New Chapman University accepted 90% of students interviewed

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As a dentist, I may not be able to help my patients find god but at least I actually have patients hehe.
ya - and they all hate going to see you

I have patients to - like today- this one guy was so happy to see me that he took a swing at a nurse just to try to fit his way to give me a hug
it was awesome- i just shut the door and watched from behind the glass as our minimum wage security guards all gang tackled him. It was a beautiful site to see, so I sat down at my computer and watched you tube videos while people who made a third of what I do actually work

I love capitalism

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ya - and they all hate going to see you

I have patients to - like today- this one guy was so happy to see me that he took a swing at a nurse just to try to fit his way to give me a hug
it was awesome- i just shut the door and watched from behind the glass as our minimum wage security guards all gang tackled him. It was a beautiful site to see, so I sat down at my computer and watched you tube videos while people who made a third of what I do actually work

I love capitalism

Sounds like you really are a pharmacist. Doing nothing worthwhile and getting paid! No wonder healthcare in America sucks. We pay the pharmacists too much to watch funny videos at work! Why pay 130k to somebody when a monkey could do the same job? They should be devoting your salaries to developing a computer to dispense these pills
Sounds like you really are a pharmacist. Doing nothing worthwhile and getting paid! No wonder healthcare in America sucks. We pay the pharmacists too much to watch funny videos at work! Why pay 130k to somebody when a monkey could do the same job? They should be devoting your salaries to developing a computer to dispense these pills
pretty sure we lost anybody who gives a damn already about this thread, but seriously - do any of the Rph's troll random boards to screw with "professionals" on their boards? I mean, I could really careless about what they are talking about on the dentist or chiropractor forum, as long as they clean my teeth and make them sparkle so I can go hit on their wives and take them home to my hot tub, then I am a happy man
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pretty sure we lost anybody who gives a damn already about this thread, but seriously - do any of the Rph's troll random boards to screw with "professionals" on their boards? I mean, I could really careless about what they are talking about on the dentist or chiropractor forum, as long as they clean my teeth and make them sparkle so I can go hit on their wives and take them home to my hot tub, then I am a happy man

Seems like you do care though. You reply to every one of messages. In addition, you went through my post history to another forum and commented on my post there. Interesting logic by such an intelligent pharmacist :p. I wasn't aware that being a pharmacist made you such a ladies man. I will have to try that next time I am out.
Seems like you do care though. You reply to every one of messages. In addition, you went through my post history to another forum and commented on my post there. Interesting logic by such an intelligent pharmacist :p. I wasn't aware that being a pharmacist made you such a ladies man. I will have to try that next time I am out.
you have more responses on this one thread that all of your other threads combined.
you have more responses on this one thread that all of your other threads combined.

And yet another response from somebody "who doesn't give a damn." Dred pirate, your actions contradict your words.
And yet another response from somebody "who doesn't give a damn." Dred pirate, your actions contradict your words.
you realize now I just have nothing better to do while I wait for 7 o'clock to get here and I go out for drinks?
you realize now I just have nothing better to do while I wait for 7 o'clock to get here and I go out for drinks?
No wonder the acceptance rates are so high! The job requires one to have such little ambition! You shouldn't be perusing SDN at work. Pharmacists are really important! What if you only put 29 pills in the bottle instead of the 30. Everybody would lose their mind!
You only make 130 grand dred pirate...with 12 years of experience. I know associates pulling in 300k first year :) Dem cleanings pay a lot!
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Hey toothsleuth, can I be your next patient? I'll make sure to eat plenty of sour onions and old cheese, then blow it all over your face during your exam. Hehehehe
Hey toothsleuth, can I be your next patient? I'll make sure to eat plenty of sour onions and old cheese, then blow it all over your face during your exam. Hehehehe

Sure. Hopefully you have many cavities for me to fill. And please, its just a needle. It doesnt hurt that bad!
I agree. Dentists are attractive people. We made the right decision when picking professions.
really? my dentist was fugly,
You only make 130 grand dred pirate...with 12 years of experience. I know associates pulling in 300k first year :) Dem cleanings pay a lot!

depends on where you work I guess, but the ones I know sure don't Plus you have to deal with the joys of owning a business - naw
Dude the typical dentist has no clue about antibiotics...wrong doses, wrong drugs...
Would Chapman try to lure PharmDs in the future by offering combined JD/MBA programs?

Hmm.. So is that's the emerging jobs that the dean speaks of?

The Pharm.D./MBA seems pretty useless to me. I don't know too many DM or hospital directors who have an MBA.

There mi
Why do dentists have the highest suicide rate among professionals?

Obvious reasons.
What happened to toothsleuth11? He just disappeared after his post at 3pm. Did he commit suicide?
Everybody knows dentists have the greatest skill set. When you have an abscess the size of my left nut (trust me its quite prominent) growing from your face, who else can treat you and take you out of the pain the same day? The greatest "doctor" in town i.e., your friendly dentist! To be a pharmacist the only skill you need is to be able to count to 30...maybe 45. To be a medical doctor, you only have to figure out how to write a referral or a prescription for antibiotics or cough medicine. Dentists aren't just tooth carpenters, they are true american heroes.

