TouroCOM-NY Class of 2015

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Okay lets give this a shot. Here is my disclaimer, teachers change and my opinion is my own. Its not law. But I'm a pretty 'normal' student who reads the book when its appropriate so i know which ones will be definitely needed.

Get these books
Netter's Atlas - If you want to study anatomy outside of the lab
Barr's Nervous system - absolutely needed
Bates Diagnostics - Absolutely get it. Skip all the add on garbage though.
Clinically oriented anatomy - 100% get
Ross Histology - You'll need to know this book cover to cover, unfortunately. Don't waste your time with the "image bank" like add on to the Ross book. Just get the main textbook.
Digiovanna Osteopathic Dx and Tx - get it. Some people read it a lot, some never open it. But it has every OMM technique known to man in it, so its a professional investment.
Hoppenfeld Spine and Extremities - same thing as Diogiovanna except it has every diagnostic test you'll ever use in a physical diagnosis.

Possibly get these
Abbas Immuno - if you dont have an immuno background (immuno is tough, but its more of a second year class)
"Before We Are Born" - I learned embryology 100% from online sources, but this is a good book if you prefer book reading.
Ferri's Lab Medicine and Imaging - we didnt have this class when i was a first year so i have no idea.
Grant Dissector - You should have one since you're supposed to read ahead before lab. But you'll never use it since the lab is full of these books.
Robbin's and Cotran path of diseases - didnt have this assigned last year. looks like something that is potential very interesting, but not vital.

Instead of buying these, put the money in your party fund
Epidemiology book - class is a joke. book is useless.
Medical Microbiology - actually great book, but the teacher is even better and there are review books that are more condensed. So you'll never need this one.
Boron Physiology - HAHAHA NO! DO NOT BUY! If you are afraid of physio get a BRS physio book. But do not get this monsterosity.
Netter's histology - appears to be the 'add on' for histo. Stick with Ross.
Golan Pharmacology - no need. Dr. Prancan is an amazing pharm teacher without the book.
Study a study, test a test - you'll never read it, and there is no need to, so dont bother. Just don't tell Dean Goldberg I told you that (its for his class!)
Genetics in medicine - you wont need a book to teach you genetics
Wheaters pathology - you'll be getting a MUCH better path book your second year, you can almost certainly skip this one.

now that is all the required books. the recommended ones.... well... ive seen most of the books on that list and they have pros and cons, so consider some (esp guyton physio if you have a weakness at physio) but i wont support any of them since i never really used any of those. Here are my suggestions for 'other books' you will definitely want to consider.

BRS Anatomy - amazing way to drill anatomy into your head.
BRS Physio - very simplistic, but good, physio.
Lippincott Biochem - I didnt see this on the list. This was my required biochem book and it is AWESOME. So buy it no matter what.
Microbiology made ridiculously simple - great book for microbiology.
Histotime - this is actually a PC program, look around for it (not *officially* suggesting you torrent it) as its an amazing program
Costanzo physio - a lot of people use this instead of Boron, the guy is the same one who wrote BRS physio. This is if you *really* need a physio textbook since the BRS ones are more of a high yeild review book.

thats all i can think of right now. good luck guys.

awesome post thx!

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Thanks for the answer, Doc! much appreciated.
I couldn't find the schedule online for holidays, I think I heard that we get 2 weeks off in September?

As well, I forget if there are standardized patients in the first 2 yrs or not, does anyone know?

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I couldn't find the schedule online for holidays, I think I heard that we get 2 weeks off in September?

As well, I forget if there are standardized patients in the first 2 yrs or not, does anyone know?


Not sure what september will look like for you guys yet because there are *so many* jewish holidays in september. in 2009 we had a lot of random days off. in 2010 we literally had almost the entire month off (I tihnk we had 6 total days of class all month). It all depends on when the jewish holidays fall and what the pre-clinical dean wants to do with the remaining days since there is a half day friday and no classes monday. a wed or thursday holiday kills the week, but a mon or friday falling one just assures a day off. sorry i cant help more on that.

and standardized patients (the actors) are 2nd semester of second year for the whole semester.
Not sure what september will look like for you guys yet because there are *so many* jewish holidays in september. in 2009 we had a lot of random days off. in 2010 we literally had almost the entire month off (I tihnk we had 6 total days of class all month). It all depends on when the jewish holidays fall and what the pre-clinical dean wants to do with the remaining days since there is a half day friday and no classes monday. a wed or thursday holiday kills the week, but a mon or friday falling one just assures a day off. sorry i cant help more on that.

and standardized patients (the actors) are 2nd semester of second year for the whole semester.

