SUNY Buffalo Class of 2027 Interview/Acceptance Thread

63 accepted students ? only 30 seats left im guessing.
It’s 70 now :/. I feel like anyone interviewing has a better chance at just being waitlisted if anything

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Just interviewed yesterday and they said yesterday was the last day they were interviewing this cycle. They also told us that they had enough spots left to accept all of us who interviewed yesterday (about 15). So my guess is they have around 20 spots left.
They told us that we should hear back in max two weeks (for those who interviewed yesterday).
I was also there yesterday, what % of yesterdays interviewees do you think will just get waitlisted?
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anyone know what the movement on the waitlist is like ?
Just got off the waitlist! Interviewed in October.
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Congrats are you accepting ?
I do not think I will. Contemplating it though since it would be my cheapest option, but I'm already set on another school I got accepted to.
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Fingers crossed there is waitlist movement soon! Stay positive guys!
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Decided to decline my offer today! Another spot should be opening up :)
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when I called a month ago to ask about the waitlist I was told mid April was when the class is typically set in stone. very little movement can be expected from now on. They're super nice and straightforward on the phone I recommend calling them if this is anyone's top choice.