***Official UNECOM Class of 2009!!!***

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anybody have any success joining the group on campus pipeline? I joined the group, then zippo. Am I supposed to receive confirmation or somethin'? someone please let me know ...I'm getting too addicted to SDN :)

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i joined the group as well...and then NADA. i was all alone! i also tried to log onto U-Online with my supposed PRN but it didn't work either. bummer.

doc bill- you are an addict!!! 1000 posts, holy shnikes! i've posted 15 times i think. haha. you totally move threads along with your posts though- way to go!
ditto for me on the group thing.
i think it is time to leave syracuse, ny. the city is hosting the ncaa basketball tournament and the roads, which aren't fit for syracuse traffic, are ridonculous! haha, oh well! at least there is a good party downtown for all the spectators! have a great weekend all! :D

Karhu said:
i joined the group as well...and then NADA. i was all alone! i also tried to log onto U-Online with my supposed PRN but it didn't work either. bummer.

doc bill- you are an addict!!! 1000 posts, holy shnikes! i've posted 15 times i think. haha. you totally move threads along with your posts though- way to go!
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docmz said:
ditto for me on the group thing.
i think it is time to leave syracuse, ny. the city is hosting the ncaa basketball tournament and the roads, which aren't fit for syracuse traffic, are ridonculous! haha, oh well! at least there is a good party downtown for all the spectators! have a great weekend all! :D
Hey Guys! About the group on Pipeline... it is a private group ( Class of '09) so your request has been submitted to the leader. I read that we will recieve an email notification when we have been added to the group - basically we gotta wait 'til they tell us we can access it.
Pipeline seems like it is going to be a great resource - it offers so much.

Docmz - Where is your apt at? How far of a drive? And do you know when that "penthouse" would be available? Feliz Eostre - or Happy EASTER!!!
Hey guys. First of all congrats on getting into a great school. I am soon to be applying and UNECOM is one of my top choices. Since you all feel UNE is a great school, I was hoping you could tell me a little about it. Why did you choose it? What features drew you to UNE or were there anythings that you have found out that really impressed you? When does patient interaction start? Is the anatomy lab as great as it sounds? What is a typical day like? Does a lack of rotations close by bother you at all or are there other things that outweigh that drawback? I am from NH and love the area and the people so I already know New Englanders are great. Really any insight you all can provide would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
Hey there DO-lets,

UNECOM MS2 here looking for someone who wants to rent my apartment next year. Any takers?
Apartment stats:
-1 Bedroom, $600/month. Heat is included. Security deposit is $300.
-Office, living room, kitchen, bathroom. Off-street parking provided for one car.
-About 4 miles from school on route 9 (Pool St.), near Clifford Park (about 4 blocks up the hill from the 7-11) Not quite in 'the biddo', but not too far away from it.
-The landlady does allow pets.

random other stuff:
-There's no dishwasher but the bathroom has a full-sized tub. The fridge is new and the oven is fullsized (in an otherwise tiny kitchen).
-The neighbors are pretty nice and the area is mostly quiet.
-Did I mention the office? The office rocks. It has 4 windows and it is kind of like being in a little glass room that is suspended above route 9. I'm a big fan of my office.
-The kids who live downstairs have laundry, I haven't been using it but you probably could if you really wanted to.
-You can move in anytime after July 1, but not before.
-When I moved in I refinished most of the '70s fake wood paneling that covers every wall of this apartment. It now looks almost entirely like sheetrock would. My landlady wasn't super pleased because I painted the bedroom orange. It looks cool, though. Really.
-I'm also willing to negotiate the sale of some of my furniture.
-If you're interested and you can deal with the orange bedroom, e-mail me.

