UHS Class 2006 part 01

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Well, it looks like I'll be starting my rotations on New Year's Day with OB/GYN (Dr. Gordon). No time off for me to study for the USMLE. I guess I'll just take both exams in June. The outrageous thing is that since I'm not allowed to take vacation time to study for them! As of right now, the understanding is that I'll have to study for step 1 while on rotations...just too shocked/depressed to say anything more. Gotta go and study for the renal final.

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obecalp said:
Well, it looks like I'll be starting my rotations on New Year's Day with OB/GYN (Dr. Gordon). No time off for me to study for the USMLE. I guess I'll just take both exams in June. The outrageous thing is that since I'm not allowed to take vacation time to study for them! As of right now, the understanding is that I'll have to study for step 1 while on rotations...just too shocked/depressed to say anything more. Gotta go and study for the renal final.

I pm'd you James.
JP, the O-Wise-Pan Asian of the former UHS--
Congrats bro on being done with class!!! Must feel pretty good to get that over with huh?? That sucks that you have to start rotations in Jan, but on the other hand you will have the advantage of having some of the info still supposedly fresh in your frontal lobes where a lot of us had flushed it after boards. And I think it will help you for boards by getting some of the hands on stuff before the enthralling COMLEX. The one drawback is that all the docs use Trade names for all the drugs so that will probably confuse the pharm stuff but you will adapt fine.

Let me know if I can do anything for you.

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OBECALB-hello old friend and wise one! I am with dr. G right now on OB and I have never had so much time to study on a rotation!
You are there 0700-1900 reguardless of whats happening, so if there are no deliveries or you are waiting to deliver someone on OB days you have lots of time.
Also, on surg days you are done in the OR by 1500 at the latest!
Dr G is out the whole month od Jan for shoulder surgery, so he wont even have his own surgeries or deliveries, plus only his son/partner's pts to write notes and round on.
It is actually VERY conducive to studying for boards. They have a nice library in the hospital, and you will get internet access with the computer right in the doctors lounge on L& D.
e-mail me if you have any other Q's.

So, HI everyone else! Is everyone in the holiday spirit as much as I am? Have you been shopping on the internet since we can't possibly get to a post office during a normal hour? Does anyone else miss the sun?
Okay, I'll stop whining now.
I hope you all have a nice Christmas & new year holiday! I am hoping to get off early on Christmas eve. I wish the same for all of you!
EUROdocMOM said:
OBECALB-hello old friend and wise one! I am with dr. G right now on OB and I have never had so much time to study on a rotation!
You are there 0700-1900 reguardless of whats happening, so if there are no deliveries or you are waiting to deliver someone on OB days you have lots of time.

Really? I'm on OB/GYN right now and I'm basically seeing patients from the time I arrive at 0630 until I leave around 1700. Only when I'm on call do I get any chance to study.
Hey Laurel,
Thanks alot for the heads up post. AnnaMags gave me a pretty similar scouting report on Dr. Gordon. Much appreciated. Speaking of OB/Gyne, what did you studying from/carry around in your white coat for that rotation. I bought DeCherney during Repro, and I have First Aid for the Wards. Do you think I need a handbook? Any input would be great. You guys are awesome.

drchris33 said:
JP, the O-Wise-Pan Asian of the former UHS--
Congrats bro on being done with class!!! Must feel pretty good to get that over with huh?? That sucks that you have to start rotations in Jan, but on the other hand you will have the advantage of having some of the info still supposedly fresh in your frontal lobes where a lot of us had flushed it after boards. And I think it will help you for boards by getting some of the hands on stuff before the enthralling COMLEX. The one drawback is that all the docs use Trade names for all the drugs so that will probably confuse the pharm stuff but you will adapt fine.

Let me know if I can do anything for you.


