LECOM - Erie Discussion Thread 2009-2010

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Holy crap, I am either going to have really good news or really bad news in a few days. My portal status changed from an accepted seat on the alternate list to a decision has been made on my application...I hope its good news

I just called and they said that it could be an update on the waitlist, what I could expect over the next few months, or change in my status at LECOM...now I gotta deal with these butterflies all over again.

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I did not send out a letter of interest/intent, nor did I call the admissions office. I probably would have though soon if I did not receive the "heads up" email from the admissions department. Also, the days after I received that email I checked the portal every day, and it only said that I was on the alternate list. After I received the phone call, it changed to that a "decision has been made."
Any other waitlister/alternates get a status change on their portal? I'll be pretty pissed if its just an update on the waitlist status
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Any other waitlister/alternates get a status change on their portal? I'll be pretty pissed if its just an update on the waitlist status

No change on my portal status. Still says i'm an alternate and to contact amy rowe if I want to get off the list.

But then again, I never got a call or e-mail telling me to get my stuff in order. But I did my FASFA anyway, in case the stars and planets align!
No change on my portal status. Still says i'm an alternate and to contact amy rowe if I want to get off the list.

But then again, I never got a call or e-mail telling me to get my stuff in order. But I did my FASFA anyway, in case the stars and planets align!

That's the thing, I didn't get a call or e-mail either and I know they meet on Weds...holy crap, I can't wait to get that letter.
That's the thing, I didn't get a call or e-mail either and I know they meet on Weds...holy crap, I can't wait to get that letter.
Hopefully thats good news. My portal still says alternate so maybe you'll get the ball rolling with the waitlist!!!!! :thumbup:
Good news for you waitlisters!! I will be giving up my seat in the next day or two to attend another school - congrats to whoever gets it :)
this might sound stupid but I interviewed last friday and have been anxiously awaiting the letter (although I know that it will be at least another week...I'm dying here haha) anyways does everyone have the bookstore tab on portal?? I just noticed it today and I thought hmmm what does this mean? It has book lists and everything on it for next year....
I'm a third year med student leaving Erie to go on rotations but I've got all my stuff that I used when I was here. Trying to sell it because I could use the cash and I don't feel like hauling this stuff around with me when I leave. I'd like to sell everything as a set but I'll sell also sell things individually. If you want the set It'll be 1K all you have to do is come by and pick it up. I'm not leaving till mid july so no rush. But if yo don't want to have the hassle to going out and buying everything from different stores this is your once stop shop for your new apartment.

2 Desks, Office chair, duplex laser printer, paper shredder, 2 book shelves, lots of books, full sized bed with mattress topper, night stand, dresser, space heater, window fan
this might sound stupid but I interviewed last friday and have been anxiously awaiting the letter (although I know that it will be at least another week...I'm dying here haha) anyways does everyone have the bookstore tab on portal?? I just noticed it today and I thought hmmm what does this mean? It has book lists and everything on it for next year....

I got that, too. I'd like to hear from the other waitlisters if they have the bookmark tab? Futuredoc87 I feel your pain, they changed my portal status from alternate list to the adcom made a decision on my app on weds . I know I won't get the letter till monday, but I keep checking like a fiend. :xf:
I got that, too. I'd like to hear from the other waitlisters if they have the bookmark tab? Futuredoc87 I feel your pain, they changed my portal status from alternate list to the adcom made a decision on my app on weds . I know I won't get the letter till monday, but I keep checking like a fiend. :xf:

My portal has the bookstore tab as well. Sorry to disappoint.
My portal has the bookstore tab as well. Sorry to disappoint.

Damn lol. I thought we found a loophole to the letter haha. Thanks

Thanks for the luck electric and kimari:xf:
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haha i was thinking maybe there was a loophole and i got all excited until i started to think rationally (although nothing about this past week has been rational lol) anyways good luck to everyone who will be hearing in a couple days!!
hey guys

for you guys getting loans, did you just go through the feds or did anyone opt for private. im shopping around and starting to think sallie Mae is a pretty good option . any thoughts or if you already took care of loans, what did u do?
hey guys

for you guys getting loans, did you just go through the feds or did anyone opt for private. im shopping around and starting to think sallie Mae is a pretty good option . any thoughts or if you already took care of loans, what did u do?
Shop around but take a look at the new law passed by congress for the student loan reform before you sign your life away.
I'm INNNN!!!!!! LDP, too. This is awesome!!!

Good Luck my former fellow waitlisters, it looks like they're utilizing it.

ahhh!! Congrats!! I'm so jealous! Hopefully, I'll get my letter Monday bearing the same news!
Thanks guys, its still unreal. Just as a heads up, I did send in a pretty awesome letter of intent. If you want to know more PM me. :D
Thanks guys, its still unreal. Just as a heads up, I did send in a pretty awesome letter of intent. If you want to know more PM me. :D

congrats, hopefully we'll be able to join you there!
I'm INNNN!!!!!! LDP, too. This is awesome!!!

Good Luck my former fellow waitlisters, it looks like they're utilizing it.


Congrats!! May i ask who you sent the letter of intent to?
I'm INNNN!!!!!! LDP, too. This is awesome!!!

