OSUCOM Class of 2009 Thread

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I have found that most people who are not in the field, including "pre-med" advisors, don't really know much if anything about D.O.'s. The bottom line is that they can gain licensure to practice medicine. Don't worry about what these people say or think. If you ask others in the health profession, like nurses, they usually know what a D.O. is and agree that there is little if any actual difference.

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Oh, I'm still happy I chose OSU. I'm excited (orientation is one month from today, eek!) and hearing comments like those of my co-worker doesn't deter me or make me second guess myself. It's just frustrating to have the "average joe" act all high and mighty in their opinions when they've not taken the time to figure out why they even have that opinion. I'll probably print off some info and put it on her desk, maybe highlight the key bits. :) Thanks, and sorry for the downer of a post! (TGIF!)
I would not waste my time puttin the info on her desk... the fact is, when she has to go the emergency room and a DO treats her, tell her to ask the DO what the difference is then.
welcome to OSU, it gets better here, i promise

Athena918 said:
Oh, I'm still happy I chose OSU. I'm excited (orientation is one month from today, eek!) and hearing comments like those of my co-worker doesn't deter me or make me second guess myself. It's just frustrating to have the "average joe" act all high and mighty in their opinions when they've not taken the time to figure out why they even have that opinion. I'll probably print off some info and put it on her desk, maybe highlight the key bits. :) Thanks, and sorry for the downer of a post! (TGIF!)
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Only four weeks left until orientation!

I must get some home projects completed in the interim :scared:

Anyone up for a Tulsa SDN social gathering? I think meeting some fellow students would be great.
OrthoFixation said:
Only four weeks left until orientation!

I must get some home projects completed in the interim :scared:

Anyone up for a Tulsa SDN social gathering? I think meeting some fellow students would be great.

You guys really need to do that. :) My class of SDNers got together for dinner a couple of nights before orientation. It was very nice to walk into orientation having some faces I recognized.
Maybe we could set a date of Saturday 7/30 or 8/6. That would provide time to drum up interest and allow more students to arrive in town. Days other than Saturday are OK too. Any suggestions?

Since I am enjoying my current unemployment, my schedule is pretty flexible.
I'll be out of town July 30-Aug 4, so my vote is for the evening of Aug 6. anyone else?
Athena918 said:
I'll be out of town July 30-Aug 4, so my vote is for the evening of Aug 6. anyone else?
I don't move to Tulsa until July 30th...so I would be more up for an August gathering. I may be in Fort Worth the weekend of the 6th though.
I might be more up for a weeknight, since I will be unemployed when I move!
Hmm, Tuesdays tend to be pretty uneventful. Want to plan on the evening of Tuesday the 9th? I think most of us will be unemployed by August...so really, any week nights can work for me too. Where did everyone decide to live?
Athena918 said:
Hmm, Tuesdays tend to be pretty uneventful. Want to plan on the evening of Tuesday the 9th? I think most of us will be unemployed by August...so really, any week nights can work for me too. Where did everyone decide to live?

August 6 or 9 works for me. Anybody that is currently in town and wants to get socialize earlier, let me know.

I bought a home at 85th & Mingo (south Tulsa). The drive is 15-20 minutes.
I'll be at Westport....
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Wendy11 said:
I'll be at Westport....
whichever way you go, go for it and get together, it is worth it
just wanted to welcome everyone to OSU-COM. if any of you are in the campus, come find me at the student senate office (nicely hidden inside the student lounge) - i'm usually here Mon to Fri, 8-2, working on orientation and health fair stuff. so, if any of you are freaking out about school starting soon and need somebody to talk to, i'll be at the senate office :) . congratulations to all of you, and do get together before school starts. we might even come by :thumbup: .

Thanks for the kind words Elaine. I might be dropping some info off next Mon/Tues and will try to stop by. I've never seen any office in the student lounge, but then again I've only walked by or through it a few times.

Has every body got the immunizations, insurance, and financial aid done? I just did the MPN through T.H.E. in the last couple of days. I also finished up the second TB test and second MMR this week. The Tulsa City County Health Department will do them for $10 each if you're interested. No appointment needed at 51st and 129th.
Hey Ortho, when is the dinner planned for?

OrthoFixation said:
Has every body got the immunizations, insurance, and financial aid done? I just did the MPN through T.H.E. in the last couple of days. I also finished up the second TB test and second MMR this week. The Tulsa City County Health Department will do them for $10 each if you're interested. No appointment needed at 51st and 129th.
DrDad said:
Hey Ortho, when is the dinner planned for?

No date was firmly set although August 6 or 9 was appealing to our massive poll of three or four peeps (me included)!

