University of Oklahoma -- everyone welcome -- Part 3

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Doctor Bagel

so cheap and juicy
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20+ Year Member
Sep 26, 2002
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Okays new thread for us. This thread is for all potential and current students.

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And I'll keep up my tradition of talking to myself. What's the deal with parking? Yesterday I noticed some people were parking in places that weren't marked spots, which made me think the O lot completely filled up, and then we got that email today. Is the O lot routinely overfilling?
And to keep my personal conversation going -- if anybody is at school or can easily get to school, you might want to think about going to that Money Matters thing at 5 tonight. I think this is the same person as last year who flew in from Washington, DC just to speak to us, so the admin peeps like people to show up. We had very low attendance last year and got a not so nice email about it. You guys can show that the class of 2011 is the bestest if you all show up after lab. :D
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Not positive which one is O lot, but yesterday and today both I showed up around 10 for some study time. Yesterday someone had parked right by the gate in the tow-away zone, so I was all pissed since I couldn't make the turn, then I saw the guy directing traffic. The big lot was full, so he sent me to our old union lot. Today that was full too, so I had to park right by FMC, which was somewhat handy because it gave me no excuse not to go get my Tb prick and a tetanus toxoid :sleep: shot from Judy. I wish there was a bus that went from my neck of the woods down to campus without a transfer. I'd so do the public thing...
And to keep my personal conversation going -- if anybody is at school or can easily get to school, you might want to think about going to that Money Matters thing at 5 tonight. I think this is the same person as last year who flew in from Washington, DC just to speak to us, so the admin peeps like people to show up. We had very low attendance last year and got a not so nice email about it. You guys can show that the class of 2011 is the bestest if you all show up after lab. :D

I didn't know about it. Is it the same thing tomorrow at lunch? I wasn't planning on going to school tomorrow since I only have Biochem and HB, both of which seem to be good for homeschooling right now. Dr. Bidichandani's syllabus and powerpoints are really good, and well HB is HB. I really liked Dr. B's lecture today, but his good syllabus seems to make class superfluous.
I didn't know about it. Is it the same thing tomorrow at lunch? I wasn't planning on going to school tomorrow since I only have Biochem and HB, both of which seem to be good for homeschooling right now.

Well, I got an email that the lunch is mandatory so I guess I'll be going to class today.

Bah! I don't need any help with my finances. I'm not 22 anymore. It's funny that they probably want to counsel us on the dangers of debt all the while not doing anything to actually help us decrease the amount of debt that is required to attend school. :rolleyes:
Funny how that works. Like we have a choice (well I guess theres always the military or specific health organization "scholarships"). Every one knows that you should pay off your credit cards every month and eliminate the highest interest debts first (in most cases). Also I keep my loan money in a money market account provided by my bank. Probably not the best investment, but it requires no effort and is perfectly safe. DB, I remember you had a pretty good way to save money. Why don't you say something about it again?

Also, Parking sucks!
Mandatory, you say. Yeah, I guess that's fallout from last year. I'm hoping she'll say something new beyond the whole minimize your debt blah blah blah stuff.

I did have good money saving advice? Now I can't remember what I said. :p I'm one of those people who puts everything on my credit cards and then pays if off each month, so I get all the incentives (mainly gift certificates) without the interest. I also keep my money in an ING account -- I think I could get higher interest somewhere, but I haven't checked it out, and I like ING so far. Also, my new plan for when I get out is to stretch out the staffords and put maximum money into my retirement savings. Since I'm a little older, I feel the need to do more catch up. As NTT has said, your loans get discharged with permanent disability, and that's exactly when you'd need savings.

There's a thread in the financial aid forum with some cheapskate advice, too. :)
Well I think it was you that had the advice, but maybe I was thinking of someone else. During one of those Q&A sessions last year, I heard a 4th year say that he got a high-limit rewards credit card and charged all of his tuition on that. After the stafford money would come in, the bursar office would deposit the money that was supposed to go to tuition and fees into his bank account. Then he would turn around and pay off the card that month. He ended up with quite a bit of airline miles, etc. That sounds a little scary to me, but I thought it was interesting.
Well I think it was you that had the advice, but maybe I was thinking of someone else. During one of those Q&A sessions last year, I heard a 4th year say that he got a high-limit rewards credit card and charged all of his tuition on that. After the stafford money would come in, the bursar office would deposit the money that was supposed to go to tuition and fees into his bank account. Then he would turn around and pay off the card that month. He ended up with quite a bit of airline miles, etc. That sounds a little scary to me, but I thought it was interesting.

