinated about the field of surgery for about 10 years when I first started observing surgeries under my uncle's supervision (he's an MD-surgeon). Recently, I have learned alot from my cuz (DO-doing Urological Surgery Residency) as well. So, I have decided that I wanted to do something in surgery. I really want to do Transplant, Trauma or Cardiovascular/Thoracic surgery if God gives me an opprotunity in the future. I will see where my life will take me in few years in med school and then I will decide what I "really" want to do.
Well for me, I really enjoy certain aspects of being a paramedic so I thought about various fields that were similar. So for me I think I am torn between gas (really like this field but worried about if it will be an obtainable field by the time I am ready to seek a residency) and cardiology. Thought about EM but I've been doing that for 7 years now and wanted to try something new. But for me it will really depend on board scores and my clinical rotations to seal the deal. :)
I remember posting on this site or one similar to it about my future residency desires. It is quite interesting how I was so gung ho for radiology and I am now running from that field as fast as I can. More experience will help you know where you want to go, but I am always amazed at the amount of experience some med students have in the clinic prior to matriculation.

We just finished finals yesterday--what a relief! The administration tried to kill us; we had something like 13 tests in 10 days. I have grown to love vacation. So, here I sit having just formatted my laptop's HD and just got a bunch of errors on the install of the O.S. It is going to be a long night. This is not how I planned to spend my vacation--smashing my laptop's monitor in frustration.

If you have any questions about whatever, don't hesitate to ask. I have pretty much nothing going on this next week (except for crying cause my phys grade went from 90 to 82 in 4 days and anatomy from 97 to 91 in 2 days). It sucks that I did so well throughout most of the quarter and then fell apart at the end because of the mountains of notes we were tested over.
13 tests in 10 days, 1Viking? :eek: Better start gearing up for that! I am not entirely sure which areas I am most interested in. Call me boring, but I think I may be cut out for family practice or peds (and I am being honest about that *gasp*). :D
The administration has you build up to it. First quarter is tough (you have to learn how to study, trust me, you do), but the amount of material doesn't even come close to second quarter. Having said that, I did 10% better in all of my classes second quarter. As the second quarter progresses, tests get closer and closer to each other. Then, the final countdown! I thought for certain people would fail, but nobody did. You just get used to it. It is like a cancer that you just deal with. I'll tell you this; I'm glad I had some nice padding going into finals. I had no stress at all. That was a big change from 1st quarter.

You guys will be amazed at how your study habits will change and how you become so much smarter. Don't worry; you will survive. We all did.
Hello Everyone! My name is Mara, and I'll be at KCOM this fall :) Just wanted to say hello I guess. I go to school in central MN but am from Washington State. Right now I'm planning to live on my own (no lease yet) and I'm really looking forward to getting a dog. I check the humane society page from my hometown almost every day - that's how excited I am! Is anyone else doing the military HPSP scholarship for school? I'm going through the Navy - I guess there's a high percentage of HPSP students at KCOM (that's what they told me when I interviewed).

I'm new to this messageboard concept, so please bear with me :oops:

What is everyone doing this summer?
mhebacher said:
Hello Everyone! My name is Mara, and I'll be at KCOM this fall :) Just wanted to say hello I guess. I go to school in central MN but am from Washington State. Right now I'm planning to live on my own (no lease yet) and I'm really looking forward to getting a dog. I check the humane society page from my hometown almost every day - that's how excited I am! Is anyone else doing the military HPSP scholarship for school? I'm going through the Navy - I guess there's a high percentage of HPSP students at KCOM (that's what they told me when I interviewed).

I'm new to this messageboard concept, so please bear with me :oops:

What is everyone doing this summer?

welcome mara! i am from arizona for school but i grew up in connecticut. unfortunately i need to finish up my thesis before i head to missouri :(

take care...everyone here seems really nice.
any other soccer players here?? i am not that good...but i like to play. i think they have indoor soccer at KCOM
briansmichaud said:
any other soccer players here?? i am not that good...but i like to play. i think they have indoor soccer at KCOM

The intramural indoor teams are January-March... I haven't played for three years, but was just thinking last week that it would be fun to get back into it! I grew up playing outdoor spring, summer and fall, and indoor during the winter :)

Game on!
mhebacher said:
The intramural indoor teams are January-March... I haven't played for three years, but was just thinking last week that it would be fun to get back into it! I grew up playing outdoor spring, summer and fall, and indoor during the winter :)

Game on!

wow...you'll probably kick my @ss!!! okay, you're on my team!!! i might join an indoor team here in phoenix before i move to missouri as a little warm-up for this january...hehheheh
briansmichaud said:
wow...you'll probably kick my @ss!!! okay, you're on my team!!! i might join an indoor team here in phoenix before i move to missouri as a little warm-up for this january...hehheheh

Haha... Maybe I should do some brushing up too :)
Hi Mara!

