PNWU-COM (Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences) Discussion 2007-2008

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I don't know the answer to your question but just wanted to wish you GOOD LUCK!
I'd love to go to this school as well!
Interview-wise, just respond with your "you guys are my first choice" if they bring it up, that's what I'd do. It's not an answer, just a suggestion. I'm sure you'll SHINE!

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As you know, I have an interview here on the 11th. What I am wondering about is at what point in the interview should I tell them that this school is my first choice? Or should I not tell them unless they ask? This is my first interview so I'm kinda unsure, wish I had one before this so I would be more prepared.

It's not a date. Playing hard to get isn't going to work in your favor. If you're enthusiastic about the school, don't keep it a secret.

That said, you need to have mature reasons for being enthusiastic about the school.
I interviewed 12/15 and was accepted 12/18. The whole interview day is very laidback and everyone was very accomodating. Just be yourself and let them know that you want to be there next fall. As long as you believe in what you're saying, you'll be fine. The first interview is always the hardest, but if you go into the interview with confidence everything will pan out. Good luck.:)
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For those that want more info on financial aid and clinicals, here is the response from LeAnn, Director of Admission/FA/Registration regarding the current situation.

"Regarding financial aid I am attaching the list of private scholarships I have so far and you will see one of the worksheet I have started a list of private lenders (this is not complete) and a financial aid fact sheet. The federal loans will not be available until 3-6 months after school starts so if you are considering a private loan then one of the questions to ask is if there is a penalty for early repayment. I will be developing questions for you to think about when working with private lenders. If there is no penalty for early repayment on the private loan then you have the option of canceling the private loan and taking out a federal loan to repay the private loan."

Concerning clinical site locations, here is her response.

"Dr. Clark tells me that the 3rd & 4th year electives can be anywhere in the country and we can help you set those up or you can choose them on your own. I hope that helps."

Feel free to ask any additional questions and I will try and help.
The 7th Annual MAPS Pre-Health Conference​
"Healthcare on the MAPS: Navigating Your Future"​
Hosted by the Minority Association of Pre-Health Students (MAPS-UW)​
WHEN: Saturday, January 12th, 9:00 AM – 5:30 pm
WHERE: South Campus Center, University of Washington (
WHAT: The Annual MAPS Pre-Health Conference is held once a year at the University of Washington's South Campus Center. With representatives from a variety of graduate schools and programs, students from all over the Seattle area gather to learn more about today's top health professions. Dr. Sheila Edwards Lange (University of Washington School of Medicine Vice President for Minority Affairs and Provost for Diversity), Dr. Leslie R. Walker (Children's Hospital Director of Adolescent Medicine), and Dr. Beatrice Gandara (University of Washington School of Dentistry Director of Emergency Clinic) are among the scheduled keynote speakers. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for all registered guests along with hands-on workshops including vital signs, pig feet suturing, pressure points/acupuncture, and much more. This is a great opportunity for students from all college levels who are interested in entering a healthcare field.
The graduate schools and programs scheduled to attend this year's conference include: University of Washington Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences (Washington's first DO medical school), and representatives from fields including Physician's Assistant, Nurse Practitioners, Health Administration and Policy, Alternative Medicine and Chiropractics.
Register online at
$10 MAPS members, $13 Non-Members
Minority Association of Pre-Health Students (MAPS)
University of Washington
that Yakima school, has anyone been rejected?
Have you interviewed? I know one person on here (at least) who was rejected post-secondary.
What are your stats like?
Kinda tough to answer this one as the site seems to not want to put up a thread for this school in the interview section.

You might want to merge this question/thread into the main PNWU interview thread.
Aren't they only taking like 50-60 people for their first class? I'd imagine that means a lot of people will be getting the axe.
Aren't they only taking like 50-60 people for their first class? I'd imagine that means a lot of people will be getting the axe.

I think so. They are being VERY choosy for a new school. :smuggrin:
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I think so. They are being VERY choosy for a new school. :smuggrin:

Joking? Can't tell. You'd need data on how many apps PNWU's getting to claim choosiness. There are currently 22 mdapps records, so I'd extrapolate 400 apps. PNWU's catalog page says they're taking 70 students.
Joking? Can't tell. You'd need data on how many apps PNWU's getting to claim choosiness. There are currently 22 mdapps records, so I'd extrapolate 400 apps. PNWU's catalog page says they're taking 70 students.