nwoodworth@pipeline dot une dot edu
hey une-ers! member of the class of 2009 here!! whoo hoo :) can't wait to get going~ started looking for housing in the area, and have a few ?s for y'all.
due to the incredibly beautiful area, i've found many 'seasonal' rentals in the b.pool/biddeford. wondering if it is better to have the security of a full year lease (w/less of a view in town) or the flexibility of a seasonal rental closer to campus + coast? do most medical students stay in the area during summer break? or take advantage of other opportunities away from campus?
thanks for any ideas!
hi sappdog,
my apt is on 76 high st. in biddeford, so it is at the most a 10 minute drive :)

sappdog said:
Hey Guys! About the group on Pipeline... it is a private group ( Class of '09) so your request has been submitted to the leader. I read that we will recieve an email notification when we have been added to the group - basically we gotta wait 'til they tell us we can access it.
Pipeline seems like it is going to be a great resource - it offers so much.

Docmz - Where is your apt at? How far of a drive? And do you know when that "penthouse" would be available? Feliz Eostre - or Happy EASTER!!!
So I got my financial aid letter today. Looks pretty good! I just wish there was an 800 # that we could call them and ask advice on how to pursue loans and all that. Oh well.

What should I do if I am applying for the NHSC scholarship, but will not now anything possibly 'til Sept. or October???
Check out the group on pipeline! I was added today and posted my first message. Looking for a roommate...
sappdog said:
So I got my financial aid letter today. Looks pretty good! I just wish there was an 800 # that we could call them and ask advice on how to pursue loans and all that. Oh well.

What should I do if I am applying for the NHSC scholarship, but will not now anything possibly 'til Sept. or October???

hey sapdog!
i also did the nhsc scholarship, but i'm pretending that i'm not in the running so i can still hook myself up with financial aid. i'm still gonna apply for some supplemental/living loans so i won't be living in total poverty. i'm taking it all one step at a time...and one dollar at a time.
Hi all. I joined the ranks last week and UNECOM just received my 1500$...I was wondering how long it took after you all sent in the deposits to receive fin aid info, pipeline info, etc... Or did you all receive it around the same time? Anyone else who was accepted off the waitlist receive anything yet? THANKS! I can't wait to meet everyone. :luck:
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hey guys,

yay! it's official. I'm added onto the COM 2009 group. :)

Today, I just received an interview invite to TUCOM-Ca. Funny thing, b/c I already chose UNECOM a loooong time ago. :laugh: UNECOM is the greatest. plus, I hear that they don't have affiliated hospitals. ack. No way! :D
we were on page 2!


UNE2009LMD said:
hey guys,

yay! it's official. I'm added onto the COM 2009 group. :)

Today, I just received an interview invite to TUCOM-Ca. Funny thing, b/c I already chose UNECOM a loooong time ago. :laugh: UNECOM is the greatest. plus, I hear that they don't have affiliated hospitals. ack. No way! :D
docmz said:
we were on page 2!


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not page 2.

I got my official deferal papers this week. Still sad about the deferal.. but I know it is for the best. Please be nice when you guys are in year 2 and I am a junior year 1. :smuggrin:
docbill said:
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not page 2.

I got my official deferal papers this week. Still sad about the deferal.. but I know it is for the best. Please be nice when you guys are in year 2 and I am a junior year 1. :smuggrin:
No prob bob! You'll have such an advantage/resource with us!!!
hellllo fellow UNE'ers,

thought i might pass a little info on. i havn't yet received my financial aid letter, and since i filed online about a month ago i decided to call. the school had part of my social security number wrong and because of that they weren't able to download my fafsa application. just a little info in case anyone out there hasn't received their finanical aid award and are wondering why.

:) have a wonderful weekend!
docmz said:
hellllo fellow UNE'ers,

thought i might pass a little info on. i havn't yet received my financial aid letter, and since i filed online about a month ago i decided to call. the school had part of my social security number wrong and because of that they weren't able to download my fafsa application. just a little info in case anyone out there hasn't received their finanical aid award and are wondering why.

:) have a wonderful weekend!

hi doc, I was wondering how long between your acceptance and when you got all the original financial aid info, etc...? I was accepted off the waitlist 2 weeks ago (YAY :D ), and they have my deposits, but just wanted to see if anyone knew when I could expect anything? THANKS! see you all at UNECOM soon :luck:
Hi y'all.

