Albert Einstein Class of 2009

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Ol'DocToxic said:
I talked to Joan in the admissions office re: Tx's. She said that if you are done w/ college and your Tx's show that your degree was granted, they can be sent to the admissions office to her attention. I sent mine about 2 weeks ago.

Thanks for the info Ol'DocToxic. So when are you moving over to the bronx? I'm making the same trek as you from San Francisco, but I want to prolong my summer for as long as possible, haha. I've spent my whole life in Northern california so it'll be quite a change.

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hey guys, i just got an email from housing, they're giving ppl who are taking biochem their housing first, and those people have to pay the deposit by the 8th. they still havent gotten to me yet :( but soon i hope.
Uegis said:
Thanks for the info Ol'DocToxic. So when are you moving over to the bronx? I'm making the same trek as you from San Francisco, but I want to prolong my summer for as long as possible, haha. I've spent my whole life in Northern california so it'll be quite a change.

I haven't really nailed that down yet. I'm still working full-time and have not yet informed my boss that I'm leaving July 28. The Co. I work for has this ugly habit of firing people the day they give their 2 weeks notice and I need the $. Plus, I only got off the fav review list about 10 days ago. Thus, my housing application was just mailed. I don't know what my chances are right now for getting into the AECOM housing. I need to call them in a week or so to get a handle on how that is going to pan out. From what I've read in this thread, the housing office seems really busy and isn't able to be the most responsive to inquiries. So I guess the short answer is that I have no clue when I'm heading across the continent, except that I guess I have to be there before Aug 15 at 9 AM. How do you plan to make the move? Drive? Fly?
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thanks much, will send my transcript to joan in admissions....i already emailed about a week ago asking where to send it with no reply to me! sigh....they should send all this stuff to us in class emails!
the1111gal said:
thanks much, will send my transcript to joan in admissions....i already emailed about a week ago asking where to send it with no reply to me! sigh....they should send all this stuff to us in class emails!

i agree! i had no idea that we should sent in transcripts!
wends said:
i agree! i had no idea that we should sent in transcripts!

I don't think it's a matter of an imminent need to send them, though the acceptance email did mention the requirement to send them. Also, I think that some people just out of college won't have theirs available immediately upon graduation. She just happened to call me with a question about one of my classes and the subject of transcripts came up and I casually asked her when we should send them. Because I have been out of college for a while, she said I could send them whenever I wished.

THANK YOU so much for sharing all of this info! I feel like I wouldn't know anything about Einstein if it wasn't for all of you. :love:
so everyone get the email about transcripts this morning lol? i feel like 3-4 weeks ago would have been better ;)

in other news, still no housing priority mail in florida (roomie are you out there? ;))...

but i did get today schedule for the intro class...any of you all get that? my mom is supposed to scan and email it to me today but shes not so tech advanced...this might take a little longer than planned (anyone else feel like being my mom for the day? ;))

also ive been reading like crazy this summer and theres a book called blink by malcom gladwell and the last chapter is on the bronx :) its actually kinda a scary chapter about the dangers of the bronx, to me, but it was still an interesting book and it mentions our new home!!! :)

Just got my housing info. We can't paint the walls, damn. I got a one bedroom split into two. How does that work? Has anyone seen em? Have they been properly converted into bedrooms or is it open? I wasn't paying attention during my tour ;-). We can move in July 25th.
i was fairly certain we could paint the walls... in fact, one of the guys at the accepted students dinner said that if you want to save yourself $50 or so you can tell them NOT to repaint your room before you move in, especially if you're planning to paint it yourself.
tell who not to repaint them? former students? (because I don't know who the former occupants of my apt were?)
the1111gal said:
tell who not to repaint them? former students? (because I don't know who the former occupants of my apt were?)

I think its the apartment management myodana is refering to. In any case, I remember reading in one of the medstudent diaries of an AECOM student. She repainted her walls to a different color. Maybe they'll take it out from your $700 (?!?!) deposit if you paint the wall. Who knows.