No, I wasn't joking. I'm just a little bitter after my post-seconday rejection (24 hours after the $175 check cleared). In all seriousness, they seem a little picky as compared to other brand new or newer schools, that's all. :D
No, I wasn't joking. I'm just a little bitter after my post-seconday rejection (24 hours after the $175 check cleared). In all seriousness, they seem a little picky as compared to other brand new or newer schools, that's all. :D

How in the world were you rejected post secondary??? that had to have been some kind of mistake
They've actually received over 1000 apps for PNWU (My D.O. received a newsletter from them and he gave it to me.) I'm hoping that getting an interview means that you have a good chance of getting in, because it seems like they are very picky with those.
Does anyone know why PNWU has such late interview times? Its much different than alot of other schools. They sent me a schedule that says the voluntary greeting and tour is 12-1 and my interview is 4:30-5:00pm. I'm thinking it might be so that people in the Seattle area can just drive over there in the morning. I'm not complaining, I'm just glad because it might take longer to drive through snoqualmie pass with all the bad weather up there lately.
The interviews go all day. Mine is scheduled for 9:45 am. I'm just not sure what we are supposed to do in the downtime?
I guess they are picky based on the following: they explicitly state on their website that they are seeking individuals from the PNW, all else need not apply - well, not the last part verbatim but it's easily inferred. Second, the secondary app fee of $175 combined with the 75-80 student initial class size - these factors are generally limiting for other branch campuses of similar size and those still are not as new. It's not a matter of stats, yet - it's the aforementioned limiting factors.
The interviews go all day. Mine is scheduled for 9:45 am. I'm just not sure what we are supposed to do in the downtime?

That's cool if they picked you up from TX. Good luck!
You'd need data on how many apps PNWU's getting to claim choosiness. There are currently 22 mdapps records, so I'd extrapolate 400 apps. PNWU's catalog page says they're taking 70 students.

Agreed - but perhaps even a few more...
For some reason...the site seems to not want to post PNWU in the interview feedback database.

That being the case...anyone want to list the interview questions they were asked in this thread?

A few people have alluded to the idea that the questions are standardized...but some seem to disagree...anyone want to post the one's they can remember?
For those who have interviewed, were you asked about your gpa and/or mcat in the interview?
I am going to PNWU!!

Is anyone else going from the Seattle area who would like to find a roommate???
Breaking news! I just got offered an spot in the 1st class. I came off as a complete **** on the phone though, I was shocked.
Breaking news! I just got offered an spot in the 1st class. I came off as a complete **** on the phone though, I was shocked.

Congratulations! That's great news! :thumbup:
Congrats!!! I sounded like a "****" on the phone when they called as well. So I guess I will be seeing you in August??
Tachymeter & Milehigh,

Well done.

Would you folks be good enough to start a thread next September with your initial impressions? Please update us on the loan situation, physical facilities, Yakima and the overall atmosphere. I realize that you will be as busy as one armed paper hangers but a 15 minute post would be greatly appreciated by all.

Best of luck to you both.

First and foremost...congrats Tachy and Milehigh...great news!!!

Well...had my interview on Friday...and seeing as the site still doesn't want to put up an interview thread for PNWU...I'll post here.

The interview was just as described in previous posts. About 16 people, open file, and everyone gets the same questions. No real trick questions...just the usual ones. They didn't address grades or MCAT scores which was nice...unfortunately those were the things I was most prepared to discuss, so all the other questions were the ones I didn't study too much for...stupid me...I must've seemed like the dumbest interviewee they had...oh well, lesson learned. The staff was all extremely nice and welcoming and very excited about the program...nice people. No building least on the day we interviewed...but it is clearly visible across the street...gonna be a nice place.

As far as admits and openings...the director said about 1600 primaries with 400 returned secondaries. She said somewhere around 50 had been offered admits and 18 had sent in deposits...that was as of 1/11.

Sounds like the general routine is they call on Tuesdays following the interviews with acceptances. I was interviewing at RVU all day Tuesday so no real phone service...but with no messages left and no phone call as of today...kinda figuring I'm not getting in. Not the end of the world...just have to keep at it.
OLYWA, sorry that PNWU didn't pan out for you. Good luck and keep your head high!
Got a letter today...I've been waitlisted.

Not the acceptance that I wanted...but way better than the rejection I was expecting.

Actually pretty happy with being waitlisted...hopefully things pan out...:oops:
I am from the Portland and Seattle area, graduated from UW and sent in my deposit to this school. I love the outdoors and Yakima is the perfect place for someone like me. They have a ski resort 45 mins away, and another one (Crystal Mountain the largest in the northwest) 1hr 15 mins away. They have beautiful lakes and hiking trails only 35 mins away from the city. Another 1hr. 15 min drive will put you at the Columbia Gorge, one of the worlds premier kite boarding/wind surfing spots. (X-games have been held there many times) On top of a Yakima hill you have the choice to look at Mt. Adams, Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens (some also say Mt. Hood).

I know in the bottom of my heart that I would honestly be sad to move away from this awesome landscape.
OLYWA!!! YAY! I am happy to hear that you were waitlisted rather than completely rejected. Do you know how many people have been waitlisted?
Don't really know how many have been waitlisted...unfortunately the letter didn't address that...or the more important factor...where you are at on the waitlist.

Oh well...just happy that I'm on it.
Yay, just got the call for feb 8th!!!!.....I'll be reading through this thread and be back with lots of questions
Hi all!

