How does my app look & how do I become more competitive?

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Oct 11, 2016
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I applied broadly to about 11 schools in early October-early December this year (took DAT in mid-November due to COVID). I haven’t heard back from any schools regarding interviews, which I expected because my GPA is pretty low. I am not feeling too hopeful about this cycle so I wanted to make sure I had a plan to beef up my app for next cycle and am looking for some solid advice on how to do so.

Current stats:

- Non-traditional student (graduated in 2016 from UCSD as a human bio major)
- 3.29 cGPA
- 3.09 sGPA
- 22AA / 22 TS / 24 PAT/ 23 RC / 23 BIO / 24 GC / 18 OC (sad face)
- 3 years (~2000+ hrs) employment as dental assistant after graduating college
- 80 hrs shadowing (at same office before I was hired but w/ different dentists)
- 150 hrs leadership position (dept coordinator) for local hospital’s volunteer internship program
- 400 total volunteering as a Sunday school teacher/nursery head since junior high through post-college
- Worked as a lab intern for a pharmaceutical company and had another job as a hostess at a restaurant as I went to college

I really can’t afford the cost of a formal masters or post-Bacc so I’m taking a full load of classes at the local cc as an informal post-Bacc. If I do well (which I’m confident that I will), I can raise my GPA to about 3.36 cGPA and 3.20 sGPA by June 2021. And maybe can raise it even more by the first academic update.

However, I know that that is still on the low end of the spectrum so I’m trying to think of other ways to appeal to schools:

1) Retake the DAT? I know I scored relatively well already but I’m pretty confident that I can raise my score if I were to take it again. I just don’t know if it’d be worth the time and money to take it again for an extra point possibly. But I got a C+ in ochem 1 and an F and C+ in ochem 3. Idk if an 18 in OC is good enough.

2) Should I shadow more? Does it look bad that I shadowed and worked at the same office? I worked with close to 15 different doctors at that office but idk if schools will just see it as 1 experience. Maybe shadow a specialist or just drs at a different office?

3) Volunteer at UCSD’s low income clinic? This would take time away from my studying for classes and working so idk if it would be okay for me to just continue working at a different office.

4) is my lack of leadership a red flag?

5) should I try to do research?

Sorry for the wall of text. I really appreciate any input you can give.

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For sure shadow more and work on you’re GPA.. do not retake the dat. Everything looks great other then the gpa and suprised you havnt heard back.. which schools have you applied to
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For sure shadow more and work on you’re GPA.. do not retake the dat. Everything looks great other then the gpa and suprised you havnt heard back.. which schools have you applied to
Hi thanks for replying! I applied pretty broadly but tried to kind of limit where I could since it was so late. I applied to UoP, UNLV, Colorado, Rutgers, Marquette, Roseman, UDM, Case Western, LECOM, Buffalo, and Temple. I was thinking about adding a few more but I know it’s really late in the cycle... I will definitely look for shadowing opportunities as well!
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Only issue I see is your GPA. The rest looks solid. But as you know that GPA is a very important factor so do whatever you can to boost it up. Post bacc or master might be helpful:)
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Only issue I see is your GPA. The rest looks solid. But as you know that GPA is a very important factor so do whatever you can to boost it up. Post bacc or master might be helpful:)
Yeah, for sure. I can’t afford a formal program so I’m doing an informal one at a cc. I know it’s not looked upon as favorable as a 4 yr university but I’m hoping they won’t care as much about it haha
Apply earlier (like right when the application opens, write a kickass personal statement that makes the adcom go "Whoa, screw the gpa we need to talk to this person," and interview well
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Apply earlier (like right when the application opens, write a kickass personal statement that makes the adcom go "Whoa, screw the gpa we need to talk to this person," and interview well
Yeah, I’m so glad I’ll have everything ready to go on the first day next cycle if I don’t get accepted this year. I was just notified of a UDM interview this morning so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for this cycle!
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can I ask you when in November you took the DAT? I have to take mine in November again, but I am not too sure if it's worth applying this cycle as it's pretty late already...