~*~*~*~*~* Offical Letters of Evaluation Questions Thread 2023-2024 *~*~*~*~*~

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Disclaimer: This post was not written by me, it has been passed down through the ages over a campfire.

This thread is for 2023-2024 applicants (those who will be entering medical school in 2024) to ask questions about letters of recommendation.

Any separate threads in Pre-Allo dealing with this topic will be merged into this thread.

Before asking a question, PLEASE READ THE FAQ, both here in this thread AND on the AMCAS website! It is quite possible that your question will have already been answered. If you think that you have a different take on a question in the FAQ, acknowledge this in your question; everyone in pre-allo will be much more likely to help you out if they think you've done due diligence.


Also, each thread has a search function. Please use it before asking your question by clicking the "Search this Thread" button near the top of the page.

This thread is brought to you by the Pre-Allopathic Volunteer Staff. Ask away, and good luck!!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What kinds of letters do I need to apply to medical school?

For most schools, you need a MINIMUM of two letters from science professors, and 1 letter from a non-science professor. If you have done research, a letter from your PI is also recommended, especially at research-intensive schools. (If you know of any exceptions to this rule, feel free to post in this thread with citations and I will add them). Other letters that may be helpful: a letter from an employer who knows your skills well, a letter from a physician you shadowed/worked with who knows your skills well, a letter from a volunteer coordinator who knows your skills well. The key is that the letters be exceptional. A detailed letter that can give clear examples of why you are an excellent candidate for medical school will generally trump a tepid letter from a famous person. Every school is different. Please check each school's individual letter requirements by visiting their website.A copy of an XLS spreadsheet from 2010 is attached to this post. The accuracy of this spreadsheet is unknown so be sure to check individual school websites! Keep in mind that a committee letter usually overrides any specific school requirements listed on the spreadsheet.

1a. But doesn't every school have different letter requirements?
Yes, they do. Do your homework, buy an MSAR (I hear from this thread that the way to go is to buy online access because the hard copy is not as useful:http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=811023), and look at the school websites. Also, AMCAS has a link to every school; use it and figure out what you need for the schools you're applying to. https://www.aamc.org/students/applyi...ating_schools/You can get a rough idea from the attached XLS spreadsheet but check school websites to confirm.
1b. But do I really really have to get X type of letter? (2 non-science, 1 science, a letter from my PI)
The short answer: yes. The long answer: Maybe...it depends on the school. No one on SDN can answer this for you. But the general rule in medical school admissions is do what you are told. Get the two science letters. If you can't...call the schools you're applying to and see if they will make an exception. But be aware that the answer may be no.

2. I am a non-traditional student and have been out of school for awhile. Can I get around the letter requirements?
The simple answer is probably no. If you are a non-traditional student, this doesn't mean that you have an easier time getting into medical school; the same hoops still need to be jumped through. Being out of school for awhile is likely a problem in itself; schools want to see recent evidence that you can handle the coursework necessary to get through medical school. Take some classes, form relationships, and get the letters you need to. If you must, you can contact each school individually to see if they would be ok with you submitting alternate letters, but be aware that the answer may be "no".

3. My school has a medical school admissions committee, and they produce a committee letter. But the letter won't be released until really LATE! (August, September, October). Can I just skip the committee and collect my own letters?
The general wisdom on this topic is that if your school has a committee, USE IT! If you don't, you will be asked why and will need a very good reason. You are circumventing the committee at your own risk.

4. How/when can I submit letters of req to AMCAS?
Once the application opens in May, you may begin submitting letters to AMCAS. Before you can mail a letter in, you must "create' the letter in your AMCAS application. This involves you telling AMCAS who the letter writer is and naming the letter in AMCAS. AMCAS will then give this letter an ID number. It is important for you to give your letter writer both your AMCAS ID number and the Letter ID number to avoid any snafus with lost letters. Your letter writer can then mail the letter into AMCAS with these two pieces of information, and the letter will be uploaded to your file and will be available to assign to any school you wish. I am told that while AMCAS will accept documents without your AMCAS ID on them, you MUST have the Letter ID or AMCAS will not accept it. I don't have firsthand knowledge of whether or not this is true.

