Which one will you rank higher and why?

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Oct 14, 2002
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I know!!!! you guys are probably getting sick of such trends, but I am going crazy with my ROL and I need help.

So, which ones will you rank higher and why U Michigan or Duke???

And what do you guys think of Cornell? I was not feeling the program during my interview nor second look.

Please help!!!!!


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this is for categorical IM

Do whatever you want.... complete strangers can offer advice but its worthless if they dont know you or the situation you are in. Sometimes I think people post stuff like this for thier ego (mich vs duke, harvard vs stanford).... give me a break!!!
If you are not feeling Cornell, why are you considering it? You internal medicine people are weird.:laugh:
from some of my friends, ive heard the UM medicine program is better and nicer
Duke has a bigger name and is in a warmer climate
you can't lose with either
if it were me, the most impt thing to me is that i get the best training i can get and so i would put UM first
but the training is probably awesome at Duke as well
still, i'd go for the better program even if it was only a little bit better
Originally posted by p-bo
Do whatever you want.... Sometimes I think people post stuff like this for thier ego (mich vs duke, harvard vs stanford).... give me a break!!!

KUDOS P-BO!!! I'm glad someone finally said what so many are probably thinking!! :clap:
hey guys,

my post was PURELY SINCERE. there is no ego or whatever going on. I just wanted to honestly hear what other people have heard about this programs. I have been driving my self crazy deciding which one to rank higher. also scutwork did not have any info on these programs.

I thought the point of the forums was to ask advice. I know that ultimatley, the decision is mine, but it would be nice to hear from others what they considered positives or negatives (things I probably did not realize).

Did not mean to offend anyone :(