Medical Training license question

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Jun 12, 2006
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I recently matched to my first choice program and I’m very excited! However, I just got some paperwork and one thing I need to do is start my training license application. This license application is interesting because while it asks about mental health, substance use, and malpractice suits, it does not ask about my criminal history. However, they will do a state and FBI background check. One question asks if a regulatory body has taken action against me, such as a medical board, Medicaid, state government agency, etc. and they mention things such as license suspension, revocations, and other things.

I do not have any misdemeanors or felonies, however I have had my drivers license suspended due to a ticket for driving without insurance in 2016. I have paid the ticket, shown my insurance, and had my license reinstated. I do not believe this shows up on my record since my medical school does clinicals at the VA and my background check came back clean.

I called the medical board about this and the person I spoke to told me that the question about regulatory bodies was referring to action against medical licenses and not driving licenses and I didn’t need to disclose that on my application.

I am now feeling conflicted, because while I don’t want to mention it and have my license process delayed, I’m nervous that it could be taken as dishonesty if I don’t. Am I being a neurotic med student and just need to leave this off the application, or should I go ahead and put it down?

Thank you!
You asked the board and they said don't worry about it. Was your ticket a civil infraction or misdemeanor?

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When I spoke to the judge about it, he told me it was a city ordinance violation and not a misdemeanor since it was a city officer who ticketed me and was heard in municipal court, but if I had been pulled over by a state trooper it actually would have been a misdemeanor and heard in county court. So I got lucky, but man the law is confusing! Although it was totally my fault for letting my insurance expire ‍
It looks like you are overthinking this. Don't worry about this.
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