You can create and submit letters at any time, including after you submit your application and after you are verified. This is one of the few parts of the application you can edit after submission.

5. Do I have to know which letters are going to which school when I first submit my AMCAS application?
NO! You can submit your application without assigning letters. Again, this is one of the few parts of the application that can be altered later. HOWEVER, once you assign a letter to a school, you CANNOT un-assign it. If the letter is present in AMCAS, and you assign it to a school, it WILL go to that school. However, if you "create" the letter in AMCAS, assign it to a school, but your letter writer never sends the letter in, you can notify AMCAS (and the school, through the AMCAS application) that the letter will no longer be sent.

6. How many schools use the AMCAS Letter service?
This year, it looks like all but 1 school that participate in AMCAS are participating in the letter service. The non-participating school is:
Northeast Ohio Medical University

The participating schools can be found here: https://www.aamc.org/students/applyi...ating_schools/

7. Is it in my best interest to have my letter writers write different letters for each school?
Probably not. AMCAS can only hold a maximum of 10 letters for you. If you need a minimum of 3 letters for each school, these slots will be used up rather quickly.

8. What are letter services such as Interfolio, and why do people use them?
Interfolio and other companies provide secure online letter holding services. You can have your letters uploaded to these services at any time so that you're not scrambling at the last minute (or during the summer!) to get letters into your application. This can be especially beneficial when you are 9 months or so out from your planned application cycle, but know the professor you have NOW will write you a great letter. You can have them write the letter, upload it to a letter service, and then many months later have the letter sent to AMCAS once the application opens. When you do this, you have the ability to add on both your AMCAS ID and the Letter ID to the letter. All your letter writer needs to do is upload the letter (or mail it in) on letterhead and with a signature. These sites are secure and they do not allow you to read the letter beforehand.

9. What else about letters do I need to know?
Your letter must be SIGNED, and should be on OFFICIAL LETTERHEAD whenever possible. This is something that holds people up every year. Some schools will even hold up your application because of this. Also, AMCAS has a beautiful FAQ dealing with letters here: https://www.aamc.org/students/applyi...ding_page.html

10. How should I ask someone for a letter of req?
On this one, I will give my own experience. For each letter writer, I prepared a packet. In the packet I had:
A list of all of my science grades (or non-science grades for a non-science prof)
A copy of my resume
A rough draft of my personal statement
The AAMC Guidelines for letter writers, a reminder that the letter needed to be signed and on letterhead.

Before handing them this (because who wants all that before they even say yes!) I asked them point blank if they "would feel comfortable writing me a strong letter of recommendation for medical school". Always do this in person!!! If they hesitate...walk away. Seriously. You don't want this person writing your letter.

When they enthusiastically said yes, I pulled the packet out of my backpack and gave it to them.

Because I used Interfolio, I did not need to provide them with my AMCAS ID or Letter ID, but instead told them that they would get an email from Interfolio that evening with instructions on how to upload the letter. Give them a FIRM deadline (2-4 weeks seems to work best) for when you need the letter. Don't ask at the last minute. Don't ask when you think a billion other people will be asking. Do offer to provide them with any other supplementary information they would like. And do give them a thank-you note (and maybe a Starbucks card) when they submit the letter.

11. OMG! My letter writer has not written my letter!!! It has been minutes/hours/days/weeks/months and I'm freaking out!! What do I do!?
First, stop by or email and gently remind them that you need the letter by X date. If this doesn't work, I have given them a premature Thank-You note with a small token, and this seems to light a fire. I recommended this method to someone on SDN last year and it apparently worked like a charm.

If this isn't working....you do the same thing you do whenever something goes awry - find a plan B. Ask someone else...two other people even, just in case this person does not come through. You can't have too many letters. But you can have too few.

12. Do I have to waive my right to see the letters?
No. But if you don't schools might not see them as letters that carry much weight. Waive your right. If you know the person well enough, you should have a pretty good idea of what they are going to write.

13. If I apply this June, and I have given every school my 5 chosen LOR's with committee letter through AMCAS virtual evals upload by my prehealth office, and then I get anther LOR over the summer/fall and want to send it to all schools in December, do I have to have the prof mail it to all 25 schools or will AMCAS distribute it?

or, tl;dr: Can I submit my application without the letters?