Good Luck my former fellow waitlisters, it looks like they're utilizing it.

Congrats....Glad to see that there is beginning to be some movement on the waitlist. I was accepted to the post-bac program so if I do not get in this year, then hopefully I will be remaining in Erie for next years class.
So everyone wants to know what I did with my LOI so I'm gonna post it here for future ref.

I decided that I was gonna go for broke and wrote down everything I could think of for why LECOM should take me. It ended up 2 pages single spaced haha. I also sent it to four people, Dr. Ferretti, Amy Rowe and the two people who interviewed me. The overriding theme throughout was about their dedication to the students and the community. In the first paragraph, I explained my intent and told them that over the next 3 months, I would be making sure they knew who I was. The next paragraph, I talked about everything I like about LECOM, so pathways and whatever else you like. The next paragraph was about the LECOM wellness center and how awesome it was and why it would be useful to me. The next paragraphs I talked about my experiences in Erie (I went to college there) and why I could succeed there. The final three paragraphs, I updated them on what I had done since my interview (luckily my research was published 2 weeks after my interview), I let them know that I was grateful for their belief in me as a prospective student, hence why were waitlisted and not rejected, and then I wrote an amazing closing from the heart.

My best advice is to just write a love letter to them lol. As soon as I got my waitlist letter, I wrote the LoI and sent it to Dr. Ferretti and my interviewers through snail mail, and to amy rowe through email. Write it as if it was your only chance to get in medical school and be emotional but not cheesy. And if it doesn't work this month, write another one next month, and the next month. Make sure they know you want it more than anyone else. If you want me to check it out afterwards let me know.

Good Luck!!!:xf:
thanks for writing that! I got my waitlist letter today so I'll compose my letter of intent tonight!! Professing my love for LECOM...:)
For Lecom's Organic Chem requirement do they want Orgo 1 and 2 specifically or just two courses in organic chemistry with lab (this is the impression I get from the AACOM school guide)?

Here's to hoping that someone gets a call tomorrow or later this week!
To any prospective, new or current students below is a link to the LECOM SGA website. You can use this to get in touch with the LECOM student body. Granted this is a new item on the website it will take a while to get the word around and hopefully in time it will get plenty of use. Enjoy!


Wish I can give you good news, but haven't heard anything yet...this waiting process is making me go CRAZZZZZZZY! anyone else still on the waiting list who interviewed on March 25th?
I called them sometime last week and all I got was "We have everything we need from you. You can hear from us up to July 25."
I was placed on the Alternate List after interviewing at LECOM-Erie on April 29th. I chose ISP at Erie. I mailed thank you letters to both of my interviewers. Once I received the approved class size reached/alternate list letter, I faxed back my acceptance with a letter of interest. I then mailed letters of interest to my interviewers. I spoke to Jamie a few times over the phone, and emailed with him as well. He says typically they take 50-150 off the wait list, but he couldn't tell me the size of this years list. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed like everyone else. Good luck to all.:xf:
Hi everybody, I received an acceptance from my top choice school today, so I've taken myself off of the alternate list. One person shorter! Good luck to you all!
OK, I know they have rotation sites in Indiana, but does anyone know if LECOM-Erie has any sites in Illinois?

EDIT: I guess I should ask this question here. too. How difficult is it to get year round rotation sites? I like LECOM-Erie, but I don't know if I want to be jumping around all over the country for a year.
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OK, I know they have rotation sites in Indiana, but does anyone know if LECOM-Erie has any sites in Illinois?

EDIT: I guess I should ask this question here. too. How difficult is it to get year round rotation sites? I like LECOM-Erie, but I don't know if I want to be jumping around all over the country for a year.

For LECOM, the rotations sites are doled out based on rotation groups. These are arranged according to preference for schedule or location. Generally, there won't be too many too many people in a given group that are interested in each location. It's pretty variable, but generally as long as you compromise and do at least one or two rotations in erie (or at a mandatory rotation site), you can do almost all of your rotations in a given area. For some locations (Cleveland area or York, PA) you can do all of your rotations in one hospital or hospital group.
For LECOM, the rotations sites are doled out based on rotation groups. These are arranged according to preference for schedule or location. Generally, there won't be too many too many people in a given group that are interested in each location. It's pretty variable, but generally as long as you compromise and do at least one or two rotations in erie (or at a mandatory rotation site), you can do almost all of your rotations in a given area. For some locations (Cleveland area or York, PA) you can do all of your rotations in one hospital or hospital group.
Yeah, that was my main concern. I'm really interested in LECOM-Erie, and I really don't care where I do my rotations, as long as I'm not switching areas every month or so. Switching hospitals is fine, as long as it's in the same area. I mean, how do they expect you to find housing in a situation where you are constantly changing areas?
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Yeah, that was my main concern. I'm really interested in LECOM-Erie, and I really don't care where I do my rotations, as long as I'm not switching areas every month or so. Switching hospitals is fine, as long as it's in the same area. I mean, how do they expect you to find housing in a situation where you are constantly changing areas?
Allot of hospitals have free housing and thats what I'm doing for my rotations