Yeah, a couple of people at SDN have done that one, too. Yeah, it sounds a little too scary to me. I also read an article about a guy who would routinely deposit those checks that you get from your credit card company in a high interest savings account and then pay them off before the interest went up. Free money, but again it makes me worry that something would go wrong.
So essentially you're just paying for school just ahead of the disbursement date? Otherwise you won't see the portion of your loan allocated for tuition. Except for you DB, it doesn't seem THAT scary. If you tried it, you wouldn't get your disbursement or something like that. But really, I don't see where the hangup would be; the school gets paid so they wouldn't care. Maybe the cc company might have an issue, but they're the ones who have the benefits program. Maybe the Stafford lender might have an issue, but I bet they're out of the loop once they send a check to the school. They prolly don't have a clue, or care, what goes to tuition and what comes back to you. They're going to get their interest no matter what.
Today's lunch was a huge waste of time. I can't believe that that poor woman has to go around to all the medical schools and give that same presentation over and over. She must hate her job.
Today's lunch was a huge waste of time. I can't believe that that poor woman has to go around to all the medical schools and give that same presentation over and over. She must hate her job.

Sorry. I guess I didn't miss much by missing it yesterday. Yeah, I know -- after I suggested you all attend. Ah, come on, why would she hate her job if she gets to travel all around the country going to scenic places like Oklahoma City, Omaha and Fargo. ;)

As for the cc discussion above, the one catch is that some schools don't allow cc charges anymore because they get hit with a fee for every cc transaction. Also, some charge you a fee for using a cc that might or might not negate any interest you get. I really don't know what OUHSC's policies are. Oh yeah, I think it might also lower your credit score temporarily, so it's probably not a good thing to do right before buying a house or something like that. I think once you pay the cc off, any credit dinging will disappear, though.
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O'Don has such a pleasant voice.

I just took a nice nap to his first lecture.... :sleep: For the second time. I kinda fell asleep during class when he presented it so I decided I would re-watch that tonight. So I got it all set up and started feeling heavy-headed. So I grabbed my pillow and laid out on the couch and let my subconscious do the work. :idea:

Maybe not the most effective studying, but I'm going to definitely count that as study time!

I also fell asleep for about five minutes during the lunch today... I swear I won't fall asleep if I'm doing notegroups though!

I needed the nap so I can go out for bar tour. I think O'don might come. I made sure to mention where bar tour was to him in lab yesterday, since I hear he will come out every now and again. I think it's because he's from the East Coast, but I like him. He's my fave lecturer so far, with Leon at a very close second. Humor = :thumbup: Dr. B talks so flipping fast and pretty much just goes directly over his syllabus/slides that listening is almost pointless. I will definitely be utilizing notegroups for that. So do good!

Ok, time for EtOH. :hardy:
So I got dinged on my professionalism peer assessment for not being around, which I think is a little lame considering I went to every single mod activity. I just don't go to school, so hanging out in the mod isn't going to happen. I'm a little peeved about that, but oh well. :(

Apparently I'm a "genius" and a thoughthful participant in small group activities, though. Hmm, I always thought I came off like an idiot, so that's something.

So is my dean's letter going to suck because I don't go to school? :mad:
I got my first bite for notegroups :). Money really does buy happiness...

Anyone have a copy of microsoft office I can put on my computer? I'm not psyched about how much I will have to spend to put it on here. I'm really a cheap-skate when it comes to anything and everything (except nice dinners).

Okay, sleepy time. :sleep:
I got my first bite for notegroups :). Money really does buy happiness...

Anyone have a copy of microsoft office I can put on my computer? I'm not psyched about how much I will have to spend to put it on here. I'm really a cheap-skate when it comes to anything and everything (except nice dinners).

Okay, sleepy time. :sleep:

The new version of Office can be obtained very cheaply from the IT department in the union. Well... relatively cheaply. I think it's in the $80 range.

If you still don't want to spend money, check out Open Office. It's a free suite of programs that can do most of what Office can do. The average user would be fine with it.
I got my first bite for notegroups :). Money really does buy happiness...

Cool, I'll be expecting perfection...

Anyone have a copy of microsoft office I can put on my computer? I'm not psyched about how much I will have to spend to put it on here. I'm really a cheap-skate when it comes to anything and everything (except nice dinners).

Yeah right. I've seen that laptop you're carrying around...not cheap. Take the money that you are going to make from Notegroups and buy the copy of Office from the IT department. I bought mine for $90 I think. For that price you get Office Professional which would retail out at about $450, I think. It's still cheaper than getting the Office Student edition from a retail store where you get less software for @ $160.

