Why Pharmacy?

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Nov 8, 2002
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For people who are doing pre-pharmacy, what is it about the profession that attracted you? Did you wanted to be a pharmacist when you were little? I would like some reason for I have an interest in pursuing Pharmacy, but it's not really one of those careers when you were little you said you wanted to be when you grow up.

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For me, pharmacy had many of the benefits of a career in the health care field (good pay, job security, aiding the sick, social status), without many of the negatives (time on-call, puke, pee, poo, and blood).

Although pharmacy may not be a profession typically dreamed of in our imaginations as kids, few are, because not everyone will grow up to become a firefighter, policeman, or astronaut.
Pharmacy is really great occupation for people who really want to know about and understand drugs and how they work in the body - pharmacists are the drug information experts! The information you get to learn in pharmacy school is increadibly interesting and useful in being able to help others. However, if you do pharmacy for reasons like money, prestige, etc, there are easier ways to become rich.
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That's ridiculous to imply that financial considerations are not taken into account when choosing a career. If pharmacists made half as much as they do, the number of applications to pharmacy schools would be much lower.

Considering the length of time it takes to complete a PharmD, a high starting salary is needed to draw people into the profession.

I to think the drug information that we learn in school is interesting, but this is not the only reason that one chooses a career.
I did not say that financial considerations should not be taken into account, but that should not be the top motivation to chose pharmacy or medicine. My point is that there are easier ways to make more money. When I was 18 I was promoted to manager at a fast food restaurant. If I would've kept with it I would be making about what a pharmacist makes today. However do I want to be killing people with fat or helping them with drugs?
My only point was that there are many things to consider when choosing a career, money being a major one. There are people who choose their paths for purely altruistic reasons, and I have a lot of respect for them, but you are not one of them. So please, spare me the "I wanna help people" reason for choosing pharmacy school. Travel to disease and famine plagued Africa and hold the hands of dying AIDS babies, if you really want to aid the sick.
Originally posted by DrTdogg
My only point was that there are many things to consider when choosing a career, money being a major one. There are people who choose their paths for purely altruistic reasons, and I have a lot of respect for them, but you are not one of them. So please, spare me the "I wanna help people" reason for choosing pharmacy school. Travel to disease and famine plagued Africa and hold the hands of dying AIDS babies, if you really want to aid the sick.

I am glad you are able to judge my motives by reading my post and determine that I am not doing pharmacy for altruistic reasons. Thats funny considering I have been to many 3rd world and developing countries - Haiti, Belize, Belarus, Russia, Egypt, Jordan just to name a few. And yes some of these trips were solely for the purpose of humanitarian aid. Additionally, I did spend a year an inner city in a large big city in America helping disadvantaged people. So I do have a clue how to help others...... BTW, if I really wanted the big money I would go into retail and not clinical pharmacy. My point was if you want money - there are easier ways to make it than through pharmacy school.
Why pharmacy?

1. Job security
2. Good Pay
3. Don't have to deal with all that headachy stuff medicinas mentioned in his post about how much doctors will make
4. Less stressful than being a medical doctor
5. Don't need to worry about malpractice insurance.
Pharmacy is cool because:
1. no internships
2. 40 hours a week and done
3. easier than med school
4. make good money
5. good job security.
6. you do get a doctorate (for whatever that is worth)

You're right. Most kids don't say "I wanna grow up to be a Pharmacist". My mom was a pharmacist and I grew up NEVER wanting to be one -- but now - here I am pursuing a PharmD.

Why? Well, the field of pharmacy encompasses so many different areas now - it is amazing. If you don't want to stand behind the counter 8hrs/day practicing your numbers, you can:

-be a clinical pharmacist
-teach in academia
-research in industry
-be a consultant
-do pharmaceutical law (PharmD/JD)
-work for FDA
-be involved in clinical trials in industry

The opportunities are endless & continue to grow.

I can't say that I'm "passionate" about the field (though it probably seems like it by my little list above) -- but I think it'd be a smart decision to pursue a career that is so diverse and will allow you to grow as your interests do.

Much luck to you.
Clean(I love the way DrTdogg said it: No puke pee poo) :laugh:
About 40-42 hours a week
Job Security(BUT I don't know if this will change after 10 years).
Flexibility(good for mommy and daddy with children) and the ability to work overtime if you need more money.
One of the most trusted profession(I don't know if it is one of the most respected profesison though....).
I personally like it because you learn how to make wine, beer, liquors, spirits, tinctures, and all kinds of stuff you can bring home and use!! Not too many undergrads can make hand cream for Mom and Dad! My housemates and I had the best "illegal" still back in the day.