I'm still waiting for my room assignment...
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hey guys, guess there are some of us still waiting for housing :rolleyes: im getting impatient! my aunt alberta sent me a whole bunch of pictures of her apartment and it looks really good!

any other news? orientation is only two days long :(
Hey all,
I'm gonna be a second year here at Einstein in the fall and I just wanted to clarify a couple of the things you guys were talkin about, which i think for the most part you know, but just in case.
You are definitely allowed to paint the walls in your apt. My new roommate and I just decided to paint the entire hallway and doors and when I got here last year, one wall in my room was painted green (pretty random i know). And whenever someone moves out of their room, housing comes in to repaint the room white before the next occupant comes.
As for the '1 bedroom' split in two, this is how that works... they take a traditional 1 bedroom apt, i.e. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 living room, and put up a wall to make the living room into a second bedroom. If you get really really unlucky, you might move into an apt where the previous tenants removed the wall for whatever reason. If this is the case, then you have to pay the 1000 dollars to put up a new one. While that definitely sucks, it's very rare. I only heard of 2 people that had to do it in my class this year.
So if youre in this 1 bedroom situation, there's nothing to worry about in regards to the size of your room. Last year I lived in the 'real' bedroom and it was plenty big, and when my 4th year roommate moved out this spring, i took over his 'living room-bedroom' cause i liked the view better and it's really big too. The only difference is that if you take the living room-bedroom your closets wont be in your room, but outside your room in the hallway, not even an inconvinience for me. The only people that luck out are people that get into a 3 bedroom situation cause they have 3 bedrooms in their apt. and a fullsize living room. While i wish we had a living room, i think our bedrooms are a little bigger than the bedrooms in the 3bdrm apts. And of course theres the studios for married couples, etc.
Oh, and I dont know if it's too late to decide already, but I would highly recommend taking the biochem course before school starts (unless you've been working all summer and have little/no time b/w work and school starting). if you want to know the reasons why i recommend it you can just pm me and ill talk to you about it. And i dont know if the 'official' orientation is two days (i.e. getting your ids, internet connection, etc.) but there's definitely a TON of more orientation activities than just 2 days. orientation was crazy fun last year. at least a week long (longer if you take the biochem course).
So yeah, im sure guys already know most of this, but i thought id just throw my 2 cents in. if you guys have any questions feel free to ask! congrats on being accepted here and i definitely think you made a great choice! the bronx is definitely not as bad as the majority of people think it is. see you guys around in a few months!
wends said:
any other news? orientation is only two days long :(

Yup, and no white coat ceremony :( . I know its only a formality and shouldn't matter, but it would've been a nice excuse for my gf and family to come out here with me for a few days. I do look forward to the boat tour though. I'm embarassed to say, but I've only been to NY once for two days to interview and I didn't get to do anything at all. Just rushed in and rushed out. So I'm going to rely on the New Yorkers or frequent visitors to show me around. Can't wait!
Hey Spidermonkey11 thanks for the post! It's always nice to get info from somone who knows...and I'm really excited to hear that we can paint our rooms. I'm also excited because I'm in a 3 bedroom apt. I feel lucky! :)

Anyone taking the biochem course know when they're moving in? Housing said we could move in anytime after the 25th.

Happy almost-4th-of-July! :D
ill prob move in the 25th (unless theyll let me come earlier--so that my mom doesn't have to take off of work which starts that week for her)
hey guys, anyone fill out profile? did anyone hear back from einstein about it yet?
do u mean the financial aid profile? i didnt end up filling that out...
the1111gal said:
do u mean the financial aid profile? i didnt end up filling that out...

thats ok lol, i just got the letter yesturday.

still nothing from housing tho :confused:
anyone have the email address for housing people?
Health form question:
I just got all my lab results back. Everything is fine except (why is there always an except?!) despite having the vaccine series in 1998 and showing immunity, I no longer demonstrate immunity to Hep-B. Looking over the health form, it looks like the only thing required for matriculation is getting the antibody and antigen tests. Getting the actual vaccine series is listed under the optional section of the form. This seems kind of odd to me, but that's the conclusion I draw from the form. Does anyone have more definitive info about the Hep-B requirement? Also, the form and letter I received doesn't have any contact information for the OHS office. I thought I saw a phone number for OHS in this thread, but I can't find it using a search. Anyone have that? Thanks!
Ol'DocToxic said:
Health form question:
I just got all my lab results back. Everything is fine except (why is there always an except?!) despite having the vaccine series in 1998 and showing immunity, I no longer demonstrate immunity to Hep-B. Looking over the health form, it looks like the only thing required for matriculation is getting the antibody and antigen tests. Getting the actual vaccine series is listed under the optional section of the form. This seems kind of odd to me, but that's the conclusion I draw from the form. Does anyone have more definitive info about the Hep-B requirement? Also, the form and letter I received doesn't have any contact information for the OHS office. I thought I saw a phone number for OHS in this thread, but I can't find it using a search. Anyone have that? Thanks!

