***Official KCOM Class of 2010***

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Nov 10, 2005
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I didn't see that we had our own thread yet, so I thought I'd get the ball rolling. As you get your acceptances post a message so we can start getting to know one another. I was pleased to get my acceptance especially since I thought the faculty and students that I met with were great and laid back. Not to mention that it is a great school scholastically.
Any interested in raquetball and/or training for the triathlon that the school puts on you'll have to let me know and we'll get something together to stay sane during our busy schedules.

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ruralmed_2010 said:
I didn't see that we had our own thread yet, so I thought I'd get the ball rolling. As you get your acceptances post a message so we can start getting to know one another. I was pleased to get my acceptance especially since I thought the faculty and students that I met with were great and laid back. Not to mention that it is a great school scholastically.
Any interested in raquetball and/or training for the triathlon that the school puts on you'll have to let me know and we'll get something together to stay sane during our busy schedules.
Congratulations on your accepance!! I will be attending KCOM in the fall also. I was very impressed by the faculty, students, and facilities during my interview. KCOM is the perfect school for me!!
I'm definitely interested in training, I love to work out and play basketball, raquetball, etc.. Look forward to meeting my fellow classmates.
Question to anyone who is financially savvy. Has anyone looked into how they are going to pay for the extra $20,000 (aside from the cap of $30,000 that the Stafford loan has) for the cost of living per school year? I'm not really interested in those private, no interest cap loans. Any ideas are welcomed except selling organs, I had a bad experience. :scared:
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So this is it for our official thread?! Man... Well, congrats everyone on getting into a great school! I myself have been at KCOM for over a year now completing my Masters degree and will start the DO program in the fall. If any of you have any questions about the school or whatever... let me know!!!
ruralmed_2010 said:
Question to anyone who is financially savvy. Has anyone looked into how they are going to pay for the extra $20,000 (aside from the cap of $30,000 that the Stafford loan has) for the cost of living per school year? I'm not really interested in those private, no interest cap loans. Any ideas are welcomed except selling organs, I had a bad experience. :scared:

You can get 40,000 in stafford loans (actually, I think it is like 38,000). You can take private loans out for the rest. But, K-ville is very inexpensive. I have a wife and 2 kids and we only take the stafford loans. So, it is VERY doable for a single student to take out just the stafford loans.

Congrats and good luck.
1viking said:
You can get 40,000 in stafford loans (actually, I think it is like 38,000). You can take private loans out for the rest. But, K-ville is very inexpensive. I have a wife and 2 kids and we only take the stafford loans. So, it is VERY doable for a single student to take out just the stafford loans.

Congrats and good luck.

I'm married as well, a few questions for you. You are able to cover all of your expenses with the 40K? Also, what do you do for health insurance? I really loved the school and the town, it seems very family friendly. I take it you are already in school? Any recommendations for a fresh incoming first year?
ruralmed_2010 said:
I'm married as well, a few questions for you. You are able to cover all of your expenses with the 40K? Also, what do you do for health insurance? I really loved the school and the town, it seems very family friendly. I take it you are already in school? Any recommendations for a fresh incoming first year?

Student health insurance as of now is basically whatever you can find yourself... The Student Government and the Administration are working on a group policy for KCOM students beginning next year. I don't want to say this is a for sure thing by anymeans, but I do know the Administration is currently throughing a few different plans around.... That being said, I am not sure if your spouse and or dependants will be able to "buy" into the coverage or not. Details are still being worked out and I am sure 2010 will be one of the first to know if it goes through! As far as living expenses go (at 40K), its all on how you want to live... KCOM budgets around 50K for students every year (including books, rent, other expenses, etc...). Tuition will be close to 35K including fees. Now I dont know about you, but I cant live off of 5K (rent approaches that in year terms), let alone both my fiancee and I. Now, if you two pull in another income, I think it may be possible to do it under 40K (loan wise)... You should talk with Steve Jordan in the Financial Aid office and direct your questions towards him... He will be honest with you!
I'm looking forward to starting KCOM in the fall! Its great to see our thread started!
KCOM_Rugger said:
Student health insurance as of now is basically whatever you can find yourself... The Student Government and the Administration are working on a group policy for KCOM students beginning next year. I don't want to say this is a for sure thing by anymeans, but I do know the Administration is currently throughing a few different plans around.... That being said, I am not sure if your spouse and or dependants will be able to "buy" into the coverage or not. Details are still being worked out and I am sure 2010 will be one of the first to know if it goes through! As far as living expenses go (at 40K), its all on how you want to live... KCOM budgets around 50K for students every year (including books, rent, other expenses, etc...). Tuition will be close to 35K including fees. Now I dont know about you, but I cant live off of 5K (rent approaches that in year terms), let alone both my fiancee and I. Now, if you two pull in another income, I think it may be possible to do it under 40K (loan wise)... You should talk with Steve Jordan in the Financial Aid office and direct your questions towards him... He will be honest with you!

