why is this so hard? LLU or MWU-AZ

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Mar 11, 2011
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I got a call from LLU today saying that I was accepted off the waitlist. (2011 cycle applicant) But I was accepted at MWU-AZ in July as well. Can you guys please help me make a decision a little easier for me. I have an emotional tie to MWU, and it is because the people at that school have helped me a lot in the past year.

Please help me out if you can. I really have no idea what to do. Thank You

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I got a call from LLU today saying that I was accepted off the waitlist. (2011 cycle applicant) But I was accepted at MWU-AZ in July as well. Can you guys please help me make a decision a little easier for me. I have an emotional tie to MWU, and it is because the people at that school have helped me a lot in the past year.

Please help me out if you can. I really have no idea what to do. Thank You

Are you ready to go by the no caffeine / alcohol rule + mandatory chapel at LLU?
Wouldn't be a difficult decision for me, but I understand we're all different. Everything I hear about the clinical experience at Midwestern AZ is spectacular.
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If MWU AZ has helped you like you said they have then I really believe you owe it to them to stay with them. Although I don't know the whole story...
i would stick with the one that help me. You know you going to get support even after u grad.
I think you should go with MWU. I think gratitude goes a long way. They seem to like and know you better than LLU, which might help you when you attend MWU.
It really depends on where you would like to be the most, I think. I never interviewed at MWU, but obviously I'm set to start at LLU in a couple weeks. I would assume there isn't a huge difference in cost though. I can speak for what I know of at LLU...it has a very strong clinical reputation throughout the dental community. Also, it's known for doing community service all over the world. Don't listen to people saying you can't have caffeine, that's completely false and I don't know why people spread false rumors about our school. Yes, you have to go to chapel...but you know that before you ever interview to go to school here.

If you want to go on lots of mission trips and see a lot of the world, come to LLU. I know they cover 2/3 of the price for students who want to go on trips to under-served areas of the world. To me, that's the most rewarding thing I could do and that's why LLU fits me so well. Some people don't really care to do this though, and that's fine...it's strictly their prerogative. What I'm trying to say is the money difference is so minute, you should sit down and do a list tonight of pros/cons (to you) for each school and at the end of the day...go to the one with the least amount of cons.

It's a hard choice for sure, and we are so close to starting (Aug. 29th here) that it makes you want to kind of stay put. If you don't have a family, and you can move at the drop of a hat...I guess it's more feasible. I'm not going to bash other schools (like some on here) because I'm sure you'll get an excellent education at both! Of course, I'm biased and we would love to have you here too. Good luck with your decision. Are you leaning a certain way yet?
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Personally, I would choose Midwestern although both seem to have a similar clinical emphasis. I think AZ is a great place to live during school and I'm from CA.
as far as which school would be cheaper, that might be LLU. I interviewed at MWU-AZ for their inaugural class and was impressed by what they said their program would be like. It seems to have lived up to that, by what I have read on here.

Loma Linda will give you an incredible clinical experience. The people here, including the faculty, are genuinely nice and helpful people (there are always exceptions, but it is the minority). As whodat said, you will have the opportunity to go to many different countries on just about any continent and have copious opportunities for community service.

I can see how it would be a tough decision for you.
as far as which school would be cheaper, that might be LLU. I interviewed at MWU-AZ for their inaugural class and was impressed by what they said their program would be like. It seems to have lived up to that, by what I have read on here.

Loma Linda will give you an incredible clinical experience. The people here, including the faculty, are genuinely nice and helpful people (there are always exceptions, but it is the minority). As whodat said, you will have the opportunity to go to many different countries on just about any continent and have copious opportunities for community service.

I can see how it would be a tough decision for you.

What I bolded is EXACTLY why you should go to LLU! LLU is greatly geared towards the clinical aspect! That's so much more important than being book smart!! My friend had interviews at UCLA, UCSF and LLU and he decided to go to LLU just because of the clinical experience