question about Derm salaries

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Aug 15, 2003
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quick question as I am a MS3 thinking about Derm among other fields...

I have seen that Derm salaries are consistently quoted as in the range above primary care, but often below specialties such as Anesthesia and Rads...
why is this true (and is this in fact accurate?) when it seems to me that Dermatologists can do many procedures such as laser treatments, botox, ect...that are not insurance based and thus are out of pocket and would seem to be more lucrative (similar to cosmetic plastic surgery vs. other surgery subspecialties). I am very attracted to the 'independence' such procedures can give from the strings of medicare reinbursement issues, ect... and so I would just like some clarification on this issue--- :)

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There is tremendous range in dermatologists income as there is for most medical specialties.Most Derms work fewer hours per week than these other fields,out of choice. You need to look not merely at total income made but the time/effort needed to earn it.If you want to work 50 hours a week as a dermatologist you will do very well financially.Anesthesia,Derm and Rads are very different from each other,do not pick a specialty based purely on its perceived income.
thanks NY Skin Doc. I realize that these are very different fields... I guess I'm one of those people that likes most every specialty I have experienced thus far, and so I am moving to think about certain lifestyle issues. I know that Derm offers the potential for at least some freedom from worries about reimbursement issues, and this is a great draw for me considering the current state of constant medicare cuts, etc...I have done well in medical school thus far and I know it's now time to decide.
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NY Skin Doc

Is it possible for a dermatologist to make upper 6 figures-7 figures like many plastic surgeons, opthalmologists, and orthopedic surgeons? There are radiologists that earn upper 6 figures too. Can derm do that?
You are deluded about the income of many physicians in the current market. Never the less, income in any specialty is determined by the business acumen of the individual, not by the degree.
VentdependenT said:
You are deluded about the income of many physicians in the current market. Never the less, income in any specialty is determined by the business acumen of the individual, not by the degree.

I said many not most. You are delluded if you think some physicians in todays market are not earning the type of salaries I listed. Salary also depends on where you practice, the type of practice you have established, and hours worked.
keep in mind that you will never find a dermatologist willing to work as hard as a plastic surgeon or an orthopod.