PNWU-COM (Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences) Discussion 2007-2008

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I just bit the bullet and applied to this school for the main reason of location. Yakima is a beautiful location within the even more beautiful state of Washington. Even though I am somewhat wary of attending a spanking new school the opportunity to be near me and my wife's family in Washington and Idaho is a HUGE factor plus I am a pacific northwest guy and really have no desire to be anywhere else. For those who have interviewed at this school what was revealed about fin aid... are there going to be federal funds available the first year and do they have any sort of scholarships? Any help on this front would be greatly appreciated as this is the area of most concern for me and has not been adequately addressed.

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I have been complete for about 3 weeks now, and received an e-mail about a week and half ago that said I was complete, and that I should be hearing from them shortly.

Maybe this week???
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I have been complete for about 3 weeks now, and received an e-mail about a week and half ago that said I was complete, and that I should be hearing from them shortly.

Maybe this week???

I'm in the same situation. I heard the interview invite comes via snail mail, so keep checking! :luck:
I'm in the same situation. I heard the interview invite comes via snal mail, so keep checking! :luck:
I'm going nuts! Nothing in the email today :(.

Anyone that interview willing to share their stats???
I also had my interview on Friday (11/2) and got my acceptance yesterday morning. I'm from the Seattle area so this school is definitely my #1 choice. The presentation of the school and what is has to offer its students was impressive, and further confirmed my choice of attending. Everyone was so friendly and it's obvious they are very dedicated to the school. I can't wait to start in August! Good luck to everyone!
congrats erical...and to all the others...

i'm gonna echo hallligan's post and ask if any of the acceptee's would be willing to post their stats or mdpps profiles
For those that have interviewed at PNWU...what has been financial aid presentation you received...if any?

Kinda looking as to when they're anticipating feel federal loan eligibility will become available.
I'm going nuts! Nothing in the email today :(.

Anyone that interview willing to share their stats???

I am interviewing on the 30th. My CUM GPA was 2.99 and Science GPA was 2.88, which are not great. My MCAT was a 26. I have tons of EC/VOL, Great LOR, Some significant clinical experience through volunteering and jobs.
Why in the heck is this school and not .edu like every other graduate/professional school?? Is that what they need all that secondarry application fee money for ($175), to buy their way into that status?:idea::D
I am interviewing on the 30th as well. I was wondering if any one who has interviewed (erical or jon inc.) could be kind enough to give me hints as to what questions were presented at the interview?
Why in the heck is this school and not .edu like every other graduate/professional school?? Is that what they need all that secondarry application fee money for ($175), to buy their way into that status?:idea::D

Touro NY is $200.

Rocky Vista is .org as well.
Why in the heck is this school and not .edu like every other graduate/professional school?? Is that what they need all that secondarry application fee money for ($175), to buy their way into that status?:idea::D

They need to apply for .edu status which will probably granted in the next few months.
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No posts in a week...anyone have any new news and/or info regarding interviews & acceptances at PNWU?
No posts in a week...anyone have any new news and/or info regarding interviews & acceptances at PNWU?
I'm still waiting...I was complete a long time ago. Just waiting on an interview or rejection. Crossing fingers that its not a rejection :)
I got an interview invite for 11/30 about a week ago. They gave me the option of 11/30 or 12/14. I'll post more after the interview. Hope this helps.
When were you complete, Adam? Congrats on the interview.
I'll echo Halligan...congrats Adam...let us know how it goes.
I really really want to go to this school! I was looking through the catalog and I was curious about the part that reads:

"Admission: Recommending a Student Persons wishing to recommend a student for admission to the College of Osteopathic Medicine should write to the Dean on behalf of the applicant. This letter will be given full consideration when the applicant’s file is evaluated."

