USN or MWU-AZ? help.=(

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Jul 16, 2011
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Hey guys,

I got offer from both USN and MWU-AZ, but i am not sure which one i should go.
I dont mind the weather for both schools. price wise, they are similar. class size, i prefer USN cuz itz smaller, 64 ppl. but USN is a new school... idk...

What should i do? Any suggestions?


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Hey guys,

I got offer from both USN and MWU-AZ, but i am not sure which one i should go.
I dont mind the weather for both schools. price wise, they are similar. class size, i prefer USN cuz itz smaller, 64 ppl. but USN is a new school... idk...

What should i do? Any suggestions?


I would suggest reading through both school's general catalog / curriculum / campus missions, and consider factors such as housing / cost / environment / accreditation. Also recall your impressions from when you visited both schools.
How is this even a question!?!?! MWU-AZ all the way!

USN is a gamble at this point, whereas MWU-AZ has proven itself as a phenomenal school. I'm obviously biased because I'm going there this fall, but here's a third year's experience:

MWU is phenomenal. It still continues to impress me what we have going on here. We've had to pick up the dropped jaws of visiting administrators from other dental schools. They tell us things like, "Your D-3's have already done more operative in 9 months than our grads do their whole time". I felt better when I heard that---felt bad the day before that when it took me the entire morning appointment to complete 2 post/cores & 2 crown preps. We are (and have been since day #1) doing molar endo, implant placement and restoration (including cone beam CT imaging), surgical extractions, flaps, crown lengthening, complex fixed & removable, nitrous & sedation, and other treatment often reserved for either D-4's or specialty programs (or just simply not allowed!) at other dental schools. We rub shoulders with our specialists, like little mini residencies, on a daily basis.

The facilities...yes they're nice to have. Digital sensors, cone beam CT, microscopes in endo (going to install one in each of our suites---meaning one scope per about every 22 students), decked-out OS suites, 240 chairs, excellent sim clinic, etc, etc.

Sometimes you might feel like our school touts the facilities so much that we're covering up something. In reality, board scores have been solid, we have received zero CODA recommendations (never before happened at a new school), the basic science curriculum is extremely solid, and the faculty couldn't be better. They ARE getting us as ready for practice as a dental grad can be straight out of school. Scary thing is...D-2's had it better than we did & D-1's even moreso. An unstoppable force that is just gaining momentum. Speaking as an insider and as unbiased as possible (which is IMpossible), I think it's only a matter of time before dental applicants drive and demand this kind of dental education from the other schools.

MWU students aren't special, in and of themselves, by any means. I think that any school's students could produce what we're doing if their school adopted the same philosophy.

Feels like I've robbed a bank....but then my student loan statement shows up in the mail.

If you have other reasons to be in Utah like family, you have to make that decision, but if you're just looking at the schools by themselves, I think that MWU is garaunteed to be a great education, while USN is still a gamble because it's so new.
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that's odd you got an offer from BOTH schools ... given that it's still mid-july (about 5+ months away from DECEMBER FIRST....). :confused::confused::confused::confused:
or maybe TWO schools just felt the need to break the nation-wide agreement that nobody admits kids before Dec.1st..just for you! :)

and plus, USN isn't even giving out interviews until august 1st.

SDN--there needs to be a trolling-type smiley to put in these kinds of situations :)


I believe he/she is an applicant of last year's cycle and just got off the wait-list for last year's cycle :)
that's odd you got an offer from BOTH schools ... given that it's still mid-july (about 5+ months away from DECEMBER FIRST....). :confused::confused::confused::confused:
or maybe TWO schools just felt the need to break the nation-wide agreement that nobody admits kids before Dec.1st..just for you! :)

and plus, USN isn't even giving out interviews until august 1st.

SDN--there needs to be a trolling-type smiley to put in these kinds of situations :)


This is from last cycle. Maybe SDN needs a smiley for incompetant people.

Back to the OP's question: I would definitely go to MWU. It's an incredible school with excellent facilities and an awesome curriculum. I believe that USN will be a great school too, but MWU has a proven track record as far as academics go.