Thanks for all the help. I was wondering do you know the name of hospitals where students do rotations?
Thanks for all the help. I was wondering do you know the name of hospitals where students do rotations?

the major core rotation sites fall into "tracks" so you pick an area and get all the hospitals in that group. Obviously, non-core rotations can be done anywhere you please. Also the school has been somewhat helpful in letting a few people set up their own deal, but the heavily discourage it unless you can do all the leg work. But if you can do all the legwork, they'll let you do it.

anyway, the major spots (by grouping)

1) St. John's Episcopal in Queens
2) Staten Island University Hospital
3) North Jersey I: Palisades Hospital Center and Jersey City Hospital
4) North Jersey II: Trinitas Hospital, Englewood Hospital, New Hope Hospital
5) Wilson Medical Center in Binghamton (100% volunteers. no one 'get stuck with' this spot)
6) Some place I forget, in Utica. Same deal as Wilson. 100% volunteers ad it is extra spots, no one get 'forced' there.
7) The Hospital next to Fort Hood Texas for the students in the Army who have to do boot camp out there anyway.

we also have a few hospitals scattered around the 5 boroughs that you can elect to do for a month or two that are specialty places (just doing ER or just doing psych, for example) that you can sign up for right through the school.

people like St. John's because it has two of the most competitive residencies in the whole AOA (derm and optho) and its a touro-affiliated school. So people appreciate going there and having many docs they work wuth be the same people who taught them in years 1 and 2.

SIU is apparently full of residency spots. So people love that too. Honestly I know very little about it because its the only one I'm not interested in personally so I never gathered much info on it. But people tell me its a good place.

Jersey I is Trinitas (a top 10 hospital in NJ) and, i am pretty sure, Jersey city hospital. People go there because they are well known hospitals that house a lot of students from different schools.

Jersey II is a unique set up that appeals to me. Its two very small hospitals and one very large one (palisades). There are currently no residency spots at any of the hospitals, which is what originally dissuaded people from going. Well that's changing. The Medical Education Director there is a real big shot (Obama's personal doctor in NYC bigshot) and is pushing his weight around to get residency spots at these hospitals. If i understand correctly (im pretty certain I did) there will be residency spots there in 2012 or 2013. So perfectly in time for me to move in and claim them. Plus the guy uses his connections to get you some interesting non-core residencies. He got my roommate a month long rotation in plastic surgery just because my roommate became friendly with him.

The upstate locations are apparently amazing. Low stress (or as low as clinical years get) and apparently very educational. There are about 5 or 6 people who elected to go out there this year and apparently those 5 or 6 people all gave outstanding reviews of their time out there. As i said above, the spots in these places are in excess of the student body, so no one gets booted up there, people elect freely.
the major core rotation sites fall into "tracks" so you pick an area and get all the hospitals in that group. Obviously, non-core rotations can be done anywhere you please. Also the school has been somewhat helpful in letting a few people set up their own deal, but the heavily discourage it unless you can do all the leg work. But if you can do all the legwork, they'll let you do it.

anyway, the major spots (by grouping)

1) St. John's Episcopal in Queens
2) Staten Island University Hospital
3) North Jersey I: Palisades Hospital Center and Jersey City Hospital
4) North Jersey II: Trinitas Hospital, Englewood Hospital, New Hope Hospital
5) Wilson Medical Center in Binghamton (100% volunteers. no one 'get stuck with' this spot)
6) Some place I forget, in Utica. Same deal as Wilson. 100% volunteers ad it is extra spots, no one get 'forced' there.
7) The Hospital next to Fort Hood Texas for the students in the Army who have to do boot camp out there anyway.

we also have a few hospitals scattered around the 5 boroughs that you can elect to do for a month or two that are specialty places (just doing ER or just doing psych, for example) that you can sign up for right through the school.

people like St. John's because it has two of the most competitive residencies in the whole AOA (derm and optho) and its a touro-affiliated school. So people appreciate going there and having many docs they work wuth be the same people who taught them in years 1 and 2.

SIU is apparently full of residency spots. So people love that too. Honestly I know very little about it because its the only one I'm not interested in personally so I never gathered much info on it. But people tell me its a good place.

