Where to go from here

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Aug 24, 2003
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I am currently on my second application cycle and I have not been accepted yet. I have a 3.5 gpa, 30O mcat (12V, 10B, 8P), alot of good ECs, and a ton of research experience. I have a fair amount of clinical experience and good letters. I am wondering where to go from here. I applied to 15 schools (all MD), got 8 interviews, and something like 7 wait-lists. I am trying to formulate a plan to re-apply. I can enter a MS in anatomy but I will not have grades until around Dec of this year. Should I wait two years to apply or should I just apply right away? I have improved myself since last year but I think I need to do something profound. Any suggestions?

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Looking at your grades and stats...ther must be something in the interviews that is getting you repeatedly waitlisted. I would call the schools that you were waitlisted at and ask to make an appt with the Dean of Admissions, and get some feedback on what you need to improve.
Usually if the school takes the time to interview you, they are interested...and 7 waitlists may be indicative of some "interview" type issues...

Look into it and see..prior to spending the time and money on a masters...
I agree with yosh. there's no reason why you can't get into an allopathic program with a 30 and 3.5. did you only apply to top schools or any other black mark on your application? maybe you have no personality or poor interview skills?
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I have had people say that I am too heavily weighted toward research and that since I went to a small school (1200 people) that no one has ever heard of then its a problem. No, I applied to alot of middle road schools. I know I screwed up my interview at one school but I dont know what happened at the others.
Also, do not lose hope yet for this cycle. With 7 some odd waitlists, you still have a pretty good shot of getting in to at least one of those schools once the lists start moving. Especially if you applied to middle of the road schools, they tend to have pretty good waitlist movement. Send some letters of intent, and keep your fingers crossed. Good luck.
Don't give up hope.. but I'd check back in with the schools about your interview. I had very similar numbers 30O (8/10/12) with a 3.65 and had to apply more than once not getting any interviews the first round! I was hurt a) being from CA b) the 8 verbal c) apparently graduating in 3 yrs from undergrad worked against me according to several schools.. go figure.. I just didn't want to be there.. hehe

Give it a month or two, I wouldn't be suprised if you were accepted to more then one of those schools. You are sending LOI to these schools, and updating them all on any new achievements? Good luck.
It sounds very likely that you'll still be accepted if you were waitlisted at that many schools this year. Also, it sounds bad but if you run across any alum from one of the schools it would be helpful to have them send in a little letter - I don't like it either but sometimes that's the way it goes. It sounds like your research background is strong, but by some odd chance if you don't get in this year, concentrate on volunteering at some unique things; maybe traveling to volunteer somewhere (like medical missions, etc.), or coaching some kiddos at something.
I agree with the above comments as well - make an appt. and ask the school. I know it's stressful, but don't doubt yourself - you have the ability to get there. Good luck to you!
I think graduating early only hurts if you are young. In my case, I applied with only 2 years of undergrad completed and was accepted, but I am 28 years old. To the OP, your stats seem fine and you received many interviews, so it must be how you came accross to the ADCOM.

Good Luck
I did have a strange personal statement but I am not sure if that would stop me from getting accepted. I have a back up plan in the works and I am going to reapply. I still have seven wait list spots open, although on one list I am on the bottom.
right now, you should focus all your efforts on getting off the wait list. Wait lists are fluid. You need to make phone calls, send letters of interest, kiss butt. Secondly, if you know anyone of influence, have them write a letter or call the school for you.

You are not in terrible shape, with 7 wait-lists your still have a good shot. You're obviously a good enough applicant, you just need something to push you to the top of the list.
W222 said:
I did have a strange personal statement but I am not sure if that would stop me from getting accepted. I have a back up plan in the works and I am going to reapply. I still have seven wait list spots open, although on one list I am on the bottom.

I agree with the above posters. You may still have a chance. Have you send any letters of intent yet to any of the schools you are waitlisted at? You should. Continue to show an interest in the schools. You can email them every few weeks to see how the list is moving. Also May 15th is coming up and you may get off the lists then.

If you don't... definitetly talk with the dean's of the admissions depts and find out why you were turned down this year and ask them what you could do to improve your application for next cycle. They are fully willing to do this for applicants.

Also you may want to rethink your personal essay. Perhaps a rewriting is in order. Good luck.
I was in a similar situation last year, but I was holding only 2 waitlist spots. You are a bit ahead of me though, because at this point (and really until about August) I was convinced it was a only matter of time before I would get that phone call.

Instead, I got the "We started classes today, and, well, you didn't" letter. So I started my AMCAS a lot later tahn I would have liked. (But then I would have liked not doing it all!)

My suggestion would be to start doing some clinical volunteering right now. And get your AMCAS finsihed and transcripts in. You can apply to one or two schools (rather than a ton) to get AMCAS started. That way when you get aacepted this June, you won;t have wasted a ton of money on an AMCAS that you don't care about.

I don't know your situation, but if you're not tied down to a particular area, apply to lots and lots of schools. You can only increase your chances.

Good luck!