Canadian Trying to Study in the States

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5+ Year Member
Aug 21, 2017
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I recently received an acceptance offer. The next steps are to pay my deposit and try to figure out how am I legally allowed to study in the states. From my understanding, I need some type of Visa to study in the states for the 4 years? On the US embassy website it states:

Canadian citizens do not need visas to study or participate in an exchange program in the U.S. However, Canadian students do need to obtain an I-20 (or DS-2019) Certificate of Eligibility from the university, school or exchange program they plan to attend. Upon receipt of the I-20 (or DS-2019), the student will be registered with SEVIS, the student tracking system, will be assigned a SEVIS number, and will be required to pay a registration fee. When crossing the border to begin their study or exchange program in the United States, the student will need to provide the Officer at the port of entry:

  1. A Canadian passport;
  2. The original I-20 (or DS-2019) certificate;
  3. Proof that the SEVIS fee has been paid;
  4. Proof of ability to pay school fees and living expenses in the United States; and
  5. Proof of ties to Canada."

    But the school that I received an acceptance for didn't send me any I-20. As well, I also read I need an F-1 Visa? I'm confused about the situation and don't really know how to go about this. What am I supposed to apply for?

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Most schools have an international student center. If you call them they will tell you exactly what to do and provide you with all forms.

I went through this a few years ago so it might be a little different

1. Your school is going to ask you for a bunch of documents about your finances. If it's good they send you an i-20, which is the school vouching for you.
2. Sevis is like an online tracker thing, you just go online, pay the fee and print out the receipt.
3. Canadians don't need an interview with the embassy, we have to apply for an f-1with customs when we go through the border. You need to prove to them that youre a legit student, and has intentions of returning to Canada after your studies.

Your school should send you a package with all that. If you're worried call them.

Thank you for your reply! The admissions person said he has to get me started with the F-1 process. So, I'm assuming he'll be sending me documents where I can prove I can pay for the schooling? Then I would receive an I-20 from them, pay the SEVIS.

Should I be applying for the F-1 at customs way ahead of time, before school starts in July?