what kind of reputation and respect do Chiropractors have ? why was it rated #4 best?

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Jul 12, 2005
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Look at this list http://biz.yahoo.com/special/bestjobs05.html

and please tell me what kind of reputation and respect does that profession hold in the the eyes of average american ? Do they have the same respect as an optomerist ?

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Apple_Pie said:
Look at this list http://biz.yahoo.com/special/bestjobs05.html

and please tell me what kind of reputation and respect does that profession hold in the the eyes of average american ? Do they have the same respect as an optomerist ?

i'd take that list with a grain of salt... jobs i've routinely seen in top 10's and top 25's are strangely missing.

and no... chriopractors don't hold must "prestige" with the american public. but honestly, neither do dentists, pharmacists, or optometrists. the general public sees dentists and optometrists as people who couldn't hack it at med school and pharmacists as people who were trained to count pills.

maybe not fair, but that perception does exist.

if you are going into a field for prestige, try being an MD, police officer, firefighter, or teacher. sad but true.
DCs have little respect from MDs. Studentdoctor doesn't even give the DCs a forum to work with.

They do serve a need, and people to use them. Someone on this board said that PTs have started to replace the DCs.

Respect is earned through how you as a professional conduct yourself.
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organichemistry said:
i'd take that list with a grain of salt... jobs i've routinely seen in top 10's and top 25's are strangely missing.

and no... chriopractors don't hold must "prestige" with the american public. but honestly, neither do dentists, pharmacists, or optometrists. the general public sees dentists and optometrists as people who couldn't hack it at med school and pharmacists as people who were trained to count pills.

maybe not fair, but that perception does exist.

if you are going into a field for prestige, try being an MD, police officer, firefighter, or teacher. sad but true.

Teachers are not respected anymore. Sad but true.
organichemistry said:
and no... chriopractors don't hold must "prestige" with the american public. but honestly, neither do dentists, pharmacists, or optometrists. .

so in the eyes of average americans, do chiropractors hold the same reputation and respect level as optometrists?

who has more respect a chiropractor or a pharmacist ?
organichemistry said:
if you are going into a field for prestige, try being an MD, police officer, firefighter, or teacher. sad but true.

buddy, If we are going to a professional school for extra 4 years, after college, then we deserve respect for at least working hard. I am an immigrant to America from a working class family with few resources and I had worked hard as I could while my friends partyed and had fun. So I believe people should respect people who have worked hard ,while the rest of society partyed.

and I don't think a police officer or a teacher is respected that much, they have as much respect as a bank clerk. However, I think an MD and lawyers have the highest respect in America, specially if they are originally from poor families.
I don't think chiropractors have as much respect as optometrists, dentists, pharmacists because many people believe them to be "quacks" (im not saying they are).

BTW, it is funny how you could tell someone you are an optometrist and they may think "eh, thats not a real doctor" or something along those lines but then if you told them you were an accountant or trader they wouldn't look down upon that; Not that theres anything wrong with those either...but...

I don't think people should worry about what others think anyway (if you respect the field of chiropractic then become one). I chose optometry over medicine, dentistry, law, etc. because I had no desire to do those.
Apple_Pie said:
However, I think an MD and lawyers have the highest respect in America, specially if they are originally from poor families.

I think the general public hates lawyers, whether they're good or bad.
respect isnt base on rankings or what the MD's percieve , its about the relationship you have with your clients.

at the end of the day if you believe you made a difference and you make decent money for your family, why do you care about how the MDs percieve your profession? while it may be necessary to convince MDs of your training to obtain a working relationship, respect is not what you want from them. you want respect from your patients, even if you get those ignorant ones that believe you are a md wannabe, as long as you give them the highest quality care, i dont see why you cant sleep soundly at night

so back to the original question, why shouldnt chiros be respected and given a high ranking if they deserve it? if they are able to make a difference in thier pateints and practice at a high level with respect to thier training, ill tip my hat to the chiro over any self proclaiming and arrogant OD, MD, pharmD anyday
still_confused said:
respect isnt base on rankings or what the MD's percieve , its about the relationship you have with your clients.

at the end of the day if you believe you made a difference and you make decent money for your family, why do you care about how the MDs percieve your profession? while it may be necessary to convince MDs of your training to obtain a working relationship, respect is not what you want from them. you want respect from your patients, even if you get those ignorant ones that believe you are a md wannabe, as long as you give them the highest quality care, i dont see why you cant sleep soundly at night

so back to the original question, why shouldnt chiros be respected and given a high ranking if they deserve it? if they are able to make a difference in thier pateints and practice at a high level with respect to thier training, ill tip my hat to the chiro over any self proclaiming and arrogant OD, MD, pharmD anyday

Extremley well said!!