Thanks, Chris. I'll always know who to go looking for when it comes to pirated software :smuggrin: :laugh:
obecalp said:
Hey Laurel,
Thanks alot for the heads up post. AnnaMags gave me a pretty similar scouting report on Dr. Gordon. Much appreciated. Speaking of OB/Gyne, what did you studying from/carry around in your white coat for that rotation. I bought DeCherney during Repro, and I have First Aid for the Wards. Do you think I need a handbook? Any input would be great. You guys are awesome.


get epocrates on your palm.

And get to know the use of a pregnancy wheel. And how to measure fundal heights. And what's in a triple screen, and at what gestational ages the appropriate tests must be done.

And when you put the speculum in, aim it towards her butt.

That's all for now.
Great advice Mary C! On this particular rotation we don't do any clinic (kinda annoying). Just OR and L&D.
My advice is to be familiar with how to scrub, sterile technique stuff. You will scrub for surgery in the OR, C-sections upstairs and self glove & gown for vag deliveries. Things move pretty fast sometimes so it is good to know about the sterile field. Also, just review basic female anatomy stuff.
If he knows this is your first rotation he will go over writing notes and orders with you. You should look through the stuff on SOAP notes and admit orders to be familiar with it. But the good news is that we don't do any H&P's (YES!).
This is the kind of rotation where we do lots of hands on but are only seeing a small piece of what really goes on in OB/GYN. It really is an interesting field, and it is amazing all of the things they have to know. Way too much for me!
We are removing a gigantic ovarian cyst tomorrow that was overlooked for years by her primary care doc. Probably a mucinous cystadenoma, but we will see what the pathologist has to say! We also did a hysterosalpingogram on Fri for infertility, and looked at 15week old twins on US today. Pretty good overall.
How is everyone else liking their month?
EUROdocMOM said:
We are removing a gigantic ovarian cyst tomorrow that was overlooked for years by her primary care doc. Probably a mucinous cystadenoma, but we will see what the pathologist has to say

That's right Big Steve let the real doc figure that out for you. :) I am finishing up my trauma surgery rotation. It has been cool. Lots of hands on experience. If anyone out there in KCUMB land wants to go into trauma come to Fort Myers and do a rotation. Our trauma docs are awesome and they will let you do almost anything. I have put in 3 chest tubes myself and I have done tons of stapling, foleys, NG/OG tubes and I have become the PEG tube removal guy and rectal exam extraodinare in the trauma bay. I also get to assist in the OR a lot. Today we had a bad trauma and I got to retract the lung and compress the aorta while they tried to sew up the IVC. He had something large fall on his chest and it ruptured his spleen, lacerated his liver and nearly avulsed his IVC from his right atrium. The procedure wasn't successful and the guy died and ended up on the tray in the morgue where the pathologist gets to figure it out. See, it all comes back to the pathologist one way or another :). Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. Oh, and I like Tarascon's for the Palm 1000X more than Epocrates. Have a happy holiday!!
Thanks guys, keep it coming. I guess technically, I finished my first two years of med school today. Just finished the Year 2 cumulative exam and the shelf. I think my eyes are permanently crossed after 7 hours of testing. Other than that, I'm ready to drive back home to Chi-town :)

Between Euro, Bama and I, you should be set. EuroDocMom's surgery essentials are key. Review how to gown, either by yourself or with a tech gowning you. How to glove. How to change gloves. And of course, you may not drop your hands below your waist or above your shoulders, always keep them at your belly.

Bama, are you showing off? Bring it. Scrubbed in on a AAA repair, aorto-bi-fem graft. 9 cm AAA. Threw a suture, tied a knot. Yeah, that's right. ;)
"Bama, are you showing off? Bring it. Scrubbed in on a AAA repair, aorto-bi-fem graft. 9 cm AAA. Threw a suture, tied a knot. Yeah, that's right."