What/Who do you guys think they are looking for in this kind of letter? Any other suggestions of what I can do to be more pro-active? Is it appropriate to send a letter of intent even before an interview? I got an e-mail to say I was complete on November 20th. Any suggestions? Thanks!
To any and all that have interviewed...please post your experiences in the interview feedback forum.
PNWU isn't in the interview feedback forum so I will post my experience here. I arrived at noon for a lunch and group meeting with 14 other interviewees and the entire medical school staff. They all talked about the school mission, plans for the future, etc. From there we went on a tour of the facility being built. It looks like its going to be awesome, even though at this point it is about half completed. From there you had the option of waiting for your interview or asking questions. Me and another interviewee chose to ask questions with the Assistant Dean Dr. Sutton. He is a warm, friendly guy who was willing to answer all of our questions. I think talking and listening to him got me in a better mindset for the interview. Well the interview itself is 30 minutes. And it's timed. I was interviewed by a panel of three people. They ask the standard "Why Osteopathic medicine" and "How would you tell someone they were going to die in 6 months." Nothing too out of the ordinary. Although there was one question like "How to plan on remaining ethical as a doctor" that I had to think about. By the end we were all laughing and joking. The interview was a very pleasent experience. The staff seems committed to this program and it seems like a great set-up. Any other questions feel free to ask and my advice if offered an interview is to take it.
I'm really hoping that out of all the schools that I get interviewed and accepted here. I live in Federal Way, WA so it wouldn't be too far away from my family. That and I really like Washington and would rather not leave this state. To all the people wondering about Yakima, its a pretty nice place, I've been there a couple of times in the past. The only place I like more is Alaska, but they probably won't get a med school for a long long time.
just wanted to say ditto on the Alaska being prettiest. even though it's -2F right now and falling, you can't beat it. (Yakima is OK too--all those apples)
good luck to all PNWU hopefuls-- it is going to be an awesome school.
when your ready, come practice in AK!
I just went to a Q/A session with Dr Sutton and when I asked about housing, he replied that they are working on agreements with some local apartment complexes for the med students as well as developers for future building projects.

As for the building, last week he said that it would be a close finish but everything would be ready by the time classes started.

I was pleased to see the number of locations they are working on, and they have even taken into account my li'l ol' hospital down here in Clarkston! (most likely to be part of rotations out of Spokane...)
I interviewed on 11/30 and it was a great experience. What stood out to me the most was not all of the cool stuff about the school, but how the staff seemed so enthusiastic about their job and the school. My interview was 45 mins long and it was only supposed to be 30. I think that they ask different questions for different people interviewing. I answered at least 20 questions. Some of them were ethical questions and some of them were about getting to know your personal life. They say that it is standardized, but I think they have different eval forms with different questions on them. Their really not questions that you could prepare yourself for. For example, "What is your motto?", "What are you striving to be in life?" Though they were not supposed to give oral feedback on the questions, the 3 interviewers did give facial expressions.

I got a call from the Dean today and I was accepted! I am definitely going to this school! Yakima is beautiful and the cost of living is low. I cant wait to start. :D
Hey all-
This is my first post! I thought I should chime in, give a little, get a little!

I just received an interview invite for 1/4 or 1/11. Does anyone that has already interviewed have any info on the questions asked? There isn't anything in the interview database!
I interviewed on the 30th as well and the dean called me to let me know I was in yesterday. I'm definately impressed with how fast the school has been moving. They were the last place that I applied to and the first to give me an acceptance.

They also said the exterior of the new building will be finished in the next couple weeks, so that may be a better time to see what its going to look like.

As for Yakima itself, its got some potential. When I was checking the area out a couple weeks ago, I ended up going to a restaurant downtown called The Depot and was talking to the owner for a while. He was a tried and true local and was really starting to sell the area to me. It seems like the downtown is trying to revive and adding a lot of wine bars, similar to what has happened in other rural Washington areas like Ellensburgh and Walla Walla. Everyone down there is talking about this school and I think it will help the area immensely, especially in the Terrace Heights neighborhood.
Hello all, I was sent a secondary application last week but have hesitated because I live in Kansas and didn't know how adamant they are on accepting students from the region. Does anyone know? Thanks.
I got an interview and I am from Texas.... so I only hope I can parlay that into an acceptance :).
Hello everyone!
Congrats to all those who already got accepted.:thumbup: I was among the first five or ten applicants to pick this school; well maybe like the sixth. Very excited to attend if I get accepted!

