USMLE prep course - Wolfpacc?!...

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Jan 13, 2020
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Hi everyone ! I am considering the Wolfpacc review course in St. Augustine, Florida for USMLE step 1. I was wondering what experiences people had with the course and if you would recommend it at all? Any feedback would be helpful and greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Kindest regards,


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Hello I am also looking into enrolling into a in person prep course. I never heard of this one but was looking at USMLE EAGLE in florida and USMLE Success academy.
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Hi everyone ! I am considering the Wolfpacc review course in St. Augustine, Florida for USMLE step 1. I was wondering what experiences people had with the course and if you would recommend it at all? Any feedback would be helpful and greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Kindest regards,

Hi! I have completed all 3 USMLE Steps with WolfPACC. I attended 4 other courses and 2 online, WolfPACC was the only course that finally helped me understand the physiology behind the pathology. I was told about WolfPACC from a guy who attended the program, while I was on rotations in Chicago. While at starbucks, he drew a renal physio drawing from Dr. Wolf, and I was floored at how easy it was to grasp. I signed up immediately and I am awaiting Match results this March! He has a very unique approach and he individually evaluates your performance to give you the best study plan. I highly recommend the program! Be prepared, it is fast paced and long hours BUT so worth it in the end!
Hello I am also looking into enrolling into a in person prep course. I never heard of this one but was looking at USMLE EAGLE in florida and USMLE Success academy.
I answered RA8 above and you can see my experience at WolfPACC. I have not heard of USMLE EAGLE, but I did attend USMLE Success Academy in Chicago, and it was not for me. Everyone has different experiences in different places, to keep it professional. With WolfPACC, I enjoyed the one on one evaluation as well as the personal tutoring you receive. It was unlike any other prep course I had attended and my success on all USMLE Steps speaks to the strength of the program.