Hey thanks for the heads up on everything. I think I'll wait to see how much Uncle Sam will give me (since my wife and I are both working full time right now and not in school) then I'll drop Steve a line. Out of all my interviews his financial aid presentation was the most useful. Just in case there will be no KCOM student plan right away, any recommendations on a good affordable student plan? I'm spoiled right now with a great plan because I work in a hospital right now. Thanks again.
ruralmed_2010 said:
Just in case there will be no KCOM student plan right away, any recommendations on a good affordable student plan? I'm spoiled right now with a great plan because I work in a hospital right now. Thanks again.

Good? Affordable? Ha! The anture of the beast is none of the above... The only plans I am familiar with is the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Plans... Beyond that, private insurance from a place in town is another option. I looked around on the KCOM website and they dont give you any information on specific people to contact in Kirksville regarding private insurance. I do know that the admissions department is more than willing to field those types of questions though.

Hey everyone,

Look forward to seeing you guys in August! I was really taken by the very strong student community and faculty support at Kirksville.
So were you guys planning to train for that KCOM Triathlon? I've been thinking about training more swimming and cycling (I only run) for another triathlon next May. I'd be interested in working out with you guys as well.
Hi everyone, I'll see you at KCOM in the next Fall.
Hey everybody,
I'm not 100% sure, but I'll most likely be seeing you all at KCOM next August. :D Can't wait to get to know some of you. Later! :thumbup:
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XKV said:
Hey everyone,

Look forward to seeing you guys in August! I was really taken by the very strong student community and faculty support at Kirksville.
So were you guys planning to train for that KCOM Triathlon? I've been thinking about training more swimming and cycling (I only run) for another triathlon next May. I'd be interested in working out with you guys as well.

Looks like we've got a few that are interested in training for the triathlon. I also have only competed in running races and actually I almost sink in water. Does anyone know when the triathlon takes place and more importantly has anyone competed in a triathlon before?
Congrats on your acceptances! If you've got any questions just let me know. See you next year..

KCOM_Rugger said:
So this is it for our official thread?! Man... Well, congrats everyone on getting into a great school! I myself have been at KCOM for over a year now completing my Masters degree and will start the DO program in the fall. If any of you have any questions about the school or whatever... let me know!!!

How is the Masters Program at KCOM (are you doing MS?) I havent really considered the KCOM masters program, but I have considered applying for a Howard Hughes fellowship or another 1 year research fellowship. I wonder if a NIH-funded research fellowship would look as good as getting an MS from KCOM when applying for residencies?

good job everyone. if anyone has an Army HPSP question, i can also answer it or get an answer for you. and if you're a different branch, i'll direct you to the right liaison.

get your crazy fun in during the summer and see ya in august!


KCOM 2009
ruralmed_2010 said:
Looks like we've got a few that are interested in training for the triathlon. I also have only competed in running races and actually I almost sink in water. Does anyone know when the triathlon takes place and more importantly has anyone competed in a triathlon before?