I am interviewing on Jan. 4th and wondering if someone who has interviewed could provide specific questions asked; besides the ones already mentioned.:rolleyes:

Does anyone know if getting an interview from PNWU means good chances for acceptance:confused:? Because some schools will invite like 50% of applicants, and that does not translate into fair chances for acceptance:thumbdown:.
Hello everyone!
Congrats to all those who already got accepted.:thumbup: I was among the first five or ten applicants to pick this school; well maybe like the sixth. Very excited to attend if I get accepted!

I am interviewing on Jan. 4th and wondering if someone who has interviewed could provide specific questions asked; besides the ones already mentioned.:rolleyes:

Does anyone know if getting an interview from PNWU means good chances for acceptance:confused:? Because some schools will invite like 50% of applicants, and that does not translate into fair chances for acceptance:thumbdown:.

Not sure about acceptance rates, but as for the interview itself, not too bad. They did ask some tough thought provoking questions though, so I would review some ethics. I was asked questions like "How would you explain to a patient they only have 6 months to live?" and "Would you rather be the only physician treating a patient, or would it be more appropriate to have multiple physicians treating one patient?"

Honestly, being my first interview, I didn't feel like I did so hot. I was very excited/surprised to be called for an acceptance by Dr. Betz.

Good luck, and hopefully I'll see ya there! :thumbup:
So what is the deal with federal loans/funding? No one has mentioned it. Has anyone that has interviewed asked about how they will finance the four years? Do they have governmental approval yet? Just curious.
So what is the deal with federal loans/funding? No one has mentioned it. Has anyone that has interviewed asked about how they will finance the four years? Do they have governmental approval yet? Just curious.

According to them, they can't apply for federal loan status until the first day that classes start. They hope to have federal loans lined up after the first half of the school year. Until then... private loans.
OlyWa has an interview!!!

Who'da thunk it??? An early Christmas present!!!

PNWU is my absolute FIRST CHOICE!!!

It's gonna be long wait until Jan. 11th...but I guess I'll make it.

Thanks to all that have posted their interview we all learn from each other on these forums...I'll be certain to do the same.
OlyWa has an interview!!!

Who'da thunk it??? An early Christmas present!!!

PNWU is my absolute FIRST CHOICE!!!

It's gonna be long wait until Jan. 11th...but I guess I'll make it.

Thanks to all that have posted their interview we all learn from each other on these forums...I'll be certain to do the same.

Awesome, congrats!! By the way, you and I are score twins! :D :luck:
Thanx for the input sixkix:)!
To all who have interviewed or have similar insight; did you feel that the interview was fare or you think the interviewers came in to it with a pre-conceived decision? I guess what I'm saying is that; did it feel like what you said in the interview had much impact on the decision made.

P.S: I have requested SDN to add PNWU on the interview feedback:thumbup:, and should receive a reply within 24 hrs. I encourage all post-interviewees to submit feedback, when the link becomes available:idea:.
Hey guys, I debated on whether to share this story or not but I thought why not, it's not bad news. Please take this with some skepticism because it comes from a second hand source (my mom) who lives in Eastern WA and doesn't know very much about the process but still likes to add as much input as possible :)

Apparently my mom somehow got in touch with a PNWU faculty member through a mutual friend and the man told her that he heard her son was applying to med school and that he (I) should consider attending PNWU and so far only 20 or so spots had been filled. They had a meeting and told their faculty members to go out and recruit prospective students. Now that 20 number is what my mom said the faculty member said, but again, I don't know if I believe it.

Anyway, I'm not applying to the school so it doesn't really have an impact on me, but if this could be confirmed by somebody else maybe it can be useful. Otherwise, this source comes from the same woman who didn't know her son's major until she went to his graduation. I mean seriously :)
Holy smokes I just got an interview invite from PNWU for either January 11th or January 25th. I'm going to pick the 11th, but now I am really excited. I was worried that my application wasn't good enough but it looks like it might be. God I'm nervous now. This is one of my top 3 schools so I hope I will make it. My application was only completed on December 11th too.
You should not be scared off from applying there just because of the absence of federally subsidized loans. The scary thing for me would be variable or adjustable rate loans. However, if you can get a fixed interest rate PNWU looks like a good deal financially. People are overlooking PNWU’s low tuition and cheap cost of living.

