The best OAT book???

Big Mac Dizzle

Big Mac Dizzle
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Jul 13, 2005
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Just wondering what the best OAT book is to study from. I heard MCAT books can be just as good.

Any advice would be wicked :D

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I can't really say that I found any great comprehensive study guides when I was preparing to take the OAT. However, I think that the Kaplan MCAT study guide gives a great biology review. As for the other sections (Physics, Gen. Chem, and Org. Chem.), I used class notes and answered questions from the back of chapters in my textbooks. I used the OAT booklet as a guide for which subjects/chapters in my textbooks to review. I completed word problems in GRE review books to help me become a little more efficient at working quantitative reasoning questions. This may not be the best way for everyone to study, but it worked for me.