Congratulations to everyone on your acceptance into KCOM! Just a little about the NEMO Triathlon as it seems to be a hot topic. It is typically held in the fall around early September. It isn't uncommon for teams to enter with one person participating in each leg. If nothing else, it will be a great way for you to meet your new classmates! You can get some more information at the traithlon website at http://www.nemotriathlon.org/default.htm. As always, I invite you to send any questions or comments. Again, congrats on reaching the end of this arduous process!

KCOM 2008
Hey everyone! I will be attending KCOM in the fall also, and look forward to meeting all of you!
I just got my admission packet in the mail yesterday. 1k deposit, $500, $500.. $48 for background check. Awww KCOM, wont you show me some love and at least take care of my background check for me? Looks like I will be eating peanut butter and jelly for the rest of my year off. :(
laboholic said:
How is the Masters Program at KCOM (are you doing MS?) I havent really considered the KCOM masters program, but I have considered applying for a Howard Hughes fellowship or another 1 year research fellowship. I wonder if a NIH-funded research fellowship would look as good as getting an MS from KCOM when applying for residencies?


I really feel the program is great! The one thing that sets our program apart from others of its type is the students ability to design their own research projects. The projects obviously need to fit into the scope of thier mentor's research, but we ultimatley apply for funding (by submitting a NIH quality grant) and conduct our own research. Some labs have more direction then others in the way of potential topics, but every student here on one level or another conducts the research here that is interesting to them. Its my understanding that a Masters degree will be another positive on residency applications (not to mention any publications you have from th eexperience) but as far as whats better, I can't really say. I do know that the quality of our MS program is top notch despite its young age. If you have more specifc questions, please feel free to ask!
Well, I finally came to the conclusion that I can survive a couple years in the midwest after barely stepping foot outside of southern california. :cool: I suppose the lure of cheap rent and midwest farmer's daughters finally resonated loudly enough to sway me. :laugh:
DOfoSho said:
Well, I finally came to the conclusion that I can survive a couple years in the midwest after barely stepping foot outside of southern california. :cool: I suppose the lure of cheap rent and midwest farmer's daughters finally resonated loudly enough to sway me. :laugh:


you have been listening to the Beach Boys too much
ruralmed_2010 said:
Looks like we've got a few that are interested in training for the triathlon. I also have only competed in running races and actually I almost sink in water. Does anyone know when the triathlon takes place and more importantly has anyone competed in a triathlon before?

LOL...same problem here. I have the buoyancy of a brick and am not a fan of swimming. I just started running and lifting again a few weeks ago, so haven't really been focusing on triathlon stuff.

Has anyone started looking into housing yet? The housing database is always down whenever I check it and I'd like to get started ASAP.
XKV said:
Has anyone started looking into housing yet? The housing database is always down whenever I check it and I'd like to get started ASAP.

I think the housing database opens in April... so that could be the reason it's always down! :) I've been looking for apartments, but it seems that all the complexes I have found don't have websites, and that doesn't help me much being in Michigan. If anyone else has an insight into housing, let me know!
bellagrace said:
I think the housing database opens in April... so that could be the reason it's always down! :) I've been looking for apartments, but it seems that all the complexes I have found don't have websites, and that doesn't help me much being in Michigan. If anyone else has an insight into housing, let me know!

Hey everyone, welcome to KCOM. If you have any questions drop me a line, I will try to answer them or get you in touch with the right person.

As for the background check, at least they let you in on it ahead of time. It was dropped on us a few weeks before christmas break, and was unbudgeted so for some of us, getting that 50 bucks was rough.

As for housing, one couple words of adivce. Anywhere in Kirksville is less than 10 minutes away, so you really don't have to live near the school if you don't want to. Rush hour here is from 5:00p to 5:10p. As for housing, do not rent sight unseen. While there is some really nice housing/apartments here, some are dives (esp. around Truman State). Try to find a place near other KCOM students, living near Truman can be rough esp. when they are partying and your cramming for that Monday cardiovascular physiology exam. If you have pets, start looking earllllllllllllllyyyyyyy!!. My wife and I had a dog, when we came out here in March to find a place, there were 3 houses for rent that allowed pets. Thats right, 3 available for the next year in March. As for buying houses, I'm not in a position to offer the pro's and con's. Others in my class may be able to offer better advice. Though I have heard that selling your house after your two years may be difficult and owning a house does not give you preference to staying in the ville for years 3 and 4.