Who else is counting the minutes until Orientation? :D I am sooooooo ready to get going up to Maine. It's still kind of hard to believe it's really happening. When friends at work and stuff are like "Oh, yeah, Mo is leaving in July... she's gonna be a doctor." I'm like Uh, they cannot be talking about me. :eek: I guess I'm just so used to dreaming about it and it has taken so long to get here that it seems like I'm going to wake up any second. Also , I'm always afraid I'll sound like an a$$hole if I talk about it the wrong way! It's hard to find the words and still feel humble about it. I dunno, is it just me? If anyone has a suggestion for a proud and humble way to tell people, please let me in on it...
Maybe I feel like I haven't earned it yet, so once we are all killing ourselves studying the feeling of inadequacy will vanish. Who knows.
Either way I can't wait to get there and to meet all of you.

My take on that situation is once you're here at in the middle of studying it's the normal thing to be in med school because that's basically the people you hang out with... I never quite think about what a unique situation I really am in because most people I am interacting with now are medical students, residents, and doctors. I completely understand mo what you're thinking though... I was the same way last school year (I'm one of the young grads fresh outta college)... It was quite interesting to think back and see the transition I've gone through.

ANYway... tonight was the second year's lottery, boy was that stressful. A lot of tears, but it looked like the majority of people got their first choice... which is good. I guess I shouldn't scare you guys about that yet, you've got some time to think about other things first... hope everyone is doing well and that you all had a great easter! :) (the snows almost gone up here in biddeford btw!)
Thanks JonB, that was very thoughtful. :D
Oh yes-lottery night. Oh what a night. I ended up getting my second choice, but it was only based on geographical factors being that I have a husband and a town house that I don't want to uproot. Can't say I'm too jazzed about going to a 140 bed hospital in rural Maine. All in all I think most people were happy, and a few that weren't.
Hi Mo. I'll be joining you in July and can't wait either! I have been feeling the same way you described so you are definately not alone. I'm still in the stage where I don't believe its real. I think because its soemthing we've all dreamed about and worked for so hard and long to get and finally it happened. though i'm sure once we're up there and starting studying we will believe it :) can't wait to meet you all. :luck:

momo7430 said:
Hi y'all.

Who else is counting the minutes until Orientation? :D I am sooooooo ready to get going up to Maine. It's still kind of hard to believe it's really happening. When friends at work and stuff are like "Oh, yeah, Mo is leaving in July... she's gonna be a doctor." I'm like Uh, they cannot be talking about me. :eek: I guess I'm just so used to dreaming about it and it has taken so long to get here that it seems like I'm going to wake up any second. Also , I'm always afraid I'll sound like an a$$hole if I talk about it the wrong way! It's hard to find the words and still feel humble about it. I dunno, is it just me? If anyone has a suggestion for a proud and humble way to tell people, please let me in on it...
Maybe I feel like I haven't earned it yet, so once we are all killing ourselves studying the feeling of inadequacy will vanish. Who knows.
Either way I can't wait to get there and to meet all of you.

I'm just curious. Which locations seem to be most desirable for UNECOM 3rd years? I would think it would be locations in Maine since many people bring family the Maine and don't want to uproot them again. I'm originally from NY and wouldn't mind taking a spot in NJ. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I didn't mean to scare you newbies with my last post! Honestly, every site will provide you with the education and experience you need. Being proactive and getting what you want out of your rotations is the key to anywhere you go. Don't know what part of NY you are from, but I myself am from Syracuse. So needless to say going up to rural Augusta does not excite me, but it is only a year.

Yes, Maine (esp southern Maine) has historically been the most sought after spot, and I would say about half the people in the lotto for southern maine had a significant other/family that they didn't want to have to uproot.

This year Newark, NJ did not go to lotto. Don't know what it will be like for your class when you get there.