Oh yeah Mary C??? Well I single handedly spoke with a manic bi polar, a major depressed patient, and a drug seeker all in ONE DAY!!!! I didn't get out of there until nearly 1400!!! Where is that 30 hour a week rule for externs when you need it!!!! JP, hope you are writing all this good stuff down:) OK, OK... so I can't scrub in.. and the only knot I've tied is on my daughter's soccer shoes.... but just go ahead and ask me about DM2 and HTN..... I'm all over that stuff..... "gee doc, I don't know why my blood sugar is 354 here in your office today..... all I had was some bacon and eggs... well, and some orange juice.... and just a small dozen of donuts.. Doc, something must be wrong with your machines..... I keep my sugars right at 295 when I'm at home!!! I LOVE PEOPLE....... I am a people person, you know!!!!! later dudes and dudettes!!
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OH58D said:
"gee doc, I don't know why my blood sugar is 354 here in your office today..... all I had was some bacon and eggs... well, and some orange juice.... and just a small dozen of donuts.. Doc, something must be wrong with your machines..... I keep my sugars right at 295 when I'm at home!!! I LOVE PEOPLE....... I am a people person, you know!!!!! later dudes and dudettes!!

Today we saw a pink puffer, in the flesh. Jabba the Hut. 400 lbs. psoriatic lesions all over extremities. Admits to smoking 3 ppd. Cellulitis/venous insufficiency in R leg.

And his wife says (re the cellulitis) "What is it that led to this?"

I had to bite the inside of my mouth to prevent from laughing my ass off, loudly.
Yeah, well last week we had a guy that was run over by a steam roller. That's right I said a steam roller!! He had some pretty bad open long bone fractures. It was cool! Funny, it wasn't like in the cartoons where you can just unroll them and blow them back up.
BamaAlum said:
Yeah, well last week we had a guy that was run over by a steam roller. That's right I said a steam roller!! He had some pretty bad open long bone fractures. It was cool! Funny, it wasn't like in the cartoons where you can just unroll them and blow them back up.

Was his name Wile E. Coyote?
OH58D said:
Well I single handedly spoke with a manic bi polar, a major depressed patient, and a drug seeker all in ONE DAY!!!!

I really wish you wouldn't talk about me and my problems on SDN.
I am glad to hear that Dr G allows for some time to study. I am going to be there in Mar I think so thanks for the heads up. Any of you going to the KC VA for psych need to bring your books also. There is SO MUCH time to do nothing. You're there, round on pts, write 3 notes/ pt a week, and hang out the rest. Glad to see how everyone is doing. Have fun setting up rotations!
Well, bad news, my hopes for the basketball sized ovarian tumor to be benign were crushed by the pathologist in the OR. She said poorly differentiated carcinoma (prelim), plus we scrapped off tons of seeded tumor on her liver surface and diaphragm. I was not happy for her.
The good news is I just delivered another beautiful baby girl, I always deliver girls for some reason. The first one even had red hair!
I got to be first assist on a C-section (finally) and a few gyn surgeries. Of course now that we are all getting settled into our rotations, they are just about to end!
Euro, how about ovaries the size of grapefruits? That's odd that you've only now seen a C-section. For every vaginal delivery, I've seen at least two C-sections. I wonder if it's because of different physician preferences or different patient populations.
T.A.M said:
Euro, how about ovaries the size of grapefruits? That's odd that you've only now seen a C-section. For every vaginal delivery, I've seen at least two C-sections. I wonder if it's because of different physician preferences or different patient populations.

Or different malpractice premiums.
No, no, TAM, I have been scrubbed in on a ton of C-sections, but only been 1st assist on one.
We just did a vag delivery of twins this morning. They were soooo cute! We were in the section room just in case, but they came barreling out just as they were supposed to!
This rotation is like an emotional roller coaster. We round on our cancer /post-op patients in the morning, then deliver lil healthy babies the next hour. Then get a fetal demise or chromosome abnormality later in the day. It is so unpredictable.
True, Mary, I am in Pennsylvania. With all the lawyers in the Philadelphia area ready to attack at a moments notice, soon the only OBs around here will be in medical museums. Still, it is fun delivering kids. I didn't help deliver any twins vaginally, but I got to scrub on a C-section for twins. The mother's uterus was stretched so thin that you could almost see the kids wave at you before we even cut through myometrium.
Hola guys - I haven't been on this site forever. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and got some time off. I'm here in Wichita right now for break and am having a relaxing time. I just finished up my last family practice and start Peds Hem/Onc next month - I'm pretty excited for it because I'll also get to spend about a week of that month with a peds neurodevelopmentalist, both of which are possibilities for me. We're all good down in Florida though and hope everyone is doing great!
"I'm here in Wichita right now for break and am having a relaxing time."