Well then, seeing as I have rambled on when I should be studying for one of the many exams comming up in the next week (damn sacral OMM treatments) I will leave you all with the numbers for local relators and a few other helpful websites.

www.kirksvillerealestate.com (this is who I rent from and they are fantastic)


thanks Jason for your help! I'll start taking a look at those websites right away, well before coming down there to look at housing!
Anyone looking for a roomate give me a yell. I have an apartment across from campus. Cheap rent .
Let me know.

- and welcome to KCOM
Medicfletch said:
Hey everyone, welcome to KCOM. If you have any questions drop me a line, I will try to answer them or get you in touch with the right person.

As for the background check, at least they let you in on it ahead of time. It was dropped on us a few weeks before christmas break, and was unbudgeted so for some of us, getting that 50 bucks was rough.

As for housing, one couple words of adivce. Anywhere in Kirksville is less than 10 minutes away, so you really don't have to live near the school if you don't want to. Rush hour here is from 5:00p to 5:10p. As for housing, do not rent sight unseen. While there is some really nice housing/apartments here, some are dives (esp. around Truman State). Try to find a place near other KCOM students, living near Truman can be rough esp. when they are partying and your cramming for that Monday cardiovascular physiology exam. If you have pets, start looking earllllllllllllllyyyyyyy!!. My wife and I had a dog, when we came out here in March to find a place, there were 3 houses for rent that allowed pets. Thats right, 3 available for the next year in March. As for buying houses, I'm not in a position to offer the pro's and con's. Others in my class may be able to offer better advice. Though I have heard that selling your house after your two years may be difficult and owning a house does not give you preference to staying in the ville for years 3 and 4.

Well then, seeing as I have rambled on when I should be studying for one of the many exams comming up in the next week (damn sacral OMM treatments) I will leave you all with the numbers for local relators and a few other helpful websites.

www.kirksvillerealestate.com (this is who I rent from and they are fantastic)



Whoa...thanks Jason! That helps out a lot!

Has anyone thought about staying in on-campus housing? Does anyone know how difficult it is to get? My friend told me that the waiting list is usually pretty long.
yeah, jason pretty much got all the realtors in town. i also rent an apartment from Heritage House (Ken Read). if they still have any MedRow apts. ($375/mo) left, grab one and we can be neighbors. it's one of the closest, pretty much KCOM-exclusive complexes.

the minority of the class lives in student housing as there are 2 buildings that house no more than 50 students total. class of 2009 has ~170 students so......yeah. but if you're looking for convenience, i'd say it's pretty hard to beat. try to get on the waiting list.

1. literally DIRECTLY across the street from school.
2. wireless internet included in rent (which is ~$300-350/mo, i believe)
3. coin-laundry on each of the 2 floors of each of the 2 buildings
4. assigned parking spaces
5. directly next to TCC (the gym)
6. central heat, but you have to pay. dunno if you have to bring your own a/c unit.....better check that.

in my opinion, the whole place is in need of a facelift, cosmetically speaking. structurally, the place is solid, no worries there. but with the liberally placed wood panelling, it looks sorta like someone's basement rec room.

good luck and let the housing search begin!

Any first year students able to give a heads up on the anatomy at KCOM? I've got some Gray's Anatomy flash cards to brush up before school starts. Any other suggestions, or just surrender to the beast?
ruralmed_2010 said:
Any first year students able to give a heads up on the anatomy at KCOM? I've got some Gray's Anatomy flash cards to brush up before school starts. Any other suggestions, or just surrender to the beast?