PNWU will actually be cheaper than many other private DO programs even if you have to pay 8.5% interest on the first year borrowings. In fact if you have to pay 8.5% for all four years, PNWU is still a good deal.

PNWU’s tuition is only $30,000 per year. In the first year you pay an extra one time only charge of $2,500. If your living expenses amount to $18,000 your total borrowing will be $50,500 for the first year. In eight years (including residency) that first year debt will grow to $96,991. That looks bad but things get better ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN BORROW UNDER THE STAFFORD PROGRAM FOR YEARS TWO, THREE AND FOUR

In years two, three and four your total expenses will be $48,000. You might borrow $8,500 in subsidized Stafford loans, $32,000 in unsubsidized Stafford loans at 6.5% and $7,500 in Grad Plus at 8.5%. Unsubsidized Staffords and Grad Plus start accruing interest at disbursement. Year 2 grows to $71,504, year 3 grows to $67,429 and year 4 grows to $63,620. The total is $299,542 after four years of residency.

Even if PNWU NEVER GOT STAFFORD LOANS and you paid 8.5% on all loans your bill at the end of residency would be $332,433.

If you went to PCOM and paid $37,000 per year in tuition plus $23,000 in living costs your total bill at the end of a four year residency would be $348,355 and this assumes that you could take full advantage of subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans at 6.5%.

I, of course, don’t know anything about residencies, quality of instruction etc.
You should not be scared off from applying there just because of the absence of federally subsidized loans. The scary thing for me would be variable or adjustable rate loans. However, if you can get a fixed interest rate PNWU looks like a good deal financially. People are overlooking PNWU’s low tuition and cheap cost of living.

PNWU will actually be cheaper than many other private DO programs even if you have to pay 8.5% interest on the first year borrowings. In fact if you have to pay 8.5% for all four years, PNWU is still a good deal.

PNWU’s tuition is only $30,000 per year. In the first year you pay an extra one time only charge of $2,500. If your living expenses amount to $18,000 your total borrowing will be $50,500 for the first year. In eight years (including residency) that first year debt will grow to $96,991. That looks bad but things get better ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN BORROW UNDER THE STAFFORD PROGRAM FOR YEARS TWO, THREE AND FOUR

In years two, three and four your total expenses will be $48,000. You might borrow $8,500 in subsidized Stafford loans, $32,000 in unsubsidized Stafford loans at 6.5% and $7,500 in Grad Plus at 8.5%. Unsubsidized Staffords and Grad Plus start accruing interest at disbursement. Year 2 grows to $71,504, year 3 grows to $67,429 and year 4 grows to $63,620. The total is $299,542 after four years of residency.

Even if PNWU NEVER GOT STAFFORD LOANS and you paid 8.5% on all loans your bill at the end of residency would be $332,433.

If you went to PCOM and paid $37,000 per year in tuition plus $23,000 in living costs your total bill at the end of a four year residency would be $348,355 and this assumes that you could take full advantage of subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans at 6.5%.

I, of course, don’t know anything about residencies, quality of instruction etc.

Unfortunately, PNWU's tuition will not remain at 30,000/year + 2500 academic fees. In fact if you look at their online catagory you will see that their tuition will rise every year and will reach $34,729 (with the fees this is $37,229). First year tuition and fees is 33,500 (acceptance deposit, academic fees, and tuition). For a spanking new school this is no bargain when you can go to a much more reputable school for essentially the same cost or less at many (TCOM, UMDNJ, LECOM, DMUCOM, LECOM-B, OSUCOM, VCOM, and LMUCOM-DCOM). With no stafford loans of gradplus your interest rates will be higher and there will probably no grace periods, residency deferments, and potential opportunities to reduce your interest. Does not sound great to me to attend a new school where you'll be a guinea pig and go into significant debt for it!
Patriots Forever is right about the $2,500 fee. PNWA will impose it every year. The AACOMAS website was wrong. Per PNWA's website the total bill will be $33,675, $34,000, $35,575 and $37,229 for years 1 through 4. Sorry.