What's up with this "break" thing??? Are you one of those evil students who gets a two week xmas break and a one week spring break?? Why don't all of us get this cush rotation schedule? Who is our class prez.... I demand equality and fairness for all 3/4 year students!!! Two week and one week breaks should not be saved only for those poor students "roughing it" down in the harsh winters of Florida.... what about us poor students living in the tropical paradise we call KC!!!! :)

Good to hear from you DrDes.... glad things are going well for you guys down in the sunshine state!!!
We've fallen too far behind and need a bump.... God, pulmonology is boring...
Hey guys, we fell off the first page, so I am just catching us up.

On Neuro this month, working 12-13 hour days. Seeing and learning so much clinical stuff. I highly recommend it for a rotation, no matter what you go into. Man the other day I saw Charcot-Marie-Tooth and Fascioscapulohumeral disease. Wish I had paid attention in path a little more.....I might have been able to get the diagnosis if I had.

Hope everyone is doing well. Hard to believe he have been at this for over four months now. Time is going fast. Thank god!

Hey guys,

I hate to see our thread move to the second page and go unnoticed for so many days. I know we're all busy now. If none of you regulars are posting it makes me feel like I should be studying more and not checking out SDN...I need to work on that. yuck.

Sounds like everyone has been enjoying rotations. I'd love to hear what everyone is thinking of for specialties now that we've been on rotations for so long. Let's see if we end up doing what we thought we'd want to do or if rotations have drastically changed anyone's mind. I'm back to thinking of doing allergy/immunology or hematology/oncology. Now I just have to finally get to my Peds and IM rotations so I can finalize which route I want to take.

Has everyone been working on fourth year schedules? It's weird to feel like, in a way I'm really planning out the rest of my life while I plan out my fourth year.

Well, keep working hard Class of 2006!

So glad the AnnaMags bumped up our page!
Believe it or not I have had such an awesome month on Fam Med. Some of you may know that FM was tied with peds on the list of things I DON'T want to do! I found out that the Army does so much stuff as an FM doc. We are doing colonoscopies on Monday, did Vasectomies 2 wks ago, derm surgeries (and I mean scar revisions, and excisional biopsies with sub q suturing... not just a lil cryo),plus casting, ECG's and lots of other fun things.
Anyway, I was so lucky that a prof from Texas A&M (FM and Derm) was called to active duty and I got to work with him this month. It totally solidified that I want to do derm...OKAY, stop barfing you guys! Especially you OH58D!
I have to admit rotations really are really making a difference in figuring out what I want be when I grow up.
I'm back on Surg next month doing the 4 hosp run around in Independence.
Anyone else pleasantly surprised by a specialty that they thought they wouldn't like?
EUROdocMOM said:
So glad the AnnaMags bumped up our page!
Believe it or not I have had such an awesome month on Fam Med. Some of you may know that FM was tied with peds on the list of things I DON'T want to do! I found out that the Army does so much stuff as an FM doc. We are doing colonoscopies on Monday, did Vasectomies 2 wks ago, derm surgeries (and I mean scar revisions, and excisional biopsies with sub q suturing... not just a lil cryo),plus casting, ECG's and lots of other fun things.
Anyway, I was so lucky that a prof from Texas A&M (FM and Derm) was called to active duty and I got to work with him this month. It totally solidified that I want to do derm...OKAY, stop barfing you guys! Especially you OH58D!
I have to admit rotations really are really making a difference in figuring out what I want be when I grow up.
I'm back on Surg next month doing the 4 hosp run around in Independence.
Anyone else pleasantly surprised by a specialty that they thought they wouldn't like?

