Ventricular shunts

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RSV Fomite
7+ Year Member
Jun 9, 2016
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I routinely care for kids with shunts and feel like I need to flesh out my knowledge in this area. Does anyone have a good article or chapter they'd be willing to point me toward as far as types of shunts and valves, risk stratification for malfunction and infection, overdrainage, etc? Obviously I know something about all of these areas, but I'd love to be a bit more informed in my discussions with you guys.


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I routinely care for kids with shunts and feel like I need to flesh out my knowledge in this area. Does anyone have a good article or chapter they'd be willing to point me toward as far as types of shunts and valves, risk stratification for malfunction and infection, overdrainage, etc? Obviously I know something about all of these areas, but I'd love to be a bit more informed in my discussions with you guys.


It’s very useful and gives a good overview of the different types/models of shunts.
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