What are my chances? Weak freshman year, 3 strong years...Any improvements?

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5+ Year Member
Nov 17, 2016
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Hey Everyone,
This is my first post on SDN, long time lurker. Just wanted to ask some for your opinions on my progress, "what are my chances?", and if theres anything you think I can improve..
I was a transfer student and had a weak freshman year (bc of reasons), but my GPA has improved since...

Heres my stats:
Currently a 4th year Junior, Biochemistry major (and chem minor) at my new college
GPA: 1st college GPA 3.5 (2 years)(3.0 freshman, 4.0 Sophomore)
2nd University ( 2 semesters- 3.93) - currently around a 3.95(this semester)
Overall around a 3.72, but my GPA from my old college doesn't carry over, so my transcript says 3.93, overall should be 3.8 by graduation.

I also take a few masters level chemistry courses, b/c why not.

Immunology- 2 semesters
Organic Chemistry- Summer research fellowship+ 2 semesters, continuing (hopefully pub by end of year)

Tutor-Orgo, Genetics, Anatomy and physiology, General Biology
Biochemistry Student mentor
Ambassador for College of Sciences
Volunteer weekly at nursing home
Habitat for Humanity trip south america (last winter)
Emergency Room volunteer
Eagle Scout (does this mean anything?)
Vice President Biology Club (previous college)
TriBeta National Biological Honors society

I am really looking to break into academic medicine...So I want to shoot for some reach schools. I know a lot depends on my MCAT, with all else being equal do you guys/girls think I have a shot at schools like:

Columbia- dream school tbh
Johns Hopkins

These are just some reach schools... Please let me know what you think. Any advice on how I can improve?

Thank you all !

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Rising GPA trends are always good. Your chances will be best with your state schools.

Come back when you have an MCAT score and we can better advise.

Thank you Goro!