i think if that if your titres are negative, meaning if your immune, you have to get vaccinated again. thats what i get from what the forms say. there are contact numbers on the aecom website.
contact info for health:

Cyndi Rivera
Occupational Health Service
Tel. 718-430-2698
Fax 718-430-8827
Ol'DocToxic said:
Health form question:
I just got all my lab results back. Everything is fine except (why is there always an except?!) despite having the vaccine series in 1998 and showing immunity, I no longer demonstrate immunity to Hep-B. Looking over the health form, it looks like the only thing required for matriculation is getting the antibody and antigen tests. Getting the actual vaccine series is listed under the optional section of the form. This seems kind of odd to me, but that's the conclusion I draw from the form. Does anyone have more definitive info about the Hep-B requirement? Also, the form and letter I received doesn't have any contact information for the OHS office. I thought I saw a phone number for OHS in this thread, but I can't find it using a search. Anyone have that? Thanks!

Hep B is optional, but you have to sign a waiver if you decide not to get it. I decided to get it since I have never been vaccinated for it before.
Thanks a lot for the OHS info everyone. Just in case anyone was wondering, if you've had the Hep-B series of 3 vaccines and your immunity has declined, you only need to get a booster. 6-8 weeks later they will draw another titer and see if your immunity has come back up. If so, you're done. If not, you continue on with the the next 2 inoculations in the series of 3 again.
still no housing packet in the mail for me---its pretty annoying....but they were able to help me out with an early move in so that my mom could help me without losing money for taking off of work..yay for that :p
wow that looks good!

im getting a L shaped computer desk and a chair from staples :thumbup: maybe i'll get a small bookshelf too, but im not sure yet.

i want my housing too!!! :mad: :mad: i guess we have to wait until all the bchem ppl get their spots. im really hoping that there are some three bedrooms left! :scared:
I need to start shopping soon too. Is anyone thinking of checking out the furniture shop owned by the parents of one of our classmates? I got the email and thought I might go there instead.

As of right now, I need bed, desk, drawer, and bookshelf. Oh yea, a TV too. Can't live without one of those. I wonder if we get good reception in our rooms or do we need to order cable? Is cable available in the apartments?
i would imagine that we need to buy cable to get any reception--and it is available for purchase

i actually ended up not purchasing the office max stuff...lotsa stress but i think im actually going to do an ikea run...or the store owned by meghna's dad...
the1111gal said:
i would imagine that we need to buy cable to get any reception--and it is available for purchase

i actually ended up not purchasing the office max stuff...lotsa stress but i think im actually going to do an ikea run...or the store owned by meghna's dad...

oooh ooh! im joining you on that ikea run! i saw a big bookcase i liked for 29.99.

man if you're a bchem person and still havent gotten housing, i'll be living on the streets the first couple of days! :scared:
So I found this website while browsing the AECOM website... it has our class schedule for the semester on it. Kinda scary but I figured I'd share it with you all.

Also, the e-mail I sent on June 14 to the housing office has yet to be answered (I sent it to Anna Vitiello & to the other guy). I'm getting kinda angry now. I'm going to call again tomorrow and demand some sort of response. If I have to fork out the $1000 for the stupid wall then so be it but I'd at least appreciate some info from them on how to go about doing it, etc...

On that note, does anyone know anything about rental walls? A friend told me about it and I was thinking I could get one put up until my roommate moves into his single in September but I don't really know much about it. Any info would be appreciated.

Lastly, I got a mailing today and since I seem to get everything from AECOM before everyone else, here's the gist:

- tentative outline of orientation similar to e-mail we already received
- statement of residence to be filled out for our file (mostly questions for NY residents)
- general information form to be filled out for our file
- letter telling us our final transcript must be received by August 15th.
yeah housing is really getting on my nerves too--like i know they have a lot to do but this is ridiculous...something inefficient is going on!...are you going to be having the apt to yourself after your roommate moves out or is someone else moving in? i dunno what temp walls are but it sure would be nice if there were someone from housing helping you like you said

and thanks so much for the info about the mailing....hopefully ill get it down in florida before ive already gone up to school ;)
hmmmm... i'm still undecided about taking the biochem course... i already got my housing assignment a week or two ago, but i don't know when i want to move in yet... what to do?! scary that this is all really happening!!! :eek:
Hey I was just wondering if anyone who is planning on bringing a car to school has heard about a parking spot? I put my name on the waitlist back in may and haven't heard anything. Anyone already have a spot?
About the parking....

