Feline Issues

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15+ Year Member
Jul 5, 2004
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Hey guys. I'm hoping someone out there can offer up some advice for me. 2 years ago I adopted 2 cats. 1 manx who was approx. 6 mos. and a black kitten about 8 weeks. I only wanted 1 and preferred the kitten. However the manx was beautiful and the 'rescue' center was having a hard time finding her a home since she was a bit skittish. Due to my work schedule (12 hr shifts), I decided it best to go ahead and get both so they would have each other to play with. It took my manx about a week to come out from under the couch, but she took to the kitten immediately. Now, 2 years later, they're true sisters. They groom each other, chase, play, etc.
My manx is still skittish in that if I move too quickly around her she'll run. But otherwise she craves my attention and loves to be pet. Problem is this: my black cat was completely 'normal' when I got her. She loved strangers, which I loved, because I enjoyed showing her off (she's gorgeous). However, she is also now skittish. I know some of this comes with being around my manx, and the fact that I live in an apt. and don't get many visitors. They'll come out and stare at my boyfriend, I guess because they're so used to his voice now, but they won't let him pet them (like he'd want to anyway :laugh: ) I accepted the fact that the manx would always be this way, but it really bothers me that my black one seems to be getting worse. When someone knocks on the door, she runs so fast she leaves chunks of fur behind! I live on the 2nd floor and decided to leave the door to my patio open with me outside to see if they would come out and 'explore', which they did...very cautiously. I wanted them to see and hear the cars and people going by. I leave the screen door open in the spring and fall for the fresh air and they love to sit there and stare outside.
Anyway, I guess my question is this. Is there anything I can do to help bring my black cat back out of her shell, and become an even 'semi-sociable' cat? She's the sweetest, funniest cat on the earth and she gets PLENTY of attn. from me, so lack of human contact is not the issue. I know it's just because she's so used to me and noone else. She's just gotten so jumpy over the past 3-4 months and I don't know what to do.
I didn't intend on this being so long and I apologize. But if anybody has any advice for me or knows of reasons for this behavior, I would greatly appreciate a reply! Thanks in advance!

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If your older kitty is the black one, or the manx for that matter, try having thyroid function tested first.

I have a very spunky 14 year old russian blue(he's so beautiful) and he is the reigning world champ of SPOILED. He had some of the same habits you've described, skittishness especially. If he is hyperthyroid he could be revved up all the time -- like a kitty on 18 pots of coffee.

I'm not a DVM, just a cat mom who went thru the same thing. It has helped calm him down and we don't have the tinkle problems of past, so we're moving in the right direction. Just something to ask you vet about.

It could just be him, though, and the Manx kittie brings out that side of him. It's great that you adopted your 'kids'.

I know how it is after those 10/12 hours shifts. The last thing you want to do is take care of kitty...but they don't care if you've worked 12's (are you an RN, like me?

Good luck
Oh, I have no problems at all taking care of them. I love all animals (especially mine) and they get plenty of attention from me. I'd have never adopted an animal if I didn't have the time to tend to them. Actually, they're spoiled rotten (toys and such everywhere). I just decided to adopt 2 so that when I was away at work they would have each other and not be so lonely. The manx is older by about 4 months. They eat and play fine. Very loving cats. I'm just wondering why my younger one (the black one), who wasn't skittish when I got her, now is. I know part of it is just from being around the manx (who was skittish when I got her). I'm sure it's nothing physical (regular vet check-ups...which terrify them both). It's bound to be a psychological issue. OMG...did I just say my cat is mental? :eek: (just kidding).
I'm just curious if there's anything I can do (beyond taking her to a shrink :laugh: ) that can help make my black kitty more sociable and not so scared of everything. My manx is always going to be this way, and I knew that when I adopted her. It's just that the black one WASN'T scared and skittish until I'd had them for about a year. Again, any more advice guys and gals??? Thanx!!

p.s. NoAngel...not an RN (yet) :) ...paramedic
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I heard you can't really tell a cat's personality until they're about a year old. So maybe while yer kitten was cute and playful while young he grew up and developed a more nervous personality?
On the other hand, my friend had a skittish cat when she moved to a new apt. I think she took it to the vet and eventually realized the cat was just scared being in a new place.
Or your cat could be sick? Well either case...I'm not sure...you could ask a vet would probably be yer best option.

I guess some cats just aren't friendly to other ppl....I don't know how to socialize cats to be more friendly to other humans...just give it time? Let her meet yer friends and such?
Thanx MedTech. That makes sense. I had a friend whose cats were the same exact way and remember thinking that that would drive me nuts. Maybe I'll put her on a leash and take her for a walk around the complex!
:eek: Hahaha! Hell, she jumps when I flush the toilet, pull out the ironing board and the vacuum cleaner, is scared around plastic bags (which my calico at my parents house LOVES to climb in and sleep). Oh well. They're both sweet as sugar and love me to death, as do I. I'll just be content that that's all I need, and know that they're happy to have been rescued from the streets and placed in my loving home.
To all you DVMs, thanks for caring so much about our little family members. I ran over my 15 year old Cocker Spaniel 5 years ago (accidentally), and thought (because of my guilt and pain), that I'd never be able to have another pet. But even though I still miss him terribly, these 2 psychos ( :laugh: ) make my coming home everyday wonderful. They take care of me as much as I take care of them. Don't mean to sound so sappy! So, anyway, thanks again for all you do! We appreciate it! Take care and good luck to all of you! :D
i have a fabulous kitty who is about 13 now. i got him as a kitten probably 6 weeks old when my freind's cat down the street had kittens (why don't people spay/neuter? these people could certainly afford to). anyways, between the ages of about 6 months and maybe 5 years, he would always run and hide under the bed if any strangers came in the house, or even if a big truck started to pull in our driveway. then he wouldn't come out until hours after they left. we used to try to coax him out with treats and tell him "it's okay now, the bad man's gone" :laugh: now that he is older and wiser, he never runs and hides anymore; heck, he sees a stranger at the door as a good opportunity to sneak outside. he comes up and sniffs at new people to check them out. basically nothing can scare him, not even the vacume cleaner. when outside he sticks his paws through the fence and takes swipes at the neighbor's dog. moral of the story is maybe the black cat (maybe the manx too) is just going through a skittish phase like my cat did and will grow out of it in a few years. spending time in a shelter probably didn't help their confidence much either, and/or perhaps they had a bad experience before coming to the shelter. many props to you for adopting, the kitties thank you too :)