U of Michigan (1/2 scholarship) vs. Keck USC (live w/mom) Weird COVID-Related Dilemma

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Nov 13, 2015
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Really wracking my brain over this decision. Some deets: CA native who has never left California. My parents recently got divorced and I've been living alone with my mom for my gap year. She is 65+ and I have been helping her get groceries and not go crazy during the quarantine. I feel a big pressure to stay at home with her during medical school. Some extended family recently died from COVID-19 related complications, making family freak out even more.

Michigan > USC
- Half-tuition merit scholarship, way lower COA
- Awesome curriculum, 1 year preclinical
- Potentially cool life experience to move somewhere new and branch out
- Ranked higher, potentially more opportunities (opinions?)
- I think I would be valued here as a student more than USC
- I would likely go here if not for the current situation

USC > Michigan
- Can live at home, mom is willing to cover rent/food to help minimize my loans
- Keck mission resonates with me more
- More diverse student body/patient population that speaks more Spanish
- Most of my friends, family, and connections are in CA
- I <3 my mom and don't want her to be alone

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What's the $ difference between USC and Michigan? What do you want to do with your life? Like if working with Hispanic populations and staying in CA is your goal, I don't think Keck would be a bad decision. Here's the thing though: in order to save $ for all 4 years, you would have to live with your mom for 4 years, which is a lot because this is when you begin your life as an independent person (unless you're a nontrad then ignore this).
What's the $ difference between USC and Michigan? What do you want to do with your life? Like if working with Hispanic populations and staying in CA is your goal, I don't think Keck would be a bad decision. Here's the thing though: in order to save $ for all 4 years, you would have to live with your mom for 4 years, which is a lot because this is when you begin your life as an independent person (unless you're a nontrad then ignore this).

Thank you for your reply! Total with interest estimate USC is ~320K vs Michigan living independently is ~230K (~90K difference). Living independently at USC, the cost difference would be closer to ~160K.

I'm in my early 20's, have no kids/partner, and USC would likely be a 30-minute commute each way. Interested in interventional/diagnostic radiology, EM, and IM but open-minded. I would love to end up in SoCal and somewhere like LAC eventually, though I wouldn't mind a few years somewhere new either for school or afterward (ie move somewhere less saturated to pay off loans faster).
I think this is a tough decision that only you can really answer. I've heard nothing but great things about Michigan from students that go there. USC will always match well into Southern California programs, so if that's your goal the ranking difference doesn't really matter. While USC is more expensive, you can't put a price on the extra 4 years you'll be able to spend with your mom. You can always pay back an extra 90k-160K, but you'll never get those 4 years back. If you value that extra time with your mom then pick USC. But don't feel guilty about picking Michigan. Your mom just wants what's best for you and your career and I bet she'll understand if you pick Michigan.
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Thank you for your reply! Total with interest estimate USC is ~320K vs Michigan living independently is ~230K (~90K difference). Living independently at USC, the cost difference would be closer to ~160K.

I'm in my early 20's, have no kids/partner, and USC would likely be a 30-minute commute each way. Interested in interventional/diagnostic radiology, EM, and IM but open-minded. I would love to end up in SoCal and somewhere like LAC eventually, though I wouldn't mind a few years somewhere new either for school or afterward (ie move somewhere less saturated to pay off loans faster).

I think this is really a tough decision, it really boils down to what you prioritize in life. Personally, I think living in Ann Arbor or 4 years to get "fresh scenery" is not enough of a motive, and if you want to move somewhere cheaper for residency you can just go there after residency, and use your salary to pay off your loans. I think that Michigan would be more competitive and cheaper than USC, but USC prioritizes family and you could save some money.

Neither option you choose is wrong, I think I would choose Michigan because I believe in pursuing my opportunities and choosing the cheaper option. However, I get that choosing USC is to prioritize being with family and spending time with them.

Also just a heads up commuting 30 min each way to medical school is TERRIBLE - I would cry if I had to do that. Also, the chances that you would be living with family for all 4 years to save money would be rough - imagine taking home partners, trying to study, etc. etc. I know that you care about your mother dearly, but taking care of others comes with a price unfortunately.
I feel like you need to talk to your family. I think most families want the best for their children and your mom would want you to go to the best school for you. Go talk to your mom about all of this and then come back.
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If it helps, I was in a very similar predicament choosing between Michigan and a UC school. My home situation was very similar. I ended up choosing Michigan because of its better reputation, cheaper cost, and more opportunities. I have not regretted it one bit. Keep in mind that med school is very time intensive so you would probably not be able to spend as much time with your mom as you'd like even if you went to USC. It's a tough call but don't feel bad for putting your life and career first (at least for the next 4 years). I'm sure your mom will be happy knowing that you are happy.
Thank you all SO much for your input and perspective.

@fatherofdragons - Your reply really got in me in my feels. You're right- at the end of the day this decision does come down to what my goals and values are. Prioritizing family is often easier said than done.

@Nerdanese - Yes! To all that you said! Especially the commute part. Glad I'm not crazy for thinking an extra hour a day of driving is significant.

@Yhwach - I took your advice and had a candid convo with my family. They will support whichever school I choose, but did voice concerns. I'm still weighing pros and cons, but brainstorming alternate options.

@billybean - Hearing about your experience definitely helps. Could I PM you? I don't know much about Michigan outside of admissions sponsored things.
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I’d make your decision as if Covid didn’t occur, as it will pass.
Do Michigan, save the money, get a new experience of college town, and then see where you want to go as you’ll match anywhere you want geographically.
Hey! I'm curious on what you ended up deciding?

I ended up receiving a scholarship increase from Michigan and after talking with the fam decided it is too awesome of a school and offer to pass up. Sitting on some waitlists so maybe the saga will continue, but Michigan is my current #1 and I’m kind of in love! I gave up on being bummed about uncertainties and overthinking about how I’m letting people down. Now I’m focusing on how lucky I am to be in this position and how I can carve out time to make sure I get in regular calls/FaceTimes. Thank you all again!
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