I am finishing up my 2nd surgery month and it really makes me want to do......Pathology! Surgery has been cool, but I am usually more interested in what they cut out than what they left behind. I have psych starting Monday. Then March is my path elective here in Fort Myers. My path attending is from Alabama and he went to THE University of Alabama(he went to UAB for med school) so he and I speak the same language.

I am trying to set up electives right now. Most of the places I want to go don't take apps until April 1st. I'm doing 2 path electives: one at Emory and one at Vandy. I'm also going to take 2 months for "independent study" and "vacation."

Derm, huh Big Steve? Big shocker! :) Which programs are you going to apply? Hope everyone is doing well. Holler atch ya'll later.
Glad to here everyone is doing well.

As for me, I don't have to worry about setting up my fourth year crap until a year from now, since I am not going to be graduating with my '06 homies! So I will just sit back and be lazy on the scheduling.

Getting ready for OB. They deliver over 400+ babies a month down here. That definitely goes to show you that there isn't anything better to do in Kansas!!!!!! :love: :love:


BamaAlum said:
I am finishing up my 2nd surgery month and it really makes me want to do......Pathology! Surgery has been cool, but I am usually more interested in what they cut out than what they left behind. I have psych starting Monday. Then March is my path elective here in Fort Myers. My path attending is from Alabama and he went to THE University of Alabama(he went to UAB for med school) so he and I speak the same language.

I am trying to set up electives right now. Most of the places I want to go don't take apps until April 1st. I'm doing 2 path electives: one at Emory and one at Vandy. I'm also going to take 2 months for "independent study" and "vacation."

Derm, huh Big Steve? Big shocker! :) Which programs are you going to apply? Hope everyone is doing well. Holler atch ya'll later.
You're really on top of things...setting up your fourth year schedule already. As par ODB, I'll probably procastinate to the bitter end. Although if I stay in KC I know I won't get anything that I want anyway. Oh and Bama, don't kill yourself on those tedious electives of "Indepedent Study" and "Vacation".

Big Steve a pimple popper...What a surprise, Not! Obecalp, good luck in Hoisington! If you have any questions do not hesitate to email me to learn the lowdown on the hoedown in the big H.

The ODB has come back to SDN!!!!
dje4927 said:
You're really on top of things...setting up your fourth year schedule already. As par ODB, I'll probably procastinate to the bitter end. Although if I stay in KC I know I won't get anything that I want anyway. Oh and Bama, don't kill yourself on those tedious electives of "Indepedent Study" and "Vacation".

Big Steve a pimple popper...What a surprise, Not! Obecalp, good luck in Hoisington! If you have any questions do not hesitate to email me to learn the lowdown on the hoedown in the big H.

The ODB has come back to SDN!!!!

Hey, Thanks William Hung, err, ODB. Yeah, heading out to Hoisington tonite. OB/GYNE was a great experience. Got to deliver a child with a nurse because the obstetrician couldn't get in on time! It's one of those moments in med school when you really feel like you're the doctor, if only for a couple of minutes. ODB/Hung, any tips about Hoisington?

obecalp said:
Hey, Thanks William Hung, err, ODB. Yeah, heading out to Hoisington tonite. OB/GYNE was a great experience. Got to deliver a child with a nurse because the obstetrician couldn't get in on time! It's one of those moments in med school when you really feel like you're the doctor, if only for a couple of minutes. ODB/Hung, any tips about Hoisington?


