So where would you rank this program??

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Dec 4, 2002
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Ever get the feeling something just wasnt meant to be?? Here's my story..

About 2 weeks into the interview process, I had a huge fight with a girl i was dating at the time.. unfortunately for me this came about 5 hours before I had to wake up to go to an interview. Needless to say that I didnt get a wink of sleep that night and arrived for the interview sleep deprived and extremely pissed off. I had what I considered a disaster of an interview and considered this place a total wash. About a month goes by and I get a very enthusiastic email from the PD telling me how much Dr. X and Dr. Y enjoyed speaking with me and how enthusiastic he was for the upcoming match. Only problem was that there was no mention of Dr. Z, the 3rd attending to interview me that day. No problem, 2/3 aint bad.. thats what 2nd looks are for.

Fast forward to today.. the day of my 2nd look. I arrived at the hospital and met the PD (very nice guy) who took me to the OR and paired me up with non other than Dr. Z, the 1/3 that either A) thinks i am a ***** or B) doesnt want me in his program. Did I mention that I was up until 2am having yet another fight with the SAME girl I had the previous fight with.. oh well back to the story... So about a half way through the second case I was observing I notice that the resident operating the camera (laparoscopic case) was having alot of trouble keeping the thing straight and the surgeon was slowly but surely losing his temper. Then the camera gets dirty.. after 3 tries the resident cant get it cleaned off.. surgeons response "you are wasting my f**king time here", after 2 more tries "even my f**king golden retriever could have figured this out by now", after the 7th try he pulls his harmonic scalpel out, take a step back and shouts "WHY DONT I JUST F**KING KILL MYSELF ALREADY!!!" followed by "the rest of this aint gonna be pretty" after which he threw one of the nurses and his intern out of the OR, and then turns to me and says "VISITING DAY IS OVER.. GET OUT OF HERE". So I walked out, took off my jumpsuit and spent the next 10 minutes laughing my butt off.

What do you say to a place where their strongest selling point is "friendly atmosphere" and "great relationship with our surgeons" after witnessing something like this.. I have nothing but pity for the 2 residents and scrub nurse that probably spent the next 2 hours in there with this guy. At least I got to leave and go home.

Well I gave this place every chance I could.. I am really interested to see if they even bother to try and contact me again.

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What a great story! Do you mind sharing the programs name?

Nichole Taylor MS3
AZCOM 2004
Hi, what a story. mind sharing the name of the program.
I was wondering if we should write a thank you letter after a second look. Thanks