Unfilled Programs

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Nov 8, 2002
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I was checking out the NRMP site of the unfilled anesthesiology programs. Is anyone else out there suprised with some of the unfilled programs like Univ of Virginia, Vanderbilt, Yale? They're not the most elite programs but I thought they were still good/solid programs. Of course I wouldn't personally know because they all rejected me for interviews. That's o.k. No grudges *wink* *wink*


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I interviewed at U Va and put it low on my list for several reasons. The call schedule there was the most confusing thing ever and I couldn't decipher it. The residents I met were very nice, but all looked very tired, moreso than other places. During lunch I didn't even meet any residents, I had lunch with attendings b/c the residents were all running around (the lunch was in the OR!). There were a lot of rumors about the institution pushing for increased efficiency and the residents having to work a lot harder. They addressed this at the interview and their explanation seemed reasonable, but I want to go to a place that has education as a top priority. I questioned whether an institution that was studying efficiency in order to improve it had education on the top of its list. The residents have to go to the pharmacy between cases to pick up drugs. I was afraid that the 5 minutes between cases that I would use to go to the bathroom would be lost, because of getting drugs. This last bit is stupid, but I have to say it really bothered me that there was no where near enough food for everyone at the applicant dinner. They should have called it a cocktail party because all they had was finger food and a lot of beer. We all left there hungry. I thought the people were nice and there seemed to be a good mix of cases and nice facilities though.
I'm a DO also, applied to 20 programs, got 17 interviews. The three that didn't invite me were Yale, Vandy, and UVA. I don't know any DOs who interviewed at these programs, if there are some that read this, let us know. Otherwise, for all the future applicants who are DOs, make note of this when you are making your lists next year.
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I'm a DO student. Applied to 20 programs. Got 17 interviews. The three that didn't invite me were Yale, Vandy, and UVA. I don't think they like DOs at these progams... esp since I did very well on boards (both), was in the top 5% of my class, and had strong LORS (according to the programs I interviewed at). For future applicants who are going to be Osteopaths... make a note of this for next year.
UVA did not interview me either, because of FMG status. Had really good grades, LOR's, 250+ boards, yada yada yada. I was told that they did not even interview anyone with less that a 230! Don't think they care too much for FMG's there, but I don't care, I matched somwhere else - just waiting to fin out where!

:laugh: :)
I'm a 4th year DO student who just went through the match too. And I did match! Yipee. Anyhow, Yale did interview many DO's. The program has a long history of taking DO's into their program and there were several other DO's being interviewed the same day I was visiting. So...for future DO's, don't discount this program...it is very DO-friendly.
DOMD....I completely agree with your post. Which brings me back to my other thread of the "Gas match OVERHYPE". I'm not really sure why some of these reputable programs didn't fill??? Were these programs so cocky they didn't rank enough people??? Or maybe there were only so many candidates to go around. My hunch (as someone mentioned in another post) is that the same group of 300 candidates interviewed everywhere and perhaps our match wasn't as cut-throat as everyone feared!?!?

As far as Yale goes, I'm another DO and I can second that several fellow DOs did interview at Yale. One of my good DO friends is really gunning for a spot there and has a decent shot....so definitely DON'T discount this program!!
Hey Caligirl, I sent you a PM.
I was very surprised to see Vanderbilt with 2 spots unfilled (1 Categorical/1 Advanced). They are #1 on my rank list. I interviewed at 11 programs - most considered elite programs - and felt Vanderbilt was the best fit for me. It is a 1st class program with a phenomenal Program Director. Those who match there and the fortunate 2 who get a scramble spot should be very happy with their result. If I wasn't couples matching, I'd already be celebrating - post-interview feedback from them was very positive, but I don't want to jinx us.

As for UVA, in support of the above post, I didn't get an interview there either (USIMG)

Yale - got invites, but we decided not to go - I mainly tried to focus on Categorical programs to ensure I was in the same location as my wife (Peds)

Good luck to all tomorrow!!!!