Think of this as your first lesson in the economics of the business world: It takes money to make money. :idea:
I bought mine for $90 I think. For that price you get Office Professional which would retail out at about $450, I think. It's still cheaper than getting the Office Student edition from a retail store where you get less software for @ $160.

Think of this as your first lesson in the economics of the business world: It takes money to make money. :idea:

Yeah, $90 is correct.

Jwax: I might be calling on you to do my notegroups when that time comes around. I did Dr. B's first day, and it was ridiculous. I'm sure my notgroups were horrible for that day, although he does follow the syllabus very well.

I haven't been on SDN in quite some time. It's strange to look at some of your usernames and realize that I know you, lol.
Yeah, $90 is correct.

Jwax: I might be calling on you to do my notegroups when that time comes around. I did Dr. B's first day, and it was ridiculous. I'm sure my notgroups were horrible for that day, although he does follow the syllabus very well.

I haven't been on SDN in quite some time. It's strange to look at some of your usernames and realize that I know you, lol.

I took pretty decent notes for today's first hour, too, if you wanted to borrow them.... Not sure if I'd have to charge you back-pay or if I'd just be doing it to be nice. I dunno. Ask me if you're interested! Oh, and my secret for Dr. B is to type up what's on the slides before lecture and add anything he says to it.

Did you guys read over my notegroups for biochem this morning (0900 - 1000)? If not, could ya do so and give me feedback, I would appreciate it.

Yeah, thanks for the lesson and economics... yes, this laptop is not cheap. It also seems to have a few issues... I think I'm going to have to take it back :(.

I'm soooo happy tomorrow is Tuesday! I'm done with class after biochem. Just got to hang around for the lunch! I may go hang out in lab after biochem :rolleyes:. Good news (for me): I wore my heavy duty googles from gen chem lab to anatomy lab today and I could actually dissect! It was great! I managed to dig out our anterior & posterior humeral circumflexes, profundi brachii, medial antebrachial cutatneous N.... It was fabulous. I felt useful and like I was actually learning something. Oh and Dr. Chung came over and did his "magic forcepts" trick and made all of our scapular arteries magically appear! I can't believe that they will tag something and say "what nerve is this" instead of just "identify". Unreal (appreciated, but still). Dr. Danjana (sp?) came over and said ehhh you'll be able to tell the difference btwn N/A/V in a live person, so... :thumbup:

I really need to learn how to be less wordy...
Did you guys read over my notegroups for biochem this morning (0900 - 1000)? If not, could ya do so and give me feedback, I would appreciate it.

Just looked at it. I think they are pretty good. I didn't go to class though, so I can't judge against the lecture. I wish they would get the mp3s of the lectures put up more quickly.
Just looked at it. I think they are pretty good. I didn't go to class though, so I can't judge against the lecture. I wish they would get the mp3s of the lectures put up more quickly.

Some people are awesome about this. They might be up before you get home. Others, not so much.

I don't know if the mp3s are archived, since if a lecture isn't up yet, there is ALWAYS something else to do (school or otherwise), but if waiting gets to be a pain check out the archives to see. I know I use it on the weekends, only for docs though, when the current lecture hasn't been transcribed. I know other folks that specifically go to class only on Fridays because you may not see notes for those until 0955 Monday. I'm never caught up enough that it matters to wait.
I'm never caught up enough that it matters to wait.

Me, too. I'm perpetually a few days to a week behind. Bad habit, but I can't get out of it.

So I feel like a jerk. I didn't realize the mentor/mentee picnic was today until about 30 minutes ago, and I'm in Stillwater. I emailed my mentee apologizing, but I just suck. :oops:
Just looked at it. I think they are pretty good. I didn't go to class though, so I can't judge against the lecture. I wish they would get the mp3s of the lectures put up more quickly.

Thank you, sir. :)

Currently I am copying all of my documents / music / photos from my brand new computer onto my fiance's brand new computer because we are going to take mine back. Unfortunately, this issues with it are pretty unpredictible and random, so I don't really know how they will deal with this.

I pretty much want to ditch this model. As much as I liked the idea of a big 17" computer... lugging it around is painful. Plus I don't want to swap out this comp for the same model to have it have the same off and on issues. :( Irritating!! Why can't things be easy?

I think that doing notegroups for others may be my necessary motivating factor to attend class. Otherwise, I just do a lousy job paying attention, unless I already have the notes typed up and I'm just adding on. Unfortunately, not all of our profs post the slides before class.