Anyone know what other sports are big at KCOM? I remember the student that gave us our tour mentioning a few, but I can't remember what they are..
JohnDO said:
Hi Mara!

Anyone know what other sports are big at KCOM? I remember the student that gave us our tour mentioning a few, but I can't remember what they are..

i kind of missed what they said...but i thought on my tour they mentioned a student against faculty dodge ball. or maybe it was something else...
I thought they said dodgeball too, but I couldn't remember.
Hello fellow classmates,

I just wanted to say congrats to all you guys and that I am super stoked to meet you all. Hope the summer is nice and relaxing for everyone.

Thumbs up,

I just went through all the replies and I guess I should give yall a little background. I'm originally from Bismarck, ND and attended St John's University in Minnesota. I live in Minneapolis working at an orthopedic firm. I've played soccer, basketball, baseball and football so I can't wait to get on some teams. I went 5 years undergrad so I'm 24 right now. I'm getting really anxious to start looking for housing. I plan on travelling again down there so I can get into a house or maybe an apartment.

pcengelman said:
I just went through all the replies and I guess I should give yall a little background. I'm originally from Bismarck, ND and attended St John's University in Minnesota. I live in Minneapolis working at an orthopedic firm. I've played soccer, basketball, baseball and football so I can't wait to get on some teams. I went 5 years undergrad so I'm 24 right now. I'm getting really anxious to start looking for housing. I plan on travelling again down there so I can get into a house or maybe an apartment.


nice to meet you pete. i am sure there will be fun things to do at the rec center when there is time.

you'll have to ask mara...no promises, but maybe you can be on our soccer team too. you sound like you know your sports. hahaha

see you in the Fall!
For sure,

If you guys have one more spot I'd totally join in. I read that you're quite the mountain biker. What kind of bike do you have? I have a KONA, which I just love although I need to get some new shocks. I mountain bike occasionally, but I also hike quite a bit. I hope the state forest has some pretty rugid trails. Work calls, chat ya later,

JohnDO said:
Anyone know what other sports are big at KCOM? I remember the student that gave us our tour mentioning a few, but I can't remember what they are..

There's the indoor soccer IMs you mentioned (and one of our Biochem profs is actually on a team), then there's also volleyball, ultimate frisbee, and basketball. There's also a raquetball thing too...but I don't know how that works. Not so much for team sports? The head of our physiology department rounds up a bunch of people for Saturday morning runs, 5 miles bright and early. There are also *free* classes at the TCC, ranging from dance to spinning to yogalattes. (To those who know how to swing/ballroom/Latin dance, feel free to teach a class every week or rotate into the dance class as a teacher, that'll be so fun!)

That's all I know on that...coming from someone who doesn't participate in it -- except for the occasional dance class -- but hear about it from everyone else. People have tons of fun doing these IMs and can get pretty hard core too!


I signed up to be on the waiting list for on-campus housing in Dec. 2004. I just received a letter in the mail with a contract requiring a deposit by April 4th yesterday. I think this means there's a spot for me, not sure yet though.

Anyways, just thought I'd share this news with anyone who was trying to get on-campus housing.

I talked to a 4th year who's in California, and she said she was able to get an off-campus apartment that was just across the street from the school, which was much closer than on-campus housing.

How's everyone coming along with living arrangements? I don't think I'll have time to come out, thus I'm hoping to just get on-campus housing. Has anyone heard anything from those who have on-campus housing? Please share if got any feedback about the pros and cons of living on campus.

