NYU vs. UPitt

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10+ Year Member
Oct 15, 2012
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Hey everyone, I'm very grateful to have been accepted to NYU and also be wait listed to Buffalo. I recently received an invite to a last minute interview at UPitt for Monday. My semester starts again on Monday so I'd miss a day of classes and money in flights. If I don't get into UB, it will come down to NYU and Upitt. If I would definitely pick NYU over Upitt then it would be a waste of my time and the schools for me to go to the interview. Besides location and cost of living, what are reasons to attend UPitt over NYU or vice versa?

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Pitt is among the handful of dental schools that offers EVERY specialty in dentistry. Some that aren't offered in other schools are the unofficial dental anesthesiology, oral maxillofacial pathology, public health and special needs dentistry. It is incredibly well funded for research. It's probably top 10 uni in research funding. If you have plans on specializing or doing academics, this is the place to go to. In NYU you can forget it. I have a nagging doubt that this year's UB waitlist will be VERY slow. Don't hold your breath. Go to Pitt's interview.
Thanks for the info everyone! I appreciate it and will keep it in mind. In reference to the buffalo wait list, Barbara told me I am high on the list. While I'll be sure to not hold my breath, I think I have a better chance than most. Buffalo is obviously a great school but people still tend to turn it down in favor of their own state schools or for other reasons. The list might move slowly, but I believe it will move. Second deposits aren't due till April and people often put down deposits to multiple schools until then. I will in fact, be interviewing at Pitt. I figure it's worth it to experience another area and another school with different assets. Thanks again you guys.
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I got into Pitt! yay! The facilities looked really nice compared to NYU (and buffalo). The area was really pretty as well. Their big selling points were the anesthesiology "certification" and being 5th in research in the country. I put down a deposit and have until April 1st to decide between the two schools. I'm very grateful to get into both schools and have this tough decision ahead of me. Pitt was a good school and cost of living would definitely be cheaper. The tuition will be about 7,000 dollars less at Pitt. I'm still a little torn though. I had such a great interview at NYU and all the students there seemed so happy, it's hard to walk away from. I change my mind daily between NYU and Pitt. Anyone have any insight? Or perhaps any students attending one of the schools have advice? Thanks!
I lived in Pittsburgh for two years. Hands down one of the best places to live in the country! Beware though, if you are not a Steelers fan now, you will be if you decide to go there. I would chose PITT every time over NYU for lots of reasons. Just my two cents.
I got into Pitt! yay! The facilities looked really nice compared to NYU (and buffalo). The area was really pretty as well. Their big selling points were the anesthesiology "certification" and being 5th in research in the country. I put down a deposit and have until April 1st to decide between the two schools. I'm very grateful to get into both schools and have this tough decision ahead of me. Pitt was a good school and cost of living would definitely be cheaper. The tuition will be about 7,000 dollars less at Pitt. I'm still a little torn though. I had such a great interview at NYU and all the students there seemed so happy, it's hard to walk away from. I change my mind daily between NYU and Pitt. Anyone have any insight? Or perhaps any students attending one of the schools have advice? Thanks!

I interviewed and was accepted at Pitt, and it was a close contender with my first choice, but I gave up my seat at Pitt to stay in SoCal near family (originally from SoCal too). I enjoyed the area a lot. During my 4 day stay, I drove around, checked out homes, the zoo/aquarium, theatre house, and some of the local restaurants, and I knew I would have thoroughly enjoyed living there. The COL is much less, and there seemed to be an abundance of special areas you'd get experience in: special needs, public health, anesthesiology. Also, you can apparently enroll in the MPH program at no extra cost and graduate with a combined DDS/MPH if you choose to. The coordinator spoke to us at the interview and said we have until D2 to decide, and said we'd take the required courses around our DDS schedule.

NYC is nice (can't speak for NYU, since I've never been at the school), but living in it gets old while on a student budget. If i were you, I'd save the money from COA/COL and visit NYC during the summer.

Also, Pitt is NOT 7k less in tuition. It's about 22k less (16k if you're OOS). The FinAid director told me they allow you to obtain In-state status after 1 year (46k vs 40k for tuition).
Pitt's living allowance is 21k per year, but you'd have to spend like a madman to need that much; while creating my budget I was able to bring mine down to 11,500. I priced apartments while there and they're dirt cheap compared to anything you'd find in NYC.