I just scheduled my interview for the 15th! Any hints on where to stay that is close to the school??

Any helpful interview tips? I wish we had PNWU added to the interview feedback :(. Do they give a tour of the site?

Thanks for any info!


Congrats on the interview!!! Stay at Oxford Suites. It is really close to PNWU and they provide a light dinner as well as full breakfast! It is nice having meals available for you at no extra cost.

Everyone at PNWU is very welcoming so don't be nervous. Be prepared with questions as you should have plenty of time to ask them. Good luck! Hope to be seeing you in August.
Did anyone fly in? or drive up from Portland? suggestions
Did anyone fly in? or drive up from Portland? suggestions

I drove from Seattle the day before the interview. All went well. The extra time allowed for relaxation and a tour of Yakima. :D
I drove from Seattle the day before the interview. All went well. The extra time allowed for relaxation and a tour of Yakima. :D

so mile high could you give us a run down on your impressions of the school so we have some idea what to expect. What are their plans? goals? Why did you love it? What do you invision next year being like....I feel like this school has a lot of dots to be filled in
so mile high could you give us a run down on your impressions of the school so we have some idea what to expect. What are their plans? goals? Why did you love it? What do you invision next year being like....I feel like this school has a lot of dots to be filled in

As I mentioned before, the faculty, staff, and administrators all are extremely supportive and enthusiastic about PNWU and about their students. The community of Yakima is also excited about PNWU and is looking forward to see this school grow. This is one of the main reasons I have chosen to attend PNWU. The Pacific Northwest is an amazing place to be. I wish to stay here until I am old and gray. :p As this is the inaugural class, I am also excited about the opportunities we will have to pave a path for future students.

What do I envision next year being like? I suppose you could ask what do I envision the next four years being like. This is a new school. As with any new program there may be some bumps along the way but I have faith in the administration that these bumps will be few and far between. I also envision this as one of the busiest but most rewarding times of my life.

As far as PNWU's plans and goals go, you should ask them during the time alloted for discussion at your interview. Who best can describe the plans and goals of a university but those who are intimately involved with it? I am sure all of the "dots" will be filled in ;)

Congrats on the interview and goodluck!!:luck:
Yay, just got the call for feb 8th!!!!.....I'll be reading through this thread and be back with lots of questions

Congrats on your interview!

I didn't get a call from them, but I did get a letter in the mail inviting me to an interview.

I'll be here asking questions too, and maybe I'll be interviewing with some of you.
Congrats on your interview!

I didn't get a call from them, but I did get a letter in the mail inviting me to an interview.

I'll be here asking questions too, and maybe I'll be interviewing with some of you.

Thats weird they sent a letter? Congrats!
Dudes. If you're going to PNWU, and you are over 25 (or exceptionally cool for your age), you might care about this little concert down the road from your little school in mid-August:
Dudes. If you're going to PNWU, and you are over 25 (or exceptionally cool for your age), you might care about this little concert down the road from your little school in mid-August:

hhhhhhmmmmm........I wasn't aware that you had to be over 25 or exceptionally cool for your age to like Tom Petty?! :p

Thanks for the info. I haven't been to the gorge yet. Heard it is spectacular!
I'm so happy to be accepted, applying to Med school is a bear.

For all those interviewing, here are some words of advice.
If you’re coming from a far, be sure to fly into Yakima. Flying in a propeller plane around Mt Rainer is quite an experience. Then either rent a car or choose a hotel that has a shuttle service. I recommend renting a car, this will give you the freedom to explore the town, meet the locals, and make sure that the area is right for you. In other words, it's in your best interest to explore and get a feel for the town and current conditions that its residents face (medically, financially, lifestyle, etc.).

The campus is easy to find and the main building is still being built (ahead of schedule), so no walkthroughs. The staff is very friendly and makes you feel right at home.

Interview tips: Be relaxed, answer questions honestly (not what you think they want to hear). The interview is staged, meaning everyone is asked the exact same questions, followed by impromptu questions by the interviewers. Also, be sure to come with questions for the school administrators, now is the time to have all of them answered and show that you are really interested in the school.
Wear something professional, arrive early, and most of all... be sure to smile!
Question for those that have interviewed? My interview is at 8:45 but then the only thing on the schedule after that is at noon. what did you all do between 9:15 and noon, also has anyone driven up from P-town
Well my interview was at 4:30 pm. But what happens is that everyone in the morning waits in the conference room after they have been interviewed. While there they give you information on financial aid, rotations, housing, etc. Then at 12pm both morning and afternoon candidates will all come together in the room. At that point you get to meet the dean and have lunch for an hour.(My group didn't get to meet the dean, he spoke to us by conference call :idea: ). After that all the morning interviewers are allowed to leave or stay if they want to ask more questions and re listen to the spiel.
I only drove up from Seattle but the big key is to make sure the passes are good because you could get stuck there. That and know if you go by Tacoma and Seattle during rush hour it will be terrible.

Good Luck, hope you make it.