Jersey I is Trinitas (a top 10 hospital in NJ) and, i am pretty sure, Jersey city hospital. People go there because they are well known hospitals that house a lot of students from different schools.

Jersey II is a unique set up that appeals to me. Its two very small hospitals and one very large one (palisades). There are currently no residency spots at any of the hospitals, which is what originally dissuaded people from going. Well that's changing. The Medical Education Director there is a real big shot (Obama's personal doctor in NYC bigshot) and is pushing his weight around to get residency spots at these hospitals. If i understand correctly (im pretty certain I did) there will be residency spots there in 2012 or 2013. So perfectly in time for me to move in and claim them. Plus the guy uses his connections to get you some interesting non-core residencies. He got my roommate a month long rotation in plastic surgery just because my roommate became friendly with him.

The upstate locations are apparently amazing. Low stress (or as low as clinical years get) and apparently very educational. There are about 5 or 6 people who elected to go out there this year and apparently those 5 or 6 people all gave outstanding reviews of their time out there. As i said above, the spots in these places are in excess of the student body, so no one gets booted up there, people elect freely.

Thank you so much for taking time to write such a detailed answer
My name is Valerie, I'm from San Diego CA. Interviewed Dec. 1 and accepted the following week. Still have interviews in CO and WV. Just wanted to meet everyone, since I might be attending :) I'm kind of worried about living in NY because it seems like you have to be tough(attitude wise)!! I'm a kind Christian gal and not used to blunt(rudeness) haha. Anyone else worried or is it just me?
My name is Valerie, I'm from San Diego CA. Interviewed Dec. 1 and accepted the following week. Still have interviews in CO and WV. Just wanted to meet everyone, since I might be attending :) I'm kind of worried about living in NY because it seems like you have to be tough(attitude wise)!! I'm a kind Christian gal and not used to blunt(rudeness) haha. Anyone else worried or is it just me?

don't believe stereotypes about the city. The 'difference' that bugs everyone from the midwest (which is not SD... but lets roll with midwest) is that everyone in NYC has something to do. Very industrious. Because of that people wont randomly stop and be overtly friendly. But people you do interact with, once you formally interact with them, are almost always plenty fine.

I'm meeting people on the streets and bars all the time. People aren't actually rude throughout new york... we just dont like having our time wasted becuse we are all convinced we are busy. People are super friendly if you know what you want/need and spark up the conversation about what you need right away.

Its definitely an interesting city. I've been to SD... its too laid back for me, i like the 'busy' feel of NYC.
Hi there Doc,

I've just been reading through the posts, and would like to say WHOA, thank you for all of the information. It's very generous of you! I know that others have already thanked you, but I wanted to add my appreciation.
I agree SD is laid back, which is why I am the same way. I'll be sure to keep things quick and to the point when interacting with New Yorkers haha
Welcome to the thread and nice to meet you! Looking forward to seeing you all in just 7 short months...

Likewise! Hey, did I read correctly that you have a little one on the way? If I'm not mistaken, congratulations to you and your wife! That's exciting news.
Also, I wanted to ask you how you mind commuting to the city. Is it something that grew on you? How reliable are the schedules for the various modes of transport into the city? I'm considering looking for places in Hoboken or Weehawken, and taking the ferry into Port Authority (less than 10 minutes), followed by a short ride on the A train. Any thoughts on that?
Hope this message finds you well.
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I lived in the Balboa Park area, on Park Blvd, after I got out of the Army. True, they are very laid back in Southern California, and true we northeast-bred individuals tend to the reclusive (and dare I say unwelcoming) side, but 1) New York is an amazing place, 2) it only seems that way until you understand things a little better, and 3) I'm sure you have little to worry about, aside from the culture shock that almost all transplants go through. It'll be over in six months, and you'll be just fine.
Likewise! Hey, did I read correctly that you have a little one on the way? If I'm not mistaken, congratulations to you and your wife! That's exciting news.
Also, I wanted to ask you how you mind commuting to the city. Is it something that grew on you? How reliable are the schedules for the various modes of transport into the city? I'm considering looking for places in Hoboken or Weehawken, and taking the ferry into Port Authority (less than 10 minutes), followed by a short ride on the A train. Any thoughts on that?
Hope this message finds you well.

