General What can I do to prepare as a high schooler?

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Jun 11, 2010
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I am in ninth grade, and I would like to know what i can do to educate myself to prepare for college. I am already reading about the functions of the brain, and its parts. I am starting to study diseases, and how they happen and how to prevent them. I am basically pre- educating my self for college. I just wanted to know anything else that I can do. I am very dedicated into being either a MD, physician, or forensic pathologist, maybe all of them. The problem is my age, from what I understood you guys are experts, I just wanted some advice, what else should I learn or teach myself, or anything else that I can do.
Go to the hsSDN forum.

1) D o well in HS
2) Do well in college and have fun
3) The worry about med school.

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Good for you starting to think about your future early! There are many steps to becoming a doctor. You have a LONG road ahead of you but it’s a fun road. As a high schooler, what you should be worrying about now is doing well in your high school courses so that you can get into a college. There is nothing (at this point) you need to be worrying about. Do well in high school. Learn how you to study well so you can do well in college. I would take a look at the hsSDN section.

Once you get into college, come back here and we can help guide you more.

P.S. I suggest changing your SDN name so that it’s not your real name and changing your profile image.
1) do well in school. the trajectory and ease of you getting into medicine starts with you building your study habits and finding a love for learning.

2) don't worry about studying diseases, that's what medical school is for. If there's a particular disease that you are interested in than I would suggest reading up on that.

3) start volunteering in a healthcare environment, be as close to the patient-provider interaction as possible. healthcare is a customer service job. Figure out if you are up to it (as you get older, your views and opinions of this may change)

4) do things you love: whether it's music, art, video games, it doesn't matter, find something you like and really hone in on it.

5) understand the process and path may not be as simple as you want it to be. life happens. You may not apply for medical school right away and that is okay. The average age of the typical med school applicant is getting older and that's because people want to garner life experience not only to "boost their application" but simply to experience a normal life becuase once you start medicine, it is your life.

Just FYI: wanted to let you know that an MD, a physician, and forensic pathologist are essentially all the same thing. To be a forensic pathologist you must go to medical school to obtain your MD, after which you graduate as a resident physician training in pathology.
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