what are the qualifications required for Advanced Standing

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Dec 29, 2002
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What are usually the requirements for advanced standing ?

I appreciate all replies.

- hbajwa

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The requirements usually are as follows:

-A certificate of graduation from an international dental school
-Transcripts (including translations)
-Letters of Recommendation
-NBDE Part I board scores (85+ preferred)
-NBDE Part II board scores (not required but preferred)
-Residency Status
-TOEFEL scores
-Lots of money to pay for all this crap.

hope this helps.

hi desi dentist! what does residency status mean ? like residency "dentistry kinda thing ? or residency as in "visa wise ? just curious :)
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Hi there. I guess "residency status" means your US visa status. Most international students would be given F-1 and prior to the visa being issued, the students would have to provide a proof that they could support themselves and pay the full tuition. All in all, this would add up to lots of money. (See the $$ signs rolling up in the Faculty accountant's eyes!)

On a different note, most Schools set minimum 85 as their National Dental Board Examinations Part 1 score. However, what is the minimum Part 2 score (if requested) that people have been told? I am planning on sitting the Part 2 this March/April (I'm not sure of the exact dates but I have been told it would be Mon March 31 and Tue April 1...).

One more question: from all the Schools that accept advanced standing students, which one is the "cheapest" of all? I know most State schools would be far cheaper than the private Ivy League schools... but what would be the saving? Where should a bargain hunter be ideally aiming for?

Thanks people and good luck!

hi! thanks about the residency stat answer! i guess i don't really apply to that problem...which thank goodness i dont have to deal with all that visa stuffs,,i heard it's really complicated...anyways..about the grades,i have no idea cuz i am just starting part 1 this july....about the cheapest so far that i know of is loma linda univ in california...i'll keep you posted if i find anywhere cheaper k ?