General Which gap year master's program should I do? UMich MPH Hospital & Molecular Epidemiology or Loyola MAMS

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I am wondering if I could have some advice. I also wouldn't mind hearing from a Loyola MAMS alum.
I recently graduated from Michigan with a 3.39 cGPA and a 3.35 sciGPA. I am doing 2 gap years with either a 1 or 2 year master's program and applying in June 2020. I was accepted to UMICH MPH in Hospital and Molecular Epidemiology (60 credits, 2 years), and the Loyola MAMS program.

I am wondering if anyone could provide any feedback on one or both programs and potentially which one could be better.

My MCAT is pending. I have a lot of experience with 2 past research jobs, a patient transporter job, 2 different medical scribe jobs, 2 hospital volunteer appointments, co-ran a tutoring program at a church, and student government leadership experience at UM
Which one is less expensive? Which one has a track record and support infrastructure to mentor and advise students whose intentions are to get accepted to medical school? That said, I don't think the MPH is going to help you if you have a sub 3.5 science GPA.

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When I met with one of the academic administrators in the MPH program, they said they definitely have graduates go on to medical school, especially since its a more science intensive MPH with around 35 credits of epidemiology classes and 25 credits of public health classes, but she couldn't remember how many.
I'd find it concerning that a program admin didn't have that data immediately available, or wasn't willing to share definitive data. There's a big difference between 5% and 80% success rates.
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Isn't the Loyola Masters in Medical Sciences considered an SMP?
The Loyola MAMS program isn't integrated with the medical school and in fact the two campuses are a fair distance from each other. The med school is in Maywood, IL. You might like to read through this thread if you haven't seen it, particularly the last post (#40) on the program's success stats and #12 & #13 on where to live: Loyola MAMS 2019-2020
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