Pharmacy What should I do if I failed a prerequisite after being accepted?

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Oct 14, 2011
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I was already conditionally accepted into a pharmacy program, but I bombed the Orgo 2 final when they switched to online because of covid-19, and didn’t get a 2.0. I passed all of my other prerequisites, and this was the last one I needed. Has anyone had a similar situation? And what was your outcome? The program I was accepted into starts in June, so there isn’t time to take the course over in the summer. Any thoughts are appreciated.
Well, whatever you do, you have to report it to your pharmacy school. Their admissions committee will have to determine to revoke your acceptance for the imminent incoming class, but you'll have to get their feedback on retaking the class since it is a prerequisite.

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Anyone I remember in my undergrad years that applied to different programs (pharmacy included) had two things happen

1) Conditional acceptance was revoked ( this was the common factor )
2) Spot conditionally held for the next academic year ( more rare as many had to reapply the following year )

Although a pandemic was not foreseen for all of us just 4-5 months ago, school still continues and requirements in courses still have to be met. That goes for us powering through pharmacy school currently. As mentioned, your best action right now is to immediately call the program and see what the next steps should be.
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