You can add a letter at ANY time in AMCAS, have it sent to AMCAS, and AMCAS will distribute it.
You may want to shoot an email to each school letting them know to expect another letter just in case. They should be updating your file continuously (they will want your current contact info, and often people change their addresses mid cycle) but they may not always do it in a timely manner.

Please send me a PM if you know of additional questions suitable for the FAQ.

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How many LORs do applicants send to each school on average to be competitive? Online, I see recommendations to accumulate 6 letters (2 science prof, 1 non-science prof, 1 professional ideally a Dr., and 2 extracurricular observers). Are all 6 of these letters always used? Currently, I think I could round up 5 letters for when I apply in 2024, but I'm not close enough with some of my extracurricular observers and would only be able to get 1 extracurricular observer LOR (from my PI) instead of the recommended 2.

I'm basically asking this because I am debating on whether I should try to gain a greater leadership role in one of my other extracurriculars to get a stronger relationship with the faculty advisor (although, this letter would still be weaker as the advisor has minimal interactions with the organization), or if I should maintain my current extracurriculars as they are. I already have a minor leadership role in the organization that I can talk about for my application. The main drawback of pursuing a greater leadership role in this organization is that it is a significant increase in time investment for a slightly increased interaction with the faculty advisor. This would include an extra week of summer post-graduation (in addition to the week I have already committed to) spent with this organization and not able to work on secondaries, as well as more hours spent per week during the year. The only benefit would be to get marginally closer to this faculty advisor to perhaps ask them for a weak LOR. What are your thoughts? Also, please do not quote this message if possible! Thank you so much in advance.
How many LORs do applicants send to each school on average to be competitive? Online, I see recommendations to accumulate 6 letters (2 science prof, 1 non-science prof, 1 professional ideally a Dr., and 2 extracurricular observers). Are all 6 of these letters always used? Currently, I think I could round up 5 letters for when I apply in 2024.
You are not applying this cycle, but I have moved your question to the new Letters of Evaluation thread for 2023-2024. No, sending more letters does not make you a better applicant. Only send them if they actually will add something, admissions would prefer if you simply meet the requirement and not give them unnecessary extra materials. A PI letter is not usually required but can be of additional use depending on your relationship with them. Physician letters are not useful the majority of the time, same for EC observers if you are not working closely with them.
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You are not applying this cycle, but I have moved your question to the new Letters of Evaluation thread for 2023-2024. No, sending more letters does not make you a better applicant. Only send them if they actually will add something, admissions would prefer if you simply meet the requirement and not give them unnecessary extra materials. A PI letter is not usually required but can be of additional use depending on your relationship with them. Physician letters are not useful the majority of the time, same for EC observers if you are not working closely with them.
So should I be competitive for all schools with the 5 letters I described? All of the ones I’m comfortable with I would classify as good to strong.

Would also love to hear other opinions!
So should I be competitive for all schools with the 5 letters I described? All of the ones I’m comfortable with I would classify as good to strong.

Would also love to hear other opinions!
Yes, that's fine. And do look at each school's requirements as some explicitly say they do not want anymore than 3 or 4 letters.
Do graduate students (those with a master's degree) qualify as teaching faculty if they were to write a letter of recommendation? I worked closely with a GE/graduate student as a teaching assistant for multiple terms and they were willing to write a strong letter for me. Thanks!
Do graduate students (those with a master's degree) qualify as teaching faculty if they were to write a letter of recommendation? I worked closely with a GE/graduate student as a teaching assistant for multiple terms and they were willing to write a strong letter for me. Thanks!
No, you would need someone else to co-sign the letter (department chair, TA faculty advisor, course director etc).
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When making LORs as a reapplicant, is it recommended to ask writers for entirely new LORs or is it okay for them to recycle their previous LOR, particularly for writers I haven't interacted with in a class setting or professional setting in the past 2 years? If recycling previous LORs, should I ask them to change the date to the most current date? Cuz I'm trying to ask writers this week for LORs and I don't know what to ask of them.
When making LORs as a reapplicant, is it recommended to ask writers for entirely new LORs or is it okay for them to recycle their previous LOR, particularly for writers I haven't interacted with in a class setting or professional setting in the past 2 years? If recycling previous LORs, should I ask them to change the date to the most current date? Cuz I'm trying to ask writers this week for LORs and I don't know what to ask of them.
I moved your question to the LOR thread we have.