I Respect chiropractors in that most have done at least 3 years of undergrad and 4 more years of chiropractic college. They worked hard for their title while the mass of society has done nothing close to that. They dedicated their professional life to alieviate the pain in people backs, necks and extermities. They do a great service IF they practice in an ethical and respectible manor. My chiropractor does NOT ask me to come back 1000 times in the course of a year but he did, at the onset of my treatment, reccomend that i come in twice a week for about 3-4 weeks which i understud. Now i go back whenever i feel the need to and he has no problem with that. I respect my DC as much as i do my OD, DDS, DPM and MD. All of which have worked extremly hard to become health care professionals and all, in my opinion, deserve resepect.
Why are so many of you on this thread and on the SDN in general so hot and bothered by "respect?" What is your definition of "respect" anyways?

Only about half the country respects the president.
Only about half the country respected the president we had before this one.
Only about half the country respects the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

If "respect" is what you're looking for, optometry is not the career for you. In fact most careers aren't for you unless you can somehow become:

1) Brain Surgeon
2) Astronaut
3) Nobel Prize Winner

Apple_Pie said:
buddy, If we are going to a professional school for extra 4 years, after college, then we deserve respect for at least working hard. I am an immigrant to America from a working class family with few resources and I had worked hard as I could while my friends partyed and had fun. So I believe people should respect people who have worked hard ,while the rest of society partyed.

and I don't think a police officer or a teacher is respected that much, they have as much respect as a bank clerk. However, I think an MD and lawyers have the highest respect in America, specially if they are originally from poor families.
KHE said:
Why are so many of you on this thread and on the SDN in general so hot and bothered by "respect?" What is your definition of "respect" anyways?

Only about half the country respects the president.
Only about half the country respected the president we had before this one.
Only about half the country respects the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

If "respect" is what you're looking for, optometry is not the career for you. In fact most careers aren't for you unless you can somehow become:

1) Brain Surgeon
2) Astronaut
3) Nobel Prize Winner

Well said.
Don't go picking optometry over chiro, or whatever other combination you can think of, just because you think one profession has more respect than another. What matters more is how satisfied you will be with what you choose.
And only about a third of the country respects / approves of / supports our current president. ;)
KHE said:
Why are so many of you on this thread and on the SDN in general so hot and bothered by "respect?" What is your definition of "respect" anyways?

Only about half the country respects the president.
Only about half the country respected the president we had before this one.
Only about half the country respects the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

If "respect" is what you're looking for, optometry is not the career for you. In fact most careers aren't for you unless you can somehow become:

1) Brain Surgeon
2) Astronaut
3) Nobel Prize Winner
Outstanding post.
KHE said:
Why are so many of you on this thread and on the SDN in general so hot and bothered by "respect?" What is your definition of "respect" anyways?

Only about half the country respects the president.
Only about half the country respected the president we had before this one.
Only about half the country respects the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

If "respect" is what you're looking for, optometry is not the career for you. In fact most careers aren't for you unless you can somehow become:

1) Brain Surgeon
2) Astronaut
3) Nobel Prize Winner

re: #1, so you admit that physicians get respect :p
KHE said:
Why are so many of you on this thread and on the SDN in general so hot and bothered by "respect?" What is your definition of "respect" anyways?

Only about half the country respects the president.
Only about half the country respected the president we had before this one.
Only about half the country respects the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

If "respect" is what you're looking for, optometry is not the career for you. In fact most careers aren't for you unless you can somehow become:

1) Brain Surgeon
2) Astronaut
3) Nobel Prize Winner

Actually, I think people respect the occupations of president and chief justice, they just don't respect the job those in office are doing right now.

If someone said they are president and you didn't know how good a job they did you would respect the fact that they were president. Now, if u asked someone what they did for living and they said they were a "psychic", no matter how "good they did" you would not respect that job (i hope not at least!). So i think that's why people care a little bit about respect in the community... just my thoughts ;)