Yes, I do have a little one on the way. The baby is due on March 1st. :)

As for the commute into the city, as I said, I live in Elizabeth, NJ, which is a 30 min bus ride from Port Authority. I don't know much about the ferry, but buses are always very reliable(and on-time, so don't miss it if you ever take it) and the A train runs very frequently so you'll never wait more than 5-10 min for an A train. Unless the schedule changes, for me to make my 8am class I would have to take a 6:35 bus(luckily it is right outside my apartment building) into the city, which should get me in around 7:05-7:10, and then take the A train uptown which will prob get me to school no later than 7:35. So overall it's an hour commute, and it's nice and quiet, I enjoy it.

any other questions, feel free to ask.
I'm considering commuting from Long Island everyday for class. Any thoughts on that current students?
I'm considering commuting from Long Island everyday for class. Any thoughts on that current students?

One student does from my class. She has no issues with it and actually lived in manhattan (a <20 minute commute door-to-door) and opted to live in LI instead second year. She seems totally happy with it.

some thoughts though 1) this girl is die hard LI and, my guess, will never want to live or work anywhere else in her entire life.
2) she moved in with her BF who works in LI so i imagine they compromised on a distance from both of their major 'day time locations'.
3) she does honestly seem to not mind the commute at all. says she got used to waking up crazy early and either sleeping on LIRR or studying (if its a test day)
One student does from my class. She has no issues with it and actually lived in manhattan (a <20 minute commute door-to-door) and opted to live in LI instead second year. She seems totally happy with it.

some thoughts though 1) this girl is die hard LI and, my guess, will never want to live or work anywhere else in her entire life.
2) she moved in with her BF who works in LI so i imagine they compromised on a distance from both of their major 'day time locations'.
3) she does honestly seem to not mind the commute at all. says she got used to waking up crazy early and either sleeping on LIRR or studying (if its a test day)

Thanks for the response. I just can't figure out if saving thousands of dollars in rent to live in LI is worth the two hour commute every day for class.
Thanks for the response. I just can't figure out if saving thousands of dollars in rent to live in LI is worth the two hour commute every day for class.

I would look into apts in Brooklyn or The Bronx. If you find something near the A train in Brooklyn it only about a 45min commute since its express. And to be honest I know the area and its not bad at all. I don't know The Bronx too well, but you can look into sometime near the 2 train. The 2 is also express, but I'm not sure how long that commute would be.
Hi! I was accepted a few weeks ago and as of now, it looks like this is where I will be going. I'm originally from the midwest, but I live in NY now on the upper west side. I'm interested in trying to form an apartment of 3 or 4 people on the upper west side. The commute is like 10 min from here. If you're interested, send me a pm...
Thanks for the response. I just can't figure out if saving thousands of dollars in rent to live in LI is worth the two hour commute every day for class.

Just for the difference in rent? I wouldn't do it. Try Brooklyn if you're looking to reduce your rent while staying within reasonable commuting distance. It has so many wonderful neighborhoods.
Hi! I was accepted a few weeks ago and as of now, it looks like this is where I will be going. I'm originally from the midwest, but I live in NY now on the upper west side. I'm interested in trying to form an apartment of 3 or 4 people on the upper west side. The commute is like 10 min from here. If you're interested, send me a pm...

I want to hopefully live around 116/broadway / morningside heights area. How "upper" west side were you thinking? Im scared looking at rent in the city!
I want to hopefully live around 116/broadway / morningside heights area. How "upper" west side were you thinking? Im scared looking at rent in the city!

some food for thought. about 1/3 of the class lives in the upper west side, generally between 80th and 100th. You can get pre-war buildings that, while old, are in an extremely good area at low rent. Rents here run $800-1200 a month. Closest to the $900 mark usually, but it does vary throughout the whole range.

116th and broadway isnt upper west side thats pretty much the divider of harlem from "columbia harlem". Mind you, rent there will actually be pretty expensive because its so close to columbia where the prices are insano. I saw a tiny little apartment with a literal large closet for a bedroom going for $900 over there. With that said, the columbia area is beautiful. Really beautiful and trendy. But it will also be a hell of a walk because there is no real good way to get there but on foot. Even the bust that goes E-W across 125th doesnt go all that far west of the school before it starts going south, so it doesnt get you that much closer to the columbia area.

if you are going to live in harlem proper other people can help you better than I can, i never found anyplace there I liked.

don't go the bronx unless you already know the area. The subway system is pretty bad and limited to/from the bronx and its just missing that "im a student in ny feel" the other boroughs can give.