It's a crapshoot, but in the end most people got what they wanted, the few that didn't are getting over it and making the best of the situation.
hi. just wondering about your ID quote thing? the "not what its cracked up to be".... :D wondering if there are reasons for this, or if its just funny and rhymes?! :luck: just curiosity.

NMH2001 said:
I didn't mean to scare you newbies with my last post! Honestly, every site will provide you with the education and experience you need. Being proactive and getting what you want out of your rotations is the key to anywhere you go. Don't know what part of NY you are from, but I myself am from Syracuse. So needless to say going up to rural Augusta does not excite me, but it is only a year.

Yes, Maine (esp southern Maine) has historically been the most sought after spot, and I would say about half the people in the lotto for southern maine had a significant other/family that they didn't want to have to uproot (myself included).

This year Newark, NJ did not go to lotto. Don't know what it will be like for your class when you get there.

It's a crapshoot, but in the end most people got what they wanted, the few that didn't are getting over it and making the best of the situation.
I'm Allison, a current MSI. Just wanted to say welcome and hello. I'll be one of the orientation leaders this summer. You're more than welcome to email me with questions. Here's my AOL IM screenname if you'd like to chat:


See you soon!
I guess a little bit of both....No in all honesty UNE is good. I was feeling a little grumpy the other day, guess I should change it ! :D
Thanks for the reply. I'm from southern NY (~30 miles from Newark). I wouldn't mind traveling back down to NY even though Newark and PAterson are not the greatest of cities (Paterson was always know as the armpit of America).

Any input from students that have studied in NJ? The websites for the hospitals sound great but you never know.

Thanks again!
hi! i was accepted in september and have yet to receive my financial aid info...mostly because of the mistake in numbers i mentioned before...also, because you can't file FAFSA until january. :)

irishlaydi said:
hi doc, I was wondering how long between your acceptance and when you got all the original financial aid info, etc...? I was accepted off the waitlist 2 weeks ago (YAY :D ), and they have my deposits, but just wanted to see if anyone knew when I could expect anything? THANKS! see you all at UNECOM soon :luck:
Hi UNECOM 2009! I am finishing up my first year and I was looking for a roommate this coming fall. I live in a two bedroom apartment that is only $750/month, so $375 each with heat and water included. Washer and dryer are right in the apartment. It's right in Biddeford...great access to the grocery store, the highway, and many other conveniences and is only 7 minutes from the school.

I'm looking for a female roommate.
Let me know if you're interested!
How is everyone? bump
it is a wonderful 72 degrees here in syracuse at 5:45 in the evening...kinda makes me wish i was at the ocean...in maine...in biddeford...haha.

just over three months...
just wanted give a 'holla to all the une crew. sounds like everyone is doing well and just counting down the days. i'm in the class 2009 and can't wait to get going. finally seems like spring has arrived here in boston! best wishes :)
rpcv01 said:
just wanted give a 'holla to all the une crew. sounds like everyone is doing well and just counting down the days. i'm in the class 2009 and can't wait to get going. finally seems like spring has arrived here in boston! best wishes :)

Hey Rpcv01, good job on getting in. I guess home will be nice and close to visit on the weekends, or holidays. That must be nice. Boston is a great city. It is also loaded with Canadians eh!
It's about 85 degrees here in FL. :) still can't wait til aug 1 arrives though! then I'm Maine bound... have a good one everyone! :luck:
docmz said:
it is a wonderful 72 degrees here in syracuse at 5:45 in the evening...kinda makes me wish i was at the ocean...in maine...in biddeford...haha.

just over three months...

hi fellow NY'er. can't believe its that warm an hour east of here! its cold here, probably doesn't help that I refuse to turn the heat on now that its APRIL :D but still, its colder here. Wish I was in Maine!!! can't wait.
Hi all!