Price is a little lower at MWU, and Phoenix is a great area. Unless you have something holding you in Utah, I'm 100% with Rlow, this is a no decision. Go to MWU.
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I'm not too familiar with USN, but from an outside perspective it would be my last choice of any school. I think they did a messy job this cycle and alot is still up in the air in regards to the school's future. That coupled with the highest tuition of any school and living in Utah would put it very low on my list. You'll get a good education at any dental school in the US though so just got with your gut. :)
that's odd you got an offer from BOTH schools ... given that it's still mid-july (about 5+ months away from DECEMBER FIRST....). :confused::confused::confused::confused:
or maybe TWO schools just felt the need to break the nation-wide agreement that nobody admits kids before Dec.1st..just for you! :)

and plus, USN isn't even giving out interviews until august 1st.

SDN--there needs to be a trolling-type smiley to put in these kinds of situations :)


I love how wrong you are all the time...maybe spend less time with cute formatting and more time thinking.
For me the decision would come partly/a lot down to lifestyle.

Are you OK with the heat in AZ or the cold and snow in Utah?

Do you enjoy the mountains in Utah?

Are you okay the conservative values of the St. Lake City Area?

Do you already have family/friends in either area?


MWU-AZ is a proven good school, USN will probably be talked about like that soon. I would feel safe going to either school as far as the education you will receive.

Good luck in your decision!
Hey almon,
Usn is expensive but why do you say it is the most expensive? It's definitely not. USC,uop, nyu, but are more expensive and Midwestern and schools like unlv are about the same....?
I love how wrong you are all the time...maybe spend less time with cute formatting and more time thinking.

Well, given the ONE post this user has made, and the lack of clear labeling it as a post regarding LAST year's cycle, it seemed to be just a trolling post. so my mistake.

i wasn't aware my formatting was considered 'cute', but thank you for the compliment! :thumbup::thumbup:

:idea::idea::idea:... Sacapuntas, shouldn't you be more concerned about your lack of RC scores? Or generally knowing whether your a pre-med or pre-dental student? i seem to recall you had some confusion about that in another posting of yours that was aimed at trying to insult others.

Rather than stalking my posts being made and offering immature and irrelevnt comments in response to them, wouldnt working a bit on some Reading programs be more beneficial to you? and everyone else, so we wouldnt have these constant rude and ridiculous comments being made by you all the time?

And i honestly doubt the OP wants the opinion of someone, who themselves, seemingly has very little knowledge of the dental application / schools.

but to the OP:
yes, MWU would generally be considered a better option since it's more established, in a better locale, etc. unless instances like family relations would make a choice like USN more appealing.
Well, given the ONE post this user has made, and the lack of clear labeling it as a post regarding LAST year's cycle, it seemed to be just a trolling post. so my mistake.

i wasn't aware my formatting was considered 'cute', but thank you for the compliment! :thumbup::thumbup:

:idea::idea::idea:... Sacapuntas, shouldn't you be more concerned about your lack of RC scores? Or generally knowing whether your a pre-med or pre-dental student? i seem to recall you had some confusion about that in another posting of yours that was aimed at trying to insult others.

Rather than stalking my posts being made and offering immature and irrelevnt comments in response to them, wouldnt working a bit on some Reading programs be more beneficial to you? and everyone else, so we wouldnt have these constant rude and ridiculous comments being made by you all the time?

And i honestly doubt the OP wants the opinion of someone, who themselves, seemingly has very little knowledge of the dental application / schools.

but to the OP:
yes, MWU would generally be considered a better option since it's more established, in a better locale, etc. unless instances like family relations would make a choice like USN more appealing.

Yes, I am sure the OP much appreciated your failed attempt to belittle them instead.

Self-esteem issues?
Yes, I am sure the OP much appreciated your failed attempt to belittle them instead.

Self-esteem issues?

WOw, you really do have issues with understanding what you read, dont you??? LMAO
That part that you bolded?? The part that you think was belittling the OP??
Yeah..... if you can read clearly and comprehend what you're reading..that was aimed towards you.

My response to the OP is written in the section starting with "but to the OP".
but that may have been a tad confusing for you to catch *cough cough*

wow, your continued failed attempts to try and start crap with me are just beyond amusing.
come back when/IF you actually have something intellectual to say, once you've fully learned to read properly and most of all, UNDERSTAND what you read.