I think some folks haven't moved yet or are vacationing. If any students (any year) want to have a beverage and visit, I will attend. It would be great to hear some war stories from you veterans.

I think Dr. Mom had a birthday late last week. Happy belated B-Day :thumbup: :D

I did find the Student Senate office this morning. It was empty at 10am. Sorry I missed you Elaine.

I saw a Ms. Coburn on the MS-2 officer list. Is she related to Tom?
I know, whats the deal! Are there only 3 or 4 sdn geeks in our class?! ;-) I keep thinking someone else will chime in and say they'd like to join up with us too. I shouldn't give up hope yet I guess...Let's have the evening of the 9th be our official "everyone get together" night, but to ortho and anyone else relaxing in town already, we could get together sooner.

Has anyone heard much about how the pre-histo course is going? I've only talked to one person but they said it was much more challenging than what they were expecting!
Tuesday the 9th it is, maybe somewhere on Cherry Street? I haven't frequented the area in many years. Full Moon Cafe is always fun. Chimi's is the only other I remember by name. I'll check on the Happy Hours. Gotta watch that budget!

Interesting about the pre-histo course. I have not met anyone (in person) in our class yet. Of late, talking in this thread has created an echo since it's so quiet. Oh well, my wife always said that I could talk to a brick wall :eek:.
If we are just going for drinks, I've heard the Gray Snail is a pretty cool place and it is on Cherry Street also. I know several 2nd years, so once we set a date/time/place I'll pass on the info.
You guys are pretty quiet :sleep: . I remember last year, I'd check this thread and it will have 3-5 messages every day, right drdad?

Anyway, ortho, sorry I missed you. I had a root canal and had to wait for anesthesia to wear off, so I didn't make it to the senate office until almost noon. You'll catch me one of these days.

Hope to see you on the 9th.

Well, I've told three other people about our little gathering on the 9th! I also invited them to talk with us on studentdoctor.net since the conversations have been a little, um, "condensed" amongst only a couple of us. (Ortho and Wendy, I think we are practically best friends by now, ha) Slowly but surely we'll get the ball rollin'! Have a good day
Wendy11 said:
If we are just going for drinks, I've heard the Gray Snail is a pretty cool place and it is on Cherry Street also. I know several 2nd years, so once we set a date/time/place I'll pass on the info.

That sounds great. I'll go out on a limb and say 5:30 pm on Tuesday, August 9 at the Gray Snail. I called them but got no answer.

The Gray Snail Saloon
1334 East 15th Street, Tulsa, OK 74120
(918) 587-7584

Look forward to meeting everyone then.

Elaine, sorry to hear about your root canal. I hope your recovering from the dentist visit. See you soon.
thanks, ortho. i feel like a car going through maintenance - i've had my teeth cleaned, had a root canal, about to have my eyes checked, about to have my annual physical, etc, etc. you guys will find that the summer is about the only time you can do such (unimportant) things like taking care of your own health ;) .

anyway, at least there are 3 of you in this thread. we'll pass the word around about your get-together on the 9th, and hopefully there will be more of you guys. see you then...
Hey guys, sorry to have disappeared there for awhile.. was off getting married, honeymooning, and nestling in. :) I would love to join you guys on the 9th... if I'm still a member of the club?? (Not sure where the place is located though.) And who turned the heat up around here while we were gone!?!
P.S. I've only met one of our classmates in person since the admitted day and she is in the pre-histo course and not having any problems with it. But everyone is different of course.. so it's not to underestimate the material.
Ha, well I think a marriage/honeymoon is a good reason not to be wasting time on sdn! Where was your honeymoon? What will your husband/wife be doing in Tulsa?
Heck yeah come to Gray Snail! It's on 15th, about a block east of Peoria. You'll see a Jason's deli sign on the south side of the street, Gray Snail is right next door, but kinda tucked behind Jason's Deli...you'll see the big patio area.
Congrat's on the wedding OSUdoc09. The spouses group (SAA) sounds great for our SO's to have a support mechanism. You missed the best weather on Wednesday. The high was in the low 80's . . . but that didn't last long.

Has anybody been contacted by a big sibling? When will we find out about microscopes and needed books? I know the book list will be longer than what we really need, but I would like to acquire the core books soon.

I thing a softback Netter's will come with SOMA membership.