You could just have them update the date.
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Oh okay, and updating the date is not unethical/it's nothing adcoms will raise issues about?
The letter writer is certifying they reviewed the content of the letter and putting their signature for that. I am unsure how that could be interpreted as unethical in any way.
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Hi! As per the rules for the medical schools I am applying to, I am submitting my Committee Letter + 1 additional STEM Professor letter. However, as the additional STEM letter has not been reviewed by my university's committee, I've never had anyone 'verify' that it was okay for submission. Would it be out of the code-of-conduct to ask my university's health committee to see if they would glance over the additional letter (it's in Dossier) to see if it's good for submission?

Note: This professor and I have never had anything but positive interactions, and he said was happy to write me a letter, I'm just a little paranoid as I have recently heard rumors he has written "meh" letters for students in the past
The letter writer is certifying they reviewed the content of the letter and putting their signature for that. I am unsure how that could be interpreted as unethical in any way.
Oh gotcha, I was just worried that the adcoms may get fishy if they detect the exact same LOR from last cycle with just a date change, wondering if the applicant has done anything to improve their letters. But I guess in fairness, if a writer hasn't had a class or been in research with them in a while, then it's fair to keep the contents of their LOR the exact same from last cycle.
For my second science LOR, I had a professor who agreed to write me one. However, he hasn’t been answering my emails so now I’m looking for backups. From those who replied back to me, my Chem Lab TA agreed to write me a letter with the Professor co-signing it. However, the Professor only agreed to sign it if the letter says it was written by the TA. Would this be bad?
Hi! As per the rules for the medical schools I am applying to, I am submitting my Committee Letter + 1 additional STEM Professor letter. However, as the additional STEM letter has not been reviewed by my university's committee, I've never had anyone 'verify' that it was okay for submission. Would it be out of the code-of-conduct to ask my university's health committee to see if they would glance over the additional letter (it's in Dossier) to see if it's good for submission?

Note: This professor and I have never had anything but positive interactions, and he said was happy to write me a letter, I'm just a little paranoid as I have recently heard rumors he has written "meh" letters for students in the past
That is something for you to ask the committee to see if it is standard procedure for your school.
For my second science LOR, I had a professor who agreed to write me one. However, he hasn’t been answering my emails so now I’m looking for backups. From those who replied back to me, my Chem Lab TA agreed to write me a letter with the Professor co-signing it. However, the Professor only agreed to sign it if the letter says it was written by the TA. Would this be bad?
I moved your question to the main Letters of Evaluation Questions thread we have. It would be good if you could get a professor to outright write one for you, but this would suffice. There could be a line at the beginning or end clarifying which person's perspective the letter is from and that the professor is co-signing.
I moved your question to the main Letters of Evaluation Questions thread we have. It would be good if you could get a professor to outright write one for you, but this would suffice. There could be a line at the beginning or end clarifying which person's perspective the letter is from and that the professor is co-signing.
Thank you for your response!
Hi Everyone,
So I am in a bad spot regarding the non-science LOR requirement. I emailed almost every professor I know but due to most of my non science classes being during covid/online, many ghosted me and the rest rejected the idea because they do not know me well. That being said, here are my 2 options, please let me know what you think. So far I have 2 science LOR and 1 MD

Option 1:
LOR from a non science course TA that is a 5th year PHD student. The professor did not agree to co-signing it. Not sure if schools will accept it but there is a possibility.

Option 2:
Get a letter of rec from a digital imaging and image processing course. The thing is, it is offered by the molecular bio department and has the MCDB in the name. I asked the professor personally which amcas classification the class would fall under and he said biomedical engineering or computer science due to the class just being coding and using MATLAB. The only connection to bio is the fact that we use code to segment/edit/manipulate images and some of them are microscope image. It is a helpful tool to any biologist that works with microscopes but the class is not necessarily a bio course. The professor is willing to write me a letter either sci or non sci so what do you guys think? can this be accepted as non-sci ?

side question: if you think It would work, what should the professor write to make this clear to the readers?

Option 3: change my school list ? I really would like to avoid this option!

