General Tiny nose piercing for S asian female?

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not actually a dog
Moderator Emeritus
10+ Year Member
Mar 22, 2012
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I hear no facial piercings are the way to go, but I'm a South Asian woman that has a tiny silver stud nose piercing. Should I take it out and risk having an ugly hole in my face or should I keep it? What are the odds that that will be held against me?
I think it depends on what the setting is. When in doubt, the most professional option is to remove it. If someone is going to have a problem with it, they're more likely to have a problem with the stud rather than with a tiny skin defect. I would say the chances of it affecting you overall are quite low, but from a risk benefit ratio perspective, there is some risk and no benefit to keeping the stud in during an interview, etc but there is some benefit and no risk to removing it. Bottom line is that removing it for the interview (assuming that's what this is for) is the safest option.

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