Tooth carpenters? I thought carpenters only need a high school education?
I am sure tooth is just trying to troll but what he says is true. If Pharmacy schools stop popping up in Strip malls, online courses, 5 popping up every year then your profession will be destroyed. Once there is a large oversupply of pharmacists esp when hospitals/retail starts to contract then you will just end up with a race to the bottom of the payscale.

One reason there is such a shortage of medical doctors is b/c you rarely hear many new schools opening up and then residency. Even if a new school opens up there is a 7-10 yr wait period before they become docs to even start to saturate the medical profession.

But if you start to have medical schools opening up everywhere even in strip malls, and it doesn't matter much if you were from the best or the worse, then you are marginalizing the best schools and profession. Businesses are all in this to make money. Hospitals are no different than CVS. If a hospital can own a doc and find someone that will do it at a cheaper rate, then that doctor is gone no matter how good/how long he has been there. I see this all over the places. Cardiology, radiology, anesthesiology, ER groups, wound care groups all are at the mercy of the economy. If they find someone cheaper, the old group is out. What is keeping this from happening is there just isn't enough docs to create the oversupply that drags down income.

Once Pharmacists are over supplied, retail will replace the high earners will low earners. If any seasoned/prized pharmacists think they are too good to be let go, then they are wrong. For 50K in their pocket, they will get rid of a 130k for an 80k worker in a heartbeat. This happens all of the time in sought after cities for medical doctors.

Watch your back and good luck to all. What your leadership is allowing with these degree mills will in 10 years kill your profession. But the bright side is economics always hold true. Once the avg pharmacy job is at 80k/hr, no one will go into it and the supply will dwindle, schools will close and the supply/demand curb will swing back to making 130k/yr.

Look what has happened to lawyers.
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Healthcare is spiraling out of control and cost cutting measures will be enacted. Fields that add little to patient care will be chopped off at the legs. The only reason there are still a demand for pharmacists is b/c by law you have to have a pharmacists in house. Once this is removed, there will be very little need for pharmacists at all.[/QUOTE]

the truth is that physicians do not have time to screen a patients profile for interactions, drug on formulary(best treatment for the cost), or if the drug is following the proper treatment guidelines(guidelines set by the hospital or insurance company for doctors to follow). that is where the pharmacist comes in. Pharmacist have the computer system to help them analyze all this and it takes time. How can a doctor do all this without making the patient wait? The pharmacist gets paid less than a physician. If you were to have a physician screen all this, the cost of care would cost more because a physicians time is more expensive than a pharmacist's time. Emergentmd, this is typical of doctors to knock on the work of a pharmacist. I am glad you are an attending and not a director of a hospital. You have no sense of what people do at all and are disrespectful to all others in a hospital. Where are you attending, would you like to share to the pharmacist you work with what you think of them? What do you think of nurses?
Healthcare is spiraling out of control and cost cutting measures will be enacted. Fields that add little to patient care will be chopped off at the legs. The only reason there are still a demand for pharmacists is b/c by law you have to have a pharmacists in house. Once this is removed, there will be very little need for pharmacists at all.

I disagree - I made a simple formulary change that required about a day of my time to do a little research, call three physicians to get their approval, and write up for P&T and it saves us 20K a year - I think that I justified my salary for a bit
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I disagree - I made a simple formulary change that required about a day of my time to do a little research, call three physicians to get their approval, and write up for P&T and it saves us 20K a year - I think that I justified my salary for a bit

I put forward a $29k/yr change last year, that was fun. Oh and I bring in random food for technicians...that probably improves morale and cuts down on turnover. More $$ right there!
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^ there is no published data but supposedly they received almost 500 applicants, based on his post.

Don't get me wrong. Chapman is not going to be like HICP but they are sure as greedy. Tuition is $67,500 for year 1 and 2; $45,000 for year 3. That is a total of $180,000 in tuition per student or $3.4 M in tuition for the extra 19 students they took.

Where are they going to find rotation sites for all of these students? There are already 7 pharmacy schools in Southern California with another one that scheduled to open.

$180,000 + living expenses + food + another $40,000 in compounded interest =$270,000

Oh my. I just feel bad for all those suckers. In 20 years they are going to be feeling the pain with increased debt burden and severely decreased employment possibilities. They say if you can't spot the fool in the room it's you.
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The only good thing apparent about Chapman is that it's in Irvine...
Once Pharmacists are over supplied, retail will replace the high earners will low earners. If any seasoned/prized pharmacists think they are too good to be let go, then they are wrong. For 50K in their pocket, they will get rid of a 130k for an 80k worker in a heartbeat. This happens all of the time in sought after cities for medical doctors.

It's not that simple though. If they do that to me, I open a pharmacy across the street and continue making a nice living. And so won't a bunch of other pissed off pharmacists with a little bit of capital in their pockets. There are several banks and distributors (McKesson, Cardinal) that will gladly help you open up shop and get started. Hell, my current pharmacy does 5000/week and people constantly complain about how long the wait times are. If I go across the street and rent the empty strip mall cube that's available and can snatch even 10% of that business by having most things done in less than half an hour, I'm all of a sudden doing pretty well for myself. The only reason most of us don't have our own shops is because the corporate giants have made it worth our while to not want to bother with it. My salary goes back under 6 figures and I'm going to go on my own.

Not being 100% dependant on an employer is one of the huge security blankets of retail pharmacy.