Did anyone else read the short story & poem for our death and dying thing yet? B/c it definitely made me cry.
So I feel like a jerk. I didn't realize the mentor/mentee picnic was today until about 30 minutes ago, and I'm in Stillwater. I emailed my mentee apologizing, but I just suck. :oops:

%^*(*& Bagel! I sat there waiting and waiting and waiting....

Just kidding...I don't even have a free lunch for me :(
So my wife went to the maternal fetal specialist today (she's up to once a week now). She's been on bedrest, and taking meds to minimize her contractions for quite a while now, but her cervical length is way down (@ 0.5 cm), so the little ones could come at any time; probably in the middle of anatomy lab on Friday where my cell won't work down in the dungeon, and I'll miss the birth. Or worse yet, in the middle of the mini on Tuesday.

It's about a month and a half early, so they will probably be spending a good amount of time in the NICU.

My house isn't selling, so Thursday we are supposed to have a meeting with some physicians back in Duncan who want her to come to work for them after the first of the year, soooo.... I may be back to the uber-homeschooling / minimal commuting that I had originally planned.

How much mandatory attendance stuff is there for second semester of M1? And what about M2?
Seems like First year,2nd semester, only EBM & PCM were required. Second year, we had some random Micro stuff...I think 1 mandatory session each test block. IHI had 1 or 2 mandatory things each test block. PCM was a once a month thing. Amazing how I've forgotten.:laugh:
Seems like First year,2nd semester, only EBM & PCM were required. Second year, we had some random Micro stuff...I think 1 mandatory session each test block. IHI had 1 or 2 mandatory things each test block. PCM was a once a month thing. Amazing how I've forgotten.:laugh:

Oh how I long to forget. ;) Yeah, EBM, PCM, IMPS and phys and neuro would have one to two required sessions per test block. We got off the hook with EBM because attendance was only required at the sessions where we had to take a quiz and complete that worksheet -- we didn't have to go to the lectures, unlike the year before. Also, EBM only lasts one test block, so it isn't a huge thing, and I don't know if you guys will have the required phys and neuro sessions. For the first two, attendance was required, but they were switched to optional with bonus points for the last one. That change was really popular so I wouldn't be surprised if Dr. Blair kept with that, meaning that you really don't have to go if it's really inconvenient.

So yeah, one to two times a week. The time you have to be on campus definitely drops after the first semester.
Thanks for the info...

Do you think that I could get my PCM rotations from next semester moved if I do wind up moving?

You know I did see some people with non-metro area rotations last year, but you might have to find the doctor yourself. I'm guessing with your wife's work that shouldn't be hard. You could also arrange to do an overnight at St. Anthony's for one of the rotations. That's pretty painless and takes care of your whole obligation.

Wow you've got a lot of stress in your life right now. I'd probably be cracking right about now if I were you. It sounds like you're doing a pretty good job coping.
Wow you've got a lot of stress in your life right now. I'd probably be cracking right about now if I were you. It sounds like you're doing a pretty good job coping.

Picture DeNiro as a mob boss in Analyze This saying: "I got stress!" Then he shoots a pillow after Billy Crystal tells him to "hit the pillow." That's me without the pillow, the gun, or Billy Crystal. :scared:

I really am taking it all in stride though. If I wanted an easy, comfortable (read boring) life, I could have stayed in my moderately well paying engineering job. I knew that down this road lay sacrifices and hurdles; I'm just jumping over them a little sooner than I had anticipated.
Anyone know a decent plumber that won't charge exorbitant rates?

I tried to fix something myself, and now we've had to spend the night with the water turned off and bowls of water for toothbrushing and whatnot cause I can't fix the leak that I made worse.

Now to go take a bath in the cold water I ran last night...
I think by law you have to agree to charge exorbitant rates when you get your plumbing license.

What's leaking? I know, water...
Please see attached image.

How on earth was I the only one who busted up laughing when they saw this photo?

Laughter is the best medicine, right? Well I got an extra dose of it today in embryo.... the first time I've actually stayed in their for lecture.

:smuggrin: It was so great... apparently I was the only one who thought so.


  • Dermatome innervation.jpg
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Please see attached image.

How on earth was I the only one who busted up laughing when they saw this photo?

Laughter is the best medicine, right? Well I got an extra dose of it today in embryo.... the first time I've actually stayed in their for lecture.

:smuggrin: It was so great... apparently I was the only one who thought so.