Thank you
Hi Everyone,
So I am in a bad spot regarding the non-science LOR requirement. I emailed almost every professor I know but due to most of my non science classes being during covid/online, many ghosted me and the rest rejected the idea because they do not know me well. That being said, here are my 2 options, please let me know what you think. So far I have 2 science LOR and 1 MD

Option 1:
LOR from a non science course TA that is a 5th year PHD student. The professor did not agree to co-signing it. Not sure if schools will accept it but there is a possibility.

Option 2:
Get a letter of rec from a digital imaging and image processing course. The thing is, it is offered by the molecular bio department and has the MCDB in the name. I asked the professor personally which amcas classification the class would fall under and he said biomedical engineering or computer science due to the class just being coding and using MATLAB. The only connection to bio is the fact that we use code to segment/edit/manipulate images and some of them are microscope image. It is a helpful tool to any biologist that works with microscopes but the class is not necessarily a bio course. The professor is willing to write me a letter either sci or non sci so what do you guys think? can this be accepted as non-sci ?

side question: if you think It would work, what should the professor write to make this clear to the readers?

Option 3: change my school list ? I really would like to avoid this option!

Thank you
I moved your question to this main LOR thread.

Option 1 will definitely not count. You could try to see if somebody else in the department would co-sign it (faculty member overseeing the student's research, department chair etc)

Option 2 could count. AMCAS course classification does not count CS or engineering courses as science ones. But the schools themselves could make their own choice about whether it counts as a non-science. MCDB in the department and course name may sway them to preferring a letter from somebody in the humanities.
I moved your question to this main LOR thread.

Option 1 will definitely not count. You could try to see if somebody else in the department would co-sign it (faculty member overseeing the student's research, department chair etc)

Option 2 could count. AMCAS course classification does not count CS or engineering courses as science ones. But the schools themselves could make their own choice about whether it counts as a non-science. MCDB in the department and course name may sway them to preferring a letter from somebody in the humanities.
I really did try but due to most of my humanities being from 3-4 years ago and most are during covid, it seems like I probably will not be able to get one. what do you think about option 3 ? would changing the school list be a good move ?
I really did try but due to most of my humanities being from 3-4 years ago and most are during covid, it seems like I probably will not be able to get one. what do you think about option 3 ? would changing the school list be a good move ?
Depends on how many schools and which ones they are.
Depends on how many schools and which ones they are.
I have Vermont, EVMS, Penn State those three absolutely require it.
My stats are 510 , 3.95 CA ORM.
I really did want to apply there though that is why I am still trying to get one. Advice is appreciated. School list below
  1. Vermont (casper) (Non-Sci letter)
  2. Miami (casper)
  3. Tufts
  4. George washington
  5. George town
  6. Albany
  7. Rosalind franklin
  8. New York Medical College - NYMC (MD or non science for the third)
  9. Medical college of wisconsin (casper)
  10. Virginia commonwealth university school of medicine (VCU) (casper)
  11. East Virginia medical school (EVMS) (non science letter)
  12. Wayne
  13. Wake forest (casper)
  14. Quinnipiac (frank netter) (casper)
  15. Jefferson
  16. Temple (casper) (non-sci or service LOR)
  17. Drexel (casper) (non science LOR preferred)
  18. Tulane
  19. Loyola
  20. Oakland university
  21. Nova MD
  22. Penn state (non-sci LOR required)
  23. Hackensack
  24. TCU
  25. CUSM
  26. Kaiser
  27. UCSD
  28. UCLA
  29. USC (2-3 letters from anyone)
  30. UCD
  31. UCR
  32. UCI
  33. UCSF
  34. Loma linda
DO schools:
  1. California health sciences university of osteopathic medicine (MD + 2 sci)
  2. Western university of health sciences college of osteopathic medicine (MD + Sci)
  3. Touro university california college of osteopathic medicine (MD + 2 anything)
  4. Touro nevada (MD + 2 sci)
  5. WesternU OR (Same as other western)?
  6. CCOM (1 Sci + 1 MD)
  7. PCOM (philadelphia) (MD + 2 anything)
  8. KCU (kansas city university) (2 Sci)
  9. KCOM (A.T. Still University of Health Sciences Kirksville COM) (MD letter)
  10. DMU (Des moines) (MD + any others)
  11. Marian (MD + 2 Sci)
I have Vermont, EVMS, Penn State those three absolutely require it.
My stats are 510 , 3.95 CA ORM.
I really did want to apply there though that is why I am still trying to get one. Advice is appreciated. School list below
Try Option 2 then for those schools and see if they'll take it.

