General Unverifiable Volunteer Hours

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Dec 31, 1999
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So I haphazardly put myself in a tough spot as it relates to my volunteer hours. The hospital I volunteered at removed me from the volunteer program which is already good reason not to even bother mention it any where on my primary application (hospital volunteering is very boring so I often spent hours doing nothing but watching the staff work which I felt bad just sitting there and watching so I decided to stop showing up after 100+ hours being there). As a result the hospital can no longer verify I did any of my volunteer hours because they removed me/fired me. I developed solid relationships with the nurses and technicians but not so much the volunteer office. Not sure what I should do because I do not want to "lie" about my hours on the application even though I volunteered for a year.
Have you gone to the department in-person to explain your situation?

Generally this is just an administrative issue, not like they're trying to be mean or anything. If you discuss with the head of the volunteer department the situation, they may be able to give you a memo verifying your hours.

Ask one of the people you know there to go with you to help verify your hours.

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