So you survived OB, huh? I'm glad to hear it. Let me know how things are going.
Guys, we fell off to the third page.....I don't think that has ever happened. I am on nights again for OB, so I have a little time to kill.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Well, I am making my monthly post. That sounded really weird, huh?
Sounds like everyone is doing really well.
Bama, I have requested a path rotation in August. I have to admit I am truly fascinated by the path thing. We just finished a total mastectomy, with high axillary dissection, and mirror image biopsy on the opposite breast, on a 45 y/o with invasive lobular ca, you know, "indian files" on histo (of course you know that). We sent 5 specimens to path. We did the sentinel node 2 weeks ago, and it was positive. Bad news! I hate giving bad news. It is always to the nicest patients!
Well, anyway...I heard about JP's solo delivery! Way to go!
You survived Dr. G, you should be proud.
I'm off to the paradise they call MCI next month. I know you are all jealous!
And, Dr. Chris, WEAR EYEPROTECTION at all times on the L&D floor!
EUROdocMOM said:
Well, I am making my monthly post. That sounded really weird, huh?
Sounds like everyone is doing really well.
Bama, I have requested a path rotation in August. I have to admit I am truly fascinated by the path thing. We just finished a total mastectomy, with high axillary dissection, and mirror image biopsy on the opposite breast, on a 45 y/o with invasive lobular ca, you know, "indian files" on histo (of course you know that). We sent 5 specimens to path. We did the sentinel node 2 weeks ago, and it was positive. Bad news! I hate giving bad news. It is always to the nicest patients!
Well, anyway...I heard about JP's solo delivery! Way to go!
You survived Dr. G, you should be proud.
I'm off to the paradise they call MCI next month. I know you are all jealous!
And, Dr. Chris, WEAR EYEPROTECTION at all times on the L&D floor!
I'm so jealous of you being at MCI next month that I'm out there myself. What service are you on? I'll be on IM. Any pointers about Marr?
Man we were almost at the bottom of the fourth page. I don't think that has ever happened in the entire tenure of this thread.

Anyway, how is everyone doing?? Apparently I am the only loser checking this site, so I guess that says alot of me.

I am on trauma surgery right now.....and I think I am going to make a career change......I am seriously considering doing general surg and then a trauma/critical care fellowship. It is kind of weird.....I had my entire life practically mapped out for the next like fifty years, but now I am going to go to residency twice as long and not be done until I am like 36. But I think this is what I want to do.

Just let us know how things are going all you UHS2006ers out there......

Peace out!

wow you are like the big opp fellow on campus and you have decided to go surg? what made you go that route??

You know, that is a good question that I am still trying to answer. Before, I was totally gung ho on FP. But trauma surgery is fast paced, and you never really know what will roll thru your door. Plus I have wanted to do a lot of procedures surgically, and so I can have the best of both worlds.

But I am still going to have an OMT practice no matter what I do, so that is why I am going to still do the Fellowship.

But heck, I may change my mind a year from now as well.....who the heck knows??!

It is good to catch up on those of you who post to this page. I don't really know what brought me here tonight. Just thought I would try to make contact with the outside world.

Just finished OB-GYN last month. Helped deliver about 30 kiddos and 2 solo. It would have been better had it not been with the wonderful Dr G. Oh well. General surgery is up this month. Rotating with the fearsome duo of Lee's Summit by myself. They are working my tail off, but hey it's surgery. Finally get to do ortho in May and June. Alleluyah!

Shelby and the baby are coming along. Our little girl will be here before we know it.

Good to hear from you all. Take care, work hard, play hard, and good luck!

Hey guys.....I have been pulling a lot of weight to keep us from falling off the face of the SDN page.....what's up with that??

Trauma is almost over......next on to Psycho......I mean Psych! Not really looking forward to it!

Well that is all I had.......hope to hear from you all soon!