Just a tad over two weeks till liftoff :eek:!
Athena918 said:
Well, I've told three other people about our little gathering on the 9th! I also invited them to talk with us on studentdoctor.net since the conversations have been a little, um, "condensed" amongst only a couple of us. (Ortho and Wendy, I think we are practically best friends by now, ha) Slowly but surely we'll get the ball rollin'! Have a good day

I think I'm one of the people you told. so now there will be a whopping five of us going to the gray snail. And maybe I could have a party at my place on the 12th or 13th.?
Ortho, I hate being a sitting duck too. a couple days ago I watched my bf order all his TU law books online and kept thinking "shouldn't i be doing something productive like that?" I spoke with the lady who heads up SAA (thinking it was SAA who set up the "bigs," and then realizing it was the school). she said to just chill out until i receive notice about who I'll be paired with, after that, the microscope should hopefully fall into place. I'm leaving for Chicago tomorrow morning, no SDN for awhile, haha! Seriously though, I'm going to have to do something about this internet addiction once school starts... :cool:
Thanks Athena, the 9th sounds like fun. As for your questions.... if you get to read this before your trip.... we were in the U.S. Virgin Islands for a couple of weeks. It was great fun.. we didn't want to come back! We did some scuba diving, sailing, powerboated over to the British V.I.'s... etc. Needless to say, we enjoyed it.
As for my husband... I actually moved here for him. I'm orginally from Tx... he has lived in Broken Arrow his entire life. He is kept very busy with his 2 jobs. He practices law at Hall Estill when he's not in session in OKC. (state rep.) Have fun in Chicago!
Thanks for the update Athena. Have fun in Chicago. I know we can rent microscopes if no hand-me-down is in the works. When school cranks up, my SDN surfing will be severely reduced too.

OSUdoc09: good to know we have a direct path to our representation in OKC. That is one huge law firm. Now I know what name to connect with your SDN ID.

I'm jealous of your fantastic USVI trip. I've spent some time there working and playing in the past. Incredible sunsets in that part of the world. I seem to remember it raining nearly every single afternoon, but for only about 20 minutes. A deep sea fishing guide pointed out where the shelf drops off to over 1000 feet on his depth recorder. Incredible. Great visibility for diving too.
Hey, you guys...just chill on the microscope. When you get your mentor info, it should include info on whether or not your mentor is selling his/her microscope and then you could go on from there. As far as books, ask your mentor because they (or other 2nd years) may want to give or sell some of their books. Ortho is right, you'll get a Netter's if you join SOMA. Do NOT buy the Grant's Atlas - it wasn't very helpful to most of us. I didn't have much chance to read the Biochem and Embryology books, even though I bought them. I did read the Anantomy and Histo text quite a bit. You won't need the big green OMM book yet - the Foundations....book...unless if you're just into buying all the books you could possibly need (like some of our classmates :) ). However, if you want to save some money...heed the words of somebody who's been there +pity+ .

See you guys on the 9th (I did tell a former bridge - now MS I student - about this event, so hopefully some of them will make it).
You're right ortho, the sunsets from St. John and the sunrises from St. Thomas are absolutely incredible. We had a few small thunderstorms throughout the time we were there and they were relaxing to listen to. No deep sea diving, but the scuba diving was great! You should go back again soon... hmmm... possible school trip??? Nah.. cancun's closer and cheaper. :)
Athena918 said:
I'm leaving for Chicago tomorrow morning, no SDN for awhile, haha!

see you in Chicago.
sounds like you guys have it all planned out, dont plan on a lot more people coming online in the days to come, probably wont happen, it didnt for us

but on the other side dinner is a good thing to do before matriculation....

best of luck

OrthoFixation said:
That sounds great. I'll go out on a limb and say 5:30 pm on Tuesday, August 9 at the Gray Snail. I called them but got no answer.

The Gray Snail Saloon
1334 East 15th Street, Tulsa, OK 74120
(918) 587-7584

Look forward to meeting everyone then.

Elaine, sorry to hear about your root canal. I hope your recovering from the dentist visit. See you soon.

Wow I've never been to Gray Snail in the daytime.
Elaine Ramos said:
Do NOT buy the Grant's Atlas - it wasn't very helpful to most of us.
:mad: :mad: :thumbdown:
BOO! Grant's rulez, netter's looks like ******ed cartoons.
I will have to check out Grant's. I have always heard that corny line "Netter's is Better" and it has amazingly led me on a one track minded path to resist the truth that there are other guides out there. lol
OSUdoc08 said:
Wow I've never been to Gray Snail in the daytime.

I didn't know what would be compatible for most folks. Feel free to stay waaay into the night. Our overwhelming group of five have not balked. I'm game at any hour.

Is Gray Snail a after dark kind of place? I wasn't really looking for a date, so I thought early might catch some people who might still be working an 8-5 gig.
OrthoFixation said:
I didn't know what would be compatible for most folks. Feel free to stay waaay into the night. Our overwhelming group of five have not balked. I'm game at any hour.

