What are the big organizations that heme-onc fellows/residents should be aware of?

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7+ Year Member
Apr 22, 2017
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I'm trying to get an understanding of the organizations that matter in the field. For example, ACP is the big cheese for IM. What are the ones, I'm assuming a number, that I should pay attention to in heme onc? I know of ASCO and ASH. Do they speak for you all?

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I'm trying to get an understanding of the organizations that matter in the field. For example, ACP is the big cheese for IM. What are the ones, I'm assuming a number, that I should pay attention to in heme onc? I know of ASCO and ASH. Do they speak for you all?
None of the organizations you mention speak for anybody but their boards. ASCO and ASH are primarily focused on supporting research and development of treatment guidelines. They are not really advocacy organizations (their protestations to the contrary notwithstanding) and are DEFINITELY not physician advocacy organizations.
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