Question for retail pharmacists..

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5+ Year Member
Oct 27, 2017
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At what time before closing, do you stop accepting new prescriptions and tell customer it will be ready next day?

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20 minutes as a general rule of thumb. Obviously will depend a bit on the store/day/script/patient
Depends on the script. If it's an acute rx from an ER, urgent care or MD office, right up until closing. If have to stay a few minutes late so be it. ADHD, BP refills, & other mtc rxs, not so much
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Depends on the script. If it's an acute rx from an ER, urgent care or MD office, right up until closing. If have to stay a few minutes late so be it. ADHD, BP refills, & other mtc rxs, not so much
Without any other information given, I’d agree with the above response.
Had a guy come in 12 minutes before closing for diabetic supply. Told him it will be done next day and he threw a fit; told us he will complain. I told him to pound sand.

Was wondering what others’ policies are..
Without any other information given, I’d agree with the above response.
I agree as well. I will stay till over if it's for an antibiotic or some urgent problem, but if not, then I persuade them to come back.
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Had a guy come in 12 minutes before closing for diabetic supply. Told him it will be done next day and he threw a fit; told us he will complain. I told him to pound sand.

Was wondering what others’ policies are..
I honestly don’t have a black and white rule about it, but I’ll usually ask if they can wait until next day and if they say no, I’ll just bang it out
Sometimes it just takes less time to fill the rx then argue with idiots

I’ve had people complain about not filling/selling Rxs after closing too. Those people, I tell them to **** off in a polite way.
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