With the exception of instate tuition and the LECOM schools this is still comparatively cheap especially if you consider Yakima's cost of living. I stand by my earlier post in substance. If you compound the interest on this cost at market rates you will still owe about as much as you would at many other schools with subsidized loans.

Should you turn down a full ride at Harvard to pay full price here? Of course not. However, if this is your only option to be a physician and you can get fixed rate loans I wouldn't let the absence of Stafford loans deter me.
I recalculated the debts given the higher costs of attending. I am assuming $18,000 per year in cost of living expenses

If you pay 8.5% on first year borrowing and then get Stafford Loans under the usual terms for years 2, 3 and 4 and were able to defer interest payments during a four year residency, your debt at the end of the residency would be $328,845. Your monthly payment over 30 years would be about $2,300 with a blended rate of 7.5%.

If you never qualify for Stafford loans but are able to defer interest payments during residency your debt at the end of residency would be $361,745. This is about the same amount you would owe at the end of residency if you went to UNECOM and were able to get Stafford loans. Your monthly payment at 8.5% would be about $2,800.

The key to this deal is to get interest payments deferred during residency, to get a fixed predictable rate for the life of the loan and for you not to default on the loan. I would bet with most loans that if there’s ever a default the whole thing comes due. If you are unsure about the terms of any loan you might take out, spend $200 and get a lawyer to have the whole thing clear in your head.
I recalculated the debts given the higher costs of attending. I am assuming $18,000 per year in cost of living expenses

If you pay 8.5% on first year borrowing and then get Stafford Loans under the usual terms for years 2, 3 and 4 and were able to defer interest payments during a four year residency, your debt at the end of the residency would be $328,845. Your monthly payment over 30 years would be about $2,300 with a blended rate of 7.5%.

If you never qualify for Stafford loans but are able to defer interest payments during residency your debt at the end of residency would be $361,745. This is about the same amount you would owe at the end of residency if you went to UNECOM and were able to get Stafford loans. Your monthly payment at 8.5% would be about $2,800.

The key to this deal is to get interest payments deferred during residency, to get a fixed predictable rate for the life of the loan and for you not to default on the loan. I would bet with most loans that if there’s ever a default the whole thing comes due. If you are unsure about the terms of any loan you might take out, spend $200 and get a lawyer to have the whole thing clear in your head.

I've got to say, Obnoxious Dad, you should start your own thread and just go over all sorts of stuff like this. Since I joined SDN I've noticed that your posts are among the most informative and helpful. So thank you.:D
I've got to say, Obnoxious Dad, you should start your own thread and just go over all sorts of stuff like this. Since I joined SDN I've noticed that your posts are among the most informative and helpful. So thank you.:D

I like to help people clarify their thinking about these issues.

I do want to point out that you ought to see a CPA or certified financial planner before you make this large commitment. You need to be sure about your own situation and not rely on me or anyone else spouting generalities. There maybe something about your life that makes your situation unique. See the CPA after April 15th. He or she might talk to you on the cheap.

PS I'm a dog lover too!
Hmmm, hate to say something nice about the profit center in CO, but it appears that Rocky Vista is more into full disclosure than PNWU:

"Students enrolling at RVUCOM for the academic year 2007-2008 will not be eligible to participate in federally guaranteed and supplemented student-loan programs until the time the college achieves regional or full accreditation. This process requires at a minimum two years from the date the college begin classes."

If this is true, then that's 2 years with only private loans. And that starts being a problem for repayment during residency. It's my understanding that with a private loan you have less flexibility with deferring payment after you're out of school...
I posted a link below to a newspaper story linked from the PNWU website about the appointment of a new permanent dean at PNWU.

This guy is politically wired which is a good thing. Maybe he can help speed up the use of Staffords at PNWU. He's also a former general so everybody better shape up. :mad:
In my earlier post I had referred to the new guy as the "dean" but he's the president of the institution.

See the link below for another story about him. One interesting facet of his history is that he was the first DO to do a residency at the University of Southern California. Please be advised that I'm not on the PNWU payroll!
As you know, I have an interview here on the 11th. What I am wondering about is at what point in the interview should I tell them that this school is my first choice? Or should I not tell them unless they ask? This is my first interview so I'm kinda unsure, wish I had one before this so I would be more prepared.