Have a great day, pretty sunny here in San Diego!
I am going down on Thursday to look at housing. I hope I find something. During my undergrad, I found a really nice mobile home park and bought a mobile home so that I would not keep wasting my money on rent, which I absolutely hate and it worked well for me. I bought it as a repo and the bank was only asking 20,000 for it and now 3 years later I am looking at selling it for 26,000 so it was definately worth it and has saved me loads of money. Anyway, I have talked to a few people that say there is a mobile home park that is 1/3 a mile from the school and is nice and the owner actually has a 2001 home for sale so I am going on Thursday to look at it. Mobile home parks are either nice or they are trashy and so I can't go site un seen so I have to go look at it. I hope it is as nice as they say it is because it would save me a lot of money. They only charge $95 per month for lot rent so for a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom place that is 1280 sq feet, you can't beat $95 dollars per month because I don't plan on having to take a loan out to buy the place, hopefully if my other home sells. I am also going to go looking at other small houses in the neighborhood that are for sale on Thursday. I do not want to rent a place because I absolutely hate paying rent, but it is very difficult to find a decent house in my price range since I want to live alone and only will have so much to pay a month on mortgage costs. If you are all interested in buying a small house, I can give you my honest opinion on some after I go see them on Thursday. Happy hunting all.

pcengelman said:
For sure,

If you guys have one more spot I'd totally join in. I read that you're quite the mountain biker. What kind of bike do you have? I have a KONA, which I just love although I need to get some new shocks. I mountain bike occasionally, but I also hike quite a bit. I hope the state forest has some pretty rugid trails. Work calls, chat ya later,


hey pete...i was joking about the soccer team thing, i have no clue how they arrange teams for those im's.:p i do have an interest in playing though!! it would be cool if a small group of us from this site were on a team.

i am not really much of a mtb'er either. my bike is more of a nice wall ornament right now. every now and again i take her down, polish her off, and hang her back up. hahahah except for the occasional outing to practice wheelies, it hasn't seen dirt in years!!! :D i have a schwinn homegrown hardtail with judy forks (remember them?) this was before schwinn went downhill as a company...that was a bummer. depending on academics and stuff, i would love to go mtb'ing once on the weekends to that state park and stuff. surely there will be time for this...if only for an hour or two.

my thing was actually motorcycle racing. much better on a motorcycle than mtb. but i try...
Peace&Health said:

I signed up to be on the waiting list for on-campus housing in Dec. 2004. I just received a letter in the mail with a contract requiring a deposit by April 4th yesterday. I think this means there's a spot for me, not sure yet though.

Anyways, just thought I'd share this news with anyone who was trying to get on-campus housing.

I talked to a 4th year who's in California, and she said she was able to get an off-campus apartment that was just across the street from the school, which was much closer than on-campus housing.

How's everyone coming along with living arrangements? I don't think I'll have time to come out, thus I'm hoping to just get on-campus housing. Has anyone heard anything from those who have on-campus housing? Please share if got any feedback about the pros and cons of living on campus.

Have a great day, pretty sunny here in San Diego!

hey check out my post on the osteopathic main thread. something like "KCOM housing" it is probably pushed onto the 2nd or 3rd page by now. it might help you slightly. also...i was accepted way later than you and also just received the mailing for housing. from what wendy made it sound like, everyone is on equal ground for housing i guess. sounded like first come first serve. my only question is how many students actually try to get them?? if you figure 44 units...of those probably about half open up....so around 20 units for 170 new students. doesn't sound good if you really want to get one. i mean obviously not that many want them...but you figure if even 40 sign up that is still like flipping a coin.

so i don't know...but check out that other post :)
briansmichaud said:
hey check out my post on the osteopathic main thread. something like "KCOM housing" it is probably pushed onto the 2nd or 3rd page by now. it might help you slightly. also...i was accepted way later than you and also just received the mailing for housing. from what wendy made it sound like, everyone is on equal ground for housing i guess. sounded like first come first serve. my only question is how many students actually try to get them?? if you figure 44 units...of those probably about half open up....so around 20 units for 170 new students. doesn't sound good if you really want to get one. i mean obviously not that many want them...but you figure if even 40 sign up that is still like flipping a coin.

so i don't know...but check out that other post :)

Hey everyone,

I too received the KCOM Housing mail today. I have a question for current KCOM students, I keep hearing about this apartment complex that is closer than student housing, but no one seems to know its name. Current KCOMers, can you post the names of some of the popular/nice but affordable apartment complexes?

I too received that in the mail yesterday as well. Never even inquired about student housing so I think it is a mass mailing and first come, first serve.