Queens is great if you are considering living in NY long term. A few people have (semi)permanent places there under long term lease. This doesn't apply to you, but it may apply to someone. so i say it.

Brooklyn has amazing deals. If you can deal with the slightly longer subway ride than most other students you'll pay less than everyone else for a place 50-100% larger than what the manhattanites have.

a lot of people live in midtown. The general rule there is unless you get super lucky with a randomly slashed rent you go down with a bunch of roommates to a luxury apartment, set up dividers and turn a gigantic 2 bedroom apartment for $4400 a month into a 4 bedroom at $1100 each. And you get to brag to everyone that you live in a luxury apt complex with a pool, basketball court, gym, etc and pay only a little over a grand a month for it. A few people have done this.

I have no clue how much people pay for downtown, but about 8 people in the 2013 class live downtown. They aren't rolling in money, so I imagine there are some deals to be found on studio apartments down there. I also imagine there are pretty much only studio apartments down there. Its just the vibe i get from SoHo.

The upper east side has some people living there, but its not that common. The east side is MUCH more expensive than the upper west side. So unless you found a good deal, dont go looking around east of central park for anything.
Just for the difference in rent? I wouldn't do it. Try Brooklyn if you're looking to reduce your rent while staying within reasonable commuting distance. It has so many wonderful neighborhoods.

Of course BKtomodachi would suggest BK, lol. I feel like if I'm gonna move, I might as well someplace w/in 30 min but I will start looking into Brooklyn.I'm still thinking about it but as the weeks go buy I know that I need to figure it out sooner rather than later.

My plan so far was to see how it went for the first semester commuting, then decide if I can live with it for two years.
Of course BKtomodachi would suggest BK, lol. I feel like if I'm gonna move, I might as well someplace w/in 30 min but I will start looking into Brooklyn.I'm still thinking about it but as the weeks go buy I know that I need to figure it out sooner rather than later.

My plan so far was to see how it went for the first semester commuting, then decide if I can live with it for two years.

personal opinion: its gonna be tough. But as i said before, one girl does it. But she also seems a bit off-center about how much she loves long island. So she wouldnt have it any other way.
I'm not from Brooklyn and I have never lived there! :)

One quick note regarding the book list: I believe the Class of 2015 will not be using the Ross Histology text.
I'm not from Brooklyn and I have never lived there! :)

One quick note regarding the book list: I believe the Class of 2015 will not be using the Ross Histology text.

are they still using ruebens? Its pretty much the same book since the main source of info for ruebens is ross. (and ross actually ends up being more complete than reubens somehow). If its some third source, then i know nothing about it.
I'm not from Brooklyn and I have never lived there! :)

One quick note regarding the book list: I believe the Class of 2015 will not be using the Ross Histology text.

HAHA, that's what I get for assuming! lol
To the upperclassmen/NYCers: How did you go about finding an apartment? I mean I have been looking on craigslist among other websites, but I feel like there is a ridiculous amount of crap out there. Let alone, I have no idea what I'm doing. I'll admit, I have never looked for an apt before because I've always lived on campus (I'm just about to graduate). All I know is that I'd like to stay within a 30min commute and 1400/mo, but it seems impossible. Plus, the fact that I am from Ohio is not helping too much, so I have to rely on the internet to find places, decide on a few, and then make the trek to check them out/decide.

I'm getting a little stressed already because despite it only being (almost) Feb, I graduate in May and I feel like a month and a half wouldn't be long enough to find a place.

Any help is more than gratefully appreciated!
Don't stress about finding a place, you can do this!
Some people were able to successfully find in as little as a few days. A month and a half is overkill in my opinion!

If you don't mind the possibility of paying a fee, I would recommend using a broker. In my case, I ended up paying one month's rent as a fee as part of signing my two-year lease.
I did search on my own using craigslist and various other sites, but coordinating the super/landlord's schedules with your own, combined with exaggerated features of apartments on the internet left me very disappointed. The prices of the places the broker was able to show to me were reasonable, too.

I used this broker:

She was very helpful, and especially patient with me as I was entirely unfamiliar with the city.
I live near the school in a large (by NYC standards) 1Br for $1200.

Best of luck!
Feel free to PM if you need anything more specific.
Hi, I am curious what the actual interview was like at the Harlem campus? Did anyone talk about renting apartments closeby there? Is their research lab actually functioning yet or not? What hospitals did they say they will use for their 3rd to 4th year clinical training?

