What would you do?

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Jul 22, 2001
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Been awhile since I posted but....

I have a tough decision to make. Recently, I was offered a MSTP position at Tufts. Until now I had
firmly decided upon attending Pitt this Fall. However, I was only offered acceptance to the MD program
at Pitt.

So, what to do? Would I be shooting myself in the foot either educationally or financially to walk
away from the MSTP spot at Tufts b/c of the favorable "feeling" I get from Pitt?

Should I try to use this as a bargaining chip with Pitt for consideration for an MSTP spot next year?


Thanks so much.


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what's up? It's been almost a year since I read any of your posts. Just follow your heart. The greatest risk in life is not taking one. Very cliche-ish but true. Ask them what the likelihood is of you getting into Pitt's MSTP 2nd year. I doubt that you can bargain anything at this point. It might even be in bad taste to try. What you should do though is certainly make them(program admin) well aware that you would like to join the program next year; and keep up the rapport with them throughout the year. Let them see your face often and fill 'em in on how classes and research are going and so on.
I think:
"a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"

- meaning I'd rather join an MSTP at Tufts than pay through two years of med at Pitt for the chance to apply again for a spot that might open up. These are just my sentiments though.

[or as dave matthews says,
a bird in the hand
is much better than
any number free to wander"]
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•••quote:•••Originally posted by Bikini Princess:
•I think:
"a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"

- meaning I'd rather join an MSTP at Tufts than pay through two years of med at Pitt for the chance to apply again for a spot that might open up. These are just my sentiments though.

[or as dave matthews says,
a bird in the hand
is much better than
any number free to wander"]•••••'fo sho! But how does one place a value on this "feeling" that he is getting from Pitt. If you're going to be somewhere for at least 7 yrs, then you better be sure you like the place.
Whattup folks?? Nice to see old buddies around..
Alright so here's what I think..

It seems that there may be more to this "favorable" feeling aside from the atmosphere of the Pitt area...

I think you're problem lies more in the issue of whether an MSTP is really what you want to do??
I think the Pitt program is favorable cuz it seems to hold more "options" in that you can either ride out the MD or later on, can apply to the MSTP.

First and foremost you should really think hard about whether you desire the MD/PhD route -- and also if Tufts carries the research options of your taste. If it doesn't than there's no sense in matriculating...On the same like Original said you have to sort of like the place too...

Pitt is an excellent program.. I guess its basic research is more endowed than that of Tufts. With that said -- if Tufts has your choice of departments then it doesn't matter, because after all you'll choose one lab...

I think if you have doubts about the timing or whether you want to go MD/PhD or not -- Pitt is the way to go....it'll give you the option of either/or in addition to a larger breadth of research departments.

Nonetheless Massachusettes has an excellent array of research institutions that can provide for some excellent collaboration no matter what your interests are at Tufts...

Like some others have pointed out...don't just go to Pitt with the sole intention of reapplying to their MSTP (although if you do fine first year, and have a deep desire for research your chances of getting in will be much greater).

Think about it some....good luck!! Whatever you decide it'll be to your best interest -- you have an excellent set of options.... :D
I'd go to Tufts.