I also put my name on the list awhile back and they eventually gave me a call saying I had a spot. The manager then called me back and said that I wouldn't have a spot because of some construction they were doing and that my name would still be on the list just wouldn't get a spot until they complete the construction next year. Kind of put me in a bad position. So I've decided to sell my car because it wouldn't do me much good up there anyhow and would save alot of money (payment, insurance, parking cost, gas, etc.). He did suggest however that if I was set on bringing a car that I check with some of the hospital garages or other lots in the area. I briefly checked in to it but decided not considering the moeny I'd be saving. Hope this helps.......
i didn't even realize there was a waiting list! who do we have to talk to in order to get a spot? do you guys have a phone number for them?
jeez, im never going to get my housing! i think im gonna call tomorrow. but im scared cause i emailed them like three times now :confused:
did you call yet wends?

also i got the parking number its 718 430 7021...

in other news i just ordered a queen mattress from 1800 mattress for 360 including the frame and set and delivery! so thats good stuff:)
i called and i dont even have an assignment yet! anna vitello is gone for a week i was told :confused: i just want a place to live!

anyways, sasha, what kind of bed frame did you get from jcpenny? im not sure whether to get the mattress from jcpenny too or from sleepys or 1800 mattress. i cant find pricing on the other mattress stores, only on jcpenny. i thought i'd just get everything from jcpenny, but i do want a good mattress.
i find it very hard to beleive that she would be gone is not the time that she should be taking a vacation...maybe personal problems but i actually think that shes there...but im a cynic...

in any case i ended up going with the 1800mattress with their simplest and cheapest of everything which i posted about above...i didnt go with top of the line of course that will cost more
They told me she's on medical leave... seems like bad timing to me, who knows but I actually got to talk to the manager yesterday (Joe). Nothing's resolved though, looks like I'm going to have to suck it up and pay $1000 for the wall or live out in the open living room for at least a month until my roommate moves out into a single. This blows!!!

Oh and as for parking, looks like we're **** out of luck... they're doing construction and there are not enough spots to go around so the 1st years get screwed. They suggested we look into parking at Jacobi but I have no idea how to do that. And street parking is fairly limited and I'm not so sure how safe it is. AHHHHHHH I'm so frustrated.

Ok, enough venting for now.

the1111gal said:
i find it very hard to beleive that she would be gone is not the time that she should be taking a vacation...maybe personal problems but i actually think that shes there...but im a cynic...

in any case i ended up going with the 1800mattress with their simplest and cheapest of everything which i posted about above...i didnt go with top of the line of course that will cost more
hey loudawg,

i'd hold out until your roomate moves out and then try to split the bill with the next person that moves it, that way it would be 500 bucks each

yeah it totally sucks that the woman is away. they havent even gotten to me yet! :mad: :mad: i want a room! i mailed everything like in early june!! :mad:
I spoke to my Aunt Alberta today and according to her, she got her housing only two days before orientation and some people didn't even get housing yet till half way through the year. That sucks. But she did say that there was always temporary housing available so that we're not out on the streets. I dunno, this housing situation is just crazy!
loudawg said:
Oh and as for parking, looks like we're **** out of luck... they're doing construction and there are not enough spots to go around so the 1st years get screwed. They suggested we look into parking at Jacobi but I have no idea how to do that. And street parking is fairly limited and I'm not so sure how safe it is. AHHHHHHH I'm so frustrated.

that SUCKS. SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS. but, i think that as long as you don't park right on eastchester road, street parking is fairly safe in the immediate area... i'm not sure what i'll do about my car... any ideas?
update... i called the both the parking garage (kinney's) and the housing office and i was told that the garage is going to be under construction for about a year (the garage said that they might be opening spots early this year but she said "don't quote me on this..."). it seems that even einstein staff are losing their spots, and there is virtually no alternative. street parking is available, though car theft is definitely not unheard of in the einstein neighborhood... you park at your own risk. (plus you have to move your car for street cleaning... NY'ers will already be used to this phenomenon)
in short, this pretty much f***ing sucks ;)