You can do your rounds 3rd and 4th year anywhere you want accept in Manhatten. Apparently, the international schools bought them out. I remember them saying that students have such a large variety of hospitals to choose from within the NY and NJ area.

My name is Valerie, I'm from San Diego CA. Interviewed Dec. 1 and accepted the following week. Still have interviews in CO and WV. Just wanted to meet everyone, since I might be attending :) I'm kind of worried about living in NY because it seems like you have to be tough(attitude wise)!! I'm a kind Christian gal and not used to blunt(rudeness) haha. Anyone else worried or is it just me?

Hey Val. I'm happy to hear that you got accepted. I interviewed with you that day, and also got accepted. Let me know if Tourocom is your choice.
You can do your rounds 3rd and 4th year anywhere you want accept in Manhatten. Apparently, the international schools bought them out. I remember them saying that students have such a large variety of hospitals to choose from within the NY and NJ area.


well thats not totally true. Touro, like all schools, wants you to do your 3rd year cores at a school they have affiliations with. Thats something every school does. Now we have them all over jersey, queens and staten island with some spots scattered in westchester. But I know that if you have some compelling reason you really need to go somewhere specific in your 3rd year, they have allowed that. But it has required the student to do all the application work and give a good reason for desiring the specific hospital (its just easier to enjoy the schools they set up for you).

But you do get 2 months third year, and effectively the entire year 4 year, to go anywhere you want to go in the US. You can even go in manhattan at that point (and will prob have some advantage since word on the street is local hospitals in manhattan love to take in the NYC students that got displaced by the foreign students).

Its important to differentiate between core rotations and non-core. Core rotations are the more basic rotations (EM, IM, OBGYN, Surgery, etc) and are set up by the school for its students in large numbers. While not always the case, places you do your cores at are affiliated with your school simply because you will be sending a significant portion of your class through that hospital then. For example, we send 20 students to St. Johns, and similar numbers to Staten Island. We prob send 40 to the 'second north jersey track' which is three hospitals in a row on the hudson river. The overseas schools have cut deals that make their students have exclusive access to the core rotations. This is 10/12ths of your 3rd year.

Non-core is (with a little bit of caveat) what you do from your 11th month of 3rd year on. You can do it anywhere you want as you just need to apply for the spots at each hospital. We have a ton of 4th years in manhattan for their non-core time.

the caveat comes in that while you do have 'cores' your 4th year, there are only a few of them, and you can opt to do them in non-affiliated hospitals without any issue. Really, our clinical experience follows the same rules everyone's does. Thats just how the AOA clinical years work.
hey guys,

i am looking into applying to touro this yr for gpa is a 3.7, science gpa is like a 3.75 and i have a tn of extracurriculars. i am immensely struggling with my mcat tho. i got a 22 the first time i took it n now i am waiting for my second set of scores to come. those of you that have been accepted what were your scores?
hey guys,

i am looking into applying to touro this yr for gpa is a 3.7, science gpa is like a 3.75 and i have a tn of extracurriculars. i am immensely struggling with my mcat tho. i got a 22 the first time i took it n now i am waiting for my second set of scores to come. those of you that have been accepted what were your scores?

pretty sure you posted in another TouroCOM thread about this. But in short, it looks pretty poor for you unless you can up that significantly. Its really used as the metric for how you will perform on the incredibly basic science intensive first year. The difficulty level of the MCATs is a joke compared to the difficulty of first year.

For that matter, a lot of people in my class have tutored younger siblings or friends on the MCATs and we cannot believe its so easy only about two years removed from taking it. If you cant pull a stronger grade on the MCATs no amount of otherwise good application can save you. The only exception is if you have decent science scores (8 and 9 or 9/9) and a terrible written (5 or 4). You will still have to raise your total MCAT, but in a way they can look past a random issue in the reading portion. But then again, a total failure in that is still negative since being able to fully understand what is being said (explicitly or implied) by both medical documents and patients is vital.
Nice to meet you all! Who else is definitely attending Touro in august?
Nice to meet you all! Who else is definitely attending Touro in august?

It looks like I'm definitely attending Touro in August! I'm excited to start med school, yet apprehensive.
You'll all be fine. Looking forward to seeing you in August!