This is not really the place to show a full school list, but the only CA MD schools I would suggest for you are CUSM, UCI, UCD, Loma Linda (only if you fit their religious beliefs) and UCR (only if you are from the IE or attended UCR for school). The others are too competitive and would be a poor use of your time and money.

CHSU is too new, you would have strong chances at the other 2 more established CA DO schools.
Try Option 2 then for those schools and see if they'll take it.

This is not really the place to show a full school list, but the only CA MD schools I would suggest for you are CUSM, UCI, UCD, Loma Linda (only if you fit their religious beliefs) and UCR (only if you are from the IE or attended UCR for school). The others are too competitive and would be a poor use of your time and money.

CHSU is too new, you would have strong chances at the other 2 more established CA DO schools.
I appreciate the advice. Yea I realize that some of the California schools are out of my stat range but I would like to shoot my shot at staying in CA if possible as my only family, my mother, is here.
I have read on practically every school's website that they require "A Committee/Letter Packet" from your school's Health Professions Committee OR individual letters that usually include advice that they require "2 STEM professors, 1 non-STEM professor".

I used the Letter Packet and Health Profession's Committee as per advised by my university, but they had no requirements as to which five letters were included. I only included 1 STEM letter in my packet, but I have another that I have stored in Interfolio. Should I send this additional STEM letter to the school's that mention the 2 STEM letter requirements in their individual letter section? Or be conservative about how much material I am sending as I do "technically" fit the requirements by fulfilling the first option with the Committee Letter.
When requesting new LORs from new writers as a reapplicant, what's the minimum amount of time I should give my writers to make a LOR? Because if I submit my primary, say around 2nd week of June, I suspect verification will take until July 12th-19th and secondaries will come shortly after.
I have read on practically every school's website that they require "A Committee/Letter Packet" from your school's Health Professions Committee OR individual letters that usually include advice that they require "2 STEM professors, 1 non-STEM professor".

I used the Letter Packet and Health Profession's Committee as per advised by my university, but they had no requirements as to which five letters were included. I only included 1 STEM letter in my packet, but I have another that I have stored in Interfolio. Should I send this additional STEM letter to the school's that mention the 2 STEM letter requirements in their individual letter section? Or be conservative about how much material I am sending as I do "technically" fit the requirements by fulfilling the first option with the Committee Letter.
You do not have to send the additional letter. If it is particularly strong, I suppose you could also send it, but the letter packet satisfies the requirements.
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When requesting new LORs from new writers as a reapplicant, what's the minimum amount of time I should give my writers to make a LOR? Because if I submit my primary, say around 2nd week of June, I suspect verification will take until July 12th-19th and secondaries will come shortly after.
A month at least. You may have to remind them if they forget, especially as they are on summer break if they are not teaching.
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A month at least. You may have to remind them if they forget, especially as they are on summer break if they are not teaching.
How often can I send follow up emails on the progress of their letter? Like every 2 weeks? I requested LORs last week and today, so hopefully the updated reapplicant LORs will come sometime after 4th of July.
How often can I send follow up emails on the progress of their letter? Like every 2 weeks? I requested LORs last week and today, so hopefully the updated reapplicant LORs will come sometime after 4th of July.
Please don't do that. You can ask after a month in July after the date you specified you would need the letter submitted by. If you did not give them a date, just wait and ask the first week of July and say you need it by the 14th.
Hey guys, I put the names and contact info of the people who will submit my letters of evaluation. I am submitting these individual letters via Interfolio and have't sent them yet, although the letters are already uploaded on Intefolio. This is what I got when I pressed "Submit" on my AMCAS application: "You have designated medical schools that do not have any letters assigned to them. AMCAS will not send any of your letters to these schools unless you make the assignments and resubmit your application."