To the few of you who will actually see this: WELCOME TO UNECOM!
This place is amazing - I'm absolutely positive this school will touch you in many ways... it has me! I look forward to meeting you and working with you next year. Besides the work, we'll also have a lot of fun together too. Nothing quite like a pick up game of ultimate frisbee in a blizzard! ;)

I don't check these posts very often so might not get back here for a while but just wanted to welcome you to this school - it truly is a wonderful place to be studying.


P.S. In the highly unlikely chance that any of you surf - bring your board(s) as well as your winter suit. The surf gets good, really good around here. Never would have thought it being from So. Cal. :)
Hey All - well I want to say congrats on being accepted. I am currently a 1st year and I remember the excitement and thrill like it was yesterday (especially since it was less than a year ago :D ) I am going to be one of the many orientation leaders this summer and I am excited to meet you guys.

Well for those of you who are interested in reading my wordy post... here are my current suggestions.... :idea:

#1 - please joining pipeline... yes it's a bit annoying at first, but it ends up being a great tool. I think this is why my class stopped using SDN (along with 30+ credits and 35 hours of class)... maybe it's just me :rolleyes:

- from the UNE website there is a housing link that is somewhat useful. There are lots of people who can answer questions or direct you to someone who can. Use that postcard with the names of your tour guides... sometime before orientation your orientation leaders will be contacting you.

- for the car questions - yes, you NEED a car. No, you don't have to have 4 wheel drive. Many people do not. They do a pretty good job of clearing the snow (in my opinion, and I’m from AZ)

- when you get the info about books - yes, you can wait to buy them until you get here. There are going to be people selling there books (including me) or you can buy them online for cheaper than the bookstore. You will also find that you may not want all the books that they “require”

- medical equipment - you'll get the list. Out of everything I would get a good stethoscope. Yes... very important - #1! Someone in my class did a group purchase and everyone people got stuff from another company for cheaper… just another option/decision

- computer/laptop – yes, I believe you need one... I bring mine to school daily and use it too much. I think it’s important AND it’s allotted in your 1st year’s budge. Do you have to have a Dell? No… just something that is pretty fast, with a wireless card and I would get the up-to-date word/pp/excel stuff. I love my laptop… but I’m a nerd and I spend too much time shopping online during class.

- If you have any questions - let me know =) I check my email excessively during class (sbannister)

Congratulation! Enjoy your summer =)

~ Bannister

P.S. DocBill - why do your posts say 2010?? Aren't you class of 2009??? :confused:
thanks docbannister. trying to end the sdn addiction and move to the pipeline...baby-steps! but another question for y'all ~what about pdas? should i already have a palm? get one soon? or would it be better to wait 'til i actually get there and figure out the essentials?
hope all is well. looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
DocBannister said:
P.S. DocBill - why do your posts say 2010?? Aren't you class of 2009??? :confused:

Hi SB,

YEAPPP it is true. I had to deffer for one year to complete my doctoral degree. I am not pleased or thrilled about that... but it is the logical thing to do. Plus it will give me time to relax and recharge before starting.
rpcv01 said:
thanks docbannister. trying to end the sdn addiction and move to the pipeline...baby-steps! but another question for y'all ~what about pdas? should i already have a palm? get one soon? or would it be better to wait 'til i actually get there and figure out the essentials?
hope all is well. looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
I'd wait and see what you need once you get here... same with books. (plus plenty of second years will be selling some of theirs)... ok, enough procrastinating time to get back to studying...
hi all. anyone else not received financial aid paperwork yet? I was accepted a few weeks ago, so I guess I need to have patience, but just wondering if anyone else was in my position? :luck: :D