I thought it was funny too...I was smiling until you started busting out laughing, almost falling out of your chair, then I couldn't help but let out a chuckle or two, but I tried to hold them back. :D
So are the IMPS quizzes always only marginally related to the reading assignments? I read those articles fairly attentively, and then when we started the quiz was like: "What the...?" I still did well, but it was just random luck that I actually knew the answers.
So are the IMPS quizzes always only marginally related to the reading assignments? I read those articles fairly attentively, and then when we started the quiz was like: "What the...?" I still did well, but it was just random luck that I actually knew the answers.

You guys started IMPS early. We didn't have our first session until right before 3rd test block. They're usually on the readings, but they might be a little off with the first one. And maybe they tried to make the questions a little more "integrated" -- our really were just select questions from different courses with no course overlap.

Don't know, but it's pass/fail, and I think everybody passes. I worried about IMPS for a bit because I failed my first quiz (go me), but it seemed to get easier later.
Please see attached image.

How on earth was I the only one who busted up laughing when they saw this photo?

Laughter is the best medicine, right? Well I got an extra dose of it today in embryo.... the first time I've actually stayed in their for lecture.

:smuggrin: It was so great... apparently I was the only one who thought so.

That picture sort of gives me the willies. :scared:
I think it's actually a diagram showing the "test block position".

And maybe they tried to make the questions a little more "integrated" -- our really were just select questions from different courses with no course overlap.

That was pretty much the way it went today. There were some questions from embryology and anatomy about the back and nervous system which I guess is semi-integrated to the neural tube defect articles.

Don't know, but it's pass/fail, and I think everybody passes. I worried about IMPS for a bit because I failed my first quiz (go me), but it seemed to get easier later.

Now after reading the syllabus a little closer I do indeed see that it is pass/fail. So why did I worry about this class again?
So, my wife and I just got back from having dinner with the physician group who wants to hire her. While they didn't straight out offer her the job, they did say that they definitely wanted her to come to work for them, so now it's probably just a matter of ironing out the negotiations.

Sooo...I'm probably leaving OKC at the end of the year. Hopefully that will all work out OK.
So, my wife and I just got back from having dinner with the physician group who wants to hire her. While they didn't straight out offer her the job, they did say that they definitely wanted her to come to work for them, so now it's probably just a matter of ironing out the negotiations.

Sooo...I'm probably leaving OKC at the end of the year. Hopefully that will all work out OK.

It'll make your life harder, but I think it will work the first two years. I believe there was a woman in the class of 2009 who lived in Tulsa for the first two years and made it. I don't know how your wife would feel about it, especially with her working and the twins, but it might be helpful to have a place to stay in OKC during test block. Of course that could just be a motel or a friend's couch.

The people ahead of me will have more of a clue about how it would go 3rd and 4th year, but that's a long way away for you anyway.
I don't know how your wife would feel about it, especially with her working and the twins, but it might be helpful to have a place to stay in OKC during test block. Of course that could just be a motel or a friend's couch.

Yeah we thought about that before all of the pregnancy problems. We're basically just going back to our original plan for me attending school and her working.

Edit: We never originally intended to have to move to OKC in the first place.

The people ahead of me will have more of a clue about how it would go 3rd and 4th year, but that's a long way away for you anyway.

Two years will go by pretty quickly, but I had a plan for that too. It involves an RV park, my inlaw's big travel trailer, and going home whenever I get the chance...
Two years will go by pretty quickly, but I had a plan for that too. It involves an RV park, my inlaw's big travel trailer, and going home whenever I get the chance...

That works. :D I've heard rumors that a few of the rotations aren't too time intensive so maybe you could live at home for about half of the time.
Hey guys, I'm applying to OU this year. I read on their webpage that to be considered for an October interview, you must be complete at OU by Sept 1, which I am. I was just wondering if anyone remembers when the first rounds of interview offers went out. I'm a little sick of checking my e-mail so often.
Hey guys, I'm applying to OU this year. I read on their webpage that to be considered for an October interview, you must be complete at OU by Sept 1, which I am. I was just wondering if anyone remembers when the first rounds of interview offers went out. I'm a little sick of checking my e-mail so often.

Finally -- an applicant! :D Congrats on being complete, but I know it's hard to just sit around an wait. I'll check the past threads, and the 2011 people can probably help you. They didn't start interviewing until late November when I applied.
Agh, I've been floating around here for some time-talking to people here and there. I am just trying REALLLLLY hard to not be too awful neurotic about this process, but I was never good at hurry-up-and-wait. I'm not great at waiting period about stuff like this. I'm ready to go, get it done, and have at least SOME kind of answer.

Anyways, how do you like attending med school at OU?
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