What do I do? Should I just submit the application now and then send my letters via Interfolio?
Hey guys, I put the names and contact info of the people who will submit my letters of evaluation. I am submitting these individual letters via Interfolio and have't sent them yet, although the letters are already uploaded on Intefolio. This is what I got when I pressed "Submit" on my AMCAS application: "You have designated medical schools that do not have any letters assigned to them. AMCAS will not send any of your letters to these schools unless you make the assignments and resubmit your application."

What do I do? Should I just submit the application now and then send my letters via Interfolio?
You can do the letters later, but sending from Interfolio to AMCAS so that they appear there now shouldn't take more than a few days to complete. There are specific instructions from Interfolio on how to do this. You will not be using the LOR writer's e-mail address to request the letter. You instead use a custom-generated Interfolio address.
I am applying to both LSU medical schools as they are my state school, and both of their websites say they are using the AMCAS letter service. The first post in this thread on number 5 says that they are not using it.
I am applying to both LSU medical schools as they are my state school, and both of their websites say they are using the AMCAS letter service. The first post in this thread on number 5 says that they are not using it.
Thank you, we have updated the post to reflect the schools that AMCAS says are not using it for this year.
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Hi all. I am still a little confused about LOR. My 6 letters are now on Interfolio, confirmed received. When I submitted my AMCAS application a couple of weeks ago, I selected which recs go to which schools already. But Interfolio has NOT sent anything to AMCAS yet and of course AMCAS has not sent the LOR to any schools yet since it is before June 30th.

If I want to change which LOR go to which school, can I do that still in AMCAS? AMCAS has not gotten any of my recs yet so I am confused as to how to do this? The instructions say to "delete" one writer completely and then I can use someone else's LOR. But what if I just want to reshuffle the recs, not delete a writer completely? Am I doomed?

School X I already said would get letters from persons 1, 3, 4 and 5
Now I want school X to get 1, 2, 4 and 6
I don't want to delete any of my 6 LOR writers. I just want to move some around. If that makes sense.
Is that still doable on AMCAS since all my recs are still being held in Interfolio? And it is still early June?

TY for all advice!
Hi all. I am still a little confused about LOR. My 6 letters are now on Interfolio, confirmed received. When I submitted my AMCAS application a couple of weeks ago, I selected which recs go to which schools already. But Interfolio has NOT sent anything to AMCAS yet and of course AMCAS has not sent the LOR to any schools yet since it is before June 30th.

If I want to change which LOR go to which school, can I do that still in AMCAS? AMCAS has not gotten any of my recs yet so I am confused as to how to do this? The instructions say to "delete" one writer completely and then I can use someone else's LOR. But what if I just want to reshuffle the recs, not delete a writer completely? Am I doomed?

School X I already said would get letters from persons 1, 3, 4 and 5
Now I want school X to get 1, 2, 4 and 6
I don't want to delete any of my 6 LOR writers. I just want to move some around. If that makes sense.
Is that still doable on AMCAS since all my recs are still being held in Interfolio? And it is still early June?

TY for all advice!
Follow the instructions on Interfolio, otherwise contact their support:

If you already have assigned letters and submitted, AMCAS does not usually let you change this. If the letter has not been received, it is possible to mark the letter as "No longer being sent". This note becomes visible to the schools however and it will get sent if the letter is transmitted to AMCAS at any point.

This part is in the applicant guide I referred to you previously.
Hey my friend (who doesn't have sdn) sent 6 letters to all schools he applied to (including schools that require 3-4).

What should he do now? Email them on which to use? I read that they pick randomly, so I'm not sure if he needs to send an email or something to tell them which to read or what

Also, how will it effect his application. Thanks!
Hey my friend (who doesn't have sdn) sent 6 letters to all schools he applied to (including schools that require 3-4).

What should he do now? Email them on which to use? I read that they pick randomly, so I'm not sure if he needs to send an email or something to tell them which to read or what

Also, how will it effect his application. Thanks!
he will be noted as not reading the directions, but there's not much he can do about it now
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Hey my friend (who doesn't have sdn) sent 6 letters to all schools he applied to (including schools that require 3-4).

What should he do now? Email them on which to use? I read that they pick randomly, so I'm not sure if he needs to send an email or something to tell them which to read or what

Also, how will it effect his application. Thanks!
That person should set up an SDN account and asked before sending those letters.