Just enjoy what little freedom you have left. I didn't touch a single book in the months leading up to school, and I'm glad I didn't. :)
Hey All

Interviewed a couple of days ago, dont know if Ill be accepted or not, but wanted to jump in anyway. Is there a facebook page for the class of 2015? Cant seem to find it if there is one...
Hey All

Interviewed a couple of days ago, dont know if Ill be accepted or not, but wanted to jump in anyway. Is there a facebook page for the class of 2015? Cant seem to find it if there is one...

Yes there is a class of 2015 fb page but I think Obed has to invite you after you've been accepted. Good Luck :)
I will be there in Aug. I interviewed jan 19th. I dont graduate till the same day I start, I dont get any break. I hope i dont have a breakdown! Cant wait to meet you all.

-David Bohannon
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone in the incoming TUCOM class of 2015!!!!! GREAT NEWS for SOMEONE who GOT WAIT-LISTED! I will NOT be attending TUCOM NY so it will open up one spot! After some careful consideration, I decided that I will be attending a Lcme MD school instead. I'll probably regret not living in the Big Apple for 2-4 years and miss out on the cultural events and awesome Chinatown.
Hello all!

Welcome to the Class of 2015!

I'm sure from my ID name you will either recognize me or will see me when you arrive. Take care!
I interviewed about a week ago. The school really impressed me and I enjoyed both the interview and tour. Congratulations to everyone already accepted.
So TouroCOM-NY released the locations they matched to. We don't have a list with the field matched into becaus <insert FERPA reason here>. We're supposed to have in the next month as we figure out for the first time how to do a opt-in vs opt-out system on releasing our graduate information publicly. Here are the matched hospitals though.

Cleveland Clinic (OH)
Mayo Clinic (MN)
Brooke Army Medical Center (TX)
Nassau University Medical Center (NY) x7
Wyckhoff Heights Medical Center (NY)
Eisenhower Army Medical Center (GA)
Aria Health (PA) x3
Danbury Hospital (CT)
St. Michael's Hospital (NJ)
St. John's Episcopal (NY) x4
University of Wisconsin/St. Lukes Milwaulkee x2
Metro Health Hospital (MI)
St. Joseph's Regional (NJ)
United Hospital Systems (WI)
Magnolia Regional Health Center (MS)
Stamford Hospital/Columbia University (CT)
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore (MD)
Indiana University School of Medicine x2
Walter Reed Army Medical Center (D.C.)
Maimonides Medical Center (NY) x4
Baystate Medical Center/Tufts University (MA)
Hofstra/NSLIJ (NY)
Greenwich Hospital (CT)
St. Luke's Roosevelt (NY) x2
Peninsula Hospital (NY) x3
Stony Brook Teaching Hospital (NY)
Maine Medical Center
Brookhaven Memorial Hospital (NY)
St. Barnabus Hospital (NJ) x3
Hospital of St. Raphael (CT)
SUNY Health Science Center/SUNY Downstate (NY) x2
Philadelphia College of Medicine (PA)
St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center (AZ) x2
East Carolina School of Medicine (NC)
Metropolitan Hospital Center (NY)
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (CA)
Westchester Medical Center (NY)
McMaster University Medical Center (Ontario, Canada)
St. Elizabeth's Medical Center (NY) x2
University of Minnesota Medical School
Downey Regional Medical Center (CA)
Jamaica Hospital (NY)
Univerity at Buffalo School of Medicine (NY)
Jersey City Hospital (NJ)
Good Samaritan Hospital (NY)
St. Peter's University Hospital (NJ)
Columbia Hospital/Palms West Hospital (FL)
Wilson Memorial Regional (NY)
St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital (MI)
Naval Hospital Porsmouth (VA)
TUCOM-CA/Valley Hospital Medical Center (NV)
Pitt County Memorial (NC)
Madigan Army Medical Center (WA)
San Diego Medical Center (CA)
University of California (CA)
William Beaumont Army Medical Center (TX)
Southampton hospital (NY) x2
Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital (MI)
Coney Island Hospital (NY)
Santa Barbara Cottage (CA)
Inova Fairfax Hospital (D.C.)
University of Hawaii
Genesys Regional Medical Center (MI)
Berkshire Medical Center (MA)
Case Western/Metrohealth Medical Center (OH)

Its amusing that we sent the most people, 7, to Nassau, where we don't really have any affiliation. Its just a nice hospital in Long Island.