Is Gray Snail a after dark kind of place? I wasn't really looking for a date, so I thought early might catch some people who might still be working an 8-5 gig.

Yeah, Gray Snail is an after dark place for sure, but it could also be an afternoon place. There are live bands and stuff at night. They also have a large TV for sports. However, being that I've only been there to drink/socialize, I've never had their food. You could always try it out in the afternoon.

Our entire class met up there one night last year during orientation week. We may have started out there around 9 or 10 with 30 people. By the time it closed at 2, we had 4 left.
Even though I don't post much I do read the posts every week. I will try to make it as well if you'll have me :). I live in Tulsa already, so the only thing that would keep from being on time would be work which is downtown anyway so I really have no excuse to be late.

OrthoFixation said:
I didn't know what would be compatible for most folks. Feel free to stay waaay into the night. Our overwhelming group of five have not balked. I'm game at any hour.

Is Gray Snail a after dark kind of place? I wasn't really looking for a date, so I thought early might catch some people who might still be working an 8-5 gig.
Determined said:
Even though I don't post much I do read the posts every week. I will try to make it as well if you'll have me :). I live in Tulsa already, so the only thing that would keep from being on time would be work which is downtown anyway so I really have no excuse to be late.

Great to see you on SDN. Do plan on joining us. There is no "late" arrival, as this will be a very laid back affair. Be thankful of not having to move. I'm still unpacking boxes :mad:.
I too will try to make it by, if not for anything else but to say hi to my MS1.

Determined said:
Even though I don't post much I do read the posts every week. I will try to make it as well if you'll have me :). I live in Tulsa already, so the only thing that would keep from being on time would be work which is downtown anyway so I really have no excuse to be late.
I feel for you. Moving across town was bad enough for me, so from out of town....

And congrats OSUdoc09 on getting married. I just got back from Austin last weekend, I love it there. Hopefully you will like here in Tulsa just as much (or better).

For the microscope, this will probably make you all sick, but I picked up one that came out of an estate sale (on eBay) for ~$150 which I let an MSI use last year. It was a $1600 scope that the estate seller had no idea what it was worth. It was in perfect condition. Every now and then you pick those jewels up on eBay.

I am glad you to hear you are my MSII Mentor DrDad! We should start calling you DrDad x4 here before too long right?

BTW, since I have just been reading posts for a while and not contributing: My bio is I have been an IT project manager for ~8 yrs in downtown Tulsa, I am 30 yrs old, lived in Tulsa all my life, consulted/lived in D.C. for a year, married, and live in Broken Arrow around 18 miles away from OSUCOM.

Sorry for being a 'closet member' for so long.

OrthoFixation said:
Great to see you on SDN. Do plan on joining us. There is no "late" arrival, as this will be a very laid back affair. Be thankful of not having to move. I'm still unpacking boxes :mad:.
Thanks determined, I am very happy with the area thus far... I esp. love the utica square area for light studying. Where about in Broken Arrow do you live?? I'm in Forest Ridge.. a short hike but the B.A. makes it easy. I'm envious... I wish I could've found a microscope for that price! Glad to see you out of the closet!! :)
Yes, it does sound like you have quite a drive. I used to live out by Forest Ridge. Now I am off of 111th street between Elm and Aspen (145th). We built a house here around 6 years ago. I would love to be out in the Forest Ridge area again though, I like how secluded it is out there.

BTW, has anyone determined yet how any of us will know each other next week? It might have been in the previous posts, but I missed it.

OSUdoc09 said:
Thanks determined, I am very happy with the area thus far... I esp. love the utica square area for light studying. Where about in Broken Arrow do you live?? I'm in Forest Ridge.. a short hike but the B.A. makes it easy. I'm envious... I wish I could've found a microscope for that price! Glad to see you out of the closet!! :)
Finally got my internet set up in Tulsa...lol, did I miss anything good?
Wendy11 said:
Finally got my internet set up in Tulsa...lol, did I miss anything good?

Not much really . . .

I met a couple of the MS2's today at school. BTW, you were all very helpful and gave me some great pointers. Thanks :cool:.
Determined said:
BTW, since I have just been reading posts for a while and not contributing: My bio is I have been an IT project manager for ~8 yrs in downtown Tulsa, I am 30 yrs old, lived in Tulsa all my life, consulted/lived in D.C. for a year, married, and live in Broken Arrow around 18 miles away from OSUCOM.

Hey Determined,

Are you the guy who hadn’t told his company that you were quiting to go school? If so... how did that work out?