Some schools will randomly pick. Some schools will just read the first letters received. Some schools will read the last letters received. Some read the shortest ones to see if they signal anything worth recommending for further review. Others just read the required letters. A few take a highlighter to all the positive phrases. Some highlight only the negative ones. Some just look at the signatures to see if they are legible and authentic (have we recognized this person?). Some just check the screening box.

In other words, who knows. Good luck!
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Background: I have been working as a scribe for 2 doctors for the past 2 years and will during this year reapp. Both told me they were proud of their letters so I think strong LORs.

My question is about my third letter: using a committee letter with year old date vs a new one from a DO I shadowed for a short period, but I would believe it to be a good letter.

My pre-med advisor reviewed my app and committee letter and told me it was a glowing LOR. However, my school no longer offers the committee letter so I would now have to use year-old dated letter. I feel this letter would speak to my academics and I have not taken any more classes since graduating in 2021 with 3.93 GPA/sGPA. (letter dated 2022)

Should I use a committee letter for schools that say they prefer a committee letter as noted on AMCAS list (see https://students-residents.aamc.org...Letter_of_Evaluation_Preferences_03.28.23.pdf).

I contacted one school (Carver) and they said basically they prefer recent LORs from meaningful experiences and that old committee letters may not be as useful for adcoms.

Thank you for taking the time to consider and any advice is appreciated.
You need letters from faculty you took classes with. The DO letter would contribute nothing for MD schools and while it is a nice touch for DO schools, they also would want to see an academic letter.
he will be noted as not reading the directions, but there's not much he can do about it now
Appreciate you and Mr. Smile, I’ll let him know to make an account although he’s unbothered. Have a good day
Hi, I have two questions regarding letters of rec:

1. If schools say they require a letter from a professor but don't specify the subject, then any subject should be fine I'm guessing? Or would science still be preferred? I'm asking because I have a non-science subject recommendation letter that is stronger than my science letters of rec and would prefer to use the non-science letter of rec.
2. How would a letter of recommendation from the family of a hospice patient look to adcoms? It's of course not a typical letter, but would it be frowned upon? Also I would always use it as an extra letter in addition to satisfying all the med school letter of rec requirements.
Hi, I have two questions regarding letters of rec:

1. If schools say they require a letter from a professor but don't specify the subject, then any subject should be fine I'm guessing? Or would science still be preferred? I'm asking because I have a non-science subject recommendation letter that is stronger than my science letters of rec and would prefer to use the non-science letter of rec.
2. How would a letter of recommendation from the family of a hospice patient look to adcoms? It's of course not a typical letter, but would it be frowned upon? Also I would always use it as an extra letter in addition to satisfying all the med school letter of rec requirements.
1. At least one science letter would be preferred usually since medical school is a science-based curriculum. This is why schools typically want 2 of them.

2. I would not include a personal letter like this. A supervisor from the hospice facility would be fine.
Can med schools still see the total number of LORs you actually had in your primary app or do they only see the LORs that you assign to their school? Cuz I'm adding all my possible writers, about 6-7, but i'm not sure if all 6-7 will send it to me in time. But if I submit my primary app, I can't add additional LORs if a new writer writes a new letter if I submit a primary.
Also, do I have to assign letters to my school before submitting my primary application? Can I change the assignment of my letters even after submitting my primary (like if I wanna add or remove an assignment and then resubmit my primary)?
Also, do I have to assign letters to my school before submitting my primary application? Can I change the assignment of my letters even after submitting my primary (like if I wanna add or remove an assignment and then resubmit my primary)?
This has been addressed already a few times in this thread, both in the FAQ as well as previous posters questions.

You don’t have to assign letters but once you do, you can’t un-assign them. Schools will not know the existence of letters that were not assigned to them.
My letter writer put the organization logo at the top of the letter 'to make it look more offiicial'. I asked her if they have an official letterhead and she hasn't responded. Should I follow up or would that count as an official letterhead?
My letter writer put the organization logo at the top of the letter 'to make it look more offiicial'. I asked her if they have an official letterhead and she hasn't responded. Should I follow up or would that count as an official letterhead?
This is fine for a non-academic letter.