I would say that you should spend the time that you have right now enjoying yourself insteading of trying to prepare for anatomy. Med school is intense and you will be better off coming in fresh and ready to go than stressed.
Does anyone know when the new building will be completed? Secondly, does anyone know the schedule for first year students? I will be starting in the fall of 06 and look foward to getting started on my medical journey
aarononion09 said:
Does anyone know when the new building will be completed? Secondly, does anyone know the schedule for first year students? I will be starting in the fall of 06 and look foward to getting started on my medical journey
Go to http://www.kcom.edu/calendar/option.asp click on class 0f 2009 (current 1st years) -> Update-> then choose "Month/Week/Day" from the tabs on the top.
ruralmed_2010 said:
I didn't see that we had our own thread yet, so I thought I'd get the ball rolling. As you get your acceptances post a message so we can start getting to know one another. I was pleased to get my acceptance especially since I thought the faculty and students that I met with were great and laid back. Not to mention that it is a great school scholastically.
Any interested in raquetball and/or training for the triathlon that the school puts on you'll have to let me know and we'll get something together to stay sane during our busy schedules.

Whats up everyone. I got accepted in November but it took me awhile to find this sight. I am so pumped and excited to be a part of the 2010 class and getting to know everyone.

If anyone would like to chat or get to know one another better just drop a line anytime. Heres to a great four years together.
My in-laws are going to buy a duplex. I am going to life in one half and the plan is to rent out the other during school. If anyone is interested let me know and when plans get finalized we can get some housing together. By the way the apartment will most likely be mulitple rooms so if anyone wants to double up the other half to lessen the rent it is all good. Anyways let me know.
aarononion09 said:
Does anyone know when the new building will be completed? ...

The word on the street is that it will be done and ready for the Spring of next year (i.e. '07). There were some issues with underground sources of water and set back the construction a bit. From what I can tell though, the building is going to add a lot to campus... lots of space to study and not to mention the Human Patient Simulators! I must admit I am a tad bummed about having to wait until the spring, but if the building holds up its end of the bargain, it will be well worth the wait!

Cheers! :cool:
aarononion09 said:
Does anyone know when the new building will be completed? ...

The word on the street is that it will be done and ready for the Spring of next year (i.e. '07). There were some issues with underground sources of water and set back the construction a bit. From what I can tell though, the building is going to add a lot to campus... lots of space to study and not to mention the Human Patient Simulators! I must admit I am a tad bummed about having to wait until the spring, but if the building holds up its end of the bargain, it will be well worth the wait!

Cheers! :cool:
ruralmed_2010 said:
Any first year students able to give a heads up on the anatomy at KCOM? I've got some Gray's Anatomy flash cards to brush up before school starts. Any other suggestions, or just surrender to the beast?

I disagree with Raggaman. I wouldn't just "relax" before med school. I would relax a couple of weeks before, but since this is February, you have PLENTY of time to make your life a little bit easier.

The place to begin is to go here

Then click on the different links on this site. These are the lecture notes for first quarter anatomy. These probably won't change one bit for the class of 2010. You aren't going to remember much that you study, but it would be nice to get a feel for how things are done at school.
1viking said:
I disagree with Raggaman. I wouldn't just "relax" before med school. I would relax a couple of weeks before, but since this is February, you have PLENTY of time to make your life a little bit easier.

The place to begin is to go here

Then click on the different links on this site. These are the lecture notes for first quarter anatomy. These probably won't change one bit for the class of 2010. You aren't going to remember much that you study, but it would be nice to get a feel for how things are done at school.

This is a password protected ATSU website.
Hi everyone,

I'm a current student at KCOM. It is a fantastic place.

Once you accept KCOM you will start getting advertisements from local businesses. Unfortunately this is because KCOM sells your personal information, and they don't tell you about it. I've heard you can call the admin office and they will stop.

Don't be put off by this though. It's fairly common among medical schools. I can understand the importance of obtaining money for running something like a medical school. We just would have appreciated being asked first. Especially nowadays with so much identity theft going on.

Like I said, KCOM is a fantastic place. Everywhere we go we're told about KCOM's great reputation. The education is top-notch.

Good luck!
1viking said:
I disagree with Raggaman. I wouldn't just "relax" before med school. I would relax a couple of weeks before, but since this is February, you have PLENTY of time to make your life a little bit easier.