Hey guys! I haven't been to this website in so long, what a slacker....
So I start General Surg tomorrow, which should be pretty fun. I just got back a couple days ago from a four-day hiatus in Key West. Woo hoo! It was great. Hope everyone is doing well, and talk to you later!
What's up people? Looks like we Florida folks are going to have to revive this thread. I've got one more week of OB left and I am about to do backflips. Needless to say that I am not going to be a Gyno. I finish up the year pretty easy, I just have Cardio, Peds and Family the next 3 months and then I will be headed back North again (not all the way to KC, though). No big suprise, but I am applying to Path programs. What's everyone else going to do? Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well!
I was wondering how Integratives quizzes are...Pazdernik wasn't too good and I'm in Kaplan (i thought they lectured better)...do you think just reading all the kaplan notes would help...is this section graded on a curve...lets say the average is 40% or something would they just use the standard deviation for that...or does everyone have to get over a 60% like in the other sections. Just wondering...since I have kaplan this weekend and didn't have much time to study last weeks stuff...any advice on how this section is graded and should I skip any others I didn't skip Pazdernik cause maybe I'd pick up something, but I ended up just wasting time. We have Simmons, Carroll for Phys, McWhorter, Seidler, Hyde, and Damjamnov left...this week we had only Pharm, Genetics, and Thomas for ANatomy?
MGoBlueDO said:
I was wondering how Integratives quizzes are...Pazdernik wasn't too good and I'm in Kaplan (i thought they lectured better)...do you think just reading all the kaplan notes would help...is this section graded on a curve...lets say the average is 40% or something would they just use the standard deviation for that...or does everyone have to get over a 60% like in the other sections. Just wondering...since I have kaplan this weekend and didn't have much time to study last weeks stuff...any advice on how this section is graded and should I skip any others I didn't skip Pazdernik cause maybe I'd pick up something, but I ended up just wasting time. We have Simmons, Carroll for Phys, McWhorter, Seidler, Hyde, and Damjamnov left...this week we had only Pharm, Genetics, and Thomas for ANatomy?

Definitely go to Simmons. His book is money for OPP. I wouldn't waste my time with the rest. I almost never went to the Integrative classes. I spent time studying for Boards which is what Integrative is for anyway. I don't remember the specifics of the grading, but I think it was just like any other section. Don't worry, if you are busting your butt studying for Boards (like everyone should be by the beginning of May) the Integrative quizzes won't faze you too much. I took Kaplan and I thought it really helped. I took the USMLE first and I ended up going through the Pharm, Micro, Biochem and Physio book at least twice each. I didn't even open the Path book and barely opened the Anatomy book. Concentrate on BRS for Pathology. Go through it at least twice before Boards. It is so money for USMLE and for the little Path on COMLEX. Know Kaplan Micro and Pharm cold and you'll be fine for COMLEX. Concentrate on Kaplan Physio (and maybe BRS if you have it) and Kaplan Biochem for USMLE (in addition to the things I listed for COMLEX). Good Luck!
Hey guys

Is it bad that I can't remember who padzernik is?? :confused: ;)

I'm almost done with IM. :clap: :horns:

Gen Surgery is next...yay!

It's snowing.

Hey there Dr.MaryC! It was cool to see you the other night! How was your Quaker State & Lube???? ;) I can't believe it's snowing!!!
Just so MJ doesn't think that the Florida contigent is the only group that posts from our class on SDN the ODB has decided to come back to SDN. To any one taking the boards, LISTEN to MJ (BamaAlum's) advice because he is the board guru. And another piece of board review advice especially for those taking the USMLE, don't think anatamy is minutia. Anatomy in the gross sense is minutia, but when the USMLE throws up 20 MRI or CT's of the head and you haven't got a clue as to what the arrow is pointing to you're SOL. KNOW your anatomy when it comes to reading X-rays, CTs, or MRIs something our school is really lacking in its instruction.
The ODB is on psych this month...I know it's probably hard to discern the patient from the doctor.
Dr. MaryC, Pazdernik is the guy from KU who taught us the Pharm in Integrative.
West coast Girl, welcome to our posts or should I say welcome back to our posts!(ummm West Coast Girl's posts have a certain familarity to them, I won der where on the West Coast she's from. ;) )
BamaAlum, tell the rest of the Florida contigent that the ODB says hi. Tell Grant that his beloved Chubby's burned to the ground.
PS. This wouldn't be a true ODB post if I didn't call out MJ. MJ you're a punk.
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