As for the off campus housing situation. I plan on going to K'ville next week to seek housing but I can say that by just talking to realtors, that those of us with pets definitely have an uphill battle.
I keep hearing about this apartment complex that is closer than student housing, but no one seems to know its name. Current KCOMers, can you post the names of some of the popular/nice but affordable apartment complexes?
Indeed, please do! I also received the KCOM on-campus housing. I guess it's first come first serve. I want to live as close as possible to the school, so they were attractive in that respect. The only thing I didn't like about them is that there is no air conditioning. Do most people buy those little window units?
You can purchase a standard air conditioning unit and put it in the window....the GM just has to okay it.
Did anyone else get an email from Donna Sparks about all the stuff we will be receiving in the next few weeks as well as a date to when we will be able to acess KCOM's housing guide and forums. If not, I am sure it will be arriving soon, sounds like things are finally starting to come together.
Isn't vacation sweet! I just finished an awesome game of warcraft. Anyway, how could N leave out Football? Basketball is the biggest, but IM football is the best. I don't remember if dodgeball was faculty vs. students, but I do know that it happened. I just spent the evening with my wife and daughter, though. I really wanted to pound some people, though.

Housing? Affordable, nice, and near to campus? Right. Nice is an overstatement. Affordable, well that depends upon what is the baseline. Near to campus, you bet. I don't think there is anything closer to campus than the on-campus stuff--well, the difference would be in feet, not meters.

Hope all is well with everyone. If you have any questions, just let me know (pm me). By the way, the on-line housing guide has just as much info as the internet has already. Those that advertise there advertise elsewhere, so go use google. Don't sign a two year contract--it is the landlord's way of suckering you into a dump.
1viking said:
Isn't vacation sweet! I just finished an awesome game of warcraft. Anyway, how could N leave out Football? Basketball is the biggest, but IM football is the best. I don't remember if dodgeball was faculty vs. students, but I do know that it happened. I just spent the evening with my wife and daughter, though. I really wanted to pound some people, though.

Housing? Affordable, nice, and near to campus? Right. Nice is an overstatement. Affordable, well that depends upon what is the baseline. Near to campus, you bet. I don't think there is anything closer to campus than the on-campus stuff--well, the difference would be in feet, not meters.

Hope all is well with everyone. If you have any questions, just let me know (pm me). By the way, the on-line housing guide has just as much info as the internet has already. Those that advertise there advertise elsewhere, so go use google. Don't sign a two year contract--it is the landlord's way of suckering you into a dump.

thanks for the info. i forget about football. probably cause in real football i would be squished :eek: but flag football would work!!

yes i got the email as well from sparks and haxton :)

i don't see how any housing could be closer to campus than what dr. peterson can see from his window ;)
JohnDO said:
Bit of an odd question here... any current KCOM students know if there are any karate places around kville? I've tried searching on the internet, but didn't really come up with anything. I'm thinking about starting karate here, but I don't know if I will if I can't continue on in kirksville.


Hey JohnDO, you bet there IS a Karate place in Kirksville! (Sorry if you've already gotten a message). At least...I'm pretty sure it's Karate. It might be Tae Kwon Do...which probably wouldn't help. Let me know if you're interested, and I'd be happy to get you more info.

~ Jonathan
Hey KCOMers --

I'm a little late to jump on this bandwagon, but I'm so happy I found it! I read through all of the posts (yes, it was a half hour well-spent), and I'm very excited to meet all of you.

Some quick background: I'm originally from Chicago, but I've completed my undergrad at Truman State University in Kirksville. For those worried about the transition from the big city, DON'T WORRY! Kirksville is a GREAT place to live. It has everything you need, but nothing that will distract you from your studies. Besides, Columbia and Kansas City are really easy to get to, and Chicago is just a train ride away. If you like the outdoors, great prices, nice people, and you're willing to open your mind to rural America, this is a great place.

Based on location, I have a lot of experience over at KCOM and in town. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. If you're looking at housing, I'd even be happy to take some pictures of potential places for you and give you my two cents -- we're all in this together, right? I'll respond better to PM or e-mail. I'd also be happy to PM you my phone number if you like.

Also, I've been offered the HPSP through Air Force and Navy. Any recommendations? I know there's a separate board for this topic, but I'd like to hear more from KCOM people.