You make all these comments about how everyone is dumb and doesn't think before speaking, yet you (SACAPUNTAS, i'm referring to you here, since apparently you can't tell who is being referred to in writing like in the previous post) are the biggest culprit of that!

:- ]
WOw, you really do have issues with understanding what you read, dont you??? LMAO
That part that you bolded?? The part that you think was belittling the OP??
Yeah..... if you can read clearly and comprehend what you're reading..that was aimed towards you.

My response to the OP is written in the section starting with "but to the OP".
but that may have been a tad confusing for you to catch *cough cough*

wow, your continued failed attempts to try and start crap with me are just beyond amusing.
come back when/IF you actually have something intellectual to say, once you've fully learned to read properly and most of all, UNDERSTAND what you read.

You make all these comments about how everyone is dumb and doesn't think before speaking, yet you (SACAPUNTAS, i'm referring to you here, since apparently you can't tell who is being referred to in writing like in the previous post) are the biggest culprit of that!

:- ]

You surprise me with every post, I will give you that.

I am obviously referring to where you belittled the OP in your first post in the thread.

How you couldn't understand that is beyond me.

So, here it is so you may understand:

The OP asks a question comparing schools.

You basically accuse the OP of being a lying troll and try to sound intelligent doing it.

You claim the OP doesn't want input from someone like me.

I say yes, he probably prefers being belittled by you, and bold a quotation so even a simpleton can understand.

You still get confused and write a novel trying to slam me.

You expose your level of intelligence for all to see.

Get it?
And I apologize for the bickering, I truly am done.

I don't know why RP37 bothers me so much, I think it may be the lack of self-awareness.
You surprise me with every post, I will give you that.

I am obviously referring to where you belittled the OP in your first post in the thread.

How you couldn't understand that is beyond me.

So, here it is so you may understand:

The OP asks a question comparing schools.

You basically accuse the OP of being a lying troll and try to sound intelligent doing it.

You claim the OP doesn't want input from someone like me.

I say yes, he probably prefers being belittled by you, and bold a quotation so even a simpleton can understand.

You still get confused and write a novel trying to slam me.

You expose your level of intelligence for all to see.

Get it?

You're really an aggravating individual. I don't know if it's bipolar disorder or just plain stupidity that is responsible for some of the things you say in your posts.
First you bold a statement of mine clearly directed at you, and say im insulting the OP. and then once i clarify in 2nd-grade jargon so even YOU would be able to understand, you suddenly claim you're referring to the original post i made ... and yet you had bolded a part in my last post to make that point?? What???? Lol do you think when you speak/write? or is it just whatever is flowing out of your engrained little head is what the rest of us unfortunately have to deal with then?

"You expose your level of intelligence for all to see." Yeah actually, I do -- in each post I completely one-up you in terms of arguments made, and then when you realize you have nothing intellegent or remotely important to say at that point, you try and take the higher road (even though that ship has sailed) (also like in the MW thread, when, after i said you were pre-med and you claimed i didn't know what i was talking about, blablabla, and then i quoted your OWN thread which you started in the pre-med forum about BEING pre-med, suddenly you couldn't win there either! and just started spouting off your nonsense -....... must be your go-to mechanism once you've failed extensively).

I wouldn't accuse others of being below you in terms of wit or intellegence of whatever else you falsely feel superior in, when you've demonstrated over MULTIPLE threads and posts, your own intellect...or better yet, lack of.

I would be more worried about scoring in the low teens in your RC score of the DAT, rather than trying to attack someone repeatedly throughout multiple posts on the board, given your complete lack of understanding when you read something, and your hastened and intellect-deprived posts.
And I apologize for the bickering, I truly am done.

I don't know why RP37 bothers me so much, I think it may be the lack of self-awareness.

Hahaa yeah we've heard that one before!
HA funnny how YOU always start attacking ME in each thread that I post in, but then try and cower away and be all high and mighty, "i'll stop"
yeah, everyone can tell a BS-er when they see one.

""I don't know why RP37 bothers me so much"" HAHA you wish!
Check postings, whoever is interested ... see how many times i start things with him, compared to the vice-versa.
and then when you see how the latter is true, THEN you'll see what i'm talking about how Sacapuntas is, plainly stated, deranged. :laugh::p:p
and probably considered borderline-stalker in some states, with all his PM's ive now blocked after one too many. LOL