The place to begin is to go here

Then click on the different links on this site. These are the lecture notes for first quarter anatomy. These probably won't change one bit for the class of 2010. You aren't going to remember much that you study, but it would be nice to get a feel for how things are done at school.

Thanks! Seeing as how I'm out of school at the moment I think I'll start poking around your anatomy schedule. If you use the user name and password that they give you once your accepted you can login to your link. Thanks again.
Raggaman said:
This is a password protected ATSU website.

"Supposedly" everybody posting on this forum has been accepted to KCOM and has a username and password. That is why I posted it here.
My wife is currently going to cosmetology school. She called to look into transferring. They told her she would have to transfer very soon, like within a month. To make this happen to get up there I need a list of low-income apartments. Once we can get moved in and I find a job until school starts we will need the low-income apartment. By the way we will need at least 2 bdrms prefer 3 with our kids. Thanks for your help on this my fellow classmates and future colleagues.
can someone tell me if it is all lecture? Any PBL (problem based learning). How usefull are the lectures? Are they required?

Hey all. just wanted to let everyone know that i am getting way excited to start my medical education. Just wanted to know what everyone was thinking in regards to nano technology in medicine. and on a side note, does kirksville have a good indie rock scene. I know that might be a stretch? Finally, what does everyone hope to specialize in? Enjoy your senior year and I look foward to your comments
docKinga said:
can someone tell me if it is all lecture? Any PBL (problem based learning). How usefull are the lectures? Are they required?


Its my understanding that all of the first year classes have a lecture component and ARE NOT required... All of the professors hand out lecture note packets in addition to having the powerpoint and audio (mp3) of the lecture available online.. So if you have to miss class, you're butts covered. Personally, I like to hear (and know) what I am responsible for on a daily basis, so I try and attend all lectures. As far as PBL goes, there are some PBL components of Human Biochemistry during your first year which are usually case studies, but thats the extent of it. During your second year a large portion of Pharmacology is PBL... so look forward to that if you like that sort of thing. All in all, most of the lectures during your first year are pretty useful and while not always exciting (who really enjoys amino acids? :sleep: ), they do tend to improve on your understanding of not only the material for the course your in, but also it stems well with your other courses.
aarononion09 said:
...and on a side note, does kirksville have a good indie rock scene...

Ike Riley comes around every once and awhile to play at the Dukem (local watering hole)... :cool:
What kind of social life do you have? Anything at ALL? How long are you actually in school? 8-5? I would die from 8-5 in lecture. hope thats not what it comes down to. do lots of students like to study in groups outside of school?
even though Kirksville is small, you are still able to have a social life, its called the Dukum. Bascially it is one of the few bars were people hang out on the weekend to drink, play pool and socialize. The nice thing about Kirksville being so small is that you never really have to call up friends on the weekend to see where people are going because bascially if you just show up to the Dukum, you will find somebody you know. As for other social events, you become creative with your own parties or Theta Psi, the KCOM Frat puts on a few parties here and there. The school also has talent shows everynow and then and cultural events. Basically, if you want a social life, it is possible anywhere, you just may have become more creative here for ideas. Sometimes, like now since it is almost finals here, you really don't have time for a social life, but that is to be expected with medical school. As for your schedule, most of the time you have class from 8-12 and then labs from 1-5 but some days the lab schedules are split into groups so your group may not be having lab and then you get the whole afternoon off. It is not as bad as you think. I think we really only have class from 8-5 like 2 days of the week and then other days it may be from 8-12 or 8-2. OTM lab usually breaks up the lectures in between to give your mind a break, and then afternoons with anatomy lab, although tedious, are not as bad as lecture because you can sit around and converse while you are dissecting. You will learn to love it here, I promise, small town and all, it is actually a great little town that makes you laugh everynow and then. As for studying, some people pick groups to study in, some study by themselves, if you want a study group, sometimes, groups will get organized through e-mail. Try to relax this summer and don't stress, there will be plenty of time to do that once you get here, and be happy that you are about ready to start a new journey to your life. Welcome to KCOM.