~and thanks to all the students who have been posting, I like reading the posts and really appreciate the info! Can anyone suggest places to live near campus that are potentially walking/biking distance, but not seasonal rental??? Also, do any of you current students have a seasonal rental, or know students who do? I would LOVE to live on the water, but what the heck do you do for housing from june-sept??? any ideas?
Hello UNECOM Class of 2009!!!
WELCOME! I just wanted to drop a line to welcome you guys and give you a little push towards the Pipeline page. I know that it can be a pain in the butt, but in the long run you will be able to get all of the information that you need more easily from there. We will soon be posting all of the orientation dates and events there, so you want to check your pipeline account.
Also, a little P.S. from the higher ups. They do read this page every couple of days to see what questions are coming up and what discussions are going on, so if you have something not so nice to say, this may not be the place.
Anyways, I am so excited for you guys. I am sure you will love it here because I do. Have a great summer and please feel free to email me with any questions.
My name is Tanya and I'm from Saratoga Springs NY, and I'm a first year!! :luck:
hanke29 said:
Hello UNECOM Class of 2009!!!
WELCOME! I just wanted to drop a line to welcome you guys and give you a little push towards the Pipeline page. I know that it can be a pain in the butt, but in the long run you will be able to get all of the information that you need more easily from there. We will soon be posting all of the orientation dates and events there, so you want to check your pipeline account.
Also, a little P.S. from the higher ups. They do read this page every couple of days to see what questions are coming up and what discussions are going on, so if you have something not so nice to say, this may not be the place.
Anyways, I am so excited for you guys. I am sure you will love it here because I do. Have a great summer and please feel free to email me with any questions.
My name is Tanya and I'm from Saratoga Springs NY, and I'm a first year!! :luck:
Oh, my email is [email protected]
This is my first time on student doctor.net..so i probably won't check it that often!
hanke29 said:
Hello UNECOM Class of 2009!!!
WELCOME! I just wanted to drop a line to welcome you guys and give you a little push towards the Pipeline page. I know that it can be a pain in the butt, but in the long run you will be able to get all of the information that you need more easily from there. We will soon be posting all of the orientation dates and events there, so you want to check your pipeline account.
Also, a little P.S. from the higher ups. They do read this page every couple of days to see what questions are coming up and what discussions are going on, so if you have something not so nice to say, this may not be the place.
Anyways, I am so excited for you guys. I am sure you will love it here because I do. Have a great summer and please feel free to email me with any questions.
My name is Tanya and I'm from Saratoga Springs NY, and I'm a first year!! :luck:

Nooooooooo if you go to pipeline I will have no one to chat with.. or post to. :D

PS. Who reads the page. With my Nickname.. docBILL from TORONTO, CANADA and finishing my degree that is why I am DEFERING... is is not hard to figure out who is who!!! Thank god I only said nice things so far..hehehe :laugh: :smuggrin:
Hello all. First let me say congrats on being accepted to UNECOM. I write to ask a few questions. I have done searches and tried asking before but to no avail. I am seriously considering UNECOM as my first choice this summer when I apply and am interested in figuring out why you all chose UNECOM. I get the feeling that the people are great, very nice and all, the location is amazing right on the beach and that you have an incredible anatomy lab. But those are just the few basic things about UNECOM. Are there any other factors that made you decide to choose UNE? What are the opportunities like for patient interaction as a 1st and 2nd year? Are the rotation sites good even though the only one is a big city is in Newark? What is the competition like and are people cooperative? I am a true New Englander, love the Sox and Pats, and feel that a small town school would be the best fit for me. If you can provide any insight, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

hi :) i too haven't received my financial aid packet and i was accepted in september. i'm sure they will be on their way soon though! my fin. aid had a little mix up with my ss# but all is good now!

to everyone else,

any chance we can start signing our names so that as we move to pipeline we know who is who?

have a great weekend!!!! i'm off to raft the trecherous moooooose river with IV and V+ rapids!!! i hope i make it out alive because i can't wait to get to UNECOM!

Hi all (Thanks docmz/Michelle for the info, glad i'm not the only one),
I know our White Coat Ceremony is Oct 6th (yah!) does anyone know what its like, and the reception after. Do families come? If so, are there a certain # of people you can bring, etc...?
I have an anxious family so I want to know before I tell them the date :